Thursday, February 17, 1977 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon I Activitiesln Arcadia I By Nell Bower« ARCADIA • AmyStradley attended the all-day meeting of the Oregon Regional American Union Fellowship, Saturday at the Owyhee Community Church. They had a potluck meal at noon. Also attending from this com munity were Otis and Pearl Bullard and Donald and Connie Bullard and family. Mrs. George Boyack of Meridian spent Wednesday with her parents. Mr. and Mn. Otis Bullard. Mrs. Lillyan Zittercob of Nyssa, visited her sister Pearl Bullard, Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard visited the nursing home, Sunday. Among other old friends they visited was Elsie Brady. Mrs. Amy Stradley and Mrs. Boyd Haney of Nyssa, visited Mr and Mrs. Walter Stradley at Payette. Wednes day. They also, visited Mrs. Frone Stradley at the Caaa Loma Nursing Home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bowers were dinner guests at the Clyde Bowers home Sunday afternoon. Brenda, Barbara, Brent and David were also guests. It was Don's birthday and cake and homemade ice cream were served and lots of birthday gifts were opened. April and Mary Shelton called at the Clyde Bowers* Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers visited Mrs. Hazel Schafer at Adrian Sunday night. Monday. Mrs. Clyde Bo wen and Mn. Hazel Schafer went to Ontario. Marguiritc Moss and Gary, along with Roma and Vic Uria and son, Dennis of Homedale went to Burns, to visit Mr. and Mn. Steve Bernik and son Rodney. It was Rodney’s third birthday, which they all helped him celebrate. Alvin Swensen, who used to live in the Arcadia Community, on the place where Mr. and Mn. Dick Nelson live now, was buried at Payette last week at the age Ot 87. He and his wife have been living in New Plymouth. Larry and Harlan Meyer went to Oregon State Con servative Baptist* annual meeting being held at Eu gene. They left Sunday. They accompanied Pastor and Mrs Beattie. Donald and Connie Bullard accompanied by Tom and Lynn Snyder of Nyssa, went to Boise Saturday evening to attend the Boise State vs. Montana State basketball game. The Snyder couple attended Montana State Col lege. Mrs. Lyla Houston and her sister, Mrs. Ruth Taylor of Huron, South Dakota, re turned Sunday afternoon from a trip to southern California. They visited their brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Struve of Downey, California. While there they went to Knotts Berry Farm, San Diego Zoo and Sea World also several other places of interest. They visited a brother, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Houston and wife, in San Bernardino. They were gone five weeks. FIRE CALLS! Nyssa Firemen answered two summons this week to Malheur Memorial Hospital. Both the calls, one Monday and the other Tuesday at 6 pm. were false alarms. Apparently there is a short in the sprinkling alarm system, as there was no evidence of smoke or fire. By Date Witt ADRIAN - Mrs. Anna Long, Mrs. Mabie Piercy, Mrs. Bill Toomb and Mrs. Marie Moore attended the musical program at the Roswell Presbyterian Church Sunday evening. Mrs. Mabie Piercy and Mrs. Bill Toomb visited Herb Thomas at Weiser Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Norvelle afternoon. He had just Robbins and family and Mr. returned home from the and Mrs. Merildean Robbins hospital. and family gathered at the After the ball game Mon home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. day evening, Mrs. Mabie Robbins on Sunday to cele Piercy served coffee and brate the 26th wedding doughnuts to Mr. and Mrs. anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Mecham and boys and Norvelle Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. Sappe of ''Despair is the conclusion of Nyssa. fools." Dlirwl| Mrs. Carl Be n was guest player at the Happy Dozen Card Club meeting at the home of Mrs. Anna Loi.g Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Parker called on Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dickson in Nyssa Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Sue Ashcraft and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Begeman were among those who attended the Lions pancake feed at the Adrian School Friday evening Shelly and Lance Lovitt spent the weekend with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mackey. Jim and Laura King of Ontario were Sunday dinner guests in the G. E. Mackey home. Page Seven Gerry mackey will have further s-rays and esamina tion this week at the Caldwell hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marshall of Meridian and Bill Bender of Lewiston called on Mrs. Hazel Schafer Saturday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers visited Mrs. Hazel Schafer Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van DeWater and son Kent of Caldwell were Sunday eve ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Begeman. Callers at the Carl Bege man home Wednesday were Bill Van DeWater of Caldwell and Mrs. Vonsel Seuell of Big Bend. Mrs. Sue Ashcraft. Mrs. Mabie Piercy. Mrs. Anna Long and Mrs. Gladys Newbill attended the chili supper at Cairo Junction Thursday evening. Tuesday morning, Mrs. Anna Long and Mrs. Edna DeHaven babysat at the Tim Tailman home with the children of the mothers attending Bible Class at the Patty Price home that day. Mrs. Edna Dehaven atten ded the Womens Association meeting at the home of Mrs. Mabie Piercy Thursday after noon, and Friday she atten ded the Happy Dozen Card Club meeting at the home of Mrs. Anna Long. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. George DeHaven went to Ontario where they visited their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Skerjanec and boys. Mr. and Mrs. James Mosier were also visiting there and all were overnight guests in the Skerjanec home. Sunday they attended the Christian Church services and Mrs. Skerjanec was baptised there Sunday afternoon. Tracy. Stacy, and Kelly Skerjanec returned home with Mr. and Mrs. Gorge DeHaven Sunday afternoon and will visit their grandpa rents until Tuesday, while they are having a teachers conference in their school. Mrs. Sue Ashcraft atten ded the conference Sunday at the Nyssa Stake House. e re chopping food prices Thank vou i m AA Gril CT PKÉ> 4 FOIN 1 • i a ■ A flFu? PORKCHOPS' 1 CENTER CUT RIB CHOPS » WE AT FDOplANP WDULP LIKE THANK AU- OUR. VALUEP CUfflMEIS R)K MAKING 0UR9th.ANN!VER3APY SALeAM^UCEtt'J. CORONETSTuDIO Winners of the free groceries ore Kan Davis Kt. 2, Sox 104 HaMbar 407 Renca Lewis Jonas CORNISH 20 oz. HYGRAPESMOKEP PICNICS, EXTRA tilt ’s'99£ WMEKNE& CHERRY Mt SMOKOIKHItSjlZ COUNTRY STYLE FILLING <>09 ^L s Y 1 2ND & GOOD NYSSA, OREGON oz. ARMOUR.SUCEPIZ.oz. *AK ARMOUR MEAT-BEEF ÄC4 H0TV0G$òL 4 >09 LOIN EN P WEEKDAYS8-8 SUNDAYS9-6 \PWANP CUTS ONLY., UWK CHOICE BEEP H i happ / chínese newmear LA CHOY BTPACKA#T.4Z»M*/* CHOWMNMHE&Kl Ank CHINESE NOOUEZfVV LA CHOY 10 oz. btl. GOY &AUCE i 1 LA CHOY Eoz- SIZE Nouj TOP RAMEN Boz. nowe $ MW, TKEASUKeVALLeY 32 oz. JAR •INSTANT • QUICK •PEGULAK <?6 I NAUtYSCHILI W/BFAN4 •KG. •HOT 4Ooz. 4HEIFWER ÏI.WVAUJë Iboz. CHERRY 70MA7ÜÉ $ ILA . i stenume specials ! *903 CANÏ •TURNIPS • CARROTS INPIAN GEM APPl&AUCë Iboz CANS 4* •fARSN/FS •RWAßAGAZ YOUR CHOICE LONòSFAGHETH. JOHNSON’JOHNSON 70KÌZ MWAIDSHEERVALUEWK MRS. SMITHS TREASURE VALLEY &&NBeAN4 iiuiecüßwSä“ |A6 ä le’ 12 oz. 2Boz OF WHEAT MAGIC COVER I6*X I'M- W value ....... .............. I I I' spam w* POPELE UUCK ÆAHD 6 reen -RE0~YE liôw 50UrMUG$ <* ame ion MOO •50 •25 •25 RIEB'S FOODLAND HENS. ROASTS LEAN SMEpiTIEP 7D «129 R ® - < SWEET ¿ JUICY ORANGES