Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1977)
Thursday, May 12, 1977____ __ Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon _ Craig Boles Memorial Pistol Shoot Held The 1st Annual Craig Boles Memorial Police Pistol Shoot was held Saturday. April 23 * at the Pistol Range. Thirty shooters competed from On tario. Nyssa, Vale and Canyon County Sheriffs Of fice. Proceeds from this yearly event will go to a scholarship fund at T.V.C.C. for a deserving law enforcement student. The Traveling Trophy was won by Canyon County's" A” Team with a total score of 1.727. Members being: De puty Warren. 584; Childers. 566; Huffer. 577. Other scores are as follows 2nd Place • Ontario City Police. Team I - Ptl. Chilson 538; Ptl. Kerfoot, 588; Ptl. Judd. 527, Total - 1.623. 3rd Place • Nyssa Police Department. Team 1: Chief Allen. 483; Sr. Ptl. Cooper, 549; Ptl. Buchtel. 494. Total - 1,526. 4th Place • Oregon State Police: Trooper Schmeer, 449; Trooper Dalton. 541; Senior Trooper Burrows. 532. Total ■ 1.522. Sth Place - Canyon Cou nty, Team 2: Deputy Smith. 464; Deputy Hines, 483; Deputy Field. 503. Total ■ 1.450. 6th Place • Vale City Po lice: Sgt. Shaw, 531; Ptl. Keller. 365; R.O. Grigg. 527. Total - 1.423. 7th Place • Nyssa Citv Paul Presidetils Elect Officer* Police - Team "2" Sgt. Rios 411; Sr. Ptl. Cooper, 449; K O. Hiatt. 483. Total 1.345. 8th Place • Ontario Police Team "2": Sgt. Chiara, 494; Ptl. Jacobson, 410; Cpt. Lawson. 435. Total • 1,339 9th Place - Malheur Cou nty District Attorney's Office Mr. DeKalb. 390; Deputy Cemga, 498; Mr. Chatfield, 296 Total - 1,184. 10th Place • Ontario Po lice Department, Women: Ms. Stepp, 424; Ms. Park- lyn, 250; Ms. Schmeer, 445. Total i.119 Utah Daughter* Hold Meeting The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers met Monday at the home of Gladys Feik with Leone Christensen as co hostess. The business meeting was conducted by Iona Flinders, captain of the Gate City Camp. The ladies voted to enter a float in the Nyssa Night Rodeo Parade this summer. A committee was assigned to do this project. Emma Kesler read the history of one of her pioneer ancestors. The lesson, "In teresting Pioneer Markers." was given by Beth Woodard. Special guests were Afton Green of Caldwell and Alyce Williams of Nyssa. Guaranteed Wheel Balance For the Lifetime of the ire $495 While on the Original Wheel Per Wheel Mike Matthews Tire Get Ferm Journal » popular idea book ... COUNTRYSIDE LIVING It’• four» at thia apodal low price with the compliment! ot the Merchant» llated below. Hare's just a sample of the 160 pages of Ideas and features in store for you: • Crafts and Patterns • Family Good Times • Your Community • Slaif a Home Business • Home Decorating • Gardening • Country Music • 30 Inspirational Practical and Family Fun Articles Fully Indexed with more than 100 entries horn Aichery to Denim to Ouiltmg to Taxidermy ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY—HERE'S HOW: Simply clip out this coupon and take it to any one of the mer chants listed below to be validated Then mail the coupon with two dollars to F arm Journal That s all there is to it1 Your book will be sent post-paid r i JOURNAL i FARM COUNTNYSlOC LIVINO OSFT MP i 230 W WASHINGTON SOUARF i PHILAOf IPHIA PA 1SIOS i Yr» tend mo COUNTRYSIDE LIVINC* (Nil Thi» crrtihcate ha» been i OK <1 by etna nf the mifhrwi/cd merchnnt» My two dollar» ara enclosed i i NA MC i i ADDRESS i i ROST OFFICE state zip ____ i MP CL77 i MAIL THIS COUPON (VALIDATED) WITH |? TO I ARM JOURNAL PH II A PA 19105 i TO GET COUNTRYSIDE LIVING FOR ONLY S2 HAVE YOUR COUPON VALIDATED TODAY BY ANY OF THESE BUSINESS PEOPLE: floo* for th» bright red emblem on their doors or windows) Nyssa, Oregon Ideal Gas, Inc. Simplot Soil Builders Stout Appliance & Furniture Nyssa Co-op Supply Farmers Feed & Seed Newhouse Chevrolet, Inc Gate City Journal Parma, Idaho The Idaho First National Bank First Security of Idaho Palmer's Equipment Co. Willow Creek' I I I I I I I I I I NEW SERVICE TRUCK To better serve our customers we now have self contained pumping unit to handle all types of tractor tires I,? h Schwab S hvm : “If We Can’t Guarantee Them, We Won’t Sell Them!” FRONT TRACTOR TIRE SPECIALS (3 Rib Tread - Maxi Track) By Lavon Carrier WILLOWCREEK - Early Saturday morning, 30 stu dent* of the 7th and 8th grades at Willowcreek school left on their year-long plan ned trip to Canada. They had raised $2000 by doing various money-raising event* to make the possible trip. Mike Eddy and Dorothy Miner will be driving the bus. Others accompanying the group are Dan Weeks. Carolyn Fulk. Ruth DeLong and Debbie DeLong. During the eight- day trip, the students will be staying in schools and at a Catholic church in Vancouver British Columbia. Their des tination on Saturday was to go to Olympia. Washington and to see the state capitol. On Sunday, they will go by ferry from Port Angeles to Victoria. While there they will visit the provincial parliament, wax museum. Empress Hotel, tour the provincial museum and the Hudson Bay Company, also Craigdarrok Castle. Thunder bird Park, the totem poles and the beach. On Wednes day, the group will be in Vancouver, where they will see the planetarium and a show, and a concert. They will begin their homeward trip on Friday, with stops in Seattle. Portland, Salem and Bend, before returning home Saturday evening. The Pioneer Club ladies held a potluck dinner at Helen Durrall's home on May 5, with 13 members attend ing. A discussion was held concerning the bazaar and sale, that they will have this fall. The next meeting will be held at Mary Strodes home. Sunday dinner guests of the Sam Stumps were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chastain. Bill Smith recently spent a week as a patient in the Veteran's Hospital in Boise. May 4, he was flown to the Veteran's Hospital in Port land where he is waiting to undergo heart surgery. Mrs. Smith flew to Portland on Sunday to be with Bill. Cards can be sent to him at the Veteran's Hospital. S.W. Sam Jackson. P.K. Road. Section 25 C, Room 312. Portland. Oregon. 97207. FOR ONLY • Great Food Ideas and Recipes The Past Presidents of the Legion Auxiliary held a luncheon meeting, May 2 at the East Side Cafe in Ontario. Election of officers was held with the following persons elected: Mrs. Otis Smith, president and Mrs. Nora Graham, secretary-trea surer. The ladies will be sending 152 paper flowers they have made this year to the Veteran's Hospital so they may be used in the Wheel Chair Parade in Portland. The veterans decorate their wheel chairs with the colorful flowers and hold their annual parade each summer. Page Seven 600x16 6-Ply Prie. Tax ‘29” .98 »33IO t]M 650x16 6-Ply ‘36’» ‘1“ Size 600x16 4-Pty 750x16 8-Ply ’46“ *1“ 7SL15 6-Ply »38“ »1 47 951 15 6-Ply *49“ *2” MULTI-RIB IMPLEMENT TIRES For Use On Wagons, Trailers, Hay Balers and Combines 111.15 8-Ply »41» *1*’ 12SL15 10-Pty »57” »2" 750x16 8-Ply »37» »1» Most Sizes of Tractor Tires Available in Stock RADIALS New Seiberling GP | Sii» Prie. Tax ER78X14 *43” *2*’ FR78X14 *45'* *2” HR78x14 *49” »2“ GR78x15 »47” *2” HR78x15 *49” *2» GR78x14 »47” »2*’ LR78X15 »52” *3“ Polyester Body Plies 2 sae. ----- . Warranty ^Fiberglass Belts HIGHWAY RECAPS Size Price Tax 178x14 *19” .42 The Harmon Potters and the Ralph Snows went to Boise on Thursday, to see Dale and Eva Frank, who are recuperating from an acci dent that they had been in the week before. The school gym was filled with mothers, grandmothers and friends, who attended the annual Mothers Tea. Wednesday afternoon Pre lude music was played by the piano students. Darcy Arriola Bobbie Ashby. Connie De Long, Kelleen DeLong. Laura DeLong. Arne Ferguson. David Ferguson. Rocky Fer guson. Jill Hammerle. Sher rie Nichols, Lisa Perkins. Ron Schaffeld and Shanna Wig gins. The fifth and sixth graders presented the flag, and then sang "Star Span gled Banner." "I Write the Songs" and "Country Roads." The Willowettes did a baton twirling routine r.nd Sherri Nichols did a solo baton act. Kelleen DeLong and Lisa Perkins did a tap dance. The first and second grade students sang "America.'' "I've Been Working On the Railroad." "Oh Susannah." and "Shortnin' Bread." A skit about the Aristocats was presented by the third and fourth graders. The seventh and eighth graders sang "Oh Canada." "Welcome to My World." "Love Song" and "Promises." Several of the seventh grade boys panto- mined the CB Radio song. Saxaphone music was presented bv the Ferguson brothers. All of the eighth grade mothers were presen ted with a corsage bv their v’ lent 750x16 6-Ply *42” *1“ G78X15 *20“ .50 F78X14 »I»4’ .43 H78x15 »22» .52 G78xl4 »20** .46 BATTERIES 3 Yr. Warranty Group 24 4 Yr. Warranty Group 24 5 Yr. Warranty Group 24 L78X15 »24» .54 E» 33.03 tie. 36.67 ... 43.92 1 FREE INSTALLATION Battery or replacement installed tree during store hours within a five mile radius of the servicing store. 2 FREE SERVICE CHECK Battery checked any time upon your request. Call For Quotes on Other Sizes NEW COMMERCIAL TIRES 3. FREE BATTERY CHARGE Battery charged free during warranty period MOHAWK ULTRA MILER 700x15 6-Ply »33” *29” lx. Tax »2M 750x16 8-Ply *47“ M250 Ex. Tax »3“ Exchange Price with Like Siie Cat CLYDE McCLUNG, Nyssa Mgr. - 204 N. Main - 372 2297 3 Ways to Charge: ILES SCHWAB fi HOME OF THE SUDDEN SERVICE . BOYS 8ANKAMERICAR0 //*//■//', ft. BOISE— 6017 Fairview ONTARIO 532 E. Idcho Ph. 889-9651 VALE 225 Main St. Ph. 473-3935 WEISER 402 E. 1st. Ph. 549-2534 Phone 376-5124 NAMPA 133 Caldwell Bhd. Ph. 467-2127 L.S. Easy Credit Plan