Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Thursday, June 16, 1977 Page Eleven GENTRY FORD'S 25th 1077 MA VIRICI DEMO flnnivcRSflRV »*.«* Ini sale ’3995 1977 MERCURY COUGAR XR-7 V B AT PS PO. AC AM FM __ * •« «to tetotto to MS IF m »Ml3 ’6795 sale 1977 F ISO 4x4 RANGER V I. IT H «V M® IM, M. M. M . mu Xi'i.n ’6795 sale 1977 RANCHERO GT IT tTHHMM®««M sale '6495 sale m ’5795 1077 PINTO sau ’3445 mt *3945 1977 PINTO 3 DOOR RUNABOUT mu 1977 MUSTANG II GHIA w u — ii 00-. W-W • ef . • yi. PO. ee 0 n toU . to BlM«vM3>9 June 13 thru 18 -1 Big Week c. I* .A. ««ft .««I m A. M »II WITH ve. Al. PI. PO. AC. AM PM M»1991 «toyl toy. tal. «tato. to. BB 1977 marks Keith Gentry's 25th year as a Ford, Lincoln* sale ’5545 »4095 1977 PINTO SQUIRE WAGON Mercury Dealer in this area; And we're celebrating wH outstanding buys in every department of our dealership 1977 GRANADA GHIA V«. AI. fl. M. m A. «■ ® m MP® MM. Afi n. mb miss «• «fe.VI. M. «I. H. M. «MIMA., OT •»* UT. H**. OT> 'UH U.MT.O**'’, SALE’6195 Choose from a large selection of new and 1977 GRANADA GHIA « • . a®. V I. »1. H. »• * ■«». fi». «.•.»!» sale ’6095 1977THUNDERBIRÒ If77 MAVERICK LIMITED EDITION « * . t®.. ewt. *«. H. «. m ®. ®. ® m . ® »M. mu • - A commercial cars at greatly reduced prices. h/V yz vvvwv^ \/vv v \N n •». “■ sau ’6795 »4395______ 1477 LTD LANDAU .v-o.Af.Pi.PO.AC. °®Aoí&^ tí®®* ÍMclw^ Äa "• ^7*** ........’*•*995 1 »7595 " *295 to »6045 ........ a?2À?” s5 ***995 »644-1 ■ ........... ........... ^5995t ^ ^^^■ ***495 Office Great Selection of used cars pickups (including a number Executive cars-oll with low miles & in good condition 1976 GRANADA 1976 Mercury Meitfego 1973 BUICK ELECTRA sis....................... »4795 SX*i-S.................. »4795 ii-* to. Ml ISA 1T7S LTDMOUGNAM iSIAii“- !«74 LINCOLN MAM IV «•.A V« AT - «4,95 1975 ELITE J i ' m ’ SATflK to. M 1ST* eeeeeeeeeeee 9 ^9 dto 1976 MUSTANG II T dr JWy 4 ryt •t PS IOBA« eeeeeeeeeeee ’3795 1973 LTD nn ’tc a ." to Bl 2904. eeeeeeeeeeee *7495 du-w < «to 1969 LTD 40 . tto . V I AT. PS P0. ~dbe to MR HA. • SALES ’795 1976 PINTO WAGON ?Z................................ »3195 ............... Reduced ’7295 197S LINCOLN MARK IV rxT.............. Reduced ’8495 1973 CONTINENTAL S*l«u ... Reduced ’3595 1977 MERCURT MONTEREY SSii........................ ’1495 197SCHEV. MALIBU WAGON eeeeeeeeeeee *3295 dr X r «to IV/4 PLTMOUTN SPORT FURY III It A T I A. ................. 2395 V m ' n ’ ah 1961 F-100 » « A» « tota« toty mde Bei to B 1B7B. ......................... 1973 VW BUG 1974 F-250 4x4 •«fl.. •A to B 97A« eeeeeeee üiÄT $2295 It BO 134« eeeeeeeeeeee ’5395 V® < 1975 F l 00 4x4 ....... M595 NIMM, .«i ’5395 .........................’2995 « a * Ï i VÂ ch Ê v . CHÉ t ÉÑÑ e SUPREME ziS?:?......... ’3995 :s»t...................... »4195 I«13 CHtV. MONTI ano 1970 F-100 1973 CHEVROLET II 11» V B. Af. to B ABA.............................. S H. MA» V I. AT n m . ma . im . A.W. • HH». V I AT PS ST..........................’2995 •sit’1395 Ontario, Oregon to biota . ’ ^X 4295 w + .................... 1969 INTERNATIONAL v ».« a to b hib * •••••••••• >11 gc ■ ■ < « to Z. a * a m ..•••••• 1895 1973 JEEP COMMANDO 4i4 ’3395 vo^GENTRY FORD SALES, INC. 1802 S.W. 4th Avenue ■ ■ W «to 1974 GMC’/j TON 4x4 Mi toe. Bed, VB. AT. PI. ............... ’2695 ’4495 *1195 1972 INTERNATIONAL 1973 CHEVROLET 1974 F-2S0 4x4 V B At PS PR red» to^utdetot to B ...................................... I960 GMC Al. tato Sto. to r» TB90. eeeeeeeeee 1074 CHEVROLET 96 TON 4x4 1975 F-100 4x4 V 0 AT PI PB reOe to B HU ’1295 ....................... ’3295 FREE REFRESHMENTS Over $20000 in Door Prizes Drawings will be Saturday, June 18 at 4:00 p.m.— You need not be present to win.