Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1977)
Mrs. Jesse Fry and family ot Fruitland joined them later in the day. The only member not present was Frank Fry of Nezperce. Idaho as he was on National Guard duty. Mr«. Pubtip her Has Visitors Mrs. Alice Pulsipher, for merly of Nu Acres, now of Ontario had the pleasure of a family gathering with her children and their families at Cascade Lake Wednesday through Saturday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jenkins and family of Fruitland; Mrs. Geraldine Haggerty. Rustv and Leia of Wetser; Mr. and Mrs. Maury Fokken and four children of Omaha. Nebraska; Mrs. Clair Beus and two children of Othello, Washington; and Mrs. George Grossman, El lensburg, Washington. _ On Sunday they all atten ded the LDS Church in Payette for Sunday services and in the afternoon they gathered at the Richard Jenkins residence where Mr. and Mrs. Roger Jenkins and family of Huntsville. Utah were visiting and Mr. and July 2 - Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sisson July 3 - Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Guerra. Mr. and Mrs. Miland Draper July S • ’Mr. and Mrs. Joel Mitchell July 7 - Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burdette. Happy Birthda JMy 1‘ Michael Larsson Neill Mathews Donna Thomas Alma Lee Land- re th, Dezra Bones July 6 - Martina DeLeon, Stephanie Bates. July 7 • Blanca De Dios Almaraz (In Memory). Ken neth Bunn, Bonnie Winn Jwly 2 Jah 3 J«ly 5 Custom fitted iHhMar fix better sound reception. e Circutry indwiduaiy made to meet your hearing requirements. Sc secure vou may wear ft white R - j. . M engagmg n ahost any pfiywai e Retain m the ear whie steepog fw contnued vital awareness. «¡k _ " The telephone may be used in the normal manner. Richard Ph Kps FREE HEARING EVALUATION Satisfaction Guaranteed Retm M for 100% Refund, i not My nafed. Michael's Pharmacy 202 Mto St. Nyse Friday, July 1 Saint Patrick Parish Hall in Vale with dance music by the ‘Country Pride’ band.' The beautiful three-tiered cake decorated in shades of yellow, and pink and accen ted with scarlet rose buds, blue mums and greenery in between the tiers was en hanced by surrounding heart- shaped cakes around the bottom tier, making a breath taking centerpiece on the pink chiffon and lace-covered table. Candelabras and two bouquets of spring flowers brightened the serving table with a rainbow of colors. At the guest book was Tayna Hammond with Tracy and Tina Hammond taking care of the gifts. Wilma Strickland and Martina Ec- Happy Anniversary America's most popular in-the-ear aid actrnty. Thursday, June 30, 1977 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Page Four 10 o.m. to 5 p.m or cat 889-6329 Osborns To Celebrate 50th Anniversary McCoy-Hammond lows Spoken At Ironside The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCoy. Ironside, was the scene of the wedding of their daughter, Marsha Lew, to John Gordon Ham mond, Vale, on May 20. The afternoon wedding took place on the front lawn. The path was decorated with apple blossoms, spring flowers and blue candles. The double ring ceremony was performed by Pastor Don Henry of the Baptist Church. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hammond of Vale. The bride, given in mar riage by her father, wore a gown fashioned by Edith Vincent of New York, and made of Sata-Peau The bodice was trimmed with imported Swiss hairpin lace and re-embroidered Venice lace accented with pearls. It featured a modified empire style with bishop sleeves and full cathedral train edged with two layers of matching lace. She carried a cascade of yellow and pink roses, daisies and baby breath accented with dotted Swiss ribbon edged with lace. For some thing old she wore her great grandmother's gold wedding band. Mrs. Mary Echanis, Ontario, was her sister's honor attendant. She wore a long, skyblue polyester dress with gathered collar and carried a bouquet of daisies and roses. Another sister, Molloy McCoy of Ontario, was the bridesmaid and wore a dress identical to the honor attendant's. The flower girl was Thilia Hammond of Vale. She wore a long light blue dress dotted with tiny pink flower prints and trimmed with lace around the neckline. The best man was the groom's brother, Alan Ham mond of Vale. Curt Martin was the groomsman. The couple was honored with a 4:30 reception at the Los Schwab Says: If Wo Can't Guarantee Monarch STEEL RADIAL JEANINE NAOMI SAITO, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Saito. 819 Adrian Boulevard, Nyssa and Walter Atebara, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Atebara, Hilo, Hawaii announce their wedding dute of August 7, 1977, at the Community Methodist Church, Ontario. Oregon. The bride-elect is a graduate of the University of Oregon's School of Journalism and is employed by radio station KXL in Portland. Her fiance is attending Law School at Gonzaga University in Spokane. WRIGHT AIR COOLERS MR. AND MRS. JAMES R. Osborn of rural Nyssa will be honored by their children with an open house reception to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary July 10 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Osborn. East Overstreet Road. Nyssa. Guests may call from 2 to 6 p.m. They request, ‘no gifts' please. County Forms AARP The Malheur County Chap ter (AARP) American Asso ciation of Retired Persons) organized June 23, 1977 under direction of Dr. Jer ome Benson State Assistant Director of AARP. All persons 55 and over, are welcome to join meeting place - Westgate Mobile Home Recreation Hall; 2511 Southwest 4th Avenue, On tario. Oregon. Next meeting to be held July 7 at 1:30 p.m. 3 Yr. Warranty Group 24 GR78x14 HR78XI4 GR78x15 HR78X15 4 Yr. Warranty Group 24 LR78X15 5 Yr. Warranty Group 24 ClYDt McCLUNG, Nyssa Mgr. HOME OF THE SUDDEN SERVICE BOYS NAMPA IM Caldwell Blvd Ph. 467-2127 Window and Mobil« Home Type LARGER THANK YOU I We wish to say thank you to all of our friends, neigh bors and relatives for making the celebration of our 40th wedding anniversary and marriage of our daughter such a memorable occasion. Your kindnesses and thought ful considerations will long be remembered. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cole man SIZES IN STOCK Stout Appliance t Furniture Mt «foto 872*31M NOW AVAILABLE At The Beauty Nook The following officers were elected; President Robert Hardesty. Ontario; Vice Pre sident, Hugh Baker, Ontario; Secretary Agnes Ashcraft, Nyssa. Treasurer Hazel Smith. Nyssa. Commerical Chairman Membership Margaret Dai ley in Ontario; Assistant Chairman Erma Sparks, Ny ssa; Assistant Chairman, Erma Palmer, Vale. The Weight Program Chairman (vice pres.) Hugh Baker of Ontario Legislative, Hazel Har desty, Ontario. Program Chairman (vice pres.) Hugh Baker, Ontario; Legislative chairman Hazel Hardesty, Ontario; Insurance. Margaret Dailey, Ontario; Publicity, (news letter) Alta Pekkala- Ontario; Tours, Wyatt Smith. Nyssa; Host. Diara Hollop- peter. Ontario; Entertain ment Estel Perrins, Ontario: Historian, Margaret Sage. Nyssa; Board Members, Ber nie ce Toomb, Adrian; Board member Anna Maranastica, Nyssa. Believes! Browns Celebrate BATTERIES hams served the cake with Mrs. Ray Porter and Mrs. Gary Barge pouring the punch. The bride graduated from Burnt River High School in 1974 and also attended TVCC. The groom is a 1973 graduate of Vale Union High School and attended TVCC. She is employed at Murakami Produce Company and the groom at the Champion Motor Homes. After a wedding trip to Vancouver B.C., and Victori Island, the couple are at thome in Ontario. Special guests for the occasion were Mrs. Lafferty (grandmother) from South Dakota. Lee Hammond. Iowa and Mrs. Cates from Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown celebrated their 40th wed ding anniversary and the marriage of their daughter, Glenda Brown to Jerry Coleman with an open house reception Sunday, June 19 on the lawn of the parental home. The Browns were married May 25. 1937 in Lincoln Center, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman were married in New York City, January 14, 1977. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Brown’s mother, Mrs. Angela Conant of Orleans, Nebraska; Eugene Brown and Pattie Flathers, Gena and Shaun Brown, Burns; Coleen Brown. Dick Grouce both of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Godbout and Cathy; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Conant. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Elias all of Boise; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conant. Na mpa; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Conant and Wanda Moss of Caldwell and Mrs. Richard Hofer of Vancouver, Wash ington Total nutrition No hunger pangs No drugs Drink milkshakes A eat regular foods No chemicals Gain extra energy No meetings to attend No exercise No gimmicks Money-back guarantee Substantial weight and inch loss Considerable savings on food bills No monthly dues Sender Now...It can happen to you. Hard to believe? Not tor those who ha ve tried rt and are losing up to 30 pounds In the first month! What can you lose by looking into it? Only something you ve wanted to lose tor a long, long time I don't believe it but... I'd like to know more Please send me complete details I understand I am under no obligation ■ I NAME ADDRESS C'TY STATE ZIP Mail now to Beauty Nook 372-3553 IIS. 5th St. N vhhu . Oregon 97913 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ I