Thursday, May 27, 1976 & OUT OF THE PAST 10 YEARS AGO 40 Y EARS AGO The Rev. John Bullock, pastor of Nyssa Church of the Ns,arene for the past 3'/i years announced to his congregation Sunday that he has accepted a call to the Nazarenc Church at New­ berg. Oregon. Effective Au­ gust I. he will assume his pastoral duties there. Miss Venice Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Brown and Ed Lamb were married In Weiser last Wednesday. The bride is a graduate of Nyssa High School with the class of 1935 and for the past two years has worked in the local telephone office. The youhg couple have rented the Ben Lamb house in the south part of town and will make their home there. • • • a a a An open house reception honoring Mr and Mrs G.E. Mackey will be held Sunday, Mav 29, in observance of the couple’s silver wedding anni­ versary. 20 YEARS AGO Fhe first award of the Calvin Wilson. Jr Memorial Trophy for the most out­ standing senior athlete at Nyssa High School was pre­ sented to Gerry Leseberg. • • • llene Moss and Annabel Aral were among local winners in the 1956 National Piano Recording Festival sponsored by the National Guild of Piano Teachers, according to an announce­ ment from national head­ quarters in Austin. Texas. Miss Moss is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Moss and Miss Aral is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Fred Arai. The girls played in the 1955 piano auditkins to gain elegi­ bility for the contest. Each received a first rating gold medal, highest award made for those making 90 percent or above. They arc students of Mane Ogilvie an Ontario faculty member W YEARS AGO Commencement exercises for the seniors of Adnan Union High School were held Friday evening May 24 R G. Larson of Nyssa was the speaker for the evening. Bernice Chaney was vale­ dictorian and Beth Chapin salutatorian. • • • The heaviest rainfall of the year in Nyssa fell during the last weekend A total of .77 of an inch of rain fell between 8 a m. Sunday and H a.m Monday. Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon « My 00 YEARS AGO This Week’s BUTTER At The M & W Market Parking Lot us -mu RC COLA , •« *• ni. urti Sold Out Sponsored by the Owyhee Garden Clob TOILET TISSUE 19« 69« 59« With 1 Filled Instant Discount Booklet . V With 1 Filled Instant Discount Booklet With 1 Filled Instant Discount Booklet With 1 Filled Instant Discount Booklet MEAT DEPT. 9 A y ¿Í r ». 4 I f ♦ MORRELLS PRE-COOKED*^ s FRESH WHOLE KRAFT QUART SIZE BONELESS HAMS e '-■Sw MIRACLE WHIP 85* I HOME DAIRIES V WELLS L DAVIES FRYERS 53c. ’/z gal 2189' I7? POUND FRESH CUT-UP ii ■ ¥ .K-'aS ? WIENERS ? 79Î VALUES GALORE 6 0Z* PKG. WESTERN SHORES 43' 10695* PAPER TOWELS ASSORTED FLAVORS KOOL AID WESTERN FAMILY PORK 'N BEANS 30 oz. tin 47' USSY'S FAMILY 39' PITTED OLIVES NALLEYS DREAM WHIP TUNA FISH GOLDEN $0n OLEO 16 oz. DUNCAN HINES ANGEL FOOD CAKE h ICE CREAM $109 WESTERN FAMILY is ... it. TATER TOTS 2 lb. pkg. BUNS pkg. of 8 GRADE AA LARGE 39« EFFECTIVE DATES MAY 27,28, 29 RAY’S DELICIOUS JELLY 65* FINGERS FRESH LARGE HEADS LETTUCE 59' *- *< • FRESH PROBI CE - F . - 4s$1 RED RIPE WATERMELON STRAWBERRIES 1 I 11’. JUICY RED RIPE M - 89* 69' ... HAMB. t H HOT DOG 3689' ORE IDA POTATO CHIPS BAKERY TREATS ¿(f -- WESHRN FAMILY CLOVER CLUB TWIN FAC EGGS 57° FROZEN FOODS LEMONADE 95' 55' 26*1 CARNATION CHUNK * BANQUET DILL 22 oz. jar PICKLES May 29th Hiuuyemeiiu CHARCOAL 49« Broadcast The Conservative Baptist Churches of Nyssa. Malheur Butte and Treasure Valley announce the broadcasting of the morning worship services on a rotating basis beginning June 6 at II a.m. The three churches have formed a radio association known as the Eastern Oregon Conservative Baptist Hour Local Christian businessmen and layman have joined together to support the program. From Nyssa, the following are among those supporting the broadcast: Bauman's, Inc.; Jim Robin son. Insurance; Mike Ma­ thew's Tires; Ustick Bee Boards; Jerry Zittercob and others. The broadcasting schedule is as follows: June6, 11 a.m., Nyssa Conservative Baptist Church; June 13. II a.m. Malheur Butte Church; June 20, II a.m.. Treasure Valley Church; and June 27, II a.m.. Nyssa Conservative Baptist Church. The pastors, the congrega­ tions and other interested parties present these broad­ casts with the prayer and desire to minister, from a local church, to the shut-ins. those who may find it impossible to be in the church of their choice, others who may be traveling and to the community as a whole. We trust that these services shall be a source of strength and inspiration to all who hear them. ZEE MARINA 8 RAC IB n. Annual Memorial Day SALE Manofwl ngs 10 LB. BAG WESTERN FAMILY Slated In Ontario Baptists Plan Rick Fischer, son of John and Phyllis Fischer. Ontario, will be ordained a Catholic priest Tuesday. June 15 at Blessed 5acrament Church in Ontario. He will be the first person from Ontario to be ordained a Catholic priest. This will also be the first time an ordination ceremony will have been performed in the local church. He was born in Ontario on September 19, 1950. atten­ ded Conklin Grade School, Ontario; graduated from the eighth grade at Ontano Jr. High Subsequently he at­ tended high school and college at Mt. Angel Semi­ nary near Salem. Oregon. He also studied theology at Mt. Angel. Two years ago he transferred to St. Thomas Seminary. Denver. Colorado where he completed his studies and received his Masters Degree in Theology. He served his parish internship at St. Mary’s pa­ rish, Pendleton. Ore., where he was ordained a deacon. His special duties were to ad minister the sacrament of Baptism and to preach the word of God. As a priest he will enjoy the privilege of administrating the sacra­ ments of the Catholic Church and of offering Holy Mass. The Rev. Fischer s first Mass of Thanksgiving will be offered June 16 at 9 a m. The Homily will be delivered by Rev Raymond Hopp Following his ordination to the priesthood, he will be assigned to a parish in the Baker diocese. t STORE WILL BE CLOSED MAY 31, MEMORIAL DAY Issue for 60 years ago, missing from our file. Ordination ■ SO YEARS AGO The senior class com mencement exercises were held at the Liberty Theatre Wednesday evening. A class of nine young people gradu ated from the Nyssa High School, five boys and four girls, as follows. Jeff Irwin, valedictorian; Rita Beam. Marjo Cowins. George Davis, Mai Gilchrist. John Johnson, Mildred Long, Mary Toombs and Bemiece Vorhies, £ ♦ Memorial Day • • • A Timp io Honor America** II phipk Al Thompson is being congratulated this week on reaching the grandfather stage, due to the birth of a baby daughter Saturday to Mr and Mrs. Ralph Bcutler of Salem. The young Miss Beutler has another distinction how­ ever. as being the start of a fifth generation. The mother Mrs. Verna Beutler, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al Thompson of Nyssa. Mrs. Thompson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Long, also of Nyssa; and Mrs. Long is a daughter of Mrs. Francis Collins of Kaahion, Okla­ homa. Mrs. Collins is 87 years old and has the distinction of being great great grandmother. What is said to be one of the best lettuce crops ever grown in Nyssa and vicinity started moving to market this week, consigned to Chicago and other eastern cities, Among the most successful growers are Pete and Klaas Tensen and Dave Hawkins. They employ 10 to 15 people in their packing house. • a a Page Three J 79«. WE GIVE GOLD STRIKE STAMPS