Thursday. August 26,' IWW I GRUNTI NHS Calendar Of Events Aagnat 3B ■ First Day of School, classes dismissed at noon with buses leaving at 12:20 p.m. S*ptmnber 3 ■ Football. Nysaa at Ontario, 8 p.m. Saptamber 6 • Labor Day. No school September 9 • Football. Payette JV at Nysaa. 4 p.m. Bowling Meeting August 26 previously here. The Nyssa Women's Bowling Association will not have a meeting a* was reported, FORD THUD I 1976 CHÍV MONTI CARLO V-B. V4 Football Practice Begins With Grunts, Groans, Thuds With huffs and puff*, grunts, groans and thuds, regular football practice be­ gan Monday for the Nyssa Bulldogs. It was their first day in uniform and from the moans and groans it was easy to tell that some players were not yet in shape. They began their practice with calisthenics. The pic­ tures show two exercises— one for loosening tight back GROANI and neck muscle* and the other for stretching tight hamstring* and calf muscle*. There is no question that out-of-shape and poorly-stret» ched muscles are responsible for many football injuries. The large picture show* a slightly rougher exercise—its called hitting. Coach Art Bullock says that's the name of the game. In this exer­ cise. half the running back* execute a running play—on this occasion it was the "triple 38" an option play— and the other half try to kn