W.W. I Barracks Auxiliary # 352 ♦ • ♦ Eighteen members were present at the potluck dinner of World War 1 barracks #352, and Auxiliary Jessie Scott does a beautiful job as Kitchen Chairman. The rolls she bakes and serves are wonderful. In the absence of President Mabel Thompson. Mary Gla­ ves presided at the auxiliary meeting until the newly elected officers were in­ stalled. Eulalia Curl, past presi­ dent. officiated at the instal­ lation of Birdie Vaughan, president; Grace White, Sr. vice president; Edna Beck- dolt. Jr. vice president: Mary K. Glaves, treasurer; Nona Dettenger. guard; Ann Coppie. secretary; Virginia Sandy, patriotic instructor; Carrie Moos, banner bearer. Absent were Mabel Thomp­ son, three year trustee; Elva Palmer, conductress; Jean Maughn. flag bearer. Appointed chairmen were: Virginia Sandy. V.A.V.S.; Ann Coppie, community ser­ vice; Mary K. Glaves, mem­ bership and Good of the Order; Jessie Scott, kitchen; Gladys Moore, publicity and legislative. Outgoing Commander. Joe Maughn was absent. Stanley Dittenger was installed as commander of the barracks; Fred Burgess, senior vice commander; Walter Lester, junior vice commander; Vir­ gil Glaves, adjutant and quarter master; Lester Scott, sergeant of arms; Bob Watson has been chosen for District Commander. Virginia Sandy was ho­ nored recently with a lovely plaque presented to her by D.A.V. Commander, Walter Mundt, for 4,062 hours of hospital service. Goldie Uptegraft and Ru­ by Franklin are on the sick list. Joe Maughn is re-cu- perating from knee surgery. A letter was read to the Auxiliary from the Walla Walla Veterans Hospital, thanking them for the lovely lap robes. Thirty robes were made and divided among four Veteran's Hospitals. Four apron bonnets were on display to be taken with two more to the district meeting Wednesday. April 20 at Pendleton. Starving Stitchers The Starving Stitchers 4-H Club meeting on April 14 was called to order by Sandi Nelson, president, brought cookies and Emily brought the punch. We finished cutting out our patterns for our tunics. Our next meeting will be April 21. Angela Peck, reporter Nu Acres 4-H Club The Nu Acres 4-H Club meeting was called to order by Bob Jones with Pam Jones reading the minutes. Roll call topic was "How many tickets do you think you can sell?” Demonstrations were gi­ ven by David F. - Parts of a beef calf: Kelly Trupp - How to make butter; Marline B. - Pigs: Robby Bondons - Dairy parts; Randy Weaver - Trimming sheep feet; Vince Talbot - Hogs; Kent Weaver - How to feed bummer lambs; Bill Talbot - Hog pens; Pam Jones • Pigs. Shelley Boston. Bill Talbot. Kent Weaver, Bob Jones, Scott Nichols, Dick Merrii, Randy Connors and Todd Anderson will give demon­ strations at the next meeting as a contest for first, second and third place. Bill Talbot received his 5-year pin and Vince Talbot received his 4-year pin. Laymond Sheffield is going to make show ring for the fair. The Amalgamated Su­ gar Company donated the pipe for this. (Thanks to the Sugar Factory) The next meeting will be May 6 at Mr. and Mrs. Nichols. The 4-H 6th annual dinner will be held at the Nu Acres Community Hall on April 30 from 5 p.m. to 9 Tickets will be sold at the door. Please join us. Thank .you. Shelley Boston, reporter Starving Stitchers The Starving Stitchers 4-H Club was called to order by Sandi Nelson, president. Angela Peck brought cookies and Emily brought punch. Wc sewed on the sewing machine. The next meeting will be April 28. Angela Peck, reporter Thursday, April 28, 1977 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Page Four Adrian Girl Selected As DAR Good Citizen SOCIAL EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tews of Notus were Saturday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Clapp. The two ladies are longtime friends and went to school together. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Glea Billings of San Diego. California were Nyssa visitors last week. Mrs. Billings called on Mrs. Bernard Eastman Wednes­ day afternoon. The Billings' were former Nyssa residents. • • • Easter Day visitors in the Wilton Jackson home were their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Mike Becker and family of Sumner, Washington. They were en­ route to their home from a trip to Disneyland. • • • Mrs. Merle Johnson was a Sunday caller at the home of her daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sweaney in Caldwell. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Don Savage were Saturday evening din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pettyjohn and family in Huntington. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Lester Oden were houseguests from Wed nesday until Saturday at the home of their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell in Pilot Rock. They helped the Mitchell's pour concrete for their new home. Upon their return to Nyssa on Saturday they attended the wedding of Jerry Robbins and Carmen Astoreca at the United Methodist Church that eve­ ning. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barnes have returned from Mexico City where they attended the Prudential Insurance Com­ pany’s Top Producers Con­ ference. They enjoyed the bull fights and many histori­ cal sights which included the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon. • • • Sunday dinner guests and visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Elwood Flinders were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stoker of Mesa. Washington. • • • The Son Shiners sang at the Church of the Brethern in Nampa Sunday Evening. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dail. • • a Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Jackson attended a California Liquified Gas meeting in Lake Tahoe last weekend. While they were there, they were joined by their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dagenhart of Newark, California. The Dagenharts returned to California on Saturday. • • • Mrs. Frank Byers joined her daughter, Mrs. Jim Farmer in Kuna Friday and they went shopping in Boise. On Saturday, Mrs. Byers attended the Missionary Wo­ men's luncheon at the Owyhee Community Church, a a a Mr. and Mrs. Frell Blair returned home Sunday fol­ lowing a two weeks trip. They spent one week at the home of their son and daughter- in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Blair and family in Littleton, Colorado and spent another week sightseeing in Arizona. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towne were houseguests of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan and family in Rupert last week from Monday until Wednesday. Enroute they visited her sister, Mrs. Nellie Redford in Hammett. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sanders of the Owyhee Dam celebrated their 36th wed­ ding anniversary Sunday at their home in the company of their daughters and sons-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bennett and family of Parma and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van der Oord and boys of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ste­ were Friday luncheon guests phenson were also afternoon of their daughter and son-in- callers. law, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Manning in Kuna. The MERRY^WIDOVVs" occasion was Mrs. Man­ ning's birthday. The tradi­ tional birthday cake was The Merry Widows were served. entertained Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Keller at the home of Mrs. Verna of Anaconda, Montana were Tobler. They enjoyed the houseguests of his sister and usual potluck dinner with husband. Mr. and Mrs. cards in play later in the Riggs from Saturday until evening. Tuesday of this week. Report of Hospital PINOCHLE PARTIES A pinochle party will be held Saturday, April 30 at the 1OOF Hall at 7:30 p.m. All those interested in playing are cordially invited to attend. • • • The Wednesday Afternoon Pinochle Club traveled to Vale last week where they were entertained at the home of Mrs. Peg McLay. Merle Johnson took high honors and Wilma Ostrom was low. Traveling went to Hazel Pounds and Hazel Smith. HAPPY BIRTHDAY April 29 - Dorothy Corn April 30 - Consuelo Ga­ lindo. Jodi Esplin, Rebecca Lopez. May 1 - Herlinda Rosales, Frank Rodriguez, Sharon Fowler May 2 • • Dennis Urry, Neta Mae Wiley, Gordon Ballou May 4 - Bob Holmes, Sr., Tauni Bones. May 5 • Monica Gallegos Nyssa Trail Busters Nyssa Trail Busters met Monday. April 25, at the Rodeo Grounds to prepare for the Vale Horse Show, April 30. Marie Teague held class for Trail. Sherrie Cowgill held class for Western Equitation. Eddy Thiel held class for Showmanship. Connie Thiel, reporter Spoons & Spools On April 19, we met at Mrs. Robert E. Thiel’s home and went over to Albertsons in Ontario. We went through the bakery and saw all the equipment they make do­ nuts, cookies and cakes. They use big freezers and big ovens, they use big bowls. And after that we bought some doughnuts and cookies. Mike Thiel, reporter Auxiliary Activities The Malheur Memorial Hospital Auxiliary met April 25 with Gladys Newbill, president presiding. The minutes were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was given by Marie Wilson. The Auxiliary voted to sponsor an auction on June 25 at Malheur Memorial Hospital which will include obsolete equipment and va­ rious articles, including the old ambulance. The new ambulance is expected to be displayed for viewing on that date. Further news of the auction will be printed later. The amplifiers and plug­ ins for every room have been completed. This will enable each patient to use their televisions separately. Also the chairs have been re­ upholstered and are very attractive. There will be a Mother’s Day party at the Nursing Home, May 6. A dance will be held Friday, April 29 at the Nursing home from 7-9 p.m. Carl and Sylvia Roth will provide the music. Friends and relatives of the residents are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served. (if **" HW'""MX Mt BRIDGE ACTIVITIES Mrs. R. G. Larson enter­ tained the ladies of the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge Club at her home last week. Guests were Mrs. Loretta Cundall. Mrs. Virginia Bra­ ndt and Mrs. Joyce Lien- kaemper. Winners were Mrs. Irene Maulding and Mrs. Mabel Sallee. • • Clara Fujikawa, of Adrian High School and the Malheur DAR Capters Good Citizen of the Year, won a second place rating in the Oregon State DAR Good Citizen contest. The announcement was made at a special awards luncheon held at Corvallis during the Oregon State Conference of the DAR. Each contestant received a certificate of award and a Good Citizen pin from the DAR chapter they repre­ sented. They were also given an expense-paid trip to the conference by the in district. The national DAR Good Citizen winner will receive several awards and honors including a Si.000 scholar­ ship to the college of the recipients choice. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR guardian. Bob Holmes, past associate guardian and asso­ ciate guardian pro-tern of Bethel No. 33; Della Holmes, past guardian; Myrtle Sasser and Louise Wernick of Bethel No. 33. Golden Rule Chapter # 131 met April 18 with Beatrice Grossnickle. worthy matron presiding. . Escorted and introduced were: Amalia Pratt, blood bank committee member; Myrtle Sasser, grand repre­ sentative to Utah in Oregon. George Cartwright, worthy patron presided for the good of the order. Gladys Newbill. Foy Sasser, Lois Cartwright and Louise Wernick reported on the visit to La Grande. Amalia Pratt reported on Friendship Night at Star Chapter No. 69 in Ontario on April 14. Foy Sasser reported on the progress of the building. Beatrice Gross­ nickle reported on her visit to Bethel No. 33. Birthdays honored were Mira Atherton and Pat Marcum. Special honor to those with birthdays from January thru June were: Bob Holmes. Foy Sasser, Pat Marcum Mira Atherton. My­ rtle Sasser, Cleta deBoer. Gi Gi Smith and Ida Miner. The next meeting will be May 2 with a dinner honoring Job’s Daughters and De- Molay at 6:30 p.m. Election of officers will also be held at this meeting. Hostesses were Myrtle and Foy Sasser, Dottie and Phil Webb. JOB'S DAUGHTERS ACTIVITIES Bethel No. 33 International Order of Job's Daughters met April 21 at the Masonic Hall. This was a special meeting for the visitation of Grand Marshall Ailecn Hof­ fer of Clackamas. Oregon. The meeting was preceded by a potluck dinner. The meeting opened at 7:30 p.m. with Barbara Holmes, honored queen pre­ siding. Escorted and introduced were Lynn Campbell, past honored queen of Bethel No. 56 of Auburn. Washington; Sharon Barnes, past honored queen of Bethel No. 33. Nyssa: Glenda Barnes, past princess of Bethel No. 33: Jackie Chadwick grand re­ presentative to Alberta. Ca­ nada in Oregon: Vera Webb. Bethel No. 33 will serve a turkey dinner for the public May I from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tickets are adults. $2.50 and children ages 6-12. SI.25. Kelly Mills reported on her visit to Parma Bethel No. 27 and Terri Carpenter on her visit to Bethel No. 25 of Ontario. The May II meeting will honor Mothers. Jobie of the meeting was Lisa Kuhlman. Ea^lea Honor Auxiliary The Eagles Aerie No. 2134 honored their Auxiliary mem­ bers with an appreciation dinner Tuesday. April 19. Following the dinner the Auxiliary held their regular business meeting. Initiation was held with four new members being accepted. They were. Viola Cary. Paula Cleaver, Bea Hawkins and Betty Rieb. The next regular meeting of the Auxiliary will be Tuesday. May 3 at 8 p.m. Election of officers and delegates to the State Con­ vention will be held. There will be a dance at the Malheur Memorial Nursing Home Friday, April 29, for all the residents, their families and their friends. The public is invited to attend. Music will be by Carl and Sylvia Roth with dancing from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Eagle* Hold Region Meeting The Fraternal Order of Eagles, Region 4 met in Pendleton, April 22, 23, and 24. Nyssa Auxiliary No. 2134 officers attending were Ruth McGinley, president; Kay Carpenter, vice-president; Ruth Collins, secretary; Fem Klein, trustee; and Frances Laurance, outside guard. MR. AND MRS. JESUS (Adelita) Lopez observed their 43rd wedding anniversary, Wednesday, April*20, 1977 at a dinner in their honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Dudley. They were married April 20, 1934 in the Roman Catholic Church in Los Saenz. Texas. The have four sons: Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Lopez, Mr. and Mrs. Noe Lopez and Raul Lopez all of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Eden Lopez of San Jose, California. They have eight grandchildren. They attended a judges clinic, Friday, ritual compe­ tition on Saturday and a business meeting on Sunday. Ruth Collins served as ritual co-chairman for the meeting. Reception Honors Dr. and Mrs. Stewart Christian Council To Meet The Christian Business and Professional Women's Council will meet May 3 at 7 p.m. at the Charolais Res­ taurant in Ontario. The theme of the regular meeting will be “Mother May 1?” This will also be guest night so bnng your mother, daughter, neighbor or friend. A prize will be given for the most first timers brought. A special feature will be the appearance of Tonya Halbert, who is the Snake River Stampede Queen. Tracy Helzer, a 13-year-o)d vocalist, from Ontario will provide the music. The speaker will be Mary Clark who is a national represen­ tative. For reservations, call 642- 4676. Happy Anniversary April 29 • Mr. and Mrs. Larry Larsson. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morrison Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Stewart were honored at a reception on Tuesday. March 29. 1977 at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Wilson. The couple was married at Lake Tahoe on March 12, 1977. The new Mrs. Stewart is the former Stephanie Wilson. She is a graduate of Nyssa High School, and did her pre nursing at the University of Oregon, where she was affiliated with the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority. She received her BS degree and RN from the University of Oregon Nursing School. She is presently working as a Registered Nurse in the Intensive Care Unit of the Kaiser Hospital at Walnut Creek, California. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stewart of Corvallis, Oregon. He graduated from Corvallis High School snd received a BS degree in pre-medicine from Oregon State University. He was affiliated with the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. He graduated from the Univer­ sity of Oregon Medical School and did his medicine internship at the Long Beach Veteran's Administration Hospital. He is presently finishing a two-year Medical Residency at the Martinez Veteran's Administration Hospital. In July, he will start a two-year fellowship in Rheumatology and Allergy at the Sacramento Medical Cen­ ter. Assisting at the reception were Mesdames Robert Wil­ son. aunt of the bride; Vivian Jones, the bride’s god­ mother; Roy Hirai, Lyle Miner. Kenneth Danford and Kay Carpenter. At the guest table was Alice Hysell, cousin of the bride, and taking care of the gifts. Terri Carpenter. The floral decora- tioons were arranged by Mrs. Adam Focht. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stewart of Corvallis, Oregon, parents of the bride Start with a sound structure Lincoln s house in Springfield. Illinois was the only home Abraham Lincon ever owned. Nevertheless, he equated the strength of the home with the strength of the government when he declared "A house divided against itself cannot stand.” From here, Lincoln emerged from local politics to be counted among the most memorable of presidents. In 1844, this house coat Lincoln Sl.SOO-a year s earnings. Still, it was considered a good buy—only five years old, with a 50 x 152 foot kx, cistern, well, privy. 30 x 13 foot barn. 18 x 20 foot carriage house and many good neighbors. "To this place and the kindness of these people.” he said, "I owe everything. Owning your own home can make a profound difference in your future and your family's. It can mean better jobs...better education... bett er health and recreation facilities. A REALTOR can help you find the best place to live. His Code of Ethics guarantees you the fairest treatment and best advice available. Don't Forget Mother's Day May 8th Wa have..... • Plants • Terrariums • Bouquets • Artificial Arrangements CORSAGES our Speciality • Mrs. Chuck Michael enter­ tained the Friday Afternoon Bridge Club at her home last week. Winners were Mrs. Michael first high and Mrs. David Sarazin, second high. Majority Degree was given for Sharon Barnes. Bethel No. 33 and the Owyhee Chapter of DeMolav were invited to a potluck May 2 at 6:30 p.m. as guests of Golden Rule Chapter 131 OES. Anniversary Observed Dance to be Held at Nursing Home West of City Cal 372-3437 MERLE CUMMINGS REALTY-VALE KINNEY AGENCY-ONTARIO DEALY REALTY-ONTARIO BRADEEN BROS.-ONTARIO VILLAGE REALTY ONTARIO BOB THOMPSON AGENCY-NYSSA PAIT. PARKER REALTY ONTARIO FLYING REALTY A ASSOC.-ONTARIO C.C. A RUTH CUNNINGHAM, REALTORS-VALE FLYING REALTY, INC.-VALE TOM NISHIHARA REALTY-ONTARIO EASTERN OREGON PROPERTIES-ONTARIO JOHN VINCENT REALTY-ONTARIO GEORGE ISERI REALTY-ONTARIO DICK GRIGG REALTY-VALE [