Thursday, March 3, 1977 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Silver Anniversary Observed MB. AND MBS. DON SHARE were honored on their 25th wedding anniversary on Sunday. February 20, 1977 at an open house celebration at the Oregon Trail Hall in Nysaa. Mr. and Mrs. Share were married on February 16, 1952 at Caldwell, Idaho. They lived in the Nysaa area until 1969. They moved to Filer, Idaho and resided there until 1972 when they moved to Buhl, Idaho where they now reside. Hosting the celebration were their five children, Mr. and Mrs. George (Shagay) Jones of Nyssa; Mr. and Mrs. Doug (Kris) Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Ron (Vicki) Wright. Susan Share. Doug Share, Theda Thompson and daughter Athena, all of Buhl, Idaho. The Share's have five granddaughters, which were all present for the occasion. The couple were presented with a personally engraved family Bible by their family. Sorority Women Meet In Adrian Upsilon Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society met Friday evening, February 25 at the Presbyterian Church in Adrian, with 30 members and two guests present. A delicious dessert was served by the Adrian and Nyssa members, with table decorations in the patriotic theme. Door prizes of table bouquet* were won by Bettv Oft and Hazel Landis. The program was brought by the Professional Affairs Committee. Mrs. Laurine Wrenn introduced the guests Mr and Mrs. Bill Murphy. Mr. Murphy of the Agricul­ ture Department of TVCC gave a most interesting talk on Professional improvement and the work of the negotia* tions committee. This was followed by a discussion period. A money making skit was put on by Evelyn Harm of Vale. She was assisted by Oral Laurance. Maude Coo­ per. Mary Frahm, Frances Lewellen and Elva Palmer. This was a clever Marionette show toward which the audience contributed. Several member* brought yarn and magazines for Maude Cooper to use in her work in Vista. Members were urged to consider attending the State Convention to be held in Eugene. April 29-30. Mrs. Arlene Reukauf was appointed to be on the World Fellowship Committee. Muhicale Group« A joint meeting of the Payette Friday Musicale and the Malheur Musicale will be held at 1:30 p.m., Wednes­ day. March 9 at the TVCC Administration Building in the drama department. American Musicale Thea­ tre will be the topic of a program to be presented by Wayne and Eleanor Phillips. Assisting them will be singers, Sally Seiler and Eric McKaig. A social hour will follow. For further information in the Nyssa area, call Mrs. Jane Ballou, 372 2884. Group Meets The AKH Eriension Study group met Thursday after­ noon, February 24 at the Adrian Presbyterian Church social room, with twelve women present. Frances Free!, president, presided at the meeting. Mrs. Vera Webb gave the secretary-treasurer reports. The lesson was "Coping With Inflation,” and was given by Mrs. Nellie Robb. Leaflets were passed out that told "100 Ways to Raise Money." Interested persons may receive a copy at the next meeting. March 25. Plans are underway for the yearly "Homemakers Day” which will be May 5. There will be speakers and a luncheon and visitors are always welcome at these meetings. • ’ order " of EASTERN Happy Birthday Golden Rule Chapter met February 21 with Beatrice Grossnickle, worthy matron presiding. The meeting was preceded by a innder honor­ ing past matrons and past patrons. Escorted and introduced were Amalia Pratt, member of blood bank committee of Oregon; Myrtle Sasser, Grand Representative of Utah in Oregon; Dora Upton cancer research Grand Chap­ ter of Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Brewer were escorted to sign the member­ ship book and are affiliated now with our chapter. Hostesses were Mira and Wilbur Atherton, Dinah and Mancel Bishop. YEAR AT STOUT APPLIANCE 3RD & MAIN A President Lillian Meckem called the February 23 meeting of the Nyssa Senior Citizens to order with the salute to the American Flag in their new meeting place, the American Legion hall. Thirty-eight members and five visitors were present. Following the acceptance of the minutes and the trea­ surer's report the visitors were introduced and wel­ comed. It was reported that member, Inga Buckley was released from the hospital and at home. May Bretz, chairman of the quilting committee reported that Hazel Sewright had donated two quilt tops so the committee will be busy again. Nancy Dunham of the Referral Office announced there will be a bazaar in April and the Nyssa Club is invited to participate. The club desperately needs a piano in the club house and are hoping to get a pool table. They have purchased six new card tables. A report was given on the Valentine party hosted by the Ontario Senior Citizens. Six­ teen from the Nyssa club attended. Merle Johnson reported on the board meeting of the Oregon Council on Aging which she attended in On­ tario last week. They inter­ viewed four persons, seeking one to replace Mike Bergwin. Fred Robinson, director for the Housing Authority in Malheur County, spoke to the group on housing. This talk was most interesting and informative. Wyatt Smith, chaplain, closed the meeting with prayer. Everyone enjoyed the potluck dinner and cards in play during the afternoon. REBEKAHS MEET Yellow Rose Rebekah Lo­ dge met February 22 at the I OOF Hall with Rose Toomb noble grand presiding. All officers were in their chairs. Twenty-one members ans­ wered roil call. Wilma Ostrom was instal­ led as treasurer for the coming year. The Question and Answer meeting will be held March 8. Hostesses were Beulah Gann and Kathleen Wheeler. To Meet Jointly AKH Extension March 3 - Delores Gomez Klyn Cheney. Mike Williams Nancy Larsson, Charles Sims Sr.. Fred Moxom. Max Elgue- zabal, Sr. March 4 • Joel Rodríguez, Norma Burbank, Roy Mos­ queda. Billy Lowrance March 5 - Dianne Cleaver Paxton Kodama, John Greig March 6 • Stan Sisson. Cecil Bair. Derek Frank March 7 • Verne Shell. Rosie Estrada. Craig Froerer, Nell Franklin, Mitzi Sada- mori. Kathy Freeman. March 8 - Sally Rodriguez J. C. Sloan. Brenda Olsen March 9 • Tara Madria SENIOR CITIZEN ACTIVITIES 372-3196 Threads and Breads Tuesday. February 22. we used the sewing machine to sew a diaper. We also finished our pin cusions. One part of our club is now going to 4-Hon Monday. Our group learned the parts of the sewing machine today and then we had a test so we would remember. We had a lot of fun. Nancy Buchtel, reporter FIRE CALLS! Nyssa Firemen were sum­ moned to the Barney DeVille home in rural Cow Hollow Sunday evening where a tree which had caught on fire during a weed burning operation that afternoon had continued to burn. A shed was also destroyed. Thursday, March 3 - Re­ gular Meeting Oregon Trail Grange. Oregon Trail Hall, 8 p.m. American Legion and Au­ xiliary Potluck Dinner in honor of Legion's birthday, American Legion Hall, 7 p.m. Friday, March 4 • Friend­ ship Club. IOOF Hall, 2 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday. Nyssa Methodist Church. South 3rd St. and Emison. 8 p.m. Saturday, March 5 ■ Uni­ ted Methodist Church, Rum­ mage Sale. Church Basement during afternoon. Golden Age Rummage Sale. 113 Green Avenue. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, March 6 - All Star Bowling. Sugar Bowl, 2 p.m. Monday, March 7 ■ Gol­ den Rule Chapter #131 OES Masonic Hall. 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 8 • Yel­ low Rose Rebekah Lodge #202. IOOF Hall. 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 9 - Nyssa Senior Citizens, Le­ gion Hall, 116 Ehrgood Avenue, Potluck, 10:30 a.m. Job's Daughters, Bethel #33. Masonic Hall, 7:30 p.m. 9 I News From Big Bend By Goldie Roberta Page Five I g rsiRTHgJ Kingman Kolony News By Dale Witt Holy Rosary Hospital BIG BEND ■ Mr. and Mr« Varner Hopkins returned home last Monday from Spokane where they had been taking care of their son. Bill, who had surgery on his leg. They met Bill at the Boise Airport on Wednesday and he is visiting relatives here while recuperating. Mrs. John Luciano retur­ ned home to Denver Thurs­ day evening after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tuppeny for a few days coming here for Mr. Tuppeny’s eye surgery on Wednesday. Mr. Tuppeny returned home on Friday and is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van DeWater. Mr. and Mrs. John Packwood and Mr. and Mrs. Darrel English attended the Parma Senior Citizens dinner Thursday. Later the Englishs visited Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clary near Parma. Mrs. Winifred Bennett returned home Tuesday eve­ ning from a three weeks vacation spent in Arizona. She was a guest of Mr.' and Mrs. Bud Robbins and Mr. and Mrs. Verle Dowdie in Phoenix and visited Mr. and Mrs. Marion Kurtz in Boise. The Kurtzs used to lived in Newell Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis called on Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Newman in Homedale Wed­ nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Burns and family of Ketchikan, Alaska have been visiting his Activities In Arcadia I, Ml ARCADIA - Mr. and Mrs. Parley Feik called on Mr. and Mrs. George Hust Sunday afternoon. George Hust is home recuperating from an opera­ tion, he had spent two weeks in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Parley Feik visited Lyla Houston. Sunday afternoon. Clyde and Nell Bowers went to Parma to visit their son. Don and family and help Janice celebrate her birthday The evening was spent playing games. Wednesday morning. Cl­ yde and Nell Bowers called at the Ted Bowers home near Ontario. Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Howe, at their home on Oregon Slope. Mrs. Howe and Mrs. Bowers went to Weiser in the afternoon. The Arcadia Sunshine Club will hold their annual party for their husbands at the Jim Tracy home. Supper will start at 7 p.m. Herb and Lucille Dimmitt vHited Marguirite Moss, SunUay afternoon. Mrs* Marvin Jensen of Boise And Mrs. George Boyack ,< Meridian were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard, Saturday. Later, the two women and Pearl Bullard and Mrs. Louie Rryor atten­ ded the bridal shower given by Ethel Mae Dail and her daughter, Janet Wat san at the Dail home in honor of Marla Dail Heck. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Pryor visited Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard. Saturday. Don Bowers. Mark. Brent, David and Melanie Mann visited Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers. Saturday afternoon. Marguirite Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stradley of Pasco. Washington and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jamieson of Athena Oregon attended the wed­ ding of Marguirite's grand­ son. Rick Uria of Homedale. Idaho. The wedding was held at the Catholic church at Caldwell. Saturday. sister. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sillonis and family and his mother. Mrs. Rose Burns in Nyssa for two weeks. A sister, Mrs. Robert Mai and two children of Burley joined the families for the weekend. Lauri Witty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Witty was elected the FFA Chapter Sweetheart at the banquet Thursday evening in Adrian. Mrs. Dyre Roberts atten­ ded the Happy Dozen Pino­ chle Club meeting at the home of Mrs. Carl Piercy in Kingman Kolony. She won a prize. Becky Carroll accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fujishin and Lanny of Ridgeview to McCall Saturday to a Judo Tournament. Mrs. Dick Davis and Mrs. Perle Davis of Ridgeview shopped in Boise Friday. Mrs. Dallas Chaney is proud of her eight ewes and rightly so, they have had twenty nice lambs. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bennett and Mrs. Leonard Hobbs attended the Baptist Young Peoples Banquet at Roswell Friday evening. Mrs. Jim Carroll, Mary, Sue, Darlene and Cariene visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carroll in Nyssa Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Thomas and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thomas and family in Ten Davis Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Riggs in Parma Satur­ day and Sunday. The men worked on Roberts pickup. Pug and Gladys Swigert moved their antique Mormon derrick Monday. George Ha­ ger and Louie Jones of the Idaho Power in Parma assisted them. Glen Molt provided the moving power with his tractor. The large derrick had been on the Ada Haworth place, that now belongs to the Swigerts for many years and now has a place of honor at the Swigert Residence. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perle Davis in Ridge view. Doyel Carroll of Mountain Home visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carroll Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Avery visited their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker near Weiser Sunday. Six members of the TOPS Club met Monday afternoon at the Charles Witty home. They made ribbon banners for the DRD next week. February 22 • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wassmer, On­ tario, a girl February 23 • Mr. and Mrs. Gary Thompson, Nyssa, a boy February 26 * Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Astle, Ontario, a boy February 28 - Mr. and Mrs. John Dille, Weiser, girl. Falls and into their new home up on the hill near Sherman Hecks. Mr. Ballard is a retired fanner and used to live in this area. Mrs. Ballard is Mrs. Heck's sister. Told Doris she would have a lot of company with her sister there and she said "We’ve been dinking back and forth a lot." That dinking gives a neat stretch to the vocabulary. Dictionary says a Dinky is a small locomotive used for shuttling freight back and forth. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wells had visitors from Post Falls last weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Loehner and Jennifer. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans combined family visits with a Lay Witness series of meet­ ings at the Methodist Church in Paul last weekend. At Hazelton they visited with a daughter and son-in-law, and their family, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Stigiles. At Massacre Rock they visited their sen and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Evans. Sunday overnight guests in the Robert Shaw home were her sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark of Drewsey. Last week, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Waldon of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer and Mrs. Bill Toomb were Wed­ nesday evening dinner gue­ sts at the Jerry Freitag home in Nyssa where they helped Jamie celebrate his first birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Camp­ bell were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhodes and family were Tuesday evening dinner gue­ sts of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gehrke. Mrs. Ruth Castro and baby were Friday afternoon visi­ tors of Mrs. Earl Ervin. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Freitag and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer and Mr*. Bill Toomb left Friday February 18 and spent the weekend in Cul­ desac visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Scott, returning home on Monday. Thursday, Mrs. Bill Toomb babysat with the Freitag children while their father consulted a doctor. Sunday, Mrs. Bill Toomb and Mrs. Mabie Piercy had dinner at the Eastside Cafe in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer attended the Adrian Lions Club Charter night dinner at Vale Saturday evening. Bryan and Brad Thompson of Nyssa came Tuesday and are visiting their grandpa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson. The Pollyanna Club had a surprise housewarming for Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Laan. Twenty-three people were present. Ice cream and cake were served to the group. The Laans recently reme­ died their home and it is truly beautiful. Janeen Kygar of Ontario spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kygar. Kathy Hay was a Sunday afternoon visitor in the Earl Kygar home. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Pitta who have been visiting relatives in this area and Nyssa returned to their home in Chowchilla, California. Feb- rurary 11. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Douglas of Culver, Oregon came Tuesday and are* visiting Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox. Mrs. Fox’s mother, Mrs. Hazel Chamberlain of Nyssa came Wednesday and is visiting in the Don Fox home. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox and her mother Mrs. Hazel Chamberlain went tcaj Boise and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. John Thiel and family. Friday, Jim Chamber lain of Nyssa took Mr. and Mrs. F.T. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox and Mrs. Hazel Chamberlain to Nampa to dinner. Quasar T.V. YEAR AT STOUT APPLIANCE 3RD A MAIN 372-319* 1101 fl Professional Directory Ptiyscans & Surgeons ■ Dr. Arthur S. Dole, M.D Urological Surgery Dlseaaes of the kidney, bladder and proa tale. Phone 372-5269 20 South 2nd. Street, Nyaaa, Oregon Hours: Saturday-10 a.m to 12 noon. I Brandon L.W. Adama M l) . General Practice A Psychiatry Phone 372-3809 19 North 4th Street Nysaa, Oregon Hours: Monday A Wed. 12 noon-6 p.m.; Tues., 1:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Thurs., 10 a.m. to 5 p.m r*0PEN TILL 6:00“1 Optometrists Dr. John Eaab 387 S.W.4ÜI Ave., Ontario, Oregon Phone 889-8017 “ 7/ If there's a way uxiy the new tax law can save you money. money, well we'll find it. it.” ••1 Dr. A. N. Bonde 7 North 2 nd Street, Nvaaa, Oregon Phone 372-3747 Vetemanans THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 214 N. Main 372-3396 wmCDAYSÍA M -6 PM . NO appointment NECESSARY* TREASURE VALLEY ANIMAL HOSPITAL Phone 372-2251 Dr. B. E. Roaa Nyaaa.-372-5257 Dr. Robert Derby Parma, 722-6537 1 b » 4