Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, June 16, 1977, Page 4, Image 4

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Thursday, June 16, 1977
Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon
Page Four
Shell Receives
Downs—Seward Wed
In Nazarene Church
The soft radiance of
candlelight cast a golden
glow on the wedding cere­
mony of Ronda Lynn Downs
and Gary D. Seward.
The couple were married
May 14 at 8 p.m. in the North
Nampa Church of the Naza­
rene by the Rev. Rodney
Tegethoff. Chimney-covered
candles lined the aisles
adorned with greenery and
blue bows. A backdrop of
garlands enhanced the plat­
form where two spiral can-
delabras and candle trees
flickered before an arch
covered with greenery.
The bride is the daughter
of Bill and Vonda Downs of
Nampa and the groom's
parents are Dwight and
Arlene Seward of Parma.
Music for the double-ring
rites were provided by
organist Marge James, piano
soloist Joy Persoon. and
Dorothy Sessions playing the
flute. Kent Bloomquist sang
the "Wedding Song" accom­
panied by Web Beggs on the
Highlighting the cere­
mony, the bride and groom
sang "Precious and Few" to
each other and lit a unity
The bride chose a long
white gown of shimmering
organza and Chantilly lace
that featured long, full
sleeves and a V-shaped, lace-
covered bodice sprinkled
with seed pearls. The skirt
was covered with lace and
draped into a chapel-length
train. Her mantilla veil was
trimmed with matching lace
and she carried a bouquet of
cascading pink tea roses, ste-
and baby's breath.
The wedding attendants
included Betty Downs as
maid of honor. Nancy John­
ston. Nancy Wilkerson. Chris­
tina Batchelder, bridesmaids
and Christie Markus as
flowergirl. Kim Pierce and
Larry Downs were candle­
lighters. Mike Fitzsimmons
was bestman. and grooms­
men were Eric McCormick.
Mike Peck, Terry Bal). Phil
Tegethoff was ring bearer.
A reception was held in the
church fellowship hall with
serving assistance given by
Golden Rule Chapter No.
131. met at the Masonic Hall
for the last stated meeting
this term. The meeting was
preceded by a potluck dinner
in honor of retiring Matron
Beatrice Grossnickle and
Worthy Patron George Cart­
Beatrice Grossnickle, wo­
rthy matron, presided when
the regular meeting opened
at 8 p.m.
Escorted and introduced
were: Amalia Pratt, member
of the Blood Bank Committee
of the Grand Chapter of
Oregon; Leona Miller. Star
Chapter No. 69. Grand
Representative of Nevada in
Oregon and Myrtle Sasser
Representative of
Utah in Oregon; Margaret
Payne, Star Chapter No. 69. a
fifty-year member of Eastern
Star was introduced and
A reception was announ­
ced for Ruth Steele of Mount
Olive Chapter. Parma, Grand
Representative to Delaware.
It will be June 17 at the
Masonic Hall in Parma and
will be from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Practice for installation
which will be June 28. is
scheduled for Sunday June
26, at 5 p.m. Initiation was
held for Margaret Sage.
Worthy Patron presided
during good of the order.
Amalia Pratt reported on her
visit to Star Chapter No. 69 to
see the daughter of Worthy
Matron and Worthy Patron.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lewis
Under the direction of
Betty and Darlene Tegeth­
off. hostesses. Shirlee Smith.
Nadine Pierce, Nelda Jack-
son. Pam Neil. Karen Dilla-
baugh. Kim Allen, Nancy
Morgan, Linda Gulley, Jo-
Ann Brewer. Darlene Markus
Theresa Miller, Edna Ses­
sions. Jackie Downs and
Marcie Jackson. Gay Downs
was over-all wedding coor­
The bride is a graduate of
Nampa High School, for­
merly was employed at the
Idaho Free Press and attends
Northwest Nazarene College.
The groom is a 1973 graduate
of Parma High, is a senior at
NNC and farms in Nyssa.
After a wedding trip
touring California, the couple
plan to live in Nyssa, Oregon.
Nyssa resident Kathryn
Shell has received SI50 in
scholarship funds to continue
her education at Boise State
University next fall. She
majors in fashion merchan­
dising at BSU.
Welsh—Trost To Wed
JILL WELSH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Welsh
of San Diego, California, and Paul L. Trost, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Trost Jr., of Nyssa, have chosen to seal their
love in marriage in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on June 17,
Jill has completed a Spanish speaking mission for the LDS
Church in Southern California. She is a registered nurse in
the surgery department of the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City.
Paul is a 1972 Nyssa High School graduate and has
completed two years of schooling at BYU in Provo. He has
served a mission for the LDS Church In Pennsylvania and is
currently employed in Salt Lake. He plans to attend the
University of Utah this fall.
An open house will be hosted in the young couple's honor
on June 18 in the gardens of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Peterson at
419 North 4th Street, Nyssa from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Associate Matron Amalia
Pratt, all officers assisted in
an addendum for outgoing
Worthy Matron and Worthy
Patron. They were presen­
ted a gift from their officers
of an emblematic plate with
all the officers names on it.
The Bible and emblem
bearers Myrtle Sasser and
Kathleen Wheeler presented
each of them with a lovely
rose bush.
Outgoing Starduster presi­
dent, Cleta deBoer then
installed the Starduster offi­
cers for 1977-78. They were
Beatrice Grossnickle, presi­
dent; Amalia Pratt, vice-
president; Lois Cartwright,
secretary; Gladys Newbill.
treasurer and Louise Wemick
publicity. Installing Marshall
was Della Holmes. Worthy
Matron and Patron presented
their officers with gifts at the
dinner and presented Chap­
ter with a lovely wall clock for
the new dining hall. The new
dining hall was used for the
first time although it is tot
quite completed. Amalia
Pratt was in charge of the
Browns To
Hold Reception
Mr. and Mrs. Glen A.
Brown of rural Nyssa wish to
invite all of their friends and
neighbors to attend an open
house reception at their home
on Sunday, June 19, from 2 to
5 p.m.
The celebration will be for
two special occasions in the
Brown family, the recent
marriage of their daughter.
Glenda, to Jerome Colman,
and the Brown's fortieth
wedding anniversary. All are
welcome. They request, 'no
gifts please'.
I would like to thank my
family for all the help they
gave me, John and Travis
during my recent surgery. I
would also like to thank all
my friends for the flowers,
cards, and phone calls. They
were greatly appreciated.
Thank you all,
Alicia Shell
Men's Dress Pants
>: Ladies' Blouses
$ JL97
Good Size Range
Values to *ir
From Our Own Stock
Values to *18"
Assorted Patterns - Colors Regular Stock
fjj Polyester Material
B y Blankets
tiered cake decorated with
June Mary Harden of
pink roses and topped with a
Nyssa became the bride of
miniature bride and groom in
Dana Lee Pinkston of Nyssa,
a love seat graced the
Wednesday. March 23, 1977,
reception table. The cake was
at the Park Avenue Baptist
made by Cheryl Buker.
Church in Nyssa. The 7:30
Cutting and serving cake
p.m. ceremony was per­
was Cheryl Buker. Mila
formed by the Rev. Dale
Harden, sister-in-law of the
Mitchell, pastor of the
church, in the ptKence of
hride poured the punch. Nita
approximately 90 guests. The
Cardoza, sister of the bride
church was decorated with a
served salad. Monica Galle­
white cross on which a spray
gos was in charge of the
of pink roses had been
guest book.
placed, and bouquets of pink
The bride attended Lake­
roses and white daisies.
view High School in Oregon
Soloist Barbara Haney
and was graduated from
sang "Evergreen" and ac­
Nyssa High School in 1976.
companied herself on the
Her husband who attended
Parma High School is pre­
Parents of the bride are
sently serving his country in
Mary Harden. Nyssa and
the U.S. Army. He finished
Leonard Harden, Nevada.
advanced training in Georgia
The groom's parents are
and is stationed in Fairbanks,
Millie Pinkston of Nyssa and
Social Scene
Jerry Pinkston of New Ply­
For going away, the bride
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. mouth.
wore a black corduroy pant
Flanary of Portland were
The bride was given in
weekend houseguests of their marriage by her brother Lane
The newlyweds will make
cousins Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Harden. She wore a white
their first home in Fairbanks.
floor-length gown flocked
with pink roses and white
Among those attending the
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sager of daisies. The gown was
wedding were grandparents
Mount Vernon. Washington
fashioned with a high neck­ of the groom, Mr. and Mrs.
spent several days this week
line and the long sleeves
Bruce Pinkston of Parma.
visiting relatives and friends
were edged with a ruffle. Her
in the area.
chapel length double-tiered
veil was carried by her
• • •
nieces. Amy Blair and Angie
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Blair. She carried a bridal
Sager and Frances Foster
bouquet of pink rosebuds,
ihe ladies of the Eagles
returned from Portland. Wed­ white daisies and cascading
Auxiliary met June 7 at 8
nesday, June 8, after spend­
p.m. at the Eagles Hall.
ing a week with relatives and
Maid of honor was Bridget
Kay Carpenter, president,
friends. The Sagers visited
Gallegos and she wore a
honored Mrs. Lillian Lundy
their son Harlan Sager and
floor-length gown of pink
as the Mother cf the
his family residing in a new
with white daisies. Flower ^forthcoming year.
home near Beaverton. Harlan
girls Amy and Angie Blair
A certificate and cut glass
is employed by the Portland
were gowned in pink floor­
compote from the Auxiliary
General Electric and the
length dresses. Candle ligh­
were presented to Ruth
Trojan Plant. He took them
ter was Leitha Harden, sister) McGinley, past president.
through a tour of the great
of the bride. She wore a floor­
The new President Kay
Trojan Electric Plant on
length gown of cream color.
Carpenter, appointed her
Sunday. Saturday they at­
Serving as best man for his
committees for the coming
tended the 50th Wedding
brother was Jay Pinkston.
year. Bertha Mangin was
Anniversary of the Floyd
Ushering thp guests were
elected into the Auxiliary.
Lomaxes, former residents of
Norman Pinkston and Randy
The Auxiliary would ap­
Nyssa now residing in Mc­
Pinkston, brothers of the
preciate having all ritual
Minnville. The Sagers also
books turned in, as they are
spent time with their daugh­
For her daughter's wed­
needed for the new officers
ter Bonnie Sevens while her
ding, Mrs. Harden chose a
The next meeting will be
daughter Holly
had a
floor-length gown of blue
held June 21 at 8 p.m. All
tonsillectomy. Frances pac­
polyester with yellow roses
members are urged to
ked things ready for shipping and daisies. The groom’s
attend, as full support is
to Pakistan. She is presently
mother wore a dress of white
needed if the Auxiliary is to
awaiting her re-entry visa to
and pink nylon knit with pink
function one-hundred per­
resume her duties in Pakistan
roses and daisies.
under the United Pentecostal
A reception followed in the
Refreshments were served
church social hall. A three-
by Kay Carpenter.
• • •
Wilson's Sidewalk Sale
Good Selection
Table and Rack Full of Bargains!
ï,Ur CM«
Men's Famous Name Brand
Velveteen Oxfords
Work-Casual Pants „
Slight Ins - Sizes 28 to 42
Balance of Stock
Prewashed Denim Pants $g97
Swim Trunks
Famous Name Sizes 28 to 36
Pink and White Theme of
Harden —Pinkston Rites
Tube Sock
Short Ends
Latkes' Sires 5 to 10
Washable American Made
Mrs. Arleta Johnson and
children of Ogden, Utah
visited her grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright
Becky Carroll was a guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fujishin
and Mr. and Mrs. Barry
Fujishin in Ridgeview Sun­
Mrs. Winifred Bennett
visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Wood at Marsing Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hamp­
ton of Newberg. Oregon
visited her niece, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Witty and Carl
Thursday night and Friday.
Sunday the Wittys were
guests of the Hamptons for
dinner at the Charolais Cafe
in Ontario. Later they went to
the Lawrence McCracken
home near Ontario to see the
pictures of the McCracken^
recent trip to Bolivia and
Mrs. Winifred Bennett
visited her sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Dotson and Mrs.
Dyre Roberts and Mary
Carroll were guests of Mrs.
Agnes McClure in Boise
Scott Allsop left Tuesday to
spend the summer with his
father Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Allsop in Fairbanks. Alaska.
Drango Tough Boot Sizes
Regulor *22"While They Lost
Coats and Clarks
Metal Zippers
7" up to 22"
Floral Zipper
Regular *6”
BRACKEN’S Dept Store
Lansing Buttons
Dry Goods — Shoes — Clothing
207 Main Street
Kitchen Towel
Irregular Terry Cloth
Close Out
Phono 372-3040