Page Ten rNews From Big Bend By GaMto Roberta GOVERNOR BOB STRAUB signed a proclamation urging all "red blooded Fathers of Oregon" to eat beef for Father’s Day on June 20. The Beef foe Father's Day program has been a special promotion effort of the Oregon CowBelles and Beef Council for the past 20 years. Cow Be lie Chairman Rose Novotny of Ontario and Malheur Beef Princess Johanna Moore of Vale are witnesses to the signing. Mrs. Novotny is promoting the use of beef and the giving of Beef Gift Certificates to all Oregon fathers this year. The certificates can be obtained at any branch of the U. S. National or First National Banks of Oregon, and are good in any retail grocery store or restaurant. Gets Award Events Around Adrian ___ Thursday, June 17, 1976 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon By Dale Witt ADRIAN • Mrs. Sue Ash­ craft went to the Happy Dozen Card Club at Elsie Divens in Nyssa last Friday. Thursday evening. Mrs Sue Ashcraft attended a Tupperware party at the home of her sister. Mrs. Ray Drown in Nyssa. Mrs. Sue Ashcraft helped Nora Howes in Big Bend mark a quilt for quilting one day last week. Gladys Newbill and Sue Ashcraft were Saturday lun­ cheon guests of Anna Long. Tuesday morning. Mrs. Lois Cartwright. Mrs. Geor­ gia Parker and Mrs. Amstutz were coffee guests of Mrs. Edna DeHaven. Mrs. Edna DeHaven atten­ ded the Womens Association meeting at the Irvin Topliff home Thursday afternoon Mrs. Mabie Piercy atten­ ded Mrs. Cowlings 90th birthday celebration, the Happy Dozen Card Club meeting and Linda Simpsons Dan Greif, a TVCC gradua­ ting sophomore, has been awarded a $2500.00 scholar­ ship in music at the College of Idaho in Caldwell for the coming academic year. Greif is the son of the Erivin Greifs of Payette. He has been very active in the music program at TVCC as a member of the Concert Choir and Omniphonic Sing­ ers and a frequent tenor soloist. _ baby shower this past week. Twenty-eight friends and neighbors of Mrs. Edna Cowling attended her 90th birthday celebration Tuesday June 8. Cake, ice cream, coffee and punch were served by the hostesses. Mrs. Ida Packwood. Mrs. Edna DeHa­ ven. Mrs. Marge Cameron and Mrs. Winifred Bennett. Her home was decorated with beautiful flowers brought by her guests. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van DeWater and son Kent of Caldwell called on Mr. and Mrs. Carl Begeman. Satur­ day afternoon. Laura and Jim King left Tuesday on an extended vacation trip to California, New Mexico. Arizona. Ne­ vada and Wyoming. Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mackey took Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Free! to dinner at Pollards in Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Vem Parker spent the weekend in La Grande with their son. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bege­ man were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van DeWater in Caldwell. In the afternoon they all visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fogleman in Nampa and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowen. Mrs. Fogleman has been quite ill. Mrs. Carl Begeman sub­ stituted for Mrs. Bill Toomb at the Happy Dozen Card Club meeting at the home of Elsie Diven in Nyssa. BIG BEND My apolo gies to the correspondent and readers of the Big Bend news for being unable to notify Goldie in time for her to take the correspondence to the Gate City Journal by a different route than mine Lucille Callahan. Jolly Janes Club met last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Dallas Chaney. Mrs. Horace Chaney of Caldwell assisted her. Guests were Mrs. Darryl Seuell, Mrs. Mike Sillonis, Mrs. Alan Bennett. Mrs. Stan Thomas and children, Mrs. Lee Lovitt. Mrs. Carl Lovitt and children. After a short business meeting a linen shower was held for the Carl Lovitt family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Roberts called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Roberts in Wilder Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lundt Jr. of Burns visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Witty and Carl from Wednesday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Avery went to Richland Tuesday to get Mrs. Waiter Greene. She visited them until Sunday. Mrs. Dyre Roberts was a Thursday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Delno Brock in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Sudam recently left for Europe where they will tour for their summer vacation from the Adrian Schools. Mr. and Mrs. John Pack­ wood. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tuppeny, Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts, Mrs. Ethel Smith. Mrs. Winifred Bennett and Darrell English went with the Parma Senior Citizens to Hells Canyon Dam Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Smith and Josh. Mr. and Mrs. Don Roberts and Brad and Kelly Allsop attended the wedding of Debbie Carlock and Scott Orris at the Roswell Presby­ terian Church last Saturday evening. The Adrian Garden Club met Monday afternoon with Mrs. Boyce Van DeWater. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sillonis and Tony went to Boise Monday where they visited relatives and consulted To­ ny’s doctor. Mrs. Ben Witty. Carl. Mark and Lynne attended the Adrian Community Church Sunday school picnic held Saturday on the church lawn. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JUNE 18 & 19 AT 8:00 P. M. BOTH NIGHTS SEVEN BIG EVENTS ★ BAREBACK RIDING * SADDLE BRONC ★ BULLDOGGING ★ BARREL RACING * BULL RIDING * CALF ROPING ★ TEAM ROPING SPECIAL EVENTS * BOISE BAREBACK RIDERS ★ SUER STOPPING ★ JUNIOR BARREL RACING (Not over 15 years oM and non-card holder) (^1 1^, Only) CARNIVAL - ZIMMERS RIDES - THURSDAY THRU SATURDAY PARADE 7 P. M. BOTH NIGHTS ADMISSION ADULTS *1.75 CHILDREN 6-11 *1.25 CHILDREN UNDER 6-FREE STOCK PRODUCER - VERNON HAWKINS, WEISER, IDAHO I Planning Commission To Study Land Use | Mrs. Dyre Roberts called on Mrs. Phil Church and family in Wilder Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ernie Lundt of Burns was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Witty from Thursday until SAturday. Mrs. Don Roberts attended a party for Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Roberts of Wilder Friday evening in honor of their 47th wedding anniver­ sary. The Youth Group of the Big Bend Grange held a banquet Saturday evening. A large crowd attended. Special music was furnished by Theone Teter and all the Teter sisters. Guest speaker was Pomona Master Blaine Girvin of Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Witty, Carl and Charles Witty, attended a wedding reception Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. George Hathaway at the Vale LDS Church. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Avery were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Avery and Gordon Avery of Weiser and Mr. and Mrs. Vonley of Long Creek. Oregon. All had flown in by planes landing at Zerbel's Landing Field. Mrs. Don Roberts and Kelly Allsop attended Job's daughters installation tn Parma last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Witty entered Holy Rosary Hospital in Ontario Sunday and underwent hio surgery Tues­ day morning. She has con­ tinued to improve and hopes to be home by the time this appears in the paper. Ted Avery left Monday with Darrell Paneke of Weiser for Prosser. Washing ton where they attended a two-day seed school. Mrs. Joe Witty. Mrs. Ben Witty and Mrs. Dyre Roberts attended the Christian Bu­ siness Women's dinner at the Charolais Restaurant in Ontario Tuesday evening. Mrs. Winifred Bennett. Mrs. Ethel Smith. Mrs. Dyre Roberts. Mrs. Leroy Bennett and Mrs. John Packwood helped Mrs. Edna Cowling of Adrian celebrate her 90th birthday Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. John Packwood, Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Mrs. Leroy Bennett attended Wo­ mens Association meeting at the home of Mrs. Irvin Topliff in Newell Heights Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Leonard Howes and Todd Wilson of Roy, Utah visited the Dyre Roberts and Darrell English families Fri­ day evening. Angie and Danny Sillonis are the latest victims of chicken pox. Toshia Thomas, Todd, Amy and Joey Bennett, Charla Hobbs, Julie. Angie and Danny Sillonis all atten­ ded the daily vacation Bible School at Roswell Baptist Church the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts called on Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Riggs in Parma Thursday evening. Gus Sillonis reached the age of 90 years Saturday. Mrs. Dyre Roberts clerked for 4-H judges at the Malheur Spring Fair Wednesday af­ ternoon. Mrs. Jim Holton helped Thursday. Susan Howes of Boise called on Mrs. Stan Thomas and family Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Holton and Jason and Tinely Howell spent from Friday until Wednesday in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Maus- ling received word Friday evening of the death of their brother-in-law, Phil Bockus in Escadido, California. Ser­ vices were held Wednesday there. He was a former resident of Big Bend. Mrs. Dyre Roberts atten­ ded the Happy Dozen Pino- chole Party at the home of Mrs. Elsie Divin in Nyssa Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bennett and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bennett and family, Mrs. Winifred Ben­ nett and guest Mrs. Mar­ garet Wood of Marsing all attended the open house for Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bennett at the Roswell Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Beguhl and Mrs. Patrica Bledsoe of Boise were guests of Mrs. Ethel Smith last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Blades and family of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carroll and Ray of Nyssa called on Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carroll and family Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Darrell English and Toshia Thomas attended the Hawker, Watts wedding at the Nyssa LDS Church Mr. and Mrs. Robert Church of Phoenix. Arizona are happy to announce the birth of their new daughter, Christine Elizabeth. She joi ned the family on Sunday. April 25. 1976 in the Mari­ copa County Hospital in Phoe nix. She weighed eight-pou­ nds and two and one-half ounces and measured twenty and one-half inches in length. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Church and Mrs. Tom Cramer and Louie McDaniel all of Ontario. Mrs. Pauline Chu­ rch of Nyssa is the extra proud great-grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie (Mike) Smith of Nyssa are the proud parents of a baby son. Adam Trent. Young Adam was bom at Mercy Medical Center in Nampa. Wednesday. June 2. 1976. He weighed eight pounds and nine ounces and was twenty-one and one-half inches long. He joins a brother Todd, age four yean^and a sister, Torri/two years old. Beaming grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Myron Osborn all of Nyssa. Happy great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Osborn of Nyssa and Mrs. Grace Cearley of Emmett. Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. David Hurie of Narrabri. N.S.W., Aus­ tralia. are the proud parents of a bouncing baby boy. bom March 10, 1976 in Sydney, Australia. He was named Benjamin Grant and weighed seven pounds. He is the couple's first child. Mrs. Hurie is the former Margie Staples. Nyssa High School foreign exchange stu­ dent the year of 1965-66. She lived with the Dirick Nedrys. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Staples of Cro­ nulla N.S.W., Australia. Members of the Citizens Committee for Involvement will meet on Monday, June 21. at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers with a special committee appointed' by Planning Commission chairman, Carl Burningham, to study land use and make zoning changes to the plan­ ning commission. Under the Land Conserva­ tion and Development Com­ mission goals, each city is required to provide zoning in consanance with county zones in the proposed de- veopment area. The CCI has arbitrarily Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rad cliffe of Nyssa proudly announce the birth of their first child, Claire Price Radcliffe The new arrival was born at Holy Rosary Hospital in Ontario, Thurs­ day, June 3, 1976. She tipped the scales at seven pounds and ten ounces. Baby Claire is also a fifth generation Oregonian. Beaming grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George A. Price Jr., of Pomona, Cali­ fornia and Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Radcliffe of Hubbard, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunnicutt of Merrill, Oregon are the happy great-grandparents. perimeter of Nyssa as the study area. In striving to create zones which agree with county zones, considers tion must be given to soil conditions, agricultural suita bility. present city and county zones as well as the city's ability to logistically support the area in question. In appointing the present task force. Chairman Burn Ingham felt a presentation should be made^one on each zone to be considered^ with one member assisting in the basic research and making the presentation. During the meeting. Joe Seward. Auxiliary Planning Commission member, will provide a presentation on an H I zone. Definitions were initially drafted for an R I zone to meet general LCDC requirements; however, no actual R-l zone exists in Nyssa. After presentations are made for each of the proposed zones, a Town Hall Public Hearing will be scheduled to determine which zones should be recom mended to the City Council for adoption. All persons interested in land use and zoning are invited to the present action. 1/4 inch CORDLESS eim ELECTRIC DRILL “ Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Avery visited their children in Weiser Sunday. Relatives here received word of the recent death of "Red" Morgan in Missoula. Montana. He was raised in Big Bend and was an uncle of Don Case. Scott Allsop left Wednes­ day for Fairbanks. Alaska to visit his father. Mrs. Ray Cartwright is visiting her sister. Mrs. Jossie Roadman in Spring­ field. Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell English, Mrs. Stan Thomas and family visited Mr. snd Mrs. Marion English in Nampa Tuesday. Lance Corp. Mark Maus- ling of the U. S. Marines arrived Tuesday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erie Mausling for the rest of the month of June. Mrs. Dyre Roberts, Mary. Crrlene and Darlene Carroll visited Mrs. Florence Hin- derlider at the Nampa Conva­ lescent Center and Mrs. Dennis Heaps and family in Nampa Tuesday. Leonard Howes left Satur­ day for Roy, Utah on business. His grandson, Todd Wilson returned home with him after visiting here. Mrs. Robert Callahan was called to North Platte, Ne­ braska, Saturday evening, June 5, leaving Sunday morning for the services of an aunt in that city. Because of the hurry-up preparation, she failed to notify the corres­ pondent of her leaving and consequently the Big Bend news didn't arrive at the Gate City Journal in time for setting. She apologizes to Goldie Roberts and the Big Bend news readers. Visitors at the Robert Callahan resident during the weekend of the 12th were Mrs. Ray Newman of North Platte, Nebraska, mother of Mrs. Callahan. Her two sisters, Mrs. Robert Steven­ son of Tryon, Nebraska and Mrs. Gene Hodo, her daugh­ ter and a grandson of Olathe, Kansas. They returned with Mrs. Callahan for a two-day visit, driving out through Wyoming and the Utah route. Mr. and Mrs. Randy York and family visited at the Robert Callahan residence Sunday with the relatives from Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Callahan and family of Ontario were evening visitors at the Robert Callahan home. selected an area of one thousand feet around the. Olà Tho “MINUTEMAN" 3x5' AMERICAN FLAG WITH 15 FT. EARTH ANCHOR POLE Add the ultimate touch to enhance your home business or resort residence Designed for permanent outdoor use (4) t«TH «KHM EUEMUtES THE HOST HOLE. EUT TO IStTUl PULSATING 7-1/4" CIRCULAR SHOWER HEAD SAW KIT ’1A88 IM M 1 "W 8AVE ■ ■ »10 00 ’29” 7500 Water jets s minute refresh, Powerhouse cultmt action OouMe stimulate, soothe Adjusts Io other mtuieiea urtying cite, rip guide showermt combinations (71) eitra plywood Made (95) Mffvicf soviet Mnnn\\ valui yr HUI) QUALITY Sale starts Thursday 9 Days Only (ends June 26) STUNZ LUMBER CO. Nyssa Ontario 372-2237 889-9647 New Plymouth 278 3216