We can be a big help to small business. * For years we’ve been hearing U. S. Bank described as the bank for big business. And while we un­ derstand how our size may give that impression, it’s a definition that’s only partly right your plans. And you’ll find they get out of their offices and into your stores and offices. Because when you apply for a loan at one of our branches, the manager you talk to is the one who makes a decision on your application. We want to know you well enough to make the right decisions for you, as well as for us. And to make them quickly. Our managers can help you put together the right kind of financing, short or long-term. That’s because we put them through spe­ cial training classes in evaluating small busi­ nesses. And so we can understand—and help— you even more, we employ ten full-time ag­ ricultural reps and special appraisers for forestry and equipment We know how impor­ tant it is to have someone at your bank who under­ stands you. But it doesn’t do you much good for a bank to understand you if it can’t help you. We’ll help you manage better. Oregon’s giant of green. Yes. We lend more money than any other financial institution in Oregon. Over half of that money, in one way or another, goes to as­ sist Oregon businesses. And over half of those businesses employ fewer than 50 people. We can provide what a small business needs most—money. With real estate mortgage loans and capital goods financing, for leasing or purchase of equipment. We can even assist in arranging equity financing for growth and expansion. For starters, we can put you in the classroom. U.S. Bank offers small business seminars throughout the state, teaching small business owners and managers about professional management techniques, about trust arrangements, even crime prevention. And we’re always working on new courses. In working so much with busi­ nesses, big and small around the State of Oregon, we’ve devel­ oped a number of special com­ mercial programs to aid in the handling of financial affairs. Sys­ tems like business savings ac­ counts with automatic telephone Were smaller than we look. We may look like a big bank on the outside, but on the inside we’re 152 small busi­ nesses. With local managers who know the business of businesses in their area. They can talk to you in­ telligently about iness payrolls. You just tell us each transfer. You can shift money be­ employee’s salary and deductions tween this and other U.S. ac­ and we’ll issue the checks. We’ll counts without leaving your of­ even deposit checks directly in an fice, while getting maximum use employee’s personal account at of your funds. Of course, U.S. any bank which is a member, with also offers management of pen­ sion plans, profit sharing, IRA and us, of the Oregon Automated Clearing House Association. Keogh accounts for Oregon residents. We developed Busi­ ness II checking ac­ counts especially for small business. So firms that don’t write a lot of checks don’t have to spend a lot on service charges. And our Money Minder is the an­ swer to small business needs for budget control and record keeping, From dairies to diners, we finance equipment. providing a monthly re­ port of income and expenses by A big bank has a category. You can ask at any deep commitment. branch about setting up these Businesses throughout Oregon, services for your business. from small farms to very large cor­ New porations, count on U.S. Bank. versions of some First timers and old pros. The old standards. people who run cafes and restau­ Naturally, U.S. Bank offers the rants, hairdressers, home furnish­ standard banking services any bus­ ings stores, auto wreckers and iness would expect—like checking. clothing chains. Our commitment Like the option of opening ac­ goes beyond any city or region counts at individual branches, or, and extends to the economic for statewide opera­ health of the state in tions, forwarding de­ general. posits from branches Business people to a central account. come to us because There are night de­ of our services. And positories and safe because of our deposit boxes at most service. of our branches, and If you’re thinking since we have more of going into busi­ branches than any­ ness, or if you’re new one else, that’s more to the business convenient for you. world, the first thing we ’d recommend is Some big that you visit your advantages over local Small Business smaller banks. Administration of­ U.S. Bank’s other special ser­ fice. There you’ll find hundreds of vices include estate planning, free publications on everything through our Trust Group. Or the from display lighting to budgeting, services of our International Divi­ including the extremely helpful sion for import and export SBA “Checklist for Going Into knowledge and credit ar­ Business.” rangements abroad. The second thing we’d recom­ Working with our Invest­ mend is that you come see us. ment Division, our mana­ It pays to know gers can arrange certifi­ ’I cates of deposit or other investments in a program tailored to your needs. These are the kinds of things small banks usually can’t offer, but many small businesses need. There’s more. Like our automated Easy Pay ser­ vice, designed to take the headache out of small bus­ Member ED I C. LJS BAN K We're rooted in small towns all over Oregon