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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1976)
Thursday, November 18, 1976 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Page Five T/Sgt. Leonard Krause Earns Air Force Honors The sergeant major in the Air Force ROTC detachment at Oregon State University has been honored for meri torious service in his previous assignment on Guam. Technical Sergeant Leo nard L. Krause was awarded the Air Force commendation medal (first oak leaf cluster) in ceremonies on campus for outstanding service as non commissioned officer in charge of administration, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Andersen Air Force Base. Guam. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH PARTICIPATING in the recent Ontario Elks Leadership Contest included left to right. Christine Bieker, Vale; Stan Steiber, Vale; Brenda Tuttle, New Plymouth; Kevin Schmid, New Plymouth; Natalie Barnes. Ontario; scuu vrawiuru, rayene; ratty weicn, Payette; Kelly Cable, Fruitland; Teresa Tesnohlidek, Fruitland; Clark Kido, Nyssa and Beth Calhoun. Nyssa. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR SUNSET VALLEY - Mrs. Op. Counsil and Mrs. Mary Arlett of Roseburg were among those who attended the Senior Citizens Potluck Dinner at Vale recently. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Knottin gh am of Caldwell were visitors on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Op. Counsil. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Wilson and famly and Melvin Wilson and Kim and Harley Wilson were dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wilson. Mrs. Lila Mac Holly and Trina and Shane Holly were recent visitors at the home of her parents, the Harley Wilsons. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Niel sen were dinner guests on Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Young. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rrffett are visiting this week at the home of Mrs. John Raffen. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Prince house were dinner guests on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. John Reffett. Residents of the area received word of the arrival of a baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs Marc Mason of Phoenix, Arizona, the baby, born October 3. is their first child. He was named Ian Chadd Mason. Mrs. Mason is a daughter of Mrs. Donna Johnson of Sunset Valley. Mrs. Johnson returned re- cently from a visit at the Mason home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eklund of Wapato, Washing ton were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mr». Kenneth Lorensen. They returned to Wapato on Monday. Mr. and Mr». Ken Loren- sen. Harriet and Gloria and Mr. and Mrs Walter Eklund enjoyed a pizza dinner at Shakeys on Saturday evening honoring the birthday of Ken and Martha Lorensen. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Young returned recently from visit ing relatives at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Price were visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shenk. Harriet and Gloria Loren sen and Helen McGinnis were among those who attended the evening show I h<- Hiding Place’ at the Centre Threatre in Ontario on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Roberts of Parma visited Mis. Jean Burdess and Mrs. Elsie Tietsort at Boise. They all joined in helping Mr Newgen celbrate this birth day on Tuesday. Golden Rule Chapter No. 131 O.E.S. met November 15 at the Masonic Hall with Beatrice Grossnickle, worthy matron presiding. Escorted and introduced were Pat Vincent, member of home endowment committee of Grand Chapter of Oregon; Leona Miller, grand repre sentative of Nevada in Oregon and Louise Lewis, worthy matron of Star Chap ter No. 69 of Ontario. They are all members of Star Chapter No. 69 of Ontario This was Pat Vincent's official visit. Gladys Newbill reported on her visit to Electa Chapter No. 22 of Emmett. Amalia Pratt reported on her official visit on the Blood Bank Committee to Golden Chain Chapter No. 103 Vale. Worthy matron reminded everyone of the Mini Bazaar to be held December 4 at the hall. The next meeting will be December 6. hostesses were Rose and Bill Willis and Amalia Pratt. Mini Bazaar Slated By Senior Citizens Nyssa Senior Citizens are having a Mini Bazaar and Bake Sale, Saturday. No vember 20 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at their Club House, 214 Bower Avenue. Pie and coffee will be served all day. (Genealogy Library Hours ('hanged The Genealogy Library (branch of the Salt Lake City Library), located in the Nyssa LDS Stake Center has new hours as follows: Closed Monday: Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday hours 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday hours from 10 a m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday hours 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. The library is open to the public. It is staffed by library assistants who will give help to anyone who so desires. Adrian Women To Meet Tuesday The AKH Extension study group will meet Tuesday. November 23 at 2 p.m. (instead of the usual Thurs day) in the Adrian Presby terian Church basement. The lesson will be “Ma naging Your Time and Energy,” given by Helen Connors. County Extension Agent Everyon in the area is welcome to attend. Happy Dozen The Happy Dozen Card Club met Friday afternoon with Mrs. Sue Ashcraft in Adrian. Guest players were Ima Begeman. Hazel Schafer and Mary Hatt. Winners were Bernice Toomb. Mary Hatt. Elsie Diven, and Mabie Piercy. Friday, November 19 - TV Rock and Gem Club, Christian Church Basement. South Sth Street. Visitors welcome, 8 p.m. Saturday, November 20 • United Methodist Church- Rummage Sale, Church Base ment, 1-6 p.m. Nyssa Senior Citizens Mini Bazaar, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Club House. 214 Bower Avenue. Merry Widows, Nina Lowe home, potluck, 6:30 p.m. Sunday, November 21 - All Star Bowling. Sugar Bowl, 2 p.m. Tuesday, November 23 - Yellow Rose Rebekah Lodge, 1OOF Hall. 8 p.m. F births J Malheur Memorial Hospital November 10, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Findley, Ontario, girl November 13, Mr. Mrs. Manuel Gonzales, ssa, boy November 16, Mr. Mrs. Michael K oda ma. ssa, boy He entered the service from Nyssa after graduating from Nyssa High School in 195*. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Krause. SA Thomas Kurz Coast Guard Seaman Ap prentice Thomas M. Kurz. 18. son of Mr. and Mrs. Duane B. Kurz of Parma, has completed recruit training at the Coast Guard Training Center, Alameda, California. During the nine-week training cycle, he studied general military subjects de signed to prepare him for further academic and on-the- job training leading toward his qualification in one of the Coast Guard’s 26 basic occupational fields. Among the subjects he studied were first aid, sea manship, Coast Guard his tory and regulations, close order drill and damage control. A 1976 graduate of Parma High School, he joined the Coast Guard in August 1976. Happy Birthday November 18 • Eva Cas- tellanoz. Debbie Bumingham November 19 • Jacqueline Folkman, Bruce Richesin. James Shaw, Laura Buchtel November 20 - Roger Asutidillo November 21 • Colleen Froerer Nov ember 22 • Ward Lun dy. Diana Martin, Marie Wilson. Alan Blaylock November 23 - Reed Young. Cheryl Wilson, John Ropp Journal Classifieds Bring Results! Adrian Winn en Hold Meet The Womens Association of the Adrian Community Presbyterian Church met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Esther Bennett in Big Bend. Mrs. Ida Packwood was co-hostess. There were ten ladies present. Mrs. Bernice Toomb, president, presided at the meeting which was opened with the Lord-s Prayer. Mrs. Mabie Piercy had the Devotions and Mrs. Marie Moore, the program. A letter from Mrs. Mary Auker of Anchorage, Alaska was read by Mrs Edna Dehaven and Mrs. Bernice Toomb, telling of her recent trips to Columbia Glacier and Mt. McKinnley. She is a former member who lived in the Big Bend area. Mrs. Marie Moore read an article from Joy Kurtz of Ethiopia. Mrs. Edna Deaven played a tape from a meeting she had attended at Perdue. The treasurers report was given by Mrs. Edna DeHaven and the secretary’s report by Mrs. Goldie Roberts. There will be a coffee hour following the church service Sunday, November 21 and also December 19, at the service that Sunday. A Thank offering will be taken. The group discussed Mad- alyn Murray who is making a big effort to get religion banned from radio and TV. They were told they could write to Federal Communica tions Commission, 1919 M Street North West, Wash ington D.C.. code 20036, and Anniversaries Nov ember 20 • Mr. ano Mrs. Bill Kouns, Mr. and Mrs. Don Dirksen November 21 - Mr. and Mrs. Ko Abe. November 22 • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wild. Mr. and Mrs. Demico Haro November 24 - Mr. and Mrs. M. Soliz protest against this. This would surely be a hardship on the people who could not attend church services, espe cially the elderly and handi capped. The next meeting will be at the church basement with a potluck dinner and the ladies will get the tables ready for their bazaar and dinner which will be Saturday, December 11. JOY BALLOU models the garment she entered in the pre-teen “Make It Yourself With Wool" contest held last Saturday at TVCC. She received wool yardage and a gift for her entry. Fourteen entered the con test Saturday for judging of garments they had fashioned from wool fabrics. Joy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ballou of Nyssa. Mrs. Ballou helped with the program for girls. Hol» Rosar» Hospital November 11, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pattee, Ontario, boy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mendive. Ontario, girl November 15, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Haro. Payette. giri Mr. and Mrs. David Avants, Payette, boy R ank A mfricaro NYSSA DEPARTMENT STORE KOLORKRAFT is BACK with the Professional Directory Physrans ft Surgeons Dr. Arthur S. Dole, M.D. Urological Surgery Diseases of the kidney bladder and prostate. Phone 372-5269 20 South 2nd. Street. N vssa. Oregon INFLATION FIGHTER Color PACKAGE Special 14 COLOR PICTURES 2 - 8 x 10’s — 2 - 5 x 7’s & 10 Billfolds in 2 Poses You get all of this for only $9.95 Total Price! Hours: Saturday —10 a.m to 12 noon Dr. Brandon Adams Physician and Surgeon Phone 372-3809 Sarazin Clinic 19 N. 4th Street Nyssa. Oregon Hours: Monday and Wednesday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Thurs day 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. K.E. Kerby, M.D. K.A.Danford. M.D. Phvsicians A Surgeons Dial 3’2-2241 HOURS: 9 to 12 noon A 2 to 5 p.m.-Monday thru Friday. Optometrists Dr. John Eash 38'S.W 4th Ave.. Ontario. Oregon Phone 8*9-8017 Dr. A. N. Bonde ' North 2nd Street. Nyssa. Oregon Plume 372-3747 Why pay $19.95 or more for the same package at some other store? PAY ONLY $3.00 DEPOSIT Balance When Pictures Return To The Store. No Age Limit No Limit per Family No Extra Charge For Groups Families Welcome Satisfaction Absolutely Guaranteed GET YOURS TODAY FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Vetemanans TREASURE VAI I.EY ANIMAL HOSPITAL Phone 372-2251 Dr. B.E. Ross Nyssa. 372-525' Dr. Robert Derby Parma 722-653* NOVEMBER 24th 10 A.M. to 5 P.M