Thursday, July 29, 1977 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Page Eieveri T Gate City Journal Want Ads NEED REPAIR? Deadlne Wednesday Moon, Phone 372-2233 WORK WANTED FOR SALE L CARPET—oeam to—ft see our new samples. Reasonable prices and prompt guaranteed in stallation. Gambles, 204 Main St., Nyssa. Phono 372-3928. 30-tfc USED TV’s * BLACK ft White portables 12” Magna vsx S45.00| 14” Zenith S100| 19” Zenith $50. Used Black and White Console TV’s. G. E. 22” S90.00| Motorola 22” 8143.00. USED Coler TV’s - 19” Sylvania $175.00! 23” Sears S200t 25” Curtis Mathis $250, 21” PhRcs $125. USED COLOR T.V./ Stereo Both Msgnsvox 21” S300.00| 23” $200.00. Stent Appliance, 3rd and Mate, Nyssa. Phone 372-3194.30-ltc * WALL PAPER— fabric backed, vinyl csatsd patterns and designs. Also water boxes for prepasted covering and all necessary tools. Free instruction book with every purchase.------ Gambles Stars, 204 Main St., Nyssa. Phone 372-3928. 30-tfc * GARAGE SALE—July 28, 29, 30. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. 20« Ehrgood Avenue, Nyssa. Furniture, dishes, few antiques, clothes and lota and lots of miscellaneous. 30-ltc RUMMAGE SALE every Saturday, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. United Methodist Church. 308 Emison Avenue. Nyssa. 30-ltp GARAGE SALE July 28, 29, 30. 414 North 2nd St., Nyssa. 10 a.m. till dark. Lots of girls clothes sizes 10-14, dishwasher and toys. 30-ltp ..................... ... YARD SALE— st the Boulevard Hall. ’ By Louisa and pals. July 29-30. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Old dishes, • furniture, collectables, clothes and lots of miscellaneous. 30-ltc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE YARD SALE—July 29-30. SMALL HOUSE WITH BASE" 9 a-m. to 9 p.m. North on Columbia, right next to moot. 4 lets aR In garden and Rodrigues Bakery. Carpet, fruit with own well. $7500 at chest of drawers with mirror, 111 East 3rd St., Nyeaa. Call curtains, bedspreads, clothes 372-2980 er come to 108 East guitars and lots of miscel 2nd., Ira Leveteco. 3O-2tp laneous. 30-ltc 640 ACRES LEVEL LAND, YARD SALE no rock, presently in alfalfa, JULY 29 • 30. 9 a.m. to 5 barley, oats and irrigated p.m. At the pink house across pasture. 4 irrigation wells. 40 from the Nyssa Rodeo to 70ft. waterlift, 2 miles of grounds. Lots of clothing, steel main line, 22 wheel dishes, baby items, and lines (would handle 16). 4000 miaceilaneous. 30-ltp ft. elevation. Inexpensive WAREHOUSE SALE electricity, $600 per acre. 15% down, immediate pos July 30-31, 9 a-m. to 4 p.m. session. New owner would Comer of South let Street have crops except for first and Good Avenue, Nyaaa. cutting hay. Call 503-493- New and uaed items. Clo 2504. 29-2tp thes, jewelry and many other numerous items. 30-ltc » * A CUSTOM-MADE BIRCH— “Chtea Cabinets”, $250 Call 372-3721. 3O-2tc f V ft F FRUIT STANDS I APRICOTS,CHERRIES, ME CHERRIES, FROZEN BERRIES, LOCAL VEGETABLES I I I » FALEN FRUIT RANCH Homedale Highway I FALEN FRUIT RANCH, Maretag (Highway S3, 2 mitos nsrih ef Maretagl Watch for signs. PHONE 208-459-7243 I ■u O A- ■ < 1978 TV’s are on their way. Close out prices on any 1977 Zenith or Quasar in our stock, last year's prices on this year's air conditioner«. Stout Appliances, 3rd and Main, Nyeaa. Phono 372-3196.27-tfc FOR ALL YOUR LAWN AND fc. ■< B^lT M I Equipment ■ Co., I TRIM OFF EXCESS Nyeea. Phone 372-2239. 19-tfc pounds and inches with out starvation diets, I hunger pains or exer Il cises. Soo Norma Brave, . 101 Main Street. Nvesa. Call 372-4*63 er 372- 5254. 18-tfc THE BEST DEAL IN TREA- sure Valley on any new iZenlth or Quasar TV. It’s Stout Appliance'« TV yoart! •See ua at 3rd ft Mata Street, 8-tfci Nyssa, 372-3194. 1» 711 Park Av». THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, two full baths, fireplace, carpeted throughout, large dining room, double garage, covered patio, good location. $38,000. CaR 372-3079 after ¡5:30 p.m. or on weekends. Shown by appointment only. f9-tfc 3-BEDROOM, full-finished basement, work shop, 1*A bath, disposal, carpeting throughout main floor, Cor ning Counter Cook Top, Built-In oven. Double fire place up and fireplace to recreation room, attached double garage. Near park and swimming pool. Can assume low interest loan. 504 North 8th, Nyeaa. Call 372 3706 before 8 a.m. and after 4 p.m. $42.«». 17-tfc NEED MONEY-Need money for weekend trips, until pay day, or just need money. We pawn anything of Value. Treasure Valley Pawn Shop, Downtown Fruitland, Idaho. Phone 452-4784. 24-tfc FOR RENT TWO—BEDROOM HOUSE, 1150 per month with 1100 .deposit, Ne pete. Cali 372- 3642. 30-ltc SMALL CLUBHOUSE TO RENT by the day to business Interests or other organisa tions, kitchen privileges avai lable. Call 372-2787. 30-1 tc TWO BEDROOM APART- ment, recently remodeled. $150 per month." CaD 372- 5301 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 29-tfc HUSQVARNA AND MC- Culloch Chain Saws and Weed Eaten. Nyaaa fcJectric Inc., 101 Good Avons», pheaso 372-3151, 16-tfc TWO BEDROOM TRAILER house, 12 s W. At Fischer's Trailer Court, Call 372-3812. 27-tfc USED FURNITURE, AN- tlques, and miscellaneous. We buy, sell, trade. We sharpen saws. Ths Swsp Shop, Vale, Oregon, one mile east of Vale on Hiway 20-24. Phone 473-3351. 10-tfc TWO APARTMENTS—both furnished, all utilities paid One Is studio apartment. $100 per month with $35 deposit: other is 1-bedroom. $155 per month with $35 deposit. Call Steve Anderson evenings, 372-5196. 25-tfc REMOVE SPOTS AND RESI due left behind from other cleaners. Rent naw Rinse-N- Vac steam cleaner at Coast to Coast Store, Nyssa. Phone 372-3545 30-ltc ” ‘ ¿■¿US.0- Panting TRUCK BBS & HOISTS INSTALLED We Repot or Bold Trriar Hitdm ALL BRANDS MOTORCYCLES REPAIRED FOR RENT Senior Citizen Apts S10S. 5 th SL FARM A CROP INSURANCE Report Planted Grain Acreage Our Speciality See Dm or Ondi Russell Fulleton, Chair man. Malheur County Agri cultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee, re minds farmers to report planted acreages. Farmers who have planted wheat, barley, corn or grain sorghum should report plan ted acreage to the Agricul tural Stabilization and Con servation Service office now. This may be very impor tant for 1978 farm programs. If the planted acreage is not reported farmers may be ineligible for program bene fits in 1978. Waldo Insurance 211 Mate NYSSA Phene 372-5301 Baseball & Brazil *77 •rrriR THAN WK hariie'i Angel» KIVI The New. n» Bottom "Nur»e Will Make it Better" 1kett*Btk Hotter ’30 i Ml ■ HELP WANTED H30 WANTED LIVE—IN HOUSE keeper for elderly man In Nyssa. May have one child, smokers acceptable. Room and board plus negotiable wage. Call Ontario 889-7451 and ask for Asma. 3O-3tc CUSTODIAN for Malheur County Courthouse, Vale. Boiler and mechanical expe rience preferred. Applica tions accepted at the County Judge's Office. Courthouse, Vale. Oregon. 29-2tc A II 30 SEE US FOR >• NEED MONEY-Need Mo ney for weekes pay day or Just We pawn anyti Treasure Valley Pawn Shop, Downtown Fruitland, Idaho. Phone 452-4784. 24-tfc SALES ft SERVICE WE SERVICE ALL MAKES CALL THE Pstoresa. 372-2541. Nyssa Co-op Supply Westiide Medical 1VI The New» SWAT Thursday^Night Special trouble Feature KIVI The New. Baretta KIVI MOD Squad Key torpo" Am Bandstand 1 I M usk Hall Amenca Wonder Woman Starsky 9 Hutch What '» Happened Siace" « News Sir Weekend ABC Wekend New, "The Joker 1« Wild" CHANNEL 4 "Diabetes" Crockett'» V Garden Star Soccer 16-tfc BEFORE sou BUY, give NEWHOUSE a TRY! New house Chevrolet, 420 Main Street, Nyeaa. ’hose 372- 2224. 49-tfc Wanted To Rent ROW CROP LAND NECESITA DINERO? SI neceslte noted diners para vtagar durante ms fin do Contact I MURAKAMI par otras r oamiaa, paeds noted empenar cualqnlor iou de valor en el...TREA SURE VALLEY PAWN Shop, 24-tfc 80 ACRES ON GRAND AVENUE. SI 12,500. 1 What’» Happening Barney Mifler ___ Supershow OdSb^p* 8 00 Tarzan 8 30 Batman 9 00 Shazam 10 00 Fat Albert 10 30 Al* fl 11 00 Childrens Film 12 00 Sylvester 12 30 Clue Club 1 00 Volvo Teona 2 00 Hartfor Open 3:00 CBS Sports Spectaci 4 00 You Asked Foe It 4 30 CBS Saturday New» 5 00 King Kong -oo Man Tyler Moore ' 30 Bob New hart 8 00 All is the Family 8 30 Alice 9:0C Andrea Targets 10 00 New»center~ 10 15 ’’KaaaFu" Morning Headline» STA-RITE PUMPS EARN $80.00 WEEKLY AT home stuffing envelopes. Information: Rush 50c and stamped self-addressed en WANT TO "DO CUSTOM, velope: Financial Miracles, RUad Stocking P.O. Box 10437, Denver, will buy hay standing in field Cafe. 80210 29-4tp 'for 1977 crop. CaO~]feji LOST------ Baseball glove per amp autographed by Lofty Gomes. Leet ta Nyaaa South Park. Also had the name Rod Beene on It. This glove Io very Important to thia young ster. If found call 372-5144. CUSTOM SERVICE 7: I I 101 North Main Phone 372-3004 CHANNEL 6 ’M»» Repairing - Wikhg - Wy Wirt LOST OR FOUHD * * TWO BEDROOM HOME, corner tot 40x120, 101 Reece Avouue, $6400 Cash. Ralph lawrence Real Estate, 105 Mata, Phene 372-3544.28-tfc -HANNEL 2 shell service SIMPS ON'S R EPAIR We have better, BETTER DEALS on BETTER, better cars at Newhouse, New house CHEVROLET, Chev rolet. 420 Main Street, Nyaaa. bone 372-2224. ONE PAIR OF HOOD Nylon Snow droo 700-14. Excellent condition, $25 Call 372-2990. 30-ltc 1973 KAWASAKI DIRTBfto, $125. Call 372-2231 er 372- 3947. 29-tfc 372-3444 •372.3925. YARD SALE Friday and Saturday July 29-30.704 Fmlson Ave., next to the Arrowhead Motel. Moving, everything must go. Several chests of drawers, houseplants, rakes and yard equipment, lots of miscel laneous. 30-ltc TV SCHEDULE RON'S GARAGE SAL! OR YARD SALE LOVING CHILD CARE W» now have room for tftwou cfalkirmi. Covria Fife, Cal 372-2340. 30-ltc CALL KLAIR Netl Ren O FARMS •orsyte : Ontario 809-3131 It's Anybody » Guess Shoot for the Sun Chico and the Man The Gon« Show Hollywood Squares Newsbeat 7 The Doctor» Another World Dav» of our Live» Ironside Be» "..he t The FBI NB^y New, Then Re 9:00 "World of 1« 10 00 The Enchante The Enchanged Arts *» .‘W —- Large 2—BEDROOM— carpet - drapes - nice home— $25,000 . terms. 804 King. Wo service units on er off the ¡a me sba^« FOR FuR-Ltao CHEVROLET Delco Batteries NEWHOUSE CHEVROLET, Nyeaa. Phono 372-2224.23-tfc 4503)372-3700 Nyssa, Ore HEAL ESISTE FOR SALE I WILL DO FIREWOOD splitting at vour house. Call 372-3934. 7-tfnc WE NEED LISTINGS!! YOU CAN STEAM CLEAN carpets professionally clean with new portable Rlnse-N- Vac. Rent at Gambles Store, Nyssa. Phone 372-3928. 30-ltc SHAKELEE DISTRIBUTORS food supplements, cosmetics, cleaners. Alberta A Roberta Morrow, Phone 372-2845. 3-tfc ED RNTTURE—STORAGE— small lots or a houseful. Call 372-5218. 4-tfc MIGHTY MAC rear dno Tiller for rent. Cheaper than I owning one. Iverson Ma chine and Welding, west aide of Parma. Call 722-5503. 14-tfc FIRE EXTINGUISHER SA- les, service and repairs. Delbert Malloy, 713 North 2nd. Street, Nyaaa. Phone 372-2943. 8-tfc GOMEZ UPHOLSTERY------ New location 101 Main Street, Nyssa, Oregon 97913. Call 372-2983. 45-tfc ELECTROLUX SALES AND Service. Supplies of vacuum cleaners and floor polishers. Harold Potter. Call 549-1745, Weiser, Idaho. Phone 889- 7344 and/or 549-2514. 1-tfc Qi 101 Norlb Rrst Street NEED MONEY-Need money for weekend trips, until payday of just need money- We pawn anything of value. Treasure Valley Pawn Shop. Downtown Fruitland, Idaho, 452-4784. 24-tfc 2-BEDROOM HOME with room, kitebi utility room. Very good loca tion. Just freshly pate- tod Inside and out. r- Bob Thompson, REALTOR Office • 372*3355 $16.000.00. 0 0 0 ONE/HALF ACRE on highway to Ontario about 1 V4 miles north of Nyssa. see [ H omo • 372-3337 REAL ESTATE 114 North Mein, Nyua. Phona 3724532 I 4-BAY CAR WASH. 77-foot frontage on bu siest street in town. Only $18,000 with easy terms. e e e NEW 3-BEDROOM, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen, family room with fireplace. Carport. Located In new district. Shown bv appointment: $40,009.00. » 8 00 8 30 <00 9:50 Speed Bugg) Mon,ter squad Space Ghost Big John. Little John Land of the Lost Kid, from CAper Woodv Woodpecker Kid, world Grandstand NBC Mai League Baseball Quarantined7’ NBC Sat Night News Hee Haw Lawrence Welk Emergency "Harry la Your Pocket’* Newsbeat 7 SEE US FOR Body Work - Painting Windshield And Glass Installation FREE ESTIMATES RAY'S BODY & PAINT SHOP Phono 372-3524 505 Main St. Nyssa TALBO1 BACKHOE SERVICE All tvpes of backhoe work. Cail 372-2449 evenings. Bester Talbot 8-tfc V?//os,e REALTY ❖ c 1151 S W 4th Ave Ontorio K 889 3163 Floyd Blankenbaker, Broker Dorothv Wood...889-2855 R.y Tarter...889-3377 Mel Ballantyne...372-3212 57 ACRES, CLOSE TO PARMA, good water, all fenced, $65,000. EASTMAN Real Estate Insurance 22 Acres - 21 Acres water right • 2 bedrm Home am lawn, trees and out buildings $45,500 near Adrian. Phone 372-3535 315 Main St. Nyssa, Oregon T 1 i