Thursday, June 3, F 9 76 Nyssa Gate City Journal. Nyssa. Oregon KINGMAN KOLONY NEWS Newell Heights Items BY By Date Win The Eugene Pratt family had • family dinner Sunday. Those present were Carolyn from the College of Idaho, Gene and Linda and children of Kenewick, Burdette and family. Karen and Judy Kirley of Ontario, Jean Trunnel was a Sunday afternoon caller in the Pratt home Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mr». Ray Simpson were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mecham and family of Parma. Mr. and Mrs Gene Simpson and Cindy. Mr and Mrs. Raymond Simpson of Gresham. Sunday afternoon callers in the Ray Simpson home were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simpson and John, Mr. and Mrs Marion York and girls of Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Eason of Boise. Mrs. Dale Witt received a letter from her pen pal, Helena Mana Woolward in Cape Town. South Africa laat week. She wrote it waa very cold there. They are just coming into their winter. She writes that she has been quite Ul with a nervous breakdown, but is able to work again Her husband was killed by a hit-and-run driver over a year ago. They have sit children, the oldest about IS years old. The children are fine. She came from Portugal and her husband from New Zealand. She will send a picture of the children in her neit letter. Coming on Friday to spend the weekend at the Carl Lee Hill home were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ward of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ward, of Boise. Mr and Mrs. Larry Ward and Aaron of Portland. They returned home on Monday. Joining the group Sunday evening for a visit were Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Martin. Tracy and Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Price. Wallace and Sandy Butler. Leah and Brooke of Oregon City came Saturday to viait the formers mother. Mr. and Mrs Bill Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vanderpool of Ontario were Saturday afternoon callers in the Bill Webb home and visited with the Butler family. Saturday there was a pot luck dinner in the Bill Webb home for Pauline King, Mrs. Margarete Payne. T. R. Welty and Alyce Welty. They were also evening guests and enjoyed visiting with Mr and Mrs. Wallace Butler and family. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Webb and Mr and Mrs. Wallace Butler. Leah and Brooke went to the Owyhee Lake where they fished and had a picnic lunch. The Butlers returned home Mon­ day Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Dale Witt were Mr and Mrs W C Van DeWater and son Kent of Caldwell. Mrs. Marie Moore. Mrs. Edna Cowling and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Begeman of Adrian and Mrs. Winifred Bennett of Hig Bend and houseguest Mrs. Mary Auker of Aloha, Oregon. Mrs. Auker had been visiting her son Lester in Utah and stopped to visit friends in and around Adrian. She ia a former resident of Big Bend. Mrs. Leonard Schutte cal­ led on Mrs. Dale Witt Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fenn of Milwaukie, Oregon were Saturday afternoon viaitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Marion York and girls of Vale were Sunday afternoon callers in the Alfred Simpson home. DALE PHONE WITT Mrs. Bill Too mb returned home Wednesday from the Caldwell hospital where she had recent surgery. Mrs. Irvin Topliff visited Mrs. Bill Toomb Friday morning. Mrs. Jessie Slippy and Mrs. Bob Rice of Quincy, Washington were Sunday morning callers of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kygar. Guests at the Ear! Kygar home Sunday for a birthday dinner for Marlene Jenkins were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Culbertson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jenkins and family and Mrs. Ladenana Kropp and Chris. Sunday visitors of Jay Kygar were Dale Dennis, Gus Sillonis and Arthur Leos. Mr. and Mrs. Myron 372-21*3 Osborn and family attended the graduation exercises at Parma Tuesday. Sunday dinner guests in the Myron Osborn home were Jim Peters at Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs Mike Osborn and Mr. and Mrs. J. R Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pittz and family were Sunday morning coffee guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gehrke. Leon Fields of New Ply­ mouth visited in the Earl Ervin home Wednesday after noon. The Pollyanna Club will meet with Mrs. Bill Conant this Thursday afternoon. Roll call is, bring a recipe and sample to taste. Tuesday evening, Mrs. Klaas Laan attended the graduation exercises at Par ma, Marianne Laan was on of the graduates She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ray Laan who are former Newell Heights residents. Wednesday, Mike Macy came from lone. Cali­ fornia and Mike and Mary Macy left that evening for Baker. Oregon to visit his mother. Mrs. Ruth Rasmus­ sen, and left the next morning for their home in Crescent City. California. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Laan attended the open house at the Elmer Ausman home at Enterprise Avenue in Nyssa. Mrs. Ed Nedrow called on Mrs. Ethel Lay Friday morning. Jimmie Nedrow and Daniel Slippy camped out in the Owyhee Friday night. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Page Seven Nedrow went to Baker and Richland. They were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Jerry Berry, and also called on Mrs. Harry Buker. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edmondson of Pocatello and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Miller of Boise were weekend guests of the ladies parents, Mr and Mrs. Wayne Robb. Mrs. Norma Smith and son Tony of Hermiston came on a Thursday by bus to attend her daughter Christine's graduation at Adrian. She visited her sister, Mrs. Bonnie Beckstead, her daughter, Roberta Belveal in Nyssa and her mother. Mrs. Freda astoreca. They return­ ed home on Monday. Mrs. Bonnie Beckstead's daughter Kelly Connell went to Schult’s cabin in the Cascade area Sunday and will be gone six days. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lowtrip and family of Eugene, Oregon came Saturday and are visiting his sister. Mr. and Mrs. Don Beckstead and other relatives. They will return on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conant had a birthday party Sunday for their son Danny. He was four years old. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Scott Harris and Tania, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Conant and Jamie. Mrs. Inez Goodwin and children Rosemary, Henry, Douglas and Warren retur­ ned home last week after spending five days with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Donner of Banks. Oregon. Mrs. Inez Goodwin had a 32nd Wedding Anniversary dinner Saturday for her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moore of Vale. Mrs. Joan Escurdaro of Apple Valley Items Marylee Wilson came home from Rupert for the summer vacation on Saturday Sue Dibble and Helen Wilson were among those who attended the house­ warming for Bob Sloan's new home on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Smalley were Tuesday eve­ ning lunch guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Anders at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. David Bay visited Friday thru Tuesday in Portland. Oregon with their daughter Trudy and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Price. Pendleton came Thursday to visit her mother, Mrs. Inez Goodwin and family, leaving on Monday. /and;< 2nd & GOOD U.-S.DA. CHOICE LEAN . HEN TURKEY PACON DWM^r CK$ CERlNEP fl 39 fl X ^PKIAUÜ I w $ S39 SPECIAL# NYSSA, OREGON TRŸ A THICK CUT GOR BAR-B-Q W££T VIRGINIA tew ROUND é B teak I USDA CHOICE locker F ull -cur J I/5.P. A. CHOICE FOOPfflMP? WELCOME AA.D. ASST toilet we ÎÔNY’BIO^* PIZZAS ' ± •ÄAU6A« I4-I50Z.. T <£A 250-300(^6. UPTON Lipton CUT-WRAPPED WE WAY VbU WANT XT wantîêa I VNP1TTKP TO b ^DMAT^] JUICE 4 CANS near CUT BEET« r 2® CAN Ml f T&EA5URS VALLEY H BBV OALLOAJ AUPPRCT’ • pineapple ✓ I •ORAKJ ôê •• MR . COFFEE 100 COUK)T RTOMÉAT £ fl |Q ' CANS ' I • FILTER A 1.44 VALUE......... 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