« > 4-Hers Earn Awards A year of project work culminated Thursday night for some county 4-H'ers who were participating in the annual 4 H Spring Fair at the Ontc.io High School. Awards for the efforts formed a large part of the evening program which included a style revue. The leaders for the 4-H Clubs of Nyssa and Adrian were Laura Ure. Jane Ballou. Eddie Thiel. Arlene Hendrick Debbie Stephen and Jackie Sisson; and for Adrian, they were Fredia Fujikawa. Patty Pollard and Jill Nelson. Nyssa and Adrian winners ere: , Foods I - Plate of 4 cookies Exhibitor Ribboos: Sandi Nelson. Angela Peck. Kandi Dennett and Shelly hill, all of Adrian; Dezra Bone and Kristi Bullard of Nyssa. Foods II • Quick bread using soda or baking powder: Blue Ribboos: Gail Lassi ter. Nyssa; Debbie Sisson. Nyssa. State Fair Winner; Deanna Robbins. Nyssa. State Fair Winner; Sonya Richesin. Nyssa. State Fair Winner. Red Ribbons: Cherie Sis son. Nvssa. Leanna Robbins. Nyssa; Sherrv Sims, Nyssa; Cheryl Hansen. Nyssa; Kim Folkman. Nyssa. Foods Hl - Cake Blue Ribbons: Ronda Hen drick, Nyssa; Sandra Sisson, Nyssa State Fair; Tina Drydale. Nyssa State Fair; Connie Thiel. Nyssa: Denise Blanch. Nyssa State Fair; Red Ribbons: Renate Han sen. Nyssa; Brenda Sims. Nyssa. Foods IV - International Food: White Ribbon: Mike Thiel Foods V . Yeast Product Blue Ribbons: Joy Ballou, Nvssa State Fair Red Ribbon: Chris Hend rick. Nyssa. Clothing * Garment or Ar ticle. Exhibitor Ribbons: Sandi Nelson. Angela Peck. Kandi Dennett. Shelly Hill and Kim Pollard all of Adrian. Clothing II • Garment Blue Ribbons: Sonya Ri chie. Sherry Sims. Debbie Sisson. Red Ribbons: Cheri Sis son. Leanna Robbins. De anna Robbins. Kim Folkman. all of Nyssa. It Clothing III - Gi Blue Ribbons: Ronda Hen- Page Fourteen Nyssa Gate City Journal. Nyssa. Oregon Thursday, June 16, 1977 drick. Nyssa. Sandra Sisson. Nyssa; Tina Drydale, Nyssa; Tonya Drydale. Nyssa and Brenda Sims. Nyssa; Kenna Fujikawa. Adrian and Mela nie Webb of Adrian Clothing IV • Garment Ex hibit Clothing IV - Garment Ex hlblt Blue Ribbonst Kaylene Robbins, Nyssa and Joy Bal lou of Nyssa. Red Ribbons: Tina Hop kins. Nyssa. Clothing V - Garment Ex hibit Blue Ribbons: Alice Hori. Karen Fujikawa. Adrian and Debbie Fujikawa. Adrian State Fair Clothing VI • Garment Ex hlblt Red Ribbons • Chris Hen drick. Nyssa Clothing VII • Garment Exhibit Blue Ribbon: Tamera Wig gins. Adrian Clothing Skills ■ Junior | Contest | Blue Ribbons: Julie Sil- lonis. Adrian. Sherry Sims. Nyssa; Kim Folkman. Nyssa. Sandra Sisson. Debbie Sisson Leanna Robbins. Cherie Sis son all of Nyssa Red Ribbons: Kim Pollard. Adrian; Tina Drydale. Sonya Richesin. Ronda Hendrick. Deanna Robbins, all Nyssa; Sandi Nelson and Angela Peck. Adrian Favorite Foods: (Contest] Blue Ribbon: Sandi Nelson Adrian Red Ribbons: Kim Pollard and Angela Peck. Adrian Outdoor Cookery • (Coo lest | Red Ribbons: Sandi Nelson Shelly Hill and Angela Peck, Adrian. inter. Baking Powder Con test Blue Ribbons: Chris Hen drick and Tonya Drydale. Nyssa Red Ribbon: Brenda Sims, Nyssa Intermediate Clothing Skills | Contest | Blue Ribbons: Chris Hen drick. Nyssa and Tonya Dry dale. Nyssa White Ribbon: Brenda Sims, Nyssa Outstanding Junior Foods Records • Sandra Sisson of Nyssa. Swim Team Blue Ribbons: Debbie Sis son. Vonda Glenn and Kristi Bullard of Nyssa; Sandi Nelson. Adrian; Connie Thiel Nyssa; Angela Peck. Adrian, ronda Hendrick. Nyssa. Che- ie Sisson. Sandra Sisson. Tonya Drydale, and Tina Dry dale ail of Nyssa. Red Ribbons: Brenda Sims Nvssa and Chris Hendrick of Nyssa. Old Time Skills Contest Blue Ribbons: Angela Peck Adrian Red Ribbons: Brenda Sims Nyssa White Ribbonst Sherry- Sims. Nyssa Better Breadfasts Contest Blue Ribbons: Sandi Nel son and Angela Peck. Adrian Kandi Denmett and Shelly- Hill. Adrian-Most Outstand ing Award Intermediate Salad or Sand wich Contest Red Ribbon: Chris Hend rick. Nyssa. Junior Style Review- Blue Ribbons: Angie Sil- lonis, Adrian. Karla Smith. Adrian; Sonia Richesin. and Tina Drydale. Nyssa; Andrea Wenke. Adrian; Debra Sis son. Nyssa; Sandi Nelson. Adrian; Shelly Hill. Adrian; Angela Peck. Adrian; Leanna Robbins. Nvssa Deanna Rob bins, Nvssa and Sonia Riche sin. Nyssa. Red Ribbons: Kim Pollard. Adrian; Julie Sillonis. Adrian Shelene Stephenson. Adrian; Sandra Sisson. Nyssa; Rho nda Hendrick. Nyssa; Sherry Sims, Cherie Sisson. Kim Folkman. all of Nyssa. Intermediate & Senior Style Review Blue Ribbons: Kenna Fuji- kawa. Adrian - State; Alice Hori. Adrian; Melanine Webb. Adrian; Karen Fuji- kawa. Adrian -State; Debbie Fujikawa. Adrian-State: Ta mera Wiggins. Adrian Red Ribbons: Chris Hend rick. Nyssa; Kaylene Robbins Nyssa; Joy Ballou. Nyssa White Ribbon: Brenda Sims. Nyssa Knitting Style Revue Blue Ribbon: Joy Ballou. Nyssa. Junior Table Setting Con test Blue Ribbons: Kim pollard Julie Sillonis. Angie Sillonis. Shelene Stephenson. Karla Smith, all Adrian; Ronda Hendrick. Sherry Sims. Che rie Sisson. Debbie Sisson. Sandra Sisson. Leanna Rob- Results I he Ny ssa Sw im Team competed in a relay meet June 9 at Payette, Other teams competing were On tario. Payette. Vale. Weiser. Due to the lack of members on the Nyssa team this year, there is just one relay team. It is made up of girls from 1112 years of age. They are Denise Blanch. Julie Mat thews, Leslie Jessop, and Julie Sarazin. They took a third place in the back stroke and free style and a fourth in the breast stroke and medley relay. bins. Deanna Robbins. Dezra Bones. Vonda Glenn. Mike Thiel. Connie Thiel, Denise Blanche, and Kristi Bullard all of Nyssa and Kandi Denmett. Arian. Red Ribbons: Shelly Hill. Adrian; Sonia Richesin. Ny ssa. Tina Drydale. Kim Folkman. Cheryl Hansen, all Nyssa. Junior Snappy Snacks Con test Blue Ribbonst Deanna Robbins. Nyssa. Cheryl Han sen. Sandra Sisson. Ronda Hendrick. Cherie Sisson, Debbie Sisson. Vonda Glenn. Mike Thiel. Connie Thiel all Nyssa; Sandi Nelson and Angela Peck both Adrian Red Ribbons: Leanna Rob bins. Nyssa. Tina Drydale. Kim Folman. Sherry Sims. Nvssa. White Ribbon: Julie Sil- lonis. Adrian Measuring Contest Blue Ribbons: Dezra Bone. Vonda Glenn. Connie Thiel. Mike Thiel. Denise Blanch. Cristi Bullard. Deanna Rob bins. Leanna Robbins. Cherie Sisson. Sherry Sims. Debbie Sisson. Sonya Richesin. Tina Drydale. Sandra Sisson. Che ryl Hansen. Kim Folkman. all Nyssa. Record Book Blue Ribbons: Sandra Sis son. Debbie Sisson. Cherie Sisson. Sherry Sims. Sonya Richesin. Ronda Hendrick. Chris Hendrick. Tonya Dry dale. Brenda Sims, all Nvssa Shelly Hill, and Karidi > • Denmett. Adrian Red Ribbons: Deanna Rob bins. Nyssa. Leanna Robbins and Tina Drydale. Nyssa. Welcome to the 31st Annual Nyssa Nite riK'vIU. W M BBi: 1 THESE NYSSA TRACKSTERS recently competed in the Optimist Track Meet held in Ontario. Those competing ranged in ages one year old to fifteen. The highlight of the meet was the two-year olds 50-yard dash. Nvssa winners were, front row. left. Steve Talbot. Craig Collins. Brent Allen. Amy Anderson. Bo Savage. Ronnie Talbot. Christy Collins. Middle row, left. Jennifer Savage. Nanette Talbot, Scott Talbot. Ryan Messick. Steve Messick, Scott Anderson. Dean Zamora. Mandy Savage and Kim Hiatt. Third row. left. Patsy Estrada. Chris Mejia. Gary South. SEVEN BIG EVENTS ★ BAREBACK RIDING Adult Youth League Turkey Outs Odd Couples Eight Balls Cracker Jacks Antelope “4" Pin Pushers Powerhouse "4" The Barclays Young & Restless New Comers High scores rolled last week by the Adults were: Kathy Bass 508; Archie Bar clay 513; Hi games last week by Adults were: Steve Ander son 202; Barbara Garner 199; Youth scores are: Joey Garner, 188/449; Steve Apa- daca 427; Tami Barclay 176. Hi Adult scores this week were rolled by: Joe Garner 203z544; Sharon Boston 202/ 526. Youth games are: Daren Orozco 236/593; Joey Garner 141/507 and Bob Bass 191. High team series and games by. Turkey Outs with a 897/2576. Young Daren showed all of us up with his fantastic bowling. He rolled a 176-237- 180 totaling a 593. So close to that goal of 600. Maybe next week Darin. Nice bowling! * BULL RIDING ★ CALF ROPING Every year thousands of American anglers cross the border to pursue their sport in the beautiful lakes and streams of Canada. One lure has been the record fish hooked by fishermen in Canada They include a 92- pound Chinook salmon reeled out of the Skeena River in British Columbis, a 65-pound trout from Great B<-ar Lake in the Northwest Territory, a 1,120-pound bluefin tuna from North Lake on Prince Edward Island Appliance Repair Adrion, Oregon 97901 Wednesdai Mixed Cleaver-Sarazin Holcomb-Moffis Galloway-Boston Jenkins-Lanyon Bennett-Van Dewater Flying Dutchmen Eckhart-Chester VanderOord-Brendle High team game and srries: Flying Dutchmen. 825/2309. Galloway Boston. 804/2292; Jenkins Lanyon. 811; VanderOord-Brendle. 2268. High men's game and series: H. Jenkins. 221; D. Sarazin. 208/581; A. Gallo way. 208/585; D. Sarazin A R. Moffis. 202; H. Brendle. 594. High Women’s game and series: J. Brendle. 180; S. Boston. 176/478; C. Cleaver. 176; M. Jenkins. 175; S. Ross. 477; J. Moffis. 475. A BULLDOGGING A TEAM ROPING SPECIAL EVENTS Ranier Sky Divers Steer Stopping (Loral Entries Only) Parade Saturday Nite - 7 P./W The Nvssa Junior High School recently named the outstanding girl and boy in the sports participation pro gram in the seventh and eighth grade. They are: ADULTS *2.75 STOCK PRODUCER - / CHILDREN CHILDREN 6-12 *1.25 UNDER 6-FREE lA/ilMFN WORK OVERSEAS!! Australia — Europe — Japan The South Pacific — Far East South America — Central America OVER 100 COUNTRIES ALL OCCUPATIONS] - skdiod - unskWod - U.S. Government — Private Corporations and Organ: uMooe. I Construction — Engineering — Sales — Transpor tation — Teaching — OH Rolinmq — Medical — Accounting - Manufacturing - Secretarial - Air craft, etc., etc., $800 00 to $5,000.00 per month. In most jobs overseas you will receive FREE TRANSPORTATION. HIGHER SALARIES and WAGES. TRAVEL PAY. GENEROUS VACATION and BONUS. FREE MEDICAL CARE FREE MEALS and HOUSING, more ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES. NO U S INCOME TAX under the Government For eign Resident Rulo (civil service excluded) To allow anyone the opportunity Io explore overseas employment we have published a complete sot of OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT GUIOES Our OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT GUIOES contain the following infor mation,.. •List of CURRENT OVERSEAS JOB OPPORTUNITIES with a special section on overseas construction pro tects. executive positions and teaching opportunities. •How. Where and Whom to apply tor the |ob of your chocs OVERSEAS* •FIRMS and ORGANIZATIONS employing all types of Personnel in nearly every part ol the Free World •Firm and organizations engaged in OVERSEAS CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS. MANUFACTURING, MINING. OIL REFINING. ENGINEERING SALES, SERVICES, TEACHING, SECRETARIAL AIR- CRAFT, ETC ! •COMPANIES and GOVERNMENT AGFNCIES em ploying personnel in nearly every occupation from the unskilled laborer to the college trained professional* 11 1 Brontosauras 8 4 Rolling Stones 7 5 Mighty Mammoths 7 5 Rocking Reptiles 7 5 10 Pin Vultures 5 7 Rock Crushers 5 3 Volcano Erupters 3 9 Dinosaurs 3 5 The Fossils game 1 and High team scries: Rolling Stones. 673/ 687/ 1995; Brontosauras 1885; Mighty Mammoths. 657/1904 Mens high game and series: Joe Garner. 220/622; Brian Ooten. 227/601; John Stam. 225/575. Women's high game and series: Donna Glenn. 231/ 681; Teena Emerson. 218/ 566; Linda Hedges. 208/500. GIRLS Volley Ball Nth Rachael Rodrigue/ 7th Kim Jackson Basketball Nth Terri Morrison 7th • Kim Jackson T rack Nth Cathy Scuell 7th Lisa Allen Best All Around Ayde Mosqueda •How and Where to apply for OVERSEAS GOVERN MENT JOBS! •Employment on U S CHANT MARINES"! 7th • Lisa Allen •List of U S DEFENSE CONTRACTORS with oper ations OVERSEAS THAT EMPLOY Americans! Pittz Harris •Information about TEMPORARY and SUMMER JOBS OVERSEAS! Needs Mejia Wrestllng Mth • Charlcs Main 7th • Chris Mejia I rack 8th - Mark Needs 7th - Kenny Moore Best All Around hth Mark Needs 7th Rick Harris WOMBAT HODAKA MOTORCYCLES Farts and Accessories Simpson Enterprises, Inc /II Park Ave. Nyssa, Oregon 372-3444 Government ships * MER •Directory ol US Businesses operating in AUSTRALIA that employ Americans. BOYS Football 8th - Mark 7th • Ricky Basketball 8th • Mark 7th • Chris 23-4tC Bring Result»! No Tap League ROAD TOAD ADMISSION Call 372-3085 Junior High Names Outstanding Athletes ★ BARREL RACING A SADDLE BRONC Another track event is planned on the Ontario High School Field, June 18 at 9 a.m. All young people are urged to compete and a bus will be taken. For further information contact Dennis Savage at 372-3602 or 372-2264. All adults are invited to ride to the meet on the bus. and How many American» go fishing for »port’’ More al) the time. In 1975, the number of fishing license» sold was 34.679,807. • • • AT 8:00 P. M. BOTH NIGHTS Lisa Sarazin, Mike DeRock, Everet Hiatt. Carol Zamora. Randy Hiatt and Tracy Burbank. Adults attending the meet were John Messick, Dennis Savage. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Collins and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Talbot. L. and J. Refrigeration FACTS & FANCIES Friday & Saturday, June 17 & 118 f •Plus several EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FORMS that you may send directly to the COMPANIES or ORGANIZATIONS that interest you the most* I I 0 0 B e 0 0 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 0 e e B e o o o o o o o B • o e 0 • I e MAIL OUR OROER FORM TODAY!! The Job You Want May Be Waitmq For You Riqht Now* ORDER FORM MAIL TO Overseas Employment Guidas 1727 SCOTT ROAD BURBANK. CA SUITE C 91504 I am enclosing $10 00 cash, check or money order Please send me your complete set of OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT GUIDES immediately NAME ADDRESS CITY 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE II you STS diilifitliod «ilh our Ovoriasi tmploymsnl Guidai for iny ration limply raturn our Ouidoi Io ua within JO dayi and your S10 00 will bo rolundod to you immodialoly M0 OUtStlONS ASKED