Page Seven Neglected Tires Potential Hazard Neglected, bald or abused automobile tire* are potential hazard* that could lead to a serious accident and personal injury, the Tire Industry Safety Council warns. "Underinflation is an area of major concern to the tire industry," according to Mal colm R. Lovell, Jr., Council Chairman. "Inattention to it could jeopardize the safety of a motorist and others he meets on the road. "Underinflation. for ex ample, causes tires to flex more so they tend to heat up and wear faster," Lovell said. "It can also cause tire failure which in turn can lead to a sudden disablement and a possible vehicle crash. "Although the tire In dustry is producing the best tires ever. It la necessary for a vehicle owner to check the air pressure regularly. Infla tion should be checked every two or three weeks, and before long trips when the tires are cold. Your vehicle owner's manual will tell you what the pressure should be." he said. "Tire inflation directly affect* the load-carrying abi lity of a tire. Under federal safety standard*, passenger car tire* are permanently labeled on the sidewall with their maximum load capacity at a certain inflation pressure usually 32 pound* per square inch." Lovell added. Lovell also noted that underinflated tire* can re duce gasoline mileage by a* much a* five percent because they do not roll a* easily a* properly inflated tires. "Worn out or damage tire*, improperly balanced tire* or misaligned front ends are other area* that could lead to tire problem*. How- ever, underinflation •* the most common cause," Lovell said. "Proper tire inflation is one of the most neglected aspect* of maintenance and care related to passenger automobiles in the United States," the National Busi ness Council for Consumer Affair* found in a 1972 study. "Safety is our major con cern." said Lovell, citing an in-depth study of 1,305 traffic accident* by the University of Indiana "Highway safety researcher* found that only bald or underinflated tire* were involved in automobile accident*. No properly main tained tires were involved. "This study points to one thing-neglect. Proper tire care is essential for safety." Lovell said a free Con sumer Tire Guide may be obtained by sending a stam ped. self addressed, busi ness size envelope to the Tire Industry Safety Council, Box 1801, Washington, D.C., 20013. Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon NEWELL HEIGHTS . Mr*. Leonard Schutte went to Eden, Idaho Thursday and visited her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brun*. She brought their three children home with her for a visit. Paula and Francine York of Vale came Friday to visit their grandparents, Mr. and Mr*. Alfred Simpson. They will return home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simpson visited Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Elmore at the Gib Deffenbaugh home in Nyssa Wednesday evening. Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Alfred Simpson visited Mr*. Barbara Asumendi in Sun set Valley Mr. and Mrs. Ken Galyen and girls of Ontario were Sunday dinner guests of her parent*. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Eason and Jon Jon of Boise were Sunday afternoon caller*. Mr* Carl Fenn was a Saturday evening dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simpson. Mrs. Carl Fenn and Mr*. Wesley Walker and children went to Quincy, Wash. Tuesday where they visited the former* son. Mr. and Mr*. Dick Fenn and family until Saturday. Mr*. Alfred Simpson had a tupperware party Friday af ternoon. Those from Newell Heights attending were Mr*. Rollo Fenn. Mrs. Leon Cham berlain. Mr*. Gene Simpson and Mrs. Ray Simpson. Mr and Mr*. Carl Lee Hill and Terri. Andrea Hanson of Ontario and a Labo Exchange student, Maki Ba ba of Japan went on a camping trip above Granite. They camped out on Trout Creek. They were gone four day*. Baba is staying with the Hansons in Ontario for a month. She is 13 year* old. She was very thrilled to see the herd* of elk. They saw over 100 in one group. Mr. and Mr*. Leonard Schutte celebrated their dau ghter-in-law, Mr*. Pat Schu tte’s birthday Sunday eve ning. Other guest* were Howard Schutte and family and Mr. and Mr*. Paul Grant all of Nampa. Mr. and Mr*. Bill Webb went Fishing at Fish Lake last Monday. Fishing was very dull. While there they visited with George and Lois Cart wright and Vern and Georgia Parker of Adrian who came on Thursday. The Webb* returned home on Friday. Mr. and Mr*. Clint Cham berlain and family were Adrian Mercantile 503-372-2727 208-724-6131 Adrian Oil Company 503-372-2877 Bea's Beauty Bar 503-372-2653 Callahan Repair Service Wrecker Service 503-372-3213 Martin's Market 4 Adrian Supply 503-372-2722 Stephen Plumbing Ore. A Idaho Ucenaed 503-372-2783 Van DeWater leveling 503-372-2562 Webb Service Garage 503-372-2464 •. 04, «KI_________ KINGMAN KOLONY • Mr. and Mr*. Herschel Thompson went to Cascade a week ago Friday and retur ned home on the following Thursday. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters of Boise who have a cabin there. They caught quite a few fish. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Pittz and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pittz and family of Nyssa were Sunday afternoon caller* of Mr. and Mr*. Paul Gehrke. Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Laan and Mr. Luit Stam went to the Owyhee Reservoir Sun day and had a picnic. Mr*. Earl Kygar and daughter Janeen went to Springfield, Oregon Friday where they visited another daughter, Sharm Gordon and her daughter. They returned • Like to Meet The Public • Want to Eam Extra Money? • Work Accurately with Figures? Enroll In the H A R Block Incom« Tax Conroe income taxes for yourself, yew friends and as a source of income. Job interview* available for best student*. Call for free Information and class schedules today. Classes begin September 12 and will bo bald fa* Ontario, Call 889-8805. RIEB'S FOODLAND 2NDSG00D NYSSA, OREGON WEEKDAYS8-8 SUNDAYS 9- 6 KSTEAK 4 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robb esmped out at Sumpter from Thursday until Sunday eve ning. Learn to Prepare Income Taxes use.A. CHOICE . ROUND FUil-CUT’i RH0PES SLCAF -/bo* WHITE w/ To \TH RACORN SUCEP HEN TuRttEY GROUND MENEtS E xtra itere. .WON h £ t 12 I Ktf I 89‘l PEAN r NORWE&T MEAT- B&F '• j • chunky •CREAMY. PUMP RM$T$ U£PA. CHOICE. SlRUM TH>i KEF SAUM RtteTS 1ÖP RWNP PS.P.A. CHOICE.,, BONNE TT ....'1 ?’ k If»« S7K4K USDA ......ioti CHOICE CHOICE SNES H incqulrier S 65 t Jc « J i ^B9* 59* HlENZ KETCHUP*». tohettggue TS^.^ BRAWNY lOWElG ^lOOCT^,.. dmecoldcup G^.T»..Â^ a» mœroN'^NCHEXÜ- 19* VALLEY FRUIT w NORtVEGT'AA' MEDIUM EG dozen .. RAOH 2Hoz PETER6ENT ICE CHEST ’4P * PA-GLO fSoz. SIZE KING SUE 72oz. PUCHER , VAUÆ,,,,, \ PLANTER rd GEE N/PRYi GW I2oz ■ . VALUE,.,,.. toot. t'teue* extra pry ^MANP ÜmoN COOM-Btó 2Ç3. . . . . . . STYRO-FOAM 36 QUART J/7^. JER&EN AGGT 5o* . > HIENZMHEI/WE6ARL 1ÒMAT04AUCE$"W& * CUT $ WRAPPED THE WAY YOU LIKE ITÜ GHAMPOO BANQUET PME LOCKER BEEF SPECIALS....... Mirage Cafe A Lounge Live music Sat. night 503-372-2338 Parker l.mbr. A Hrdv. r. 503-372-2433 208-724-6174 _____ home Sunday. Mr*. Ron Miller of Boise spent from Tuesday until Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robb. TrtossrrValkM FRONTQURRIHRá 'S!...... Hro Dept.-503-372-2220 St. Police 503-889-6408 Joe Sprague of Salt Lake City, Utah came Thursday to visit in the Leroy Sprague home. Hi* mother, Mrs. Lynn Sprague came Sat. and is spending the weekend visiting here and with rela tives in Boise. John and Missy Spence of Heyburn are spending this week visiting their grand mother. Mr*. Frankie Wor den. Kingman Kolony News IS Ol Journal Clatiifiedi Bring Results! ADRIAN Business Directory Sunday dinner guest* of his parent*. Mr. and Mr*. Leon Chamberlain. Mr. and Mr*. Wayne Warren of Parma visited hi* sister Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff Friday evening. Julie Stephens of Boise and a grandson John Ste phens of Moffit, Calif, came to visit their grandmother. Mr*. Mary Jarvis Saturday afternoon. Thursday, August 18, 1977 PAWN LIQUID YffiH&ENT Mfi» PETER6MT aw HERMtGTON WATER' < M6LÛNS..A CELLO &A6 CAULI’ À ÂK ^¡VEETDTUfCY fregh Fl fancy ruseet POTATO^ 4 io pas U & EFFECTIVE AU6(/£T 17-18-19-20, 1977 &AVE EVE RY PAYf