Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, June 30, 1977, Page 8, Image 8

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    Thursday, June 30, 1977
Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssq, Oregon
Page Eight
ted Methodist Church Rum­
mage Sale. Church basement
10 ¿.m. to 4 p.m.
Nyssa Golden Age Rum­
mage Sale, Old Western
Hotel, all afternoon.
Tuesday, July 5 • Uni­
ted Methodist Church Rum
mage Sale, Church base­
ment, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.^
1 Eagles Auxiliary. Eagles
Hall. 8 p.m.
Wednesday, July 6 • Gol­
den Age Club, 113 GreenAv-
enue, potluck, 12 noon.
King... Kolny News
By Dale Witt
KINGMAN KOLONY • Lytle at the Nyssa Manor
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kygar
attended the wedding of
Verna Derrvberry and Dan and Kathy Hay went to the
Callingwood Saturday eve­ Boise airport Wednesday
ning. which was held in the evening and got their son Jay
Assembly of God Church in who arrived from Germany
on a 22-day leave.
Mrs. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Phifer of Redmond were McConathy and Brenda were
Thursday dinner guests of Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Kygar.
Mrs. Charles Bowers.
Brendon Pratt was a
Frank Rhodes, his brother
Rolla Rhodes of Roswell and Sunday afternoon caller at
Jim Eggler of Parma went the Earl Kygar home.
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel
down to Mans Lake camping
and fishing Saturday. They Thompson returned Fridav
returned home Sunday after­ evening from a trip to Souris,
noon. Frank got five nice North Dakota where they
trout but the others had no visited her cousin. Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Bernstein. They
Mrs. Earl Kygar attended took them up into Canada
a bridal shower for Kathy fishing. They live three miles
Hay at the Willis Conant from the Canadian border.
The fishing place was 80
home Saturday evening.
Mrs. Ethel Thompson of miles. They had good luck
Nyssa was a Sunday over­ caught Northern Pike and
night guest of her son. Mr. Walleye fish. They took them
and Mrs. Herschel Thomp­ to see the International Peace
Garden on the border. It was
Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Laan a beautiful place. Where they
attended a 25th wedding visited it was fanning and flat
anniversary party last Mon­ land.
day evening for Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Van Beek of Nampa.
It was held in a restaurant in
Karcher Mall.
ADRIAN - Mr. and Mrs.
Wednesday morning. Mrs.
Dennis Miller of Payette
Klaas Laan accompanied the
spent the weekend with her
Malheur County Dairy Prin­
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
cess. Julie Chamberlain to
Beverton. There were eleven
Mr. and Mrs. Monty Freel
County Dairy
princesses and family and Wesley
present. They attended the '
Underwood spent Saturday in
Gloria La Vonne Modeling (
the Oliver Freel home.
School at Portland for a
Mr. and Mrs. Myron
Minnie Charm Course and (
Gossard of Nyssa were
returned home Friday eve­
Saturday afternoon callers of
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Freel.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robb
Mrs. Wesley Walker Sr.
visited her mother, Mrs. May
returned home Saturday mor­
ning from a trip to California.
Mr. W. C. Van DeWater of
Caldwell was a Friday dinner
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Mrs. Dale Witt of Nyssa
Physicians &
and Mrs. Edna Cowling were
morning coffee
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Dr. Arthurs. Dole, M.D.
Mrs. Carl Begeman was
Urological Surgery
guest player at the Happy
Disease* of the kidney,
Dozen Card Club Friday
bladder and prostate.
afternoon in the Doris Castor
Phone 372-5269
home at the Owyhee Corners.
302 Good Avenue,
Jim and Laura King of
Nysaa, Oregon
Ontario were Sunday dinner
Hours: Saturday-10 a.m.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. E.
to 12 noon
Mackey. Larry Mackey and
sons of Ontario were Sunday
Brandon L.W.Adams M.D
afternoon visitors.
General Practice
Mr. and Mrs. G. E.
and Psychiatry
Mackey went to Boise Mon­
Phone 372-3809
day after his mother. Mrs.
19 North 4th Street
Minnie Mackey. She had
Nyssa, Oregon
been visiting her sister Mrs.
Hannah Gage.
Mon. & Wed. 12 noon-6
Tues. 1:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Thurs. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
mtk tist
MR. AND MRS. BILL RIOS celebrated their 39th wedding
anniversary Sunday, June 19 at the Owyhee Dam. They were
married June 20. 1938.
More thati one hundred family members and friends
gathered to help thg couple celebrate their special day. Mr.
and Mp. Rios have sixteen of their eighteen children living.
There are 46 grandchildren.
Events Around Adrian
Apple Valley Items
K.E. Kerbs, M.D.
K.A. Danford, M.D.
Physicians & Surgeons
Dial 372-2241
Hours: 9 to 12 noon & 2
to 5 p.m. - Monday thru
Dr. A.N. Bonde
7 North 2nd Street,
Nyssa, Oregon
Phone 372-3747
Phone 372-2251
Dr. B.E. Ross
Nyssa, 372-5257
Dr. Robert Derby
Parma. 722-6537
By Ronda Seward
Phone 372-5414
and Mrs. David Bay attended
a wedding reception given in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Kerby Saturday afternoon.
The reception was held in the
home of the couple's parents,
Dr. and Mrs. Kerby of Nyssa.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston
just returned from a vacation
that took them to Ashton.
Idaho where they took part in
a Nedrow family reunion.
From Ashton they went to
Basin. Montana where they
went sightseeing and visited
several mines. The weather
was nice and cool, according
to Mrs. Boston.
Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop
attended a picnic during the
weekend at the Adrian Pres­
byterian Church given in
honor of this year's graduat­
ing high school seniors.
presenting Mrs. Grover Lytle as the artist for
the month of June.
Mrs. Lytle had never tried sketches or oils
before until the opportunity came when Mike
McGuire of TVCC offered classes in Nyssa
near her home.
Since that time, two years ago, this very
young seventy-nine year old has painted and
sketched many lovely scenes, one of Mt.
Hood, Oregon; Wyoming's Green River
A reception was held for
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Beebe
at the Homedale Friends
Church that the Bishops
Mrs. Bishop returned Fri­
day from the Oregon State
Extension Homemaker's an­
nual meeting where she was
among 700 other homema­
kers. She took several mini
classes while at the meeting
and had a wonderful time.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Fritts and Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Tuning went camp­
ing at Goose Lake Wednes­
day through Saturday. The
men fished and caught "a
few.” Mrs. Fritts commented
that they really enjoyed the
cool weather in the moun­
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Nichols
spent the weekend at Idaho
City where they visited Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Nichols,
brother and sister-in-law of
ft will be a busy week for
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sheppard
as their son Leland and his
family from Tulsa. Oklahoma
arrived Saturday and Cecil
Sheppard Jr. and his family
from Wananchee. Wash., are
expected Monday.
On Sunday the Sheppards
went to their son Johnny s in
Ontario for dinner and
Dan and Tim Barnhart of
Bayview. Idaho, were Wed­
nesday dinner guests of Mrs.
Mary Honey.
Also visiting Mrs. Honey
during the week were Mr.
and Mrs. Sam King who
came on Friday and Mrs.
Laura Bale who ate lunch
Lakes; and sketches of Boise's Franklin
Road, and a Windmill created with Conti
Mr. and Mrs. Lytle farmed for many years
in the rural Nyssa area, now are retired and
are living in the city. This month they will be
celebrating their fifty-sixth wedding anniver­
with their five children, eighteen
grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
The exceptional display may be viewed
during regular library hours.
with Mrs. Honey Sunday
evening before church.
Mr. and Mrs. George
Griffin and Mrs. Honey
attended the wedding of Mrs.
Honey's niece Verna Derry
berry to Dan Collingwood.
The wedding was held at the
Assembly of God Church in
Payette Saturday evening.
Mrs. Laura Bale was
visited this week by Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Bale on Tuesday
Mr. and
Mrs. Phil Bale,
Sunday afternoon and Mrs.
Ruth Martin of Nampa on
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith
were visited by Mrs. Smith’s
sister, Lola Fuqua from
Cascade on Sunday.
Friday was a busy day for
Mrs. Smith as she was visited
by her niece Charlene Hurd
and Mrs. Laura Bale.
Guests of Mrs. Nell Correll
this week were Mr. and Mrs.
Cleo Whittam who visited
Mr and Mrs. Gary Seward
went water skiing luesday
evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Rob Jamison of Nampa and
had a great time.
Friday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Corn visited the
Seward home and Sunday
evening the Sewards ate
dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
Burton Smith in Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Seward and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Seward and
family have spent the last
week at church camp at the
Midway Bible Missionary
Church between Nampa and
Caldwell. They had a wondez.
ful time during the week and
returned home Monday.
Guests in the Clarence
Hammar home, recently,
were his cousins. Mr. and
Mrs. Gorge Huss from
Crawford, Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Hammar from Emmett visi­
ted Friday and were dinner
guests of the Clarence
Hammar family.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Derby
and Mollietta returned home
last Sunday evening from
their vacation. Mrs. Derby
and children enjoyed watch-,
ing the Rose Parade while
Dr. Derby participated in a
veterinarian meeting in Port­
land. They also visited Bob's
sister and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Steve Tepper-in Stayton
and Nancys sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Scott in Dallas.
Following their stay in
Portland, the Derbys drove
down the coast, enjoyed the
beaches and viewed the Sea
Lion Caves before visiting his
parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Derby. Sr., and other
Later in their trip, the
Derby's went to Bonanza,
Oregon to see Nancy's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bozo
Noble where Tina and Robbi
stayed to spend two more
weeks with their grand
Mr. «nd Mr*. Clarence
Lancaster of Nyssa are proud
new grandparents of a 6
pound, 13 ounce bouncing
baby grandson. Paul Lloyd
Lancaster was bom June 25.
1977 at G<xKxling. Idaho.
rte joins nis parent*. Mr.
and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster,
two sisters and a brother.
Other grandparent* are
Mr. and Mr*. Lloyd Bid­
dinger of Price. Utah.
Friday, July I • Alcoholic
Anonymous. Nyssa Metho­
dist Church. North 3rd. and
Emison. 8 p.m. For more
information. Call J72-3318 or
Nyssa Golden Age Rum­
mage Sale, Old Western
Hotel, all afternoon.
Friendship Club will meet
at 2 p.m. at the lOOF Hall.
Saturday, July 2 ■ Uni-
The Oregon Pub­
lic Utility Com­
missioner has
authorized Idaho
Power Co. to
charge an addi­
tional 2 mills
per kilowatt hour
($2 for 1,000 kilo­
watt hours) for
electricity used
starting June 6.
The Oregon sur­
charge will be
listed separately
on the customer’s
The company will
use the revenue to
pay for higher-cost
power to replace
lower-cost hydro­
electricity which
won't be available
due to the drought.
If later investiga­
tion finds any of the
money was not needed.
It will be credited
to customers. The
PUC also will decide
later when the Sur­
charge will end; the
company has asked
that it apply through
Sept. 30.
Oregon Public
Utility Contnissioner
1-800-452-9105 (free)
We have more than enough gas for our present priority cus­
tomers (residential and commercial). We can assure them of an
uninterrupted supply—in all seasons.
In addition, we have gas to offer to NEW residential and
commercial customers. YOU are invited to join the more than
80,(MM) accounts we are serving in Washington and Oregon.
Our pipeline supplier has made a long-term contract for a
substantial new supply of Canadian gas, in addition to that
already being received.
Our storage facilities for laying away gas in the summer for use
in the winter are being steadily enlarged.
Besides that, thrifty and thoughtful people are being careful
not to waste gas. That, too, increases the supply.
All in all, it’s a GOOD long-term picture in our business—if
you want to be sure the energy you choose will be there when
you want it.
Our promise: you won’t run out of natural gas. We have gas for
homes and businesses for many years ahead. Count on it.
Cascade Natural Gas