Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1977)
Thursday, July 14, 1977 - - Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Teeth Can be Replaced Nyssa Puts Off Another Ono, 11-1 Nvssa takes Rotary Corru gators. 11-I in the fifth inning. July 12 when Pat Oliver made the winning run. Pat's hit went deep to the left fielder, the crowd thought the ball was had. when it flew out and away, bringing Pat home. Summer time too often turna out to be "knock-out time" for teeth in the mouths of youngsters spending all their waking hours In active ptay. Activities such aa Little League baseball--« sport which has been known to produce mouth injuries--are not so risky because adults are on hand to keep the game orderly. But the diversity of unsupervised play activity such as skate boarding, bi cycling, roller skating and --yes -sandlot basebail which follows the Little League season sets up situations in which front teeth arc in jeopardy. Dr. Allan Pike, chairman of the Oregon Dental Associa tion's dental health education committee, counsels parents and other adults who see a mouth injury not to assume that a knocked-out tooth is gone forever. "Rescue the tooth, along with the young patient." Dr. Pike adviaes. "Wrap it carefully in a damp washcloth and hustle the youngster and missing tooth to the dentist at once." Quick action la the key. and in a large majority of caaes a tooth can be re-implanted succeaafully in a young and healthy mouth. Dr. Pike said. Many dentists can handle re implantation. although some family dentists may refer the case to a dentist who specializes in children’s den tistry. George Knapp, pitcher for Nyssa,threw a J hitter during the July 12 game. ENJOYING watermelon and ice cream. July L are Little League plasers and i Nyssa Sports Boosters at the South Park, for Babe Ruth. Little League and Girls Softball Lease the Modern Way At Newhouse Chevrolet •CARS •PICKUPS 18,24 and 36 Month Plans. No Security Deposit, Only the first Month's Lease Payment Plus License CONTACT SALESMEN Jim Goodman In the first inning for Nyssa. Galen Hiatt and Les Linegar socred for Nyssa with Raymond Wiley left on base. 2-0. Nyssa was then left scoreless in the second 1, 2. 3. 2-0. ALVIN ALLEN, (center) coach of the Little League Baseball Team is receiving the ‘Lit? 1 Oregon Side Little League Championship Mo<n' <lef0 co*ch' *mlle* Dwayne Ulrey, in the third, then caught a fly to third With Rotary Corrugators then getting their first hit for the night. The third batter then hit to BUI Marcum who tossed to Pat Oliver where Pat fired to Clayton Hiatt, for a double play. SOFTBALL Again Galen and Les came home, in the third, when Galen hit his first home run of the evening, 4-0. •TRUCKS Charlie Chapin Nyssa took the Rotary Corrugators 1.2. 3 in the first two innings leaving them scoreless. George Satee Arleigh Adams NÍWHOUSE CHEVROLET, INC. Phone 372-2224 420 Mam Street, Nyssa In the fourth Nyssa kept the Corrugators scoreless While Nyssa had a big inning. Runs for Nyssa were made by Loe, Dwayne, BIU, Kelly and two home runs, one from Mike Mathews and one from Galen Hiatt, mak ing his second in Tuesday night's game. Rotary Corrugators had two hits in the fifth with one of those hits a home run over Galen’s head, their only score for the night, 10-1. Manager Pat Oliver then made the beans count with the first hit in the fifth inning, counting as a run. 11-1. MOST IMPROVED SWIMMERS OF THE WEEK. Pictured above are Dezra Bones and Charlie Shell this weeks’ most improved swimmers. .591 .363 .429 .550 591 .619 583 800 632 363 .571 .143 .200 .363 Dwayne Ulrey Kelly Shaw Ray Wiley Bill Marcum Mike Mathew Lea Lineger George Knapp Richard Adami Pat Oliver Jack Price Galen Hiatt Clayton Hiatt Larry Shaw • Steve Pierce WOMEN WORK OVERSEAS!! Australia — Europe — Japan The South Pacific — Far Eaat South America — Central America OVER 100 COUNTRIES «. weeks' victory over Ontario and Vale were Karie and Davey Conn. Y Baseball N c Wr SW* / Thursday night, June 30, the Nyssa Little League Majors wound up the regular scheduled season with a convincing 12-0 victory over Vale. Gary South earned the win, pitching a No hitter, striking out 8 and walking 3. Hysei) *>f Vale being the loser. Booby Rodriguez and Gary South both hit home runs for Nyssa. The team finished the season with 9 wins and 0 losses. Great Mid-Sut bus Nyeaa Major’. 1977 Wrap Up ab r h hr Bat. av. ON THESE SELECTED CARS Top Trado Dotar for Your Used Carl l-D®" Cru»«* Stock *4° We»0®' 9 4 2 .222 Allen .454 Alcoser 11 S 5 Baker 5 1 2 .400 Flinders 7 s 3 1 .428 Gonzales 21 13 7 1 .333 .230 Hiatt 13 5 3 Harris 25 17 11 1 .440 7 6 3 .428 Jayo .333 9 3 3 Leavitt 27 15 18 3 .666 Palmer Peabody 18 8 7 .388 Rodriquez31 16 15 4 .484 9 5 2 Rios .222 South 31 15 20 5 .645 400 Wood 10 4 4 224 122 105 15 .469 Team Average The team will enter tourna ment play Friday night at Caldwell with the 1st game being played at 7:00 P.M. Nyssa Little League wins consolation championship. Sed»0' f.n' Cn»'*“ The Nyssa Majors, follow ing a 1st game loss to the Nampa All Stars, came back to win the Consolation Cham pionship Trophy. Caldwell Invitational 4th of July Tournament Friday Night ■ July 1 Game #1 NYSSA 2, NAMPA STARS 5 ALL Ontario, Oregon I latten - Teaching - ON Rahning - Medical - I Accounting - Manufacturing - Secretarial - Sit- I croft, etc., etc., $800 00 to $5,000.00 per month | In most jabs SALARIES and I HOUSING, mere ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES. I NO U.S INCOME TAX under the Government For- I sign Resident Rule (dvd service si eluded) I To aiow anyone the opportunity teosptere oversees I empteyment wo have published a complete set of I OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT GUIOES. Our OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT GUIOES contain the foltewing inter- I *' — . . . I IvUllOvI I Ust of CURRENT OVERSEAS JOB OPPORTUNITIES W. P. Gary South, L.P. S. Vickers. Nyssa got 20 runs on 12 hits and 6 runs left on base. Parma got 9 runs on 5 hits and 4 runs left on base. Home Runs, Ronnie Gon zales, 2, one Grand Slam Triples, Harris. Doubles, Rodriguez, South, Palmer, Alcoser and Peabody. Singles. Harris 1. South 1, Palmer 1. Leavitt 2 and Hiatt 1. I with a special section on oversees construction pro jects. executive positions and teocteng opportunities I •Hew. Whore and Whom to apply lor the job of your I Personnel In nearly every part of the Free World I «Firms and organizations engaged In OVERSEAS PROJECTS. CONSTRUCTION MANUFACTURING MININ0. OIL REFINING. ENGINEERING SALES craft E etc T!EAO<,HC' secretarial ajr : I I «COMPANIES and GOVERNMENT AGENCIES om- I ploying personnel in nearly every occupation, hem the uni kitted laborer to the collogo trained | I professional! < I «How and Whore to apply ter OVERSEAS GOVERN- I I MENT JOBS! | «Employment on U.S. Government ships "MER- I CHANT MARINES"! | «Directory of U.S. I I «List of U S I Businesses operating I In | I AUSTRALIA that employ Americans. DEFENSE CONTRACTORS with opor- I atlons OVERSEAS THAT EMPLOY Americans! I «Information about TEMPORARY and SUMMER I NYSSA 12, JEROME 3 W.P. Bobby Rodriguez • L.P. P. Chapman. Nyssa got 12 runs on 11 hits and left 5 runs on base. Jerome got 3 runs on 3 hits and left 2 runs on base. Home Runs • Ron nie Gonzales. Doubles • Bob Rodriguez 2, Gary South 2, Arnie Ferguson I. Singles - Bob Rodriguez I. Rick Harris 2. Mike Palmer 1, and John Peabody I. JOBS OVERSEASI I «Plus several EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FORMS I that you may send directly to the COMPANIES I I or ORGANIZATIONS that interest you the moot! dlAIL OUR ORDER FORM TODAY!! ul 41 | The Job You Want May Bo WaMng For You Right Now! I 0 0 I I ORDER FORM MAIL TO Overseas Employment Guides 1727 SCOTT ROAO. SUITE C BURBANK, CA «1504 NAME A0MEIS winter jobs. The beet In with follow workers. I Indy Longoria (Foreman | • » choice OVERSEAS! I «FIRMS and ORGANIZATIONS employing al typos of Sunday Morning • July 3 Game *3 NYSSA 4, WILDER 2 Game # 4 Consolation Championship wdl receive FREE you HIGHER I WAGES. TRAVEL PAY. GENEROUS VACATION and I BONUS, FREE MEOICAL' CARE. FREE MEALS and Saturday Afternoon • July 2, Game »2 NYSSA 20, PARMA 9 • • a Sunday Afternoon • July 3 overseas I TRANSPORTATION. I am endoamg $10 00 cash, check or money order Reeto send mo your comptete tel of OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT GUIDES Immediately ?o^GEI\ITRY FORD SALES, INC. 1802 S.W 4th Avenue I rations I Cemtructten - Engineering - Sates - Transpar Bobby Rodriguez, L.P. Davis W.P. Nyssa got 2 runs on 6 hits and 7 runs left on base. Nampa got 5 runs on 6 hits and 6 runs left on base. Nyssa got I double play. Rick Harris picked up 2 hits both doubles. Mike Palmer a double. Brad Flinders a triple. Gary South & Arnie Ferguson, singles. • • • W.P. Gary South ■ L.P. Bitament. Nyssa got 4 runs on 4 hits and 5 tuns left on base. Wilder got 2 runs on 4 hits and 4 runs left on base. Home Runs - Ronnie Gon zales. Doubles • Harris. Sin gles - Palmer and Leavitt. » ALL OCCUPATIONS - skNtod - unskMtod - US I Government - private Cerpmittens and Orgete- CONTRIBUTING TO THE TEAM VICTORY in the last hornier < mpl' ecs especially r-Jtc CITY , STATE ZIP j