Nysso Goto City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Thursday, July 8. 1976 World President Of Country Women Will Visit Here I The world president of the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) will visit Oregon Extension and Farm Bureau homemakers in early July, according to Alberta Johnston, Oregon State University Extension area supervisor. the Master Farm and Home- maker Guild. Mrs. Griffin is in charge of arrangements for the meeting. Mrs. Farquharson has been active in ACWW programs since 1940. She was elected area vice presi­ dent for southern and wes­ tern Europe in 1965 and was elected president first In 1971 and re-elected in 1974. Among her other activities, she serves as a member of the executive committee of the United Kingdom Con­ ference for the Second Development Decade. Her work as a member of the UK National Savings Committee from 1950 to 1975 Page Seven Livestock Field Day At Fairgrounds brought her the Order of the Bntish Empire in 1969 In 1970, she attended the Second World Food Congress in The Hague and was appointed to the Congress steering committee. From 1969 until 1971 she was the official ACWW represen­ tative to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. While visiting in North America. Mrs. Farquharson hopes to see what Extension and other homemakers are doing, Mrs. Griffin notes From Oregon, she will go to Boise to attend an Idaho 4-H program and then will go on to New Mexico. JOSEPH F. ROMANIA, owner of Joe Romania Chevrolet, Eugene, is new president of the Oregon Automobile Dealers Assoc­ iation. representing fran­ chised new car and truck dealers. I he Malheur County Live­ stock Field Day is scheduled for Thursday. July 15. in Girvin Hail at the Malheur County Fairgrounds in On­ tario. The activities will begin at 9:30 a m with registration of participants and a short session on judging tips. Fitting and showing demon strations for beef, sheep and swine will be given, with time provided for participants to practice. The judging contest will begin at 1 p.m. with two classes of beef, two classes of sheep, a class of swine, a class of meats, and a class of R Jgr.S bay. Oral and written reasons will both be given, each on a different class. Judging teams for State Fair and the Pacific Inter­ national Livestock Exposition will be chosen from the top scoring judges from this contest, reports Marilyn Mohr, Malheur County 4-H Agent, so it’s important for 4-H and FFA members to attend this activity. An important reminder to participants: bring a sack lunch and two sharpened pencils for this field day. a A ■ H. M. (Mikel ANDERSON, on the left, and Russell D. Aman have opened up an insurance office in the optometrist office on Second and Main. They have one room in the office suite J RIEB'S FOODLAND « *- A • * * AWT# She is Mrs. Olive L. Farquharson. of England, who is in her second term as president of the world body. She will be in Oregon July 7 through 12 as part of her visit to the United States and Canada. Currently in Canada, Mrs. Farquharson will come to Oregon from Washington state where she will meet with Extension homemakers and participate in a special ceremony July 7 at the Peace Arch on the Canadian-US border at Blaine, Washington with Extension homemakers from Washington and British Columbia. She will arrive in Portland. Friday, July 9, where she will be met by Mrs. Helen Allen. Brookings, president of the Oregon Extension Home­ makers Council, and Mrs. Johnston While in Portland. Mrs Farquharson will visit the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) of the OSU Extension Service The next day. the English book publisher will be in Pendleton to inspect pro­ grams conducted by Umatilla County Extension home­ makers at Eastern Oregon State Hospital and will attend a luncheon in her honor. She will conclude her trip in Malheur County where she will be a guest of Mrs. Marge Griffin. Route 2. Box 234. Vale, treasurer of the Na­ tional Extension Homema kers Council which repre­ sents homemakers who par­ ticipate in Extension study programs throughout the United States. While with Mrs. Griffin. Mrs. Farquharson will visit the Malheur County EFNEP office in Nyssa and be the honored guest at a luncheon given by the county's Exten­ sion homemakers and Farm Bureau women. Mrs. Farquharson will also review plans for the national meeting of the American Country Women’s Council in September at Kah-Nee-Ta. The council is composed of representatives of the Ex­ tension Homemakers Council American Farm Bureau Fe­ deration. the National Farm and Garden organization and '¿¿X 2nd & GOOD U.6DA. CHOICE BLADE-CUT LEAN CHUCK I BONE U.G.P.A. CHOICE w f 7-qtB heart 6RAPE~A~ Weekdays 8 to 9 Sundays 9 to 7 1*76c SALE DAYS ★★★★★★★★★★★★ CHUCK R0A915T TURKEY X Store Hours: STEAK USDA CHOICE 7 NYSSA, OREGON PiNHSOU I5-I70Z. *. ” - CtEANER •UW • RATH' ROOM ïéi fe 4; | oll ? ROkU - K. 400 ct . CtHGRANUWTeD 4 VAL l EV IR can RELISHES 7T/776 Tomato ■ EA. < I. SWEET / • HOT POÔ / • HAMBUR6&R ÖZ- Q ui s ««25L —....JiQA Minion i Marconi >Äf| FRUIT PRINKS..... ■ V ' BRIEFS m n W V * MACARONI $ CHEESE DINNER^ RAP/5H i ********** M.c.P ÄsSTSÄ / bos. CANS NAHET'5 * SOUP > ♦ * ♦ * IO.75 UA * **********J 'SHERBET.... ■Vf &t-( BICENTENNIAL S *76* ' < Mr CAMPBELL TiWATO COFFBB GAH'ON I PINEAPPLES 0RAN&E TOMATOES r M.J 3. CAM Treasure'Valley ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★ * r 5**1 If BAS >5 i 476 * ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ***4F4F***** j SUGAR TREASURE MT. TOI LET ■ ■■■■■■■ I I ■ ■■ F 7 24 Oz. HI. 1/ * X :• T CRANBERRY* rORPITE QUART 40CT , y * freeze I VM^e.nU PINT 40CT KORPCTE FREEZE ?>O«iR«P THS ARMV « Cou» ai MtpIClWS WH4M Mt PRPSRtP -TUT XMTlRt CZMVTIMIMTAL AffMV IMOdULATgP AÔAIMJT TUB PRiAFSP Pi»tA«t,CMAURM ! NDÆ.À > PECK5H0E5Ä.. XßKECK Iboz. A55T.ZIÇS, ^ClEAN RINSED. xiptt X- <^NC I^LATiOM Zoz. ^1 of THf Cavi«» Of 71 PHP IO FIVIG? amp vacipw xava* gv major UMuTfR *a«p, ths pcvaioPMaar OF A TtPHOlP VAdClWS, AUp-na PliCOVattV OF 1HÏ PMfUMONIA Oa*M Ana just a raw or THS LIF< »AVIVG CONTRitVTXIlM •to socittv map » Rv th * Mau AMP WOMBU or TMf VOI TCP 4TATa4 A«MV.' I S ize EA4TEETR EP S 3oe ì i .□ H.4A ********** gQ 96' [FEM. PEOPûKANT ^-l • WATCH FOR. ICO ITEM1? OR MORE . W/TH LOW..,, ' M0NEV EAVER.' PRIC&Z II' FW&TAMP C u $T om EFS wicon & j . I 7 *. X * * Ui B * ■ ! FANCY tëwtë..,. fv $WEÊT X / TuiCY > meiNE5 IQ LARÛÊ 0EEEN 4L Ft NEW NO.i WHITE SHAFTER POTATOES IO æ ^A ö * * 77 -/< • /47 < I •w < 4 ♦ /> SuNKlST * / » in value ..... A55T. 3201. JlCENTEWlAU PACK!! VALÜ^.,.. WPIÊ5 h/HlTE-NAVY-PEP juice à « . **• I < v >