Thursday, March Id, 1976_____________________________________ Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon___________ Page Seven Bicentennial Program, Last Event Held In Old Gym ADRIAN • Mr». Minnie Mackey and Mr. and Mr». G. E. Mackey visited Mr*. Florence Gewey and Mr*. Loi* Dur ocher and famly in Boise Saturday. Mr, and Mr*. Charles Mori* and Judy were Sunday evening dinner gue*t* of Mr. and Mr*. G. E. Mackey. Larry Mackey and »on* of Nyssa visited hi* parent», Mr. and Mr*. G. E. Mackey Sunday morning. SERVICE!! CUT-UP FRYERS GRADE-A-PLUS Sunday afternoon caller* ot Mr. and Mr*. Oliver Freel were Cristine Doris of Ridge­ view and Gib Deffenbaugh of Nyssa. Mr. and Mr*. Carl Bege man were Sunday dinner guest* of Mr. and Mr*. John Dobberstein in New Ply­ mouth. Mr*. Marie Moore and Mr*. Anna Long were Wed nesday luncheon guest* of Mr* Mabie Piercy. WHOLE M FANCY COUNTRY PRIDE- TRÊA6URE VAl^BŸ xT CMTKue> 0ETTY CROCKER l8'z_oz power -BEAN5 CAKe/WXa/99< z Mr and Mr*. Car* Bege- man entertained with a birthday luncheon Saturday afternoon in honor of Kent Van DeWater and Mn Dale Witt. The guest* were Tony Aiumendi and liater Valerie Smith. Mr» Dale Witt. Mr» Edna Cowling and Mr. and Mr» W. C. Van DeWter and »on Kent of Caidwell The hoate»» »erved birthday cake and tee cream Arlene Neer of Salem »pent the weekend with her father. K. 1. Peterson and brother Mervin. W/0 COUPON ... Z//./4 < 2£ AO CAN U5.PA choice NOW... 280 CT TIPE. w 1 COUNTRY KITCHEN j SYRUP, OAC NCH l®Œ W&X VlPblNlA PK6... Phone 372-2653 I g T9* T re A5 u R£ VfttóV MEDIUM 'AA' B^.P°.ZANr ' BANQUET 8oz O-CEkUO 5P0N6Ê WET-PAK 2cT bl 4 VAuuE ,,,, JOHN&N* JSHItéùN 50 CT. PIA51ÏC 5n2JP£li.i P6HCI0US £$||JD APPATE !• Phone 503-372-2783 2ND & GOOD NYSSA, OREGON