Thursday, June 3, 1976 Nyssa Gate City Journal. Nyssa. Oregon M YEARS AGO acted as best man and Eva Boydell, sister of the bride, M bridesmaid. Ushers were Audrey Ward and Blayney Boydell. The bride wore a gown of embroidered batiste follow­ ing the prevailing short style. She wore her mother's wedding veil of silk net with a tiara of orange blossoms and carried a shoulder bouquet of white roses and carnations. Her traveling gown was of African brown chiffon taffeta and georgette crepe, with a hat to match. At the close of the service f MRS. VIRGINIA BAKER'S FIRST GRADE class at Adrian was promised the reward of getting their picture in the paper irthey scored high on reading this past school year. Many of the students read over fifty books and Mrs. Baker is very proud of the whole class. Pictured in the front row. left to right are: Tracy Linville, Flrl W'My' r),nny N,,lon ,nd Teresa Freel Middle Row, left to right, Julian Flores. Dana Gries, Shelly U>vitt, Beau Buck, Belinda Rodríguez. Back row. left to right. Mary Galindo. Marty Hernandez. Ryan Munn. Amy Bennett. Christina Seuell and David King. OUT OF THE PAST 10 YEARS AGO Effective June 1, the market known as Pounds Grocery officially became Rieb's Market after being operated under the former name for approximately 23 years. The store was given the name of Pounds Grocery in 1943 when it was pur chased by Roy and Hazel Pounds. • • • Three area youths enlisted in the Navy. They are Jack Blackford, son of Edrie Blackford; Ronnie McCain, son of Vernon McCain; and James Houston, son of Mr, and Mrs Cecil Houston 20 YEARS AGO Chosen as delegates to Beaver Boys' State at Oregon State College at Corvallis are Bill Looney, son of Mr. and Mrs W W Looney. Adnan and Frank Pratt, son of Mr. and Mrs Louis Pratt of Route I, Nyssa • • • Janet Marie Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker of Adnan has been selected to represent Adnan Union High School at Girls' State at Willamette University in Salem in June. »YEARS AGO The Owyhee Truck and Implement Company will hold formal opening of its new building Saturday. June 8. • • • Robert Henry McNee. resi­ dent of Nyssa for many years, died Friday after an illness of several weeks. Mr McNee. known gener­ ally as "Old Hank" was bora in Middleville. Michigan June 12. 1862 and came to Nyssa in the early days He married Sarah Blanche lackey January 5. 1905. Mr McNee. who was a prize fighter of considerable note in his youth, farmed on the Owvhee River for several years and later owned a garage in Nyssa. He engaged in the show business. featur­ ing a trained bobcat, for several years after retiring from the garage business. 40 YEARS AGO Harvesting of peas started in the Nyssa section Wednes­ day with a crew of approxi­ mately 175 pickers in the field with some 35 workers in the packing plant of F.H Hogue. Picking is expected to continue for around three weeks, weather and market conditions permitting. The first peas were shipped to the New York market. Eric Boenig on the KSAD ranch was the first grower to harvest peas this year. The F.H. Hogue plant is a genuine bee hive of industry, with peas being packed at a rapid rate. Mrs Ralph Tyler of New Plymouth, an ex­ perienced pea packer is in charge of the shed, while Tom Eldridge and Albert Hopkins are head of the pea picking crews. 50 YEARS AGO Mrs. J.J. Sarazin and two children Isabelle and Nor- bert, left today for The Dalles. Oregon, where they will be joined by Miss Eva Boydell, who is teaching school there. From there, they will go to the coast for a week; then back to Portland, where Mrs. Sarazin will represent Golden Rule Chap­ ter. OF.S. as worthy matron at the 37th annual session of the grand lodge. 60 YEARS AGO The marriage of Miss Eliz­ abeth Agnes Boydell to Earl Britt Nedry was solmnized at St. Paul's Parish House Thursday evening. June I. Promptly at 9 o'clock the bride entered the hall and on the arm of her father J. Boydell, marched slowly up the aisle to the beautiful strains of Mendelson's Wed- dinit March. Dr. J.J. Sarazin Front-End Alignment $1*|95 Any U S Mad* Car, Paris latra Only It Needed - (■eludes Front Wheel Drive Cars indudes DATSUN,TOYOTA,VW’S! • Complete analyeie and alignment correction to increaae tire mileage and improve ateering aafety. • Preciaion equipment aaaurance. Apple Valley Items By Frances Smalley APPLE VALLEY • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dibble and Sue attended a picnic on the eve of May 21 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chuck the guests adjourned to the Boydell residence for a reception. One hundred and fifty guests attended the reception and the spacious rooms of the Boydell home were filled to overflowing with a happy jostling crowd who made merry until a late hour. Kingston. After the picnic, a pink and blue shower was given for Mrs. Glen Miller. On Saturday evening May IS, Sue Dibble heard the Youth Choir composed of children of Missionaries from the Philippines, sing at the Greenleaf Church. This choir is giving concerts all around the country. On Sunday, Mrs. Oscar Nichols, Jim Nichols and Betty Bruveleit drove to Burns to attend the high school graduation exercises for Nelda Nichols. Page Three Mrs. Oscar Nichols was a Saturday evening dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nichols. Other guests were Mrs. Virginia Eastwood. Nelda Nichols and Mr. Roney. Mrs. Laura Bale attended graduation exercises on Mon day evening at Caldwell for her grand daughter, Kathy Bale Emmons, and was an overnight guest of Mrs. Ruth Martin Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rook­ stool attended graduation exercises on Tuesday eve­ ning for their granddaughter Vicki Rookstool. Robert Rook­ stool and daughters Carol also attended and the girls were guests in the Roy Rookstool home after gradua­ tion. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rook­ stool and Mrs. Zora Edens attended the Senior Citizens Thursday at Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dibble visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dibble and family at Cambridge. Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seward. Gary and Mrs. Jennie Seward attended graduation exer­ cises at Nampa High School for Ronda Downs. Mrs. Mabel Fox and Mrs. Arlene Seward attended the Golden Hour Missionary meeting at Mrs. Bill Rus­ sell's home on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston and Mrs. Lucy Rogers attended graduation exer- cises on Thursday evening for Gaylene Brumbaugh Youngblood at Boise Capital High School. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Whit­ tom of Boise were all day Monday guests of Mrs. Nell Correll. Mrs. Laura Bale and Mrs. Mary Honey attended Senior Citizen dinner at Nyssa on Wednesday.