Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1977)
Thursdoy, April 28, 1977 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Page Eleven WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY: LEAF cutter bee board*. Prompt pick-up service. Call 372- 3258 or 372-2386. 15-tfc « DoadKne Wednesday Noon, Phono 372-2233 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE FRESH EGGS. Bring egg cartons, 65c per down. Call 372-2509. 16-tfc 1974, 250-HONDA Elsinore Enduro, 2200 miles, excellent condition Call 372-3064. 17-ltc REPOSSESSION FOR SALE 1976 Zenith Console Stereo with built-in 8 track, make 8 monthly payments of $18.25. also has AMAFM radio, automatic turntable, 4-spea- kcr system in a 40” walnut cabinet with record outlets. Original value $390.00. A great buy at $146.00. Call 889-3161 and ask tor Ma nager. 17-2tp FOR SALE AUTOS 1976 MALIBU, 4-door, 6 cylinder, automatic trans mission. air conditioned, power brakes, power steering radio, in eicellent condition. $4295. Will consider trade. Call 372-3170. 17-tfc I960 FORD PICKUP, good condition with a 292 V8 engine and four speed transmission. Phone 722- 5715 16-2tp SIX DOZEN FRUIT JARS. One set of quilting frames. Mrs. Dale Witt, 372-2183. 17-nc GRANDFATHER CLOCKS!! Just in time for Mother's Day. Call 372-3902. |72tp 1972 FORD PICKUP) 1974 2-door Buick Century, auto matic transmission, power steering, air conditioning. Less than 30,000 miles. Call 372-2127 after 6 p.m. !6-2tc RIDING LAWN MOWER .14 inch cut. 8 h.p. Briggs Stratton motor. 12 V battery. Key start. Nearly New. Phone 372-3505. |72tp 1972 CMC •/> TON PICK- Up, V-8, Automatic Trans mission. Power Steering, Power Brakes. Camper Shell, Only $2595. See at Wilson Buick, Nyaaa. 17-ltc 8-YEAR-O1.D MARE. Good 4-H project. Call 372-3381 and ask for Carolyn. 17 2tp 1972 FORD •/> TON PICK Up. V-8. Automatic Trans- mission. Less than 50,000 miles, $2495,00 Wl ilson Buick Company, Nyaoa. 17-ltc PET HAVEN 311 Main, Nyaaa Specials)Jack Dempsey, $1.59; Black Moors $1.10; Rabbits. $2.25. House Plant» - 59c A up Hourst 10 til 6 mon. thru Sat. Sunday 2 til 5 pm 1974 CMC % TON P1CK- Up, 4 wheel drive, 4-speed Transmission, V-8. Only 43,000 miles, a real good unit for only $4695.00 See this one at Wilson Balch, Nyssa. 17-ltc BRITTANY SPANIEL, fe male. spayed, current shots, good hunter. Call 372-3170. 17-ltc WANTED TO RENT WANT TO RENT OR LEASE with option to buy—large b ous» In Nyssa area with pasture or garden area. Klalr Simpson, 372-3444 er 372- 3905. 17-tfc ELEC. GUITAR Wl. AMP., $90; 3*4 hp. roto tiller with reverse gears. $95; 18” cut lawn mower. $35; oil heater for tent or camper, $10. See at first bouse south of Old Apple Valley School Houae, pink and gray house. Clyde L. Miller. l6-2tc FOR RENT PASTURE Close Io Nyssa. Call Mol Bach, 372-3532. 17-tfc CLOSEOUT SALE ON BIKES All bike ac cessories 50% discount. B A M Equipment Company, 1100 Adrian Boulevard. Nyssa. Phone 372-2239. 15-3tc TWO-BEDROOM COUNTRY home, garden place. Couple preferred. Call 372-2685. 17-ltp TWO BEDROOM HOUSE. $145 per month. Call Fisch er’s Mobile Home Park, 372-5218. 17-ltc 16'/i’ FIBERFOAM BOW rider boat with 85 Mercury Motor. Full top and side curtains. Easy load trailer. Bill Koons. Call 372-3035, after 4 p.m. 15-tfc CONTROL HUNGER A loco weight with New Shape Diet Plan and Hydros Water Pill». Michael’s Pharmacy, 202 Main St., Nyaaa. Phone 372- 3347. 13 8tp SMALL FURNISHED Apart ment, for one only. Inauire at 109 Em bom Avenue, Nyssa, after Sp.m. 7-tfc ' - ■ ' r|un, $unlor Cltlann Apts. In Nysso i 510 S. Sth Nyssa. All have Straaar*k THE BEST DEAL IN TREA- sure Valley on any new Zenith or Quasar TV. It> Stout Appliance’s TV f*ar!t See us at 3rd A Main Street, Nyssa, 372-3196. ’ 8-tfc ONE AND 2/10th ACRES homesite with irrigation rights. Call 674-2082. 17-ltc S-BEDROOM, full-finished basement, work shop, l*/> bath, disposal, carpeting throughout main floor, Cor ning Counter Cook Top, Built-in oven, Double fire place up and fireplace in recreation room, attached double garage. Near park and swimming pool. Can assume low interest loan. 504 North 8th, Nyaaa. Call 372- 3706 before 8 a.m. and after 6 p.m. $42,000. 17-tfc NICE 3—BEDROOM HOME in Nyssa, well insulated, fully carpeted, 2 bathrooms, large living and dining areas, disposal, built-in range, patio and double carport with storage, large yard. Call 372-3644. 15-tfc 20 ACRES overlooking Owy hee River. Beautiful view. Ten acres irrigated from pump in river. Sprinkler system and a domesic well, all for $25,000. Phone 372-2876. 9-tfc Loo's Alternator, CUSTOM SERVICE lAltS AU0 MRVICt WANT TO DO CUSTOM cutting, baling and stacking. Will buy hay standing in field for 1977 crop. Cali Doan Peterson. 372-2541. 16-tfc Wa service units on or off the v»hicl«jnourshujL . FISHER Ifool ■ ■ Delco Batterie» TALBOT BACKHOE SERVICE AN types of backhoe work. Call J72-2469 evenings. Buster Talbot 8-tfc STOVE^ 8 BETTER THAN Ates IN THf BANK! (503)372-3700 101 North Rrst Street Nyssa, Ore IWw »risili sin Pooria for HuuHh Sfora FARM & CROP WORK WANTED X INSURANCE RESPONSIBLE I3*/i-YEAR old girl wants to babysit evenings A weekends in Nyssa area. Experienced and loves children. Call Janice 372-3905 or 372-3444. 15 tfc Our Speciality See Dave or Chuck Waldo Insurance 211 Mah NYSSA Phone 372-5301 help W anted WANTED SOMEONE WITH own lawnmower to mow my lawn for the season. See al 210 Park Avenue or call 372-3167. 16-3tp NEED AUTO INSURANCE? Get low Rates. Fast. ' Fair. Friendly Service. With >.'•****> t HELP WANTED The park with lot» of personal service. All utili ties available. Pure well water, no sulphur or dorine. Street lights. Quiet. Off the highway. Laundry. Large lots priced at $30.00 and up. Veteran's Administration approved. Phone 372-5218. 4-tfc 80 ACRES IN BIG BEND area. Good water, some pasture, rest rowcrop. Call Parma, 722-5015. l6-3tp MISCELLANEOUS RON'S SHELL SERVICE 101 North Main Phone 372 3004 Brake Relining Tune-ups Muffler Instalation Radiator Repairs SERVICES MOTORCYCLES REPAIRED rebuilt. A painted. We buy used bikes running or not, also sell, trade, and sell on consignment. Simpson En terprises, 711 Park Avenue, Nyssa, 372-3444. 17-tfc RENT NEW Rlnse-N-Vac lightweight steam carpet cleaner-made for heavy weight jobs. Gambles Store, Nyssa. Phone 372-3928. 17-ltc SHAKELEE DISTRIBUTORS food supplements, cosmetics, cleaners. Alberta A Roberta Morrow, Phone 372-2845. 3-tfc FIRE EXTINGUISHER SA- les, service and repairs. Delbert Malloy. 713 North 2nd. Street, Nyeea. Phone 372-2943. 8-tfc T Floyd BlonksnboSsr Broker Miks Fisher * Joyce »lonkenboker Assoc Brokers Boy Tarier Solevnon 8*9-3377 Mel BoNontyne Solesmon 372-3212 CHANNEL 6 7:30 • » 9 00 •t K> 10:00 Life Jerry Fahren Jr Almo») Any! Adventure» of (. Animals. Anima Issues A An»we 00 The Swinger 8:30 Phyllis 900 I he Andros Targets „ — Newscenter 2 10:00 10:30 Kotak Morning Headlines Tueaday, May 3 7 00 Who's Who 8 00 MASH 8 30 One Day at a Time 10 00 Netcenter 2 10:30 "Stitch In Crime" Morning Headlines 8 00 "Race With the Devil" 10 00 Newscenter 2 10 30 CBSLate Movie Tbundav, Muy 5 7:00 The Waltons s oo Hawaii " " Ftve-0 c 9 00 2 Barnaby ____2, Jones ------ 1 Newscenter 10:00 “ -------- — 2 ____ 10:30 Kotak Morning Headlines PtidayTalay i ' 00 Mowgli's Brothers 7:30 Duffy 800 Friday Special Movie 10 00 Newscenter 2 10:30 NBA Morning Headlines USA 115 ACRES WITH 3 bedr House • 1 both, 3 bdrm., Nyssa. $140,000. SEE US FOR FURNITURE—STORAGE— small lots or a houseful. Cail 372-5218. 4 tfc RENT NEW PORTABLE Rinse-n-Vac that steam cle ans. rinses amt vacuums carpets padtcssionally clean. Coast to Coast Store, Nyssa. Phone 372-3545. 17-ltc , wsuy i Hudson Brother» Razzle 7 30 Far ~ * Out Space Nut» 8 00 Herald of Truth 8 Ml Day of Discovery 9 00 Oral Roberta 9:30 It 1» Written 10:00 Dwayne Friend 10:30 Face the Nation 11 00 You Asked For It 11 45 NBA Double Header 400 Bonanza SOO Question of the Week 5 30 CBS Weekend New» 6 00 Sixty Minutes 700 The Alamo" J. Wayne 1000 New »center 2 1015 CBS Sunday News 10:30 Nashville Music 11:00 Kroeze Brothers 11:30 ARA’» World of Sport* 1200 Morning Headlines Munday Ibra Friday (K) ( < BS Morning New» 7 ' Wj News 8:00 Double Dare 8 30 The Pnce is Right 9:30 Love of Life 10:00 Young & Rolle»» 10 30 Search for Tomorrow 11 00 A» the World Tum» 12 00 Newscenter 2 12 30 The Guiding Light I 00 All in the Famuy 1 30 Match Game 200 tattletale» 2 30 Mike Douglas Show 4:00 Gilligans Island 7:00 Bugs Bunns 8:00 Tzrzgn 8 30 Batman 9 00 Shazam 10 00 Fat Albert 10:30 Ark Ill 11 00 Childrens Film 12 00 Sy Is ester & Tweets 1 00 The Little Rascals 1 30 Animal World 2:00 Fiahia' Hole 2 30 CBS Sports 4 00 You Asked For It 4 30 CBS Saturday News 5 00 Saturday Nite Cinema 7:00 Mary Tyler Moon 7 30 Bob Newhart Show 8 00 An in the Family 8 30 Alic* 9 00 Carol Burneti 10:00 Newscenter 2 1015 Movietime yfillage REALT 1151 S.W 4th Ave Ontorio 889 3163 CHANNEL 2 Jim Robinson . .. Nvaaa Phone....372-3938 FISCHER’S MOBILE HOME PARK 16-3tc STA-RITE PUMPS SALES A SERVICE WE SERVICE ALL MAKES CALL THE 3—BEDROOM, all carpet, and stove, garage. Co-op Supply 18 N. 2nd......... Nvma Phone 372-2254 or after USED FURNITURE, AN- tiques. and miscellaneous. We buy, sell, trade. We sharpen saws. The Swap Shop, Vale, Oregon, one mBe east of Vale on Hlway 20-26. Pbooe 473-3351. 10-tfc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE GOMEZ UPHOLSTERY------ New location 101 Main Street, Nveaa, Oreg< 97913. Call 372-2983. 45-tfc "Have Stick, WiD Travel" WE REBUILD, weld trocka, trac- tors. machinery. Also consign. Simpson Enter prises, 711 Park ’Avenne, Nyssa. Phone 372-3444.17-tfc IBOJI STR IO»! 41-tfc TV L0G2 6\m„ Phone 372-3387. HUSQVARNA AND MC- Culloch Chain Saws and Weed Eaters. Nyaaa Electric Inc., 101 Good Avenao, phono 372-3151. 16 tfc F rank L awrínck LAND TITLE ESCROW CO 70 S.W. 3rd Ave. Ontario, Oregon QUALIFIED Loan i losing Agent for Dept, of Veteran»' Affair» 9-tfc PHONE 889-6451 O10 IDAHO ST. NVOBA. ostaoN avoia FOUNTAIN of YOUTH WILL GIVE YOUR WHEELS A NEW LOOK! 10% DISCOUNT During Month of May Body Work & Painting Trucks, Tractors, Beds, Autos I WILL DO FIREWOOD splitting at vow house. Call 372-3934. 7-tfnc MIGHTY MAC rear tine Tiller for rent. Cheaper than owning one. Iverson Ma chine and Welding, west side of Parma. Call 722-5503. 14-tfc ELECTROLUX SALES AND Service. Supplies of vacuum cleaners and floor polishers. Harold Potter. Call 549-1745, Weiser, Idaho. Phone 889- 7344 and/or 549.1514. 1-tfc WATER LOCATED Depth Gallons Par Minute Temperature Simpson Enterprises Hard-Soft 711 Park Avenue Nyssa, Oregon REASONABLE RATES 372-3444 Hot, Cold 208-549-2777 ■ |7-4tc Bob Thompson, REALTOR OFFICE—372-3355 HOME—372-3337 [ 218 MAIN STREET, NYSSA, OREGON NEW—3—BEDROOM, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen, family room with fireplace. Or port. Located In new district. Shown by appointment: $40.000.00. NEW: THREE BED- room«, kitchen, living room A dining area. 1-bath. Attached garage $24,500.00. A NICE CLEAN, WELL- located. two-bedroom home, near city psrk. Onlv $17,000. REAL ESTATE 214 North Main, Nyssa. Phone 372-3532 7000 ACRE CATTLE RANCH, plus 7000 acres lease land, 2 homes, good grass area. ONE ACRE BETWEEN ONTARIO and Nyaaa, 2-bcdnHim home, electrically heated, fireplace, beautiful lot. see BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! You pay 10 to 15,000 for Inventory at wholesale price and you're In business. This Is a money maker. • • PROJECT, »mall home, OWYHEE 3« ACRES IN corral», 145,000 •« * e 50 ACRES. GOOD 2—BEDROOM HOME, close to highway, lots of outbulloings, cheap water, $62,500. ONE—HALF—ACRE on highway to Ontario about 11 < miles north of Nyssa. 2.9 ACRES HALF MILE north of Nyaaa on paved road. No Improvement». Good »oil. Good location for one or two mobile homes. EASTMAN Real Estate Insurance Phone 372-3535 315 Main St. Nyaaa, Oregon 8 00 Nova 9 00 Dance in Am 1000 1 don't thu anvmore just now 10:30 Book Beat Thursday May 5 ti 00 BSu Insights 6:30 Mac Neil Report 7:00 Draw and Paint with Don Ruffin ’30 Consumer Line 8:00 Upstairs. Downstairs 9 00 The Playboy of the Western World 11:00 Woman ______ F6* o F’ StaXo* See 6 30 Mac Neil Report 7:00 Rocky Mountain Mix 7 30 News End 8:00 Washington Week in Review 8 30 Wall Street Week 900 Auronskv at Large "Number Our Days" 9 30 ____ 10:00 Woman Alive Saturday, Mas 7 8:00 Lilias 8 30 Victory Garden 9 00 Wall Street Week 9:30 Out N About 10:00 Wash Week in Review 10:30 The Wav It Was 11 00 Onee I'pon a Classic II 30 Previn S the Pittsburgh 5:00 Sis Am Families 6:00 Firing Line 7 00 The Palliserv 8:00 Lowell Thomas 8:30 Ernie Kovacs 9:00 The Forsyte Saga 9:50 "I Remember Mama We have better, BE'1'1 ER DEALS on BETTER, better at Newbouae, New- cars house CHEVROLET. Chev 420 Main Street, rolet Nvaaa. hone 372-2224. 49-tfc Woods Woodpecker Show Kidsworld Grandstand Major League Baseball "A Tattered Web" L. Bria** NBC Saturday Night New» Hee Haw Lawrence Welk Emergency "Maa from Atlantia I!'' »t'reman Weekend