Nyssa, Gata City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Page Four Bell Choir Plays For Harper-Pinckard Rites EAGLES AUXILIARY The ladies of the Eagle* Auxiliary No. 2134 held their tegular meeting at the Eagle* Hall. Tuesday. August 17. During the business meet ing Ruth Collin* reported on the up-coming Region 4 meeting to be held in Nyssa September 25 and 26. it was announaed that the Aenp and Auxiliary will hold a joint potluck dinner on September 24 in honor of the Worthy State President and the Madam State President. Fern Klien asked that all members contact her as to the kind of salad they are bringing for the Aerie Luau August 28. Following the meeting members and guests were entertained by the “Order of the Arrow” dance team from Boise. The next regular meeting will be at the Eagles Hall on Tuesday. September 1 tl 8 p.m. Boyd ¡Tilson Returns Home JODIE AND D. PHILLIP PINCKARD ...she was Jodie Harper In a wedding ceremony written by the groom. D. Phillip Pinckard and Jodie Harper were married on July 13 at College Church of the Nazarene. Performing the evening rites was Rev. Roy Green, uncle of the bride from the Fairfield Church of the Nazsrene in Eugene. Oregon, assisted by Dr. Morris Weigelt. professor at Nazarene Theological Semi­ nary. Kansas City. Missouri. The couple lit a unity candle, and as they took Communion the College Chu­ rch Bell Choir played the "Lord’s Prayer". The bell choir also performed the processional and recessional music. A duet by Glenda Wardlaw and Jay Vail was accompanied by Peggy Wen­ ner on the harpsichord. Candelabra entwined with white Majestic daisies and yellow gladioli enhanced the sanctuary for the double-ring ceremony. Yellow bows and white and yellow daisies decorated the pews. Carrying a white Bible that her mother carried at her wedding and bouquet to which a cameo of the groom's grandmother was attached, the bride wore a gown of her own design. Her floor-length dress was of white nylon crystalline over polyester enhanced with imported flo­ wered and scalloped lace that outlined the square neckline, empire waistline, long full, cuffed sleeves and chapel length skirt that featured a full ruffle at the hemline. Holding her three-tiered, chapel-length veil in place was a lace outlined Juliet cap. The tiers of the veil were edged with lace to match that on the gown. Her bouquet was of Wovern Abey roses, white stephanotis and baby's breath. Standing with the bride as maid of honor was her sister Joye Harper. Bridesmaids were Kathy Groenig, Be­ thany Flagg, DeLayne Hill and Esther Knapp, sister of the groom. The groom's attendants were Jim Clayton, bestman, Michael Vail. David Kirk. Lee Schafer and George Knapp, brother-in- law of the groom, grooms­ men. Flower girl was Leigh Ann Schafer and nngbearer was Stephen Hill. A reception was held in Franklin Hall at College Church of the Nazarene for which Mary and Glen Ward­ law were host and hostess. Assisting were Beth Schafer. Martha Flagg. Winona Hicks Naomi Long. Evelyn John­ son. Carla Bentley, Roxy Nading. Brenda Lange. Linda Franklin and Gail Roberts. The couple are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harper, and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Pinckard all of Nampa. The bride is a graduate of Nampa High School and Northwest Nazarene College, She taught Math and Science in the Nyssa Junior High School and is currently employed by the Center School District. Kansas City, Missouri. The groom gra­ duated from Morrisville High School. Morrisville, Pennsyl­ vania and Olivet Nazarene College. Kankakee, Illinois. He is currently attending Nazarene Theological Se­ minary, Kansas City. Mis­ souri and is employed at Mid Continent Presbyterian Ma­ nor also in Kansas City. Following a wedding trip to Placerville, the newlyweds will be residing at Kansas City. Boyd Wilson, who under­ went major heart surgery in Boise. August 11, returned to hig home in Nyssa this week. He is doing very well and may have visitors. Otis Smith Hospitalised E. Otis Smith is recovering from surgery in the Caldwell Memorial Hospital. He is doing well and Mrs. Smith reports that he may have visitors. Mrs. Capper Returns Home Mrs. Percy Capper, who had surgery at Malheur Memorial Hospital last Thur* day is now at home. She is recovering very nicely and may have visitors. Mrs. Richter In Hospital Mrs. Tony Richter was hospitalized Saturday mor­ ning at Malheur Memorial Hospital where she is being treated for a back injury. She is feeling better and may have visitors. Events Around Adrien S, M> »• Truth ha* only to change hand* a few time* to become fiction. • • • Getting to a cocktail party late la like trying to get on a merrv go-round after It’* «tarted. • • • Money may talk, but It teems to be very hard of hearing when vou call It. e e e Sign In a travel bureau: “Go Away.” • • • How about a trip to Nyssa Co-op Supply, for a really complete tune-up before you travel? Nyssa Co-op Supply 18 N 2nd Nyssa, Oregon 372-2254 Social Scene Mrs. Laura Chadwick of Covina, California and her granddaughter. Mardi Sti nert of Laverne. Calif, are houseguest* this week at the home of Mr*. Chadwick's parent*, Mr. and Mr*. Damon Savage • • • Mr. and Mrs. Alan McCool and Tanzy of Fort Lewi*. Wa*hington were Friday evening callers of Mr. and Mr*. Frank Byers. • • • Mr. and Mr*. Fred Guthrie accompanied Mr*. Virginia Bybee to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Chadd in Moun­ tain Home on Sunday. They enjoyed dinner and home­ made ice cream before returning home. College where he will be a freshman student. Those attending the dinner were the Mark Moncur*. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nielsen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sant and family. • • • On Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Byers accompanied by Fran­ ces Kratzburg of Parma went to Caldwell to visit Mrs. Byers' daughter. Mrs. Elven Day. The three ladies then went to Kuna and visited Mrs. Jim Farmer and family. Then upon their return to Caldwell they visited ■ granddaughter. Tina Day in the Caldwell Hospital where she is recovering from ankle surgery. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gyl- lenskog and son of Eugene were houseguest* last week at the home of his parent*. Mr. and Mr*. Reed Gyllen- skog. Other callers last week were Mrs. Reed Gyllenskog's sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Sorensen and boy* from Hazelton, Idaho. On Friday both Gyllenskog families went to Boise where they joined another sister of Mrs. Gyllen­ skog. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Waldron and children from Malad. Everyone enjoyed a picnic in the park and going to the Zoo. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Lewis K. Riggs and sons of Milpitas. California were houseguests last week *t the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Riggs. On Tuesday they were all dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Manning and family In Kuna. Wednesday they were joined by the Mannings and went to Lake Owyhee for a picnic. Friday they again called on the Manning* and then returned to their home in California on Saturday. • • • Mrs. Lucile Myrick and her sister, Mrs. Joan Cruz took Shelley Myrick to BYU in Provo. Utah over the week­ end where she will be a freshman student. Guests over the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towne were their daughter. Mrs. David Johane sen of Beaverton and their granddaughter, Mrs. Debbie Frances and her two daugh­ ter*. Alison and Sara from Hillsboro. • • • A family dinner was held in honor of Curtis Moncur. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moncur at the home of his sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jayo and family Sunday afternoon. Curtis left Monday for Ricks Monday morning callers at the home of Mrs. Louise Ward was Jim Montgomery and his daughter. Mr*. Bonnie Geary and two children from south of Fresno,California. They are visiting Gordon Montgomery and other friends in the area . • • • • • • Kingman Kolony News Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lundy attended the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mr*. Stanley Hill Sunday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Hanson of Pinnellas Park. Florida were guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner from Thursday till Saturday. They were former friends in South Dakota. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Griffin enjoyed the company of Sunday evening callers, Mr. and Mrs. Walburn of Baker. • • • Mr. and Mr*. Ronald Forbes* and ions, Ronald. Gregory and Douglas of Rancho Palo* Verdes. Calif, were houseguest* last week at the home of his mother. Mrs. Erm* Forbes*. They returned to their home on Friday. • • • Mrs. Del Freeman and daughters Kris and Delyn. and Mrs. Riley Tucker, all of Eugene.visited at the home of their mother, Mrs. Ruth Klinkenberg last week Mr*. Klinkenberg returned home with them for a week's viait in Eugene. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Frell Blair returned Sunday, following a ten-day vacation trip during which time they enjoyed the Oregon Coast and Crater Lake. Amity Woman Moot The Amity Cub met at the home of Mrs. Karma Neilson in Apple Valley Wednesday evening. August 18. Mrs. Lavin Roberts re­ viewed the book. "Intern" by Dr. X. Mrs. Virginia Baker was a special guest and the door prize was won by Mr*. Mary Mann. By Dale Witt Mr. and Mr*. Willi* Conant report the birth of • new grandson, Larry Allen, born August 17 to their daughter and husband. Mr. and Mr*. Ralph Lewi* of Nu Acre*. He weighed a little over eight pounds and ha* two brother* and three sister* to welcome him. Mr. and Mr* Paul Gehrke were Wednesday evening callr* of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Conant. Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stevens of Blackfoot and Mrs Emma Thompson of Emmett visited Mr. and Mr*. Herschel Thompson and Mrs. Ethel Thompson. Mr. and Mr*. Ron Thomp­ son and family of Roseville. California came Friday eve­ ning to visit hi* parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thomp­ son and other relatives in this area. They will be visiting here for about ten days. George Schiemer was a Sunday afternoon coHee gu­ est of Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson Mr*. Jim Phifer, Mr*. Jerry Freitag. Mr*. Charles Bowers and Mrs. Bill Toomb went to the Fair at Ontario Saturday. Mr*. Jim Phifer and Mr*. Jerry Freitag presented Memorial Tro­ phies. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer and Mr and Mr*. Klaas Lean of Kingman Koiony attended the open house for Mr. and Mrs. Stanley HUI in Adrian Sunday afternoon. Mr*. Inez Goodwin and famUy went in the John Day Mountain* Thursday and had lunch with her mother, Mr*. Delia Horn and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moore. That evening Inez and John Goodwin and two boys went to Pendleton to visit their daughter Joan Estudero Mrs. Mabie Piercy and Mr*. Bill Toomb went to Weiser Sunday afternoon and visited Mr. and Mr*. Herb Thomas. Mrs. Mabie Piercy and Mrs. Sue Ashcraft went to the Fair in Ontario on Thursday. Ellen Ashcraft of Caldwell and her daughter and hus­ band and grandson of Cald­ well visited her sister-in-law. Mr*. Sue Ashcraft Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mr*. Bill Moor* were Sunday morning caller* of Mr*. Inez Goodwin. Mr. and Mr*. Myroo Osborn and family spent last week at the Fair at Ontario. Kathv had a calf there. The Earl Kygar* had a farewell dinner Sunday for their son Jay and Gu* Silloni*. rtev are leaving far the Army on Monday. Th* guest* were Mrraae*tfe> Charles Culben^qm Mr. aa4< Mr*. Harold Jentto* aad family, Mr. and Mr*. Ww McConathy and Brenda. Ka­ thy Hay. Arthur Leos and Janeen Kygar. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kygar called on Mr. and Mr*. Med Kygar in their new home io Marsing. Saturday afternoon The Pollyanna Club will meet Thursday afternoon September 2, with Mr*. Marge Ervin. Mr*. Paul Gehrke wUl be co-hoateaa. Roll call will be “Tell something interesting you did this summer." The club meeting* will start at 1:30 p.m. this fall Pomona Grange Meets Saturday Pomona Grange will meet Saturday. August 28. 8 p.m. at Ontario Heights Grange. Election of officers will be held All Pomona member* are urged to attend. Happy Dozen The Happy Dozen Card Club met Friday afternoon with Mr*. Mabie Pearcy in Adrian. Hazel Schafer was a guest pfayer. Winners were Hazel Scha­ fer. Thelma Hammon, See Ashcraft, and Goldie Roberta 48 month auto loans Mr. and Mrs. Vern Parker reported attending the open house celebration for Mr. and Mr*. Stanley Hill Sunday afternoon a* did many other in Adrian. Mr and Mrs. Bill Looney went to Moses Lake Friday and visited their son, Mr. and Mr*. Bill Looney Jr. and family, returning home Sun­ day afternoon. Mr and Mr*. Danny Sker janec and three boy* of Ontario visited her parent*. Mr and Mr*. George DeHa­ ven Sunday afternoon, and the boys remained for a few day* visit with their grand­ parent*. Mr. K. I. Peterson was also a Sunday afternoon visitor. Mr*. Sue Ashcraft was a Tuesday evening dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs George DcHavcn 1st time During the past five years the retail price of an average car in Amenca rose 37% This means that a car that cost $4,000 in 1971 costs over $5,400 in 1976 The way we see it, we can't do anything about bnnging down the price you have to pay these days, but we sure can do something about stretching out the time you have to pay it in That's why we now offer 48 month auto loans Up to 48 months to pay That's the key to lower installments for you Depending on auto* 1st times add up There the purchase price we can give you up to 48 months to pay for the new car, van, cam per or light truck you buy How do you go about it? Easy Just come to any of our 144 branches through out the state and ask about our simple • interest FirstLoan for are so many 1st time* in your life: lat times for sav­ ing* and checking accounts, for 7H% investment certifi cate**, for new home and home improvement loans, for First Day & Night Teller, for First trust services and First retirement programs You’ll find that these 1st times add up to a frame­ work of supportive service* that grow as your needs grow in the business of life You'll realize, too, that help ing you make a success of life is one very impor tant reason why were in business Member FDIC. In the business of life thereto a Hst time for everything. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON ’Federal law and regulation prohibit the payment of a time dapooit prior to maturity unlace three months of interact thereon io forfeited end interest on the amount withdrawn to reduced to the regular earinge rate COUAL MOUUIHQ If HOF H __ They returned home in th* morning. ADRIAN ■ Mrs. Wayne Sparks and baby who are visiting Mrs. Anna Long, spent the weekend with her husband in Mountain Home. Mrs. Lucille Remmington had Koffee Klutch at her home Wednesday afternoon. Sharon Dinger and girl friend Pat Candle of Hepner spent Friday night and Saturday with the former* parents. Mr. and Mr*. Oliver Freel. Mr. and Mr*. Frank Bicandi of Caldwell. Mr. and Mr*. Myron Gossard and Monty Feel visited Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Freel Mondav afternoon. Vacation: Three week* on the sand* ■ and (he rest of the year on the rock*. • • • Thursday, August 26, 1976