Poge Six Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Adrian Girl Takes Top DAR Honors Sally La—ay Nyaaa High School Six students from area high schools recently com peted in the "Good Citizens of the Year" program, spon sored by the Malheur Chap ter of the Daughters of the Revolution. Pictured are Clara Fuji kawa. Chapter Winner. Ad rian High School, who will represent Malheur County: and Sally Looney, Nyssa High School contestant. Also competing were Kathy Shenk Harper High School; Martha Abrams. Huntington High School; Julie Burke, Vale High School: and Charles Oakes. Ontario High School. The "Good Citizens of the Year” were chosen through the principals and faculties of the local high schools. Miss Fujikawa was then chosen to compete on the district level where her entry will be judged with the entries of the two other chapter winners from Eas- tern Oregon. The district winner con tinues on to state. Each state winner receives their choice of a $100 U.S. Savings Bond or a small scholarship to a college specified by the recipient. On the national level, winners receive a $1,000 scholarship to the college of their choice, plus many other honors and awards. The DAR Good Citizenship program is open to students in their senior year who have a high scholastic rating and show the qualities of leader ship. dependability, service and patriotism to an out standing degree. Answers given on a DAR questionnaire are also con sidered. Winners are selec ted strictly on a merit basis. Each local “Good Citizen” will receive a certificate of award and a "Good Citizens” pin. as well as a U.S. Savings Bond, to be given at graduation, from the local chapter. By Goldie Roberts BIG BEND - Ernest Seuell entered the Caldwell Memorial Hospital Wednes- day afternoon where he underwent surgery Thursday a.m. He returned home Friday evening. Mrs. Dyre Roberts helped in the booth for the Bicen tennial Committee selling "The First 100 Years” at the Parma Community House Friday early afternoon. Mrs. Boyce Van DeWater worked later in the afternoon. Mrs. Dallas Chaney was called to Eugene Thursday due to the serious illness of her stepfather. Hermon Ross Mr. Ross passed away Friday morning and Mrs. Chaney returned home Tuesday after noon. Our sympathy to the Chaney and Glen Molt families. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Miller and Valdene Tobler recently vacationed in the Willamette Valley, While there they visited Robert Johns at Woodburn. Mrs. Dyre Roberts atten ded the Happy Dozen Pi nochle Cub at the home of Mrs. George DeHaven in Adrian Friday afternoon. She was a prizewinner. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Thomas and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas in Roswell Sunday afternoon. The Pug Swigerts received word of the passing of Wayne Wright Sunday in Grants Pass. Mrs. Swigert was an overnight guest of Miss Mae Wright in New Plymouth. Monday. The Wrights lived many years in Big Bend where Dick Bennett now lives. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van DeWater attended a birthday dinner for Mrs. Carl Bege- man at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van DeWater in Caldwell Saturday. Mrs. Margaret Wood of Caldwell was a Saturday overnight and Sunday guest of Mrs. Winifred Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop of Apple Valley called on Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tuppeny Sunday after church. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Ludy, Mrs. Stan Thomas. Mrs. Varner Hopkins and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Clucas attended funeral services for Mrs. Agnes Dilley Monday after noon. Dudley Marston of Arena Valley and Carl Packwood of Parma called on Pug and Gladys Swigert Saturday evening. Lee Lovitt's sister, Mrs. Edith Thomas passed away Sunday at the Presbyterian Nursing Home. Services were Wednesday. Our sym pathy to the Lee and Carl Lovitt families. Mrs. Ernest Seuell, Mrs. Varner Hopkins. Mrs. C. K. Smith. Mrs. Boyce Van DeWater, and Mrs. Leroy Bennett attended the dinner and Christmas Party of the Wi ll BE 0P£N SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. BRACKEN'S DEPT. STORE Thursday, December 9, 1976 ORDER OF EASTERN STAR RAGWEED COWBOY JOE. obviously a comedy as indicated by the characters pictured above, will be presented Thursday evening. December 9, at the Adrian PT A Talent Show. The characters pictured are Douglas Bowers, who plays the hero. Joe Septictanker; Tamara Wiggins, who playi Nixie Dixon, owner of the Watergate Saloon; and Abraham, who is a 1776 Volkswagen Special. Abraham is a member of the Marvin Bowers family. Apple Valley Items By France» Smalley APPLE VALLEY • Mrs. Zora Edens returned home Wednesday of last week from three and one-half weeks visit with her daughter. Mrs. Winifred Houtman at Grand Coulee. Washington. They brought her home and all spent Thanksgiving with another daughter. Mrs. Ke ith Carpenter of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Houtman visited until Sunday with other relatives before leaving for home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sells entertained with a Sells family dinner on Thanksgiv ing for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sells of Waco, Texas. Twenty seven family members were present. Mrs. Ed Sells cared for Danny Sells last week while his mother Mrs. David Sells was in the hospital for a few days. The Rev. and Mrs. George Kaptein and baby were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dibble. Mrs. Clarence Tuning re turned December 1 from a two weeks trip by plane to visit her son Richard Tuning and family at Budd Lake, New Jersey. She attended the last football game of grandson Jeff s High School team and attended a banquet afterwards, where he re ceived an award for the most dedicated player. She also went sightseeing through New York City seeing all the large buildings and so much traffic they couldn't park. She had a very enjoyable trip and was glad to be home. Mrs. Virginia Rookstool visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rook stool. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Walburn of Starck. City, Missouri visited Thursday afternoon with her mother Mrs. Ethel Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Griffin and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pitman were Sunday after- noon visitors of Mrs. Mary Honey. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Russell and girls of Boise were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Collins of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Collins and family were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Nichols and Jodi were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simons of Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boles and family of Caldwell were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Laura Bale home. Golden Rule Chapter #131 met Monday. December 6 at the Masonic Hall with Wor thy Matron Beatrice Gross- nickle, presiding. Honored members of the Golden Rule Chapter. Amalia Pratt. Grand Committee member and Myrtle Sasser. Grand Representative to Utah were introduced. A report was given on Stardusters Mini Bazaar by Gladys Newbill in the ab sence of Kathleen Wheeler, chairman. A thank you to all who helped make it a success. Worthy Patron George Cartwright. presided, for Good of the Order. Mancil Bishop reported on visiting a chapter in Colorado. Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron introduced guests, members of Ponderosa Chapter 764 in Arizona. Guardian Vera Webb an nounced Mystery Father's Dinner, sponsored by Job's Daughters to be held Sunday, December 12 at 5 p.m. Gladys Newbill reported na mes for nursing home gifts were ready. Following the meeting the Bill Schiremans showed sli des taken of their trip to the Northeastern Coast and Wa shington. D. C. Hostesses were Vera Webb and Louise Wemick. Next meeting will be a Christmas party and $2 gift exchange. A CHAIN LINK FENCE has been constructed around the Malheur Nursing Home with help from the Hospital Auxiliary, Nyssa Chamber of Commerce members, and Nyssa firemen. John Price and Gene Stephens, hospital custodians, are pictured after completing the installation of the gates. Malheur Memorial Hospital December 2 * Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Brown, Parma, a boy December 4 ■ Mr. and Mrs. Butch L. Woods, Payette, a girl Holy Rotary Hospital December 2 • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eggers. On tario, a boy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blackaby, Ontario, a girl. December 3 * Mr. and Mrs. Ronald House, Payette, twins, a boy and a girl December 5 • Mr. and Mrs. Jose Campos. Weiser, a boy December 7 * Mr. and Mrs. David Lacey, Ontario, r. and Mrs. Robert Drueger, Payette, a boy Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kennedy, Fruitland, girl. ADRIAN PTA WILL HOLD A TALENT SHOW in combination with Mrs. Phelp's class play. The program will begin at the Adrian High School Gym at 8 p.m. (tonight) Thursday, December 9. Tickets will be SI for adults and 50c for children. These children are just a few of those participating. Pictured in front, from left, are Dezi del Valle. Lisa Nielsen. Angela Radford and Nicky del Valle. Back row from left, Bryant Johnson, Matt Nielsen, Justine Hughes. Lee Anne Nielsen and David Nielsen. A Adrian Garden Club at the home of Mrs. Bea Gross- nickle in Roswell Monday. The Big BEnd Home Extension Study group will hold their A.C.W.W. and Christmas meeting Monday, December 20 instead of Tuesday December 21 as previously planned. It will be ■ a covered dish dinner at 12:30 at the Adrian Com munity Presbyterian Church followed by a program on A.C.W.W. and a gift ex change. Guests are to be the husbands and each should bring a gift of not more than 25c value. The Nominating Com mittee of the Adrian Presby terian Church met Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Witty. Mrs. Winifred Bennett attended. Mrs. Robert Callahan, Alex and Russell Roberts attended the Saturday Win ter Wonderland Parade in Ontario with Mr. and Mrs. Randy York. Shane and Sheri of New Plymouth. Mrs. Walter Bourdlais was a Sunday afternoon visitor of Mrs. Robert Cal lahan. Philip Callahan and Rusty of Ontario were Sunday visitors at the Robert Ci>la han home. » NYSSA, OREGON 1 4 fi