Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, July 29, 1976, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page Four
Mr and Mrs Frank Sells,
nee Lee Sullivan of Moises
Lake. Washington are the
proud parents of a beautiful
daughter. Donni Lee. She
was born Wednesday. July
21. at the Mooes Lake
The new infant weighed
nine pounds and three
ounces and measured twenty
two inches in length. Donni is
the couple's first child.
Doting grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sells of
Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Mas
Sullivan of Apple Valley
Holy Roomy Heerhni
MBS. HANNAH BURBANK. a long time resident of Nyssa
will officially celebrate her 87th birthday. Friday. July 30.
However she was honored by members of her family Saturday
evening at the home of her son. and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Burbank with a barbecue. The traditional
birthday cake with white frosting and decorated with pink
flowers and the words. “Happy Birthday. Mother and
Grandma'* made the party a complete success.
Mrs. Burbank enjoyed the company of her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sparks of Nyssa, another
son, and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burbank and family of
Ogden, a nephew John Burbank of The Dalles and a niece and
her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Miles and family also of
The Dalles, and the Leslie Burbanks. Other family members
will arrive later this week.
Tribute To Hannah Burbank
In 1947, Mrs. Hannah Burbank purchased her home on
North Second Street and was our neighbor. She was soon to
become our babysitter and thus became our friend. Through
the years she filled in as mother to Bill and Nellie, and she is
the only grandmother our younger children remember.
Our religions are called a different name, but we share the
same God. We have a beautiful friendship, and a need for
each other. Raising our famiy was made easier because of her
Bill, our oldest son. once said, "if there is a saint on earth it
has to be “Burbank." We agree with him, but she is many
things more. She is kind and loving, humble, generous,
energetic and so willing to be helpful.
She is “Burbank" and we love her.
The Bill Wahlert Family
I i News From
D *
BIG BEND • Jolly Janes
Chib will meet Wednesday
afternoon. August 4. with
Mrs. Winifred Bennett.
Mrs. Marie Douglas, Mrs.
Dennis Heaps and children of
Nampa were Wednesday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dyre
Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Seuell left Wednesday eve­
ning for their home in
Wickenburg. Arizona after
visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Delno Brock of
Ontario called on Mrs. Leroy
Bennett Thursday morning.
Mrs. Dyre Roberts played
cards with the Happy Dozen
Pinochle Club at the home of
Mrs. Anna Long in Adrian.
She was one of the prize
Mr and Mrs. Dick Bennett
and family, Mrs. Winifred
Bennett and Mrs.
week at Fish Lake. The Dick
Bennetts returned Friday.
Mrs. Winifred Bennett. Lon­
nie Bennett and Sue Ashcraft
drove home by Joseph,
Oregon where they visited
Etha Foster Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Han­
sen and family of Midvale
spent Friday and Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Hobbs were honored with a
dinner for their 10th Wed
ding Anniversary at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cart­
wright Thursday evening.
Mrs. Wilma Hobbs and
family of Parma also were
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carlock
are rejoicing over the arrival
of their first grandchild, a
boy Chad Nicholas born July
IS to Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Orris of Roswell at the
Caldwell Memorial Hospital.
He weighed in at four pounds
Come in and see our
New Catalog
* Photo Invitations
’ Mormon Temple Designs
* Thank You Notos
Personalized Napkins
Anniversary Announcements
Parchment Scrolls
Calling Cards
July 21 - Mr. and Mrs.
Pilar Ruiz, Ontario, a boy
Mr. and Mrs. James D.
Pierce. Ontario, a boy
July 22 * Mr. and Mrs.
Terry Perkins, Ontario, girl
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Iseri.
Ontario, a girl
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Hawkins, Vale, a boy
Mr. and Mrs. James
Arritola. Vale, a boy
July 23 - Mr. and Mrs.
James Skousen. Ontario, a
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip
Hendrickson, Ontario, a girl
July 24 * Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Castillo. Vale, a boy
July 25 * Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Travis. Ontario, a girl
Mr. and Mrs. Steven
Reynolds. Payette, a boy
Mr. and Mrs. Blake
Poston, Weiser, a boy
July 26 • Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Rogers, New Plymouth,
Mr. and Mrs. Newell
Jensen. Ontario, girl
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hale.
Ontario, boy
July 27 • Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Leonard. New Ply­
mouth. boy.
ByGaMte Rat
and IS ounces and had to
remain in the hospital until
Mrs. Darrell English, Mrs.
Stan Thomas and children
visited Mrs. Ken Clary and
boys Monday afternoon in
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Hobbs took Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Cartwright to dinner in
Homedale Friday in honor of
Mrs. Cartwright’s birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Riggs
of Parma visited Mr. and
Mrs. Dyre Roberts Thursday
Christy Seuell was honored
with a swimming party
Friday evening at Parma for
her birthday.
Little Lori Anne Thomas
and Christopher Tillman are
the latest chicken pox victims
Mr. and Mrs. Burton
Blades of Nampa, Robin
Morrison of Provo, Utah and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carroll
Social Scene
ee ****************************
Canyon Reach.
e •
Vicki Myrick of Pandtetoo
has been visiting her grand­
mother and aunt, Mrs. Ladle
Myrick aad Shelley tinea the
Fourth of July. She to the
daughter of Mr. aad Mrs.
Jerry Myrick.
Mr. aad Mrs. Mas Dane
and five children of Phoenix.
Arizona arrived at the Myrick
home in Nyssa on Monday.
Mr. aad Mrs. Jerry Myrick
will come thia weekend to
attend a family reunion. They
will visit friends aad relatives
in the area.
e e e
Houseguests thia week at
the home of Mr. aad Mrs.
Clayton Jensea are her
daughter. Mrs. Jeaa De­
Junge. Peter and Brandon of
Salt Lake City.
They were joined Monday
by another daughter, Mrs. L.
A. Cruz and children of Uttto
Neck. New York. They will
join with the Myrick family
for a reunion this weekend.
e e e
Mr. and Mrs. Elton Clapp,
Neu Mae WUey and Mr. and
Mrs Marrin Wiley of Cald
well went to John Day to visit
their son aad grandson.
Raymond WUey, who to
working for the Forest
Service. He had been in an
auto accident but seemed to
be doing fairly well He took
them on a tour of the area
aad up to the top of the
lookout. They all enjoyed the
day very much.
e e e
Mrs. Merle Johnson was a
Sunday afternoon visitor in
the home of her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. aad Mrs. Pat
Sweeney in CaldweU.
Craig Froerer. sou of Mr.
and Mrs. Owen Froerer to
serving a two-year mission
for the Church of the
Latter-day Saints in Thunder
Bay. Ontario. Canada.
e o o
Mr. and Mrs. Don Savage
and Kris were Saturday
evening dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Milo McLHargy in
Houseguests thia week at
the home of Mr and Mrs
John Dority were Mr »nd
Mrs. Paul Dority of Bremer
too. Wash., Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Dority, Denver.
Colo. They are John's bro­
thers. Mrs. Kathy Casey aad
children of Ceres. Calif..
Mrs. Patricia Frender of
Vancouver. Wash., and Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry Dority of
Richland. Wash., were all
guests this week at the home
of their parents They at
tended fimeral serviea Mon­
day for Joe Dority in Boise.
o e e
Visitors in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Strickland last
week were the Rev. and Mrs.
Earl Hastings from Indio.
California. He was a former
minister of the Nyssa Chris­
tian Church. Friends of the
couple called at the Strick­
land home Saturday evening
to visit the Hastings and also
Mr. and Mrs. Gus liming
from Boise who were resi­
dents of Nyssa when the
Hastings family lived here.
Wilbur Coffman aad Do­
rothy Wilson returned home
Friday from Eugene with Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Marcum.
Mr. Coffman had been a
visitor in the Marcum home
for the two weeks during the
hospitalization of hla wife,
Ina Coffman. Following her
death they brought him and
his daughter back to Nyssa
The Marcums are house­
guests of Mr. Coffman aad
will be here for a week Mrs
Marcum to the former De­
lores Coffman.
a a a
Family members coming
from a distance for the
funeral services of Ina
Coffman were Ken and
Crystal Mills. Michael Mar
cum aad Carol Grieg of
Eugene. Nancy Wilson of San
Bernardino, Calif., aad Larry
Wilson of Corvallis.
e e e
Mr and Mrs. Elvin Ballou
aad daughter Joy aad their
daughter aad son-in-law, Mr.
aad Mrs. Tom Ady aad
Tommy of Rohnert Park.
California went camping la
the Klamath Falls area
recently They also visited
Crater Lake Park.
Police Report
In a relatively quiet week­
end Nyssa Police had only
two arrests, both for driving
while under the Influence of
Jamie Reyes, 36. Parma,
was also charged with driving
while suspended when he
was arrested Saturday. July
24. He was lodged and
appeared In court Monday
where he entered a plea of
guilty to the DU1I charges
and was fined S3Q5 Judge
ment was held on the Class A
misdemeanor charges until
further investigation was
Emundo Castillo. 34. Ny­
ssa, posted bail and will
appear in Nysaa Municipal
Court later.
Happy Birthday
July 29 - Thelma Van
Biljouw, Willma Staples,
Harold Kassman, Wendy
Martin. Joe Corfleld, Lairy
July 38 - Mary Ward,
Royce Cote, Tami Holcomb
July 31 - Michelle Sada-
mori, Mike Williams. Larry
Larsson. Ryan Sights, Pearl
Bullard, Golda Roper
August 1 • Eileen Olde-
meyer. Elsie Martin. Larry
Sparks. Marilyn Richesin
August 2 • Tami Richesin.
Margaret Toombs.
AMuut 3 ■ Frankie Viel-
ma. Bill Patterson. Roma
Alvord. Jane Fonda. Letecia
August 4 • Robert Rodrí­
guez, Jr.. Jonathan Cheney.
Dennis Hopkins, former
Nyssa High School music
teacher, was a houseguest of
Dale Schraufnagel and Clyde
Swisher over the weekend.
He visited many former
associates and friends.
Engagement Announced
pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Juli
Ann, to Vai Pace Nielsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R.
Nielsen of Parma.
Miss Peterson graduated from Nyssa High School In 1975,
and attended BYU last year. Mr. Nielsen graduated from
Parma High School in 1971, and has served on a mtoaion to
Hong Kong for the LDS Church. They plan to continue their
education this fall at BYU where he to majoring in accounting
An August 19 wedding to being planned in the Idaho Falls
Men '» Night
“Sun Fun" to the theme of
the Christian Butineu A
Professional Women's Coun­
cil meeting on August 3. It
will atoo be men's night.
Special Feature will be
The Great Ou Moon
Music will be presented by
Pst O'Brien, Ontario. Spea­
ker is Barry Asmas
Everyone to invited to
attend and bring a friend.
Please call 889 8508 for
reservations. Come join us at
the Charoláis Restaurant. 625
East Idaho Avenue, Ontario.
Plan to attend I
News W
John Flanary and children
of Seattle, Washington called
on Mr. and Mrs. John king
Seniors Slate
Card Party
Nyssa Senior Citizens will
hold a Pinochle Party in the
Clubhouse on Brower Sgeet,
Friday. July 30. 7:30 p.m.
Everybody Welcome.
Prize winners at the recent
luncheon card parly held by
the Yellow Rose Rebekah
Lodge No. 202 were: Bridge-
Marion Strang and Mary
Hatt; Pinochle • Mrs. Me­
cham and Mrs Morrison
The door prize was won by
Virginia Rookstool.
The ladies of the lodge
wish to thank all those who
s trended
leticia Rodrigues has com
pleted training at Fort
McClellan. Alabama and to
serving in the United States
Azxny MflRary Police at curt
Hood. Texas.
She to the daughter of Mr. »
and Mrs. Daniel Rodrigues of '
110 Emison Avenue in Nyssa
and a 1974 Nysaa High
School graduate.
Sunday guests at the Ehou
Clapp borne were her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Wickham of Boise
Mr and Mrs. John Som
mars of Donnelly ware
weekend houseguests at the
Frank Byers home. On
Sunday, the two couples
visited Mr. aad Mrs. Floyd
Sommers in Parma, Mr. aad
Mrs. Mike Bethel in CaldweU
John's daughters in Middle-
ton and Mrs. Elven Day aad
children in CaldweU.
of Nyssa called on Mr. and
Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Carroll Sunday
Mrs. Floyd Wood of
Marsing, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Bennett and family. Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Wood wore
guests for ice cream at the
home of Mrs. Winifred
Bennett Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lady
vacationed from Wednesday
until Saturday at Cascade
and McCall.
Gordon Avery of Weiser
and Ted Avery flew to
Hagerman Sunday where
they visited Don Avery.
Mrs. Ray Cartwright was
honored with a birthday
dinner at the Raymond
Cartwright home Saturday.
Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Don Cartwright aad
children of Nyssa who brou­
ght a birthday cake and Ray
Mr. and Mrs. David
Lodzinski and family of Santa
Fe, New Mexico came
Monday to visit Mrs. Juaaa
Sillonis and the Pete and
Mike Sillonis families. Mr.
Lodzinski returned to Santa
Fe by plane.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Molt
and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Hobbs and Charts
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Cartwright attended the re­
ception for Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Molt of New Ply-
mouth 40th Wedding recep­
tion at the Nyssa Park
Sunday afternoon. The Molts
lived in Big Bend several
years ago.
Little Shane York of New
Plymouth spent the weekend
with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Callahan.
He returned to his home
Sunday after a fun-time of
fishing and assisting with
the farm chores.
Thursday, July 29, 1976
Nyssa Goto City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon
Have your questions concerning the furthering of your education or about
colleges in general answered by representatives from Treasure Valley Com­
munity College. They will be in Nyssa on Thursday, August 5th. Take advantage
of this opportunity
for free counseling
and get the information you need to
make intelligent decisions. TalktoD.M. Stelljess, director of Admissions, or
Jose Estrada, assistant Admissions Counselor, Thursday from 2:00 to 9:00 p.m.
August 5th at the Nyssa Multi-purpose Room, Nyssa Primary School or phone
372-2275 and ask for D.M. Stelljess or Jose Estrada