Thursday, February 24, 1977 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon W Service News W Specialist 4th Class Leticia Rodríguez ia stationed with the 545th MP Company, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Tcsas. She is a Nyssa High School graduate and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rodríguez of Nyssa. She has been in the service for one and one-half years, after attending Oregon State University for one year. She is a member of the Army Military Police. Apple Valley Items Nyssa were dinner guests of the Ceci) Sheppards Thurs­ day evening. Mrs. Laura Bale visited with Mrs. Cecil Sheppard Friday afternoon. Mrs. Lillian Wagner, Mrs. Larry Miller and sons of Mrs. Laura Bale were dinner guests in the Phil Bale home of Parma Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Churck Bale visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bale Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hudson were Wednesday evening visitors in the Arch Engle hardt home. Zora Edens, Ethel Nichols and Ruth Fritts went to Nampa to the State School to sew on Tuesday. APPLE VALLEY • Clif­ ford Knox was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Knox Tuesday. Mrs. Erma Sparks visited with Mrs. Mary Honey Wednesday afternoon. The Susannah Circle met with Mrs. Roy Rookstool Thursday afternoon. There were nine present with one a guest. We studied two or three Chapters from the New Testement and one Chapter from the Book of Psalms. Mrs. Rookstool served a delicious snack at the end of our meeting. Mrs. John Sheppard of Ontario visited Thursday in the Cecil Sheppard home, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wild of Sp4 L Rodriguez SA Kim Roberts ill]» 4 *0 ; / Mr. and Mrs. Stan Thomas and children went to Boise to visit Mr. and Mrs. Waylan Wagner Sunday afternoon. Mr. Thomas remained over­ night in Boise and flew to Portland Monday on business. Mrs. Thomas and children called on the Wagners’ Monday afternoon and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Renny Ashcraft. Mrs. Ashcraft will be remembered as Kathy Stradley and lived in Big Bend as a child. Mr. and Mrs. Don Roberts and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Roberts were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hopkins in New Plymouth for supper to honor the birthdays of Don and Russ Roberts Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis called on Mr. and Mrs. Art Shenk in Ridgeview Sunday evening. Mrs. Ben Witty attended the County Committee of Home Extension Study Groups meeting in Vale Tuesday afternoon. WEEKDAYS 8 - 8 K( CHOICE) 19. ORE-IDA POTATO KRAFT 8 oz A sst FEATURE. ONLY...UÜOA.CHOKE BEEF CHIP PlP$ YOU DESERVE THE VERY BEST!!! •Mw ws SUNDAYS 9-6 Az floo HJ usda ( •BOHEIE&HAM •CUT-HALVES HAM™#-- 2ND & GOOD NYSSA, OREGON DINNERS AT FOOT RAND WE CUT AND IF. IF. 59S / !40 AT -119* n I FUHSKKS 2sS...lS9* «»v 1 129. ZilZ>9T9~^x4 W^rPOlATT 5% CHICKEN OF THE CEA YKJÛNAi chunktuna bkz ' az. CAN 'SPECIAL^ 55« 7^64^/^ VALLEY L 32oz SALAD 1 1 SOUP OYSTERS SJ. Wflf £ MW juice CANS 9T I P ixie 8oz -SIZE MEAT in&suneMULy MARGARINE.. ■ 3/lfiA “Ie WgftA ■ * ■ 30 TREASURE CREAMY- CRUNCHY PEMUT&/1TER...*!• CAMP BELLA CREAM OP MUSHROOM OY$TER$ MEPlUM IÔOZ JAR Ï , •CHICKEN /£■ X ' OCEAN CRABS wuLflTO»« FLAV-R-PAC TOWELS Y Y LENTEN SEA POOP SPECIALS !!! TÛRBOT FILLETS \20 oz ,PK&.^^ I ^SPECIAL 1 OWSflWSKEÌ r ASST SCOTT • M. ft' RIEB'S FOODLAND MISSION 7.2501. wB I- « > hl OREGON’S 1977 CHAIR man for annual Easter Seal campaign is Darrell (Mouse) Davis, Portland State Uni­ versity football coach. Cam­ paign for funds to aid Oregon’s physically handi­ capped children rnd adults opens March 1 and <. ,'iitinues through Easter Sunday. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Wright and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cindell all of Nyssa. »PECIAC USD. A. CHOICE CUT ■*- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry (Kris) Wright, Parma, former Ny­ ssa residents, are the proud parents of a bouncing baby boy. He was born on Valentine's Day, Monday, February 14, 1977 at the Caldwell Memorial Hospital. They named him Brandon J. and he tipped the scales at seven-pounds, four-ounces. Brandon joins a brother Justin Trent, four and one- half years old. i ROUND STEAK WHClb- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witty and David Witty of Ontario attended funeral services for his brother-in- law, Harold Bingamon in La Grande, Saturday. They also called on her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Rush at Elgin. The Friendship Bible Study group met Thursday morning with Mrs. Noel Tuppeny. There were seven ladies attending. This was the first meeting of a study of Psalms. Mrs. Dick Reed and Rindy of Boise visited Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van DeWater Sunday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts were Mrs. Nancy Heaps and children and Mrs. Marie Douglas of Nampa. Mrs. David Krause called in the late afternoon. All also visited the Jim Carrolls. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Margaret Wood in Caldwell. so they could attend the State Wrestling meet. The Rev. and Mrs. Bill Russell of Nyssa were visitors in the Bob Derby home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Russell Walsh of Klamath Falls were weekend visitors at the Dr. and Mrs. Bob Derby home. They are aunt and uncle of Mrs. Derby. Little Molly Derby is quite sick with the flu at this writing. Sure wish her a quick recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mun­ den of Eagle visited in the Waldo Smalley home Thurs­ day afternoon. Mr Waldo Smalley is still improving and can sit in a chair for a while now. Steve Bishop spent the long weekend at home. He is attending Eastern Oregon College in La Grande. Mrs. Calvin Griffin of Nyssa came home with Mrs. Mary Honey after church Sunday morning and had lunch and spent the after­ noon visiting. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffin took a drive up to McCall Sunday. They made the loop and said it is very pretty up around there Mrs. Ethel Nichols visited with her son and family the Albert Nichols Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Nichols stayed in Boise from Thurs­ day thru Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simmons I " fWt " hello WORLD! «5, DAYS Coast Guard Seaman Ap­ prentice Kim E. Roberts, whose husband, Daniel, is the son of Jennie Murphy of Nyssa, has completed recruit training at the Coast Guard Training Center. Cape May, New Jersey. During the ten-week train­ ing cycle, trainees studied general military subjects designed to prepare them for further academic and on-the- job training leading toward their qualification in one of the Coast Guard's 26 basic occupational fields. Included in their studies were first aid, seamanship. Coast Guard history and regulations, close order drill and damage control. She attended Treasure Valley Community College, and joined the Coast Guard in November 1976. BIG BEND - Mr. and Mrs Eric Mausiing were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gaviola in * Parma Saturday evening at a birthday dinner for Nick. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Roberts of Pinehurst were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Roberts and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood were Thursday and Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wood in Nyssa. Page Seven CANS 1 TREASURE \AUEŸ I7oz. W IsUKJV tWHL KERNEL ' ba . AAÀ I ’ COTTAGE 1 A|C cheese ?,, 9 lT IteASuRE VAHEY SALTINE. CRACKERS PECIAC 89c MEASURE VALLEY MEDIUM A A' 1.29 ftQ . . di ' fl „.VANPEKAMP $ * Aft TRu-CHOlCE IOOM0 VlTAMIN'C count PlAYTEX PEOPORAATT 30CT. ■ * •eA W MNCy 5/1* APPLES _ I RED DELICIOUS SUN KIST FRESE) TARr teiv» I 6C6 YöUR HAIR SMEUS TERlFlC'± ! SHAMPOO ?£«*** Wue.... A W PEPSODEbJT bP2.0z.SlzE. ft Ä V 70COUMT i I.M VACUE. i a t \ f / SOLID CRISP GREEN LETTUCE ' plump - meat / 3 RIPE L h AVOCAPtë */Ci e Z l LÇMNS ft ft ft b JOHNEN f JOHNEN VALVE *199 I BAND-AID PLASTiC NOOJ. t ■PPECnvi 4 3-24-25'2b th. 1977 >AVE BIG!! $