Page Four Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa. Oregon Honor Society Initiates 16 and boy* called on Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Scripture in Parma Sunday afternoon. Pat Bond of Vale was a Sunday evening caller at the Looney home. • • • Cherry Lee Steinke spent Saturday afternoon with her grandmother. Mrs. Verda Steinke. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram returned last week from a ten-day trip to South Dakota where they visited his mother. Mrs. Frank Bertram and his brothers and sisters and their families. Mrs. Virgie Rookstool. Mrs. Hazel Pounds and Mrs. Blanche Weeks attended the Home Fair at TVCC on Sunday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beam visited for one week at the home of his sister, Mrs. Hazel Pounds. They were enroute to their home in La Pine, Oregon. Mrs. Pounds recently returned from Phoe nix, Arizona where she visited her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norman. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sappe and his mother, Mrs. Do rothy Sappe went to the John Day High School rodeo Sunday. Dirk Sappe won first place in the bareback riding division and was awarded $82 and a silver and gold belt buckle. He also entered the bull riding competition. Others from Nyssa in the bareback riding and bull competition were Kevin Clea ver. Calvin Cleaver and Brett Turner. Eddie Kincade rode in the bareback division Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Turner also attended the rodeo on Sunday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Lee Read, Mrs. Pauline Cheney and daughter, Joanette and her fiance, Raymond Cox all of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Moncur of Burley and Miss Connie Moncur of Paul. Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilden of Vale visited recently in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moncur and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sant. They were here to attend the Farewell Testi monial for Curtis Moncur before he left for his LDS Mission to England. • • • Mrs. A. H. Keck visited Saturday and enjoyed dinner with her daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Goff • • • Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Taylor of Memphis, Tennessee were Monday afternoon and over night guests of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann. The Gann's daughter. Mrs. Pauline Rit chie of Little Valley called at the Gann home Monday afternoon and was an eve ning dinner guest. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers enjoyed a belated Mother’s Day dinner Tuesday evening at the home of their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farmer and children in Kuna. Mr. and Mrs. Byers were Sunday dinner guests of another daughter and son-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. Elven Day and Teena in Caldwell. • • • Houseguests from Monday until Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Riggs were longtime friends. Mr. and Mrs. Narvel Rawlins of Rigby. Idaho. • • • Emblem Club Activities Emblem Club 192 initiated three new members to their organization Monday, May 9. Past President Ruby Pfost initiated the new members who are Alfreds Mosso, Vi Baker, and Sonja L. Dicks. Correspondence was read by Norma Furguson and Pearl Mason reported that the Press book and the book on Americanism would be ready for National Conven tion and that she would have them on display at our next meeting. The date of May 21 was set for the rummage sale. The Elks asked for girls who had can-can dresses to wear them and take part in their Wild Wild West show which will be later this month. The State district meeting of Emblem Clubs will be held in Cottage Grove. A board meeting is to be held Thursday. May 12. at 8 p.m. The meeting was adjour ned by Marshall Arlene Uhlman. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brown just returned home after visiting in Bend. They stayed with their grandchildren. Mark and Jeff Rieb, while Chuck and Martha Rieb went on a Caribbean Cruise to visit Puerto Plata Dominican Re public. San Juan Puerto Rico and St. Thomas U. S. Virgin Island. They cruised on the "Song of Norway.” Norway. ‘ BRIDGE ACTIVITIES Since 1882 • Simplified design for ease of installation and service. • Readily available standardized field replaceable parts. Distribution Canters Alexandria, Minnesota (612) 763-3158 Garden City, Kansas (316) 275-5971 Kearney, Nebraska (308) 234-1914 Lubbock, Texas (806) 797-3401 Memphis, Tennessee (901) 278-3800 Paaco, Wethington (509) 545-9546 Twin Falla, Idaho (208) 733-3284 Layne & Bowler, Inc. Memphis, Tenn. A MARLEY* CO. LBN-1 The Friday Afternoon Bridge Club was enter tained at the home of Mrs. Mary Sallee last week. Mrs. Irene Maulding was a guest. Winners were Marlene Mi chaels. Marion Danford and Mrs. Maulding. • • • Mr*. Bob Wilson hosted the Tuesday Evening Bridge Club last week. A "Grandma Shower” was held for grand mothers, Mrs. Carol Hoff and guest. Mrs. Marlene Michael in honor of their new grandson born to Katrina and Greg Michael. The gifts were brought unwrapped and then wrapped and readied to send to the new arrival. Bridge winners were Mrs. Michael and Mrs. Judy Martin. • • • The Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club met at the home of Mrs. Bob Wilson last week. Mrs. Marion Danford and Mrs. Barbara Sarazin were guests. Winning honors went to Mrs. Helen Stunz and Mrs. Dorothy Moore. • • » The Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper. High honors went to Mrs. Ethel Mary Rhodes and Mrs. R. G. l arson was second high Members symbol for the National Honor Society. He was followed by Bill Tensen. president who read a short story entitled The Touch of a Master’* Hand. Further readings were made by Kathy Cottrell, vice presi dent. and Norene Savage, secretary. Senior honor society members are, seated (l-r) Kathy Cottrell. Sally Looney. Ellen Moore. Standing - Matt Stringer, Norene Savage, Dustin Kassman. Not pictured is Bill Tensen. Couple to Celebrate 50th Anniversary ttä Starving Stitcher* The Starving Stitchers 4-H Club meeting was called to order on May S, by Sandi Nelson, president. Angela brought punch, Charla bro ught cookies. We finished sewing our ties. Our next meeting will be May 12. Angela Peck, reporter The Silly Sewer* The Silly Sewers 4-H Club met at the home of our assistant leader. Mrs. Sam Pollard, Jr., where we made chocolate pudding. We all enjoyed it very much. Also we talked about what we were going to do for the Spring Fair. Julie Sillonis and Shelene Stephenson brought refresh ments. Last Saturday, the 7th, we had a baked food sale a* a community project. Thank* to all who supported u*. Angie Sillonis. reporter Cookies and punch were provided by the senior members of the honor society for refreshment after the ceremony. New members provided the food and treated the senior members at the annual honor society barbecue May 15 at the residence of Jim Wilson. Happy Dozen Haw Dinner The Happy Dozen Card Club had a dinner Friday at the home of Mrs. Anna Long in Adrian Mr*. Mary Hatt was guest player. The six low player* had a dinner for the six high players. AND MRS. BOYCE |Alida| Van DeWaier are celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary with a reception and open house given In their honor Sunday. May 29 in the reception hail of the Roswell Baptist Church from 2-5 p.m. Friends and neighbors are invited to help the couple celebrate their special day. The reception u being hosted by their children, Bill of Adrian; Mr*. Richard (Loretta) Reed of Boise and Mr*. Larry (Lorraine) Bauman of Nyssa. The couple request no gilts please.' wumc m MM up ? V 4L» " ÜJ -------PUBLIC HBAPIN6------ NEW HONOR SOCIETY members are. front row (l-r) Gail Cleaver. Emily Wiley. Michelle Sadamori. Debbie Simantel. Donna Oldemeyer. Juanita Soliz. Barbara Haney. Former Nyssa Girl Chosen Friday, May 27, 10 a.m. Malheur County Library, Ontario Back row (l-r) Jim Wilson, Lori Ferrenburg, Jeff Hipp, Virginia Eiguezabal. Tim Mecham. Ann Jimenez. Ed Tensen, Cyd Morrison. Polly ana Club Women Meet a r « J flower exchange and a Mother's Day homemade gift exchange. The afternoon was spent visiting. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Mary Radford, with Mrs. Marge Ervin as co-hostess. Bring a sample of some kind of food and the recipe. Idaho Power Co. has asked the Oregon Public Utility Commissioner to approve an emergency 25 per cent rate increase until he can decide whether to authorize a full 30 per cent Increase -- in cluding 18.5 per cent for residential and 51 per cent for irrigation customers. The Pollyanna Club met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Linda Conant in King- man Kolony. Mrs. Elsie Gehrke was co-hostess. Mrs. Elsie Gehrke, presi dent opened the meeting. PUC toll-free phone 1-800-452-9105 Journal Classifieds Mrs. Linda Conant gave the secretary and treasurer’s Bring Results! reports. The ladies had •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Evan Tobler of Anchorage. Alaska, is visiting this week at the home of his mother, Mrs. Verna Tobler. • • • David H. Barry of Brigh ton Sussex, England', is visiting at the home ot his aunt, Mrs. Nora Graham. He arrived last week and will continue his visit through the end of May. • • • New in the new choir room, was attended by the senior honor society members, the new members and their parents. Adviser for the Nyssa chapter. Mr. Clyde Swisher, began the service by explain- ing the different parts of the New officers for the 1977-78 term are Jim Wilson, president; Ed Tensen. vice president; and Barbara Haney, secretary. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beck and daughters. Jennifer and Lisa, of Salt Lake City were weekend houseguests at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Beck. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner entertained the Mr. and Mrs. Bridge Club at their home Saturday evening. Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stunz. Winners were Fred Guthrie and Mrs. Miner. « • • by Layne & Bowler Forming what may be the largest group to date, sixteen juniors and seniors were initiated into the Nyssa chapter of the National Honor Society in a ceremony May 9. The traditional candlelight ceremony, which took place Thursday, May 19, Ì977 Bracken's Mystery Specials JULIE GYLLENSKOG, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gyllenskog former Nys sa residents, has been chosen by the Mosier Unit of the American Legion Auxiliary at The Dalles. Oregon as an alternate to attend Girls State June 12 to 17 at Willamette University. Girls staters live as self governing citizens during the week and take an active part in the government program. Julie is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Savage of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Gyllenskog of Nyssa. She is the great-granddaugh ter of Mr and Mrs. Damon Savage of rural Nyssa. LADIES' Polyester REBEKAHS MEET Yellow Rose Rebekah Lo dge met May 10 at the IOOF Hall with Rose Toombs noble grand presiding. Seventeen members answered roll call. Members were reminded of the work night May 12 and also to be getting items ready for the fall bazaar. The next meeting will be May 24. at the IOOF Hall Hostesses were Wilma Ostrom and I ouise Wcrnick. KNIT TOPS $269 Large Selection Material " to Stylos and Colors $499 Sizes S-M-L 60 " Wide - Shortends Adrian Women Hold Meet The Womens Association of the Adrian Community Presbyterian Church met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Helen Bishop of Apple Valley. Mrs. Thelma Borge of Reedsport was a guest. Mrs. Edna DeHaven had charge of the business meeting in the absence of the president and vice president. Mrs. Goldie Roberts gave the secretary's report and Mrs. Edna DeHaven had the Treasurer's report. There were 13 ladies present. Plans were made for the Youth Bible Study starting June 6 and running for two weeks. The ladies are asked to bring cookies. Discussion was made about purchasing a clock for the church social room. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Lillian Fahren- bruch. Mrs. Tina Schiemer will be co-hostess. ? TH UR-FRI- SAT Permanent Press ON SALE THUR- FRI- SAT PRINT MATERIAL SATURDAY ONLY Regular *1 BLANKET PROMOTION Regular *8” to *9** 51 Z7 I Yd- THURS-FRI- SAT ON SALE SAT. ONLY WHILE THEY LAST ON SALE THUR- FRI- SAT • ONE TABLE • ASSORTED ONE GROUP FANCY S TOWELS • Both Regular to ’1” • Hand Regular to 99* nr • Wash Regular to 59* O / 27e 50% Polyester . 50% Cotton 50% Polyester - 50% Rayon SATURDAY ONLY LADIES' Our Mystery TABLE JUMP SUITS Assorted WILL BE UNCOVERED AT 10:30 Styles and SATURDAY MORNING ALL KINDS OF ASSORTED THUR - FRI- SAT Colors Not AH Sizes MERCHANDISE BRACKEN'S Department Store 207 Main Street Phone 372-3040 NYSSA . . . OREGON Dry Good» — Shoes — Clothing off THUR FRI SAT Free Parking - Front - Side or Rear • *