Page Two Thursday. October 14, 1976 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon >000000000000- Nyssa Gala City Journal Dirick Nedrv............... ............ Editor and PuMteher .............. Production Manager Baa«*» V m BiHou*.......... Pat S^ivsgCsueuw«««***»« ..........Office Manager, New« Murgurd Nsdhy «•••••«•• ...................... Social. Circulation ................................................. Staff Ruth Klink eoberg Production Stoff Lucilie Callahan.......... Published Evers Thur«day al Nyssa. Oregon 97913 Second class postage paid at Nvssa Oregon 9»|3 under act of Congress of March 3. I8”9 MEM8EX Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association SLBSCRIPTION RATES Malheur Counit. Oregon, and Patene and Canton Counties. Idaho; NATIONAL NEWSPAPER One ■KBBLZZZZŒZ® Year................... $6.50 Twa Year«.................... -$12.00 Ebe where in the U.S. A. Ow Year......................J 7.50 Tw« Year*....................$14.00 Vote No on Measure 9 Another crucial ballot measure to be decided on the November 2 ballot is Measure No. 9. the Nuclear Energy issue. Almost everyone agrees that the prospects of senous future energy shortages in the Pacific Northwest are real. This •greement is shared by labor and management, farm and forest interests, and mos» responsible citizens Ballot Measure No. 9. if passed, would scnooslv restrict the development of the last remaining potential for further electrical energy. The great hydroelectric dams which brought development and prosperity to the Columbia River Basin are nearing their limits of expansion Nuclear power, with its proven record of safety, economy and environmental advantages, must meet the region’s future electrical needs in the foreseeable future. Oregonians Against the Ban on Nuclear Energy, me coalition of business, labor and citizen organizations opposing passage of ballot measure No. 9 on the November 2 general election ballot, have listed "nine reasons to vote no on nine’’ which seeks to ban nuclear power development in the state. These are; 1. It would effectively ban further development oí nuclear power in Oregon. 2. It would make a political football of the energy issue, giving control of plant construction to a handful of politicians. 3. By removing a viable energy source, one of the most economical in terms of consumer dollars, it would have a devastating effect on the economy and social stability of Oregon. 4. Cost of required procedures and administration would be exorbitant should the measure pass—and Oregon taxpayers would pay the bill. 5. Its passage is being promoted through a campaign based on tear and distortion of fact and ignores the perfect safety record of commercial nuclear power. 6. Measure 9 did not originate in Oregon was designed elsewhere, as were the campaign tactics and strategies. LETTERS TO EDITOR Editor. The Journal: It was interesting to read Senator Church’s criticism of President Ford’s striking out when it comes to helping the elderly in The Idaho States­ man. today. He blames Ford's veto's as the culprit and lauds candidate Carter for all the great good he will do for the aged and the poor If Senator Church realty­ wants to know who short shifted the elderly all he has to do is look into the mirror and then go look at all his liberal buddies in Congress who have all these years, been voting to spend more money than they had guts enough to tax the people for. This spending and printing more money by these liberal boys has been the biggest robbery committed by any­ one in modern times and it has been especially hard on the elderly because as they have saved for their old age they find this liberal bunch has inflated the economy and deflated the money so these older people who would have had enough to live on in their old age now find these thieves have robbed them of their security by their de­ creasing the value of their dollars. I am sure Senator Church and our liberal boy Al Ullman over here in Oregon and all the rest of their buddies will never be bro­ ught to court for robbery but I do believe in the hereafter and that there is an honest judge over there and that they will then have to pay the price of the greatest robbers of all. When will we as Ameri­ cans ever learn that we can take care of our aged and our poor easier and better and cheaper ourselves as families and communities than big gov ernment can do it? When will we ever learn that government produces no­ thing? If government does help one group it has to steal it from another group via the tax method When will we ever beware of and turn our backs on the “promise everything for nothing" politician? Yours truly. D. A. Erickson 1131 S W 6 St. Thomas’ is one of the few that is still used for church purposes m it's present form St. James’ in Milton Freewater (which was ori­ ginally at Weston) and Ascension Chapel at Cove are the other two which remain, as is. for use in active church worship of the seven ’Nevius’ churches in Eastern Oregon St Thomas’ features a rose window over the altar that in itself is priceless, having been brought around 'the Hom by sailing ship to Portland and then overland to Canyon City by 'dead axle' (that means no springs: freight wagon, without break mg Tucked back against a hillside. St. Thomas has a fresh water spring that has OBITUARIES And because no letterhead is complete without a matching Nyssa envelope, we feature envelopes SIGNS FOR SALE in every color and finish. For every personal or business stationery need, count on us. We specialize in quality. Richnrd Phillip« Owner 34 North Oregon St., Ontorio Just North of Underpass Locally Owned and Operated I 15’ FOR SALE o. .ACM 9fl- FORMENT J Nyssa Gate City Journal »» am srowi wiisa »«oyj pi nn 1 Nytsa Gate City Journal N vsm 112 Main St. 372*2233