Page Four Engagement Announced THE ENGAGEMENT OF JAN SAITO to Jeffrey Carlson has been announced by her parents. Mr. and Mrs Kayno Saito of Nyssa. Carlson is the son of Mr and Mrs Willard Carlson of Clatskanie. Oregon. Miss Saito was graduated from Nyssa High School in 19'2. She has completed three years at the University of Oregon and will graduate this spring from business college in Eugene. Her fiance graduated from Clatskanie High School and is a senior at the University of Oregon. A September wedding is planned by the couple in Ontario. ORDER OF EASTERN Golden Rule Chapter No. I JI met at the Mawnic Hall on Marvh I with Cleta deBoer. Worth} Matron pre­ siding. Escorted and introduced was Myrtle Sasser. Grand Representative to Utah in Oregon. Practice of escorting for the District meeting was held The District Meeting will be March 15 and Dorothy Parrish. Worthy Grand Mat­ ron will make her official visit. A banquet at 6:J0 p.m. at the Methodist Church will precede the meeting An addendum for the Masonic Brothers was given by Myrtle Sasser. Amelia Pratt, Beatrice Grossnickle. Ida Miner and Mira Atherton Following this, the Worthy Matron gave these brothers a welcome and added thanks for their attendance. As each one was declared a prize package due to such good attendance each was presen­ ted with a gift. Practice will hf^tteld Sunday. March 14 at 4:45 p.m. Hostesses were Bob and Della Holmes and Vera Webb. Nyssa Hospital Hon ored At Reception Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews were honored at a reception February 19. 19'6. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neill Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. Mathews were married December 31, 19'5 in Tacoma. Washington Mrs. Mathews, the former Susan Christine Chapman is the daughter of Clarence Chapman of Kingsford. Mi­ chigan. Robert Mathews is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Neill Mathews of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews are serving in the United States Army at Fort Lewis. Washington. Out of town guests at the reception included Mr and On February 19. Mrs. Sis­ son's Busy Bees held another meeting. We discussed the first steps of sewing. Then we made green beans with bacon. Some of the girls thought thev wouldn't like them, but all had seconds. Laura Buchtel, reporter The Spoons and Spools 4-H Club met Friday. February 27. We had a demonstration on how to put on nylon hose. This was given by Vonda Glenn We studied about how to buy and take care of nylon hose. We w orked on our projects for the Spring Fair. We are almost done Our assistant leader is Roberta Pearcy from Parma. Connie Thiel, reporter BRIDGE ACTIVITIES Mrs Harry Miner enter­ tained the Tuesday After­ noon Bridge Club at her home last week. Guest player for the afternoon was Mrs. Bernice Fisher. Winning honors went to Mrs. Otis Smith and Mrs. Ethel Mary Rhodes. Thursday. March 4. 1976 Nyssa Gate City Journal Nyssa. Oregon Limits Visits Mrs. Floyd Tilson. Mr. and Mrs. John Tilson. Phillys and Michelle. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Evans of Emmett. Idaho; Mr. and Mrs Wallace Frint and Lois of Leatha. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hamson. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sparks. Mrs. Kenneth Gaston. Mrs. Vir­ ginia Wood. Mrs. Steve Wood. Mrs. Charles Ander­ son. Kevin Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mathews. Mrs. Bruce Bell of New Plymouth. Idaho; Mr. and Mrs Tim Mathew s. Jennifer and Brian of Grandview. Idaho; and Mr and Mrs. Eugene Grasty and Brent of Ontario. Samba Club Group Meeting Malheur Memorial Hos­ pital Administrator Jim Mat­ tes announced this week the regulation of hospital visi­ tation privileges in an effort to control and apparent flu virus. The hospital has put into immediate action a policy limiting visitors to one adult from the immediate family of each patient. Also persons who have had a cold or any flu symptoms are asked not to visit at the hospital or the nursing home. The older people in the nursing home are very susceptible to these viruses and the results can be fatal. TVA for Handicapped Samba Club was hosted by Mrs. Emil Stunz at her home last Friday. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Harry- Miner and Mrs. Elsie Diven. High honors went to Mrs. Anne Tensen. with second high going to Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper. Laura Jensen Suffers Fall Laura Mane Jensen, daughter of the Darwin Jensens, suffered a broken pelvis when thrown from a horse while riding in the foothills above Nyssa last Saturday afternoon. Laura was rescued by her brothers Steve and Darr Jensen. Due to the muddy conditions, they had to take a pickup into the area to get her out. She was taken to Malheur Memorial Hospital where she is pre­ sently recuperating. Amity Women Meet The Amity Club met Wednesday evening, Feb ruary 25. at the home of Mrs. Dorothea Mitchell. A short business meeting was conducted by Alice Moss, president. Plans were announced for the annual club banquet which will be held March 3 at 7 p.m at the Charoláis Restaurant. Mrs. Florence Lewis re­ viewed the book. "Py-scho- The February business meeting of the Treasure Valley Association for Handi­ capped and Retarded Citi­ zens. Inc., was held recently at the Eastside Cafe in Ontario with Fave Reebe, president, presiding. Dale Campbell, past president, was presented a gift of appreciation. Guest speaker was Dr. Jerry McGee, executive direc­ tor of retarded citizens from Salem. March 7 - Verne Shell. Rosie Estrada. Craig Froerer. Neil Franklin. Mitzi Sada- mori. March 8 • Sally Rodri- guez. J. C. Sloan. Brenda Olser. March 9 ■ Tara Madrid March 10 ■ Don Sappe. Myrtle Kurtz. Rev. Walter Schmidt. Art Bosselman March 11 - Jeannetu Gar­ ner. Jason Cleaver. Nikke Walker. George Sadamori March 12 • George Folk- man. Sandra Takigawa March 13 - Kelly Hopper. Bernadette Nakashima. Di­ rick Nedry. Cybernetics*’ by Maxwell Maltz. A buffet luncheon was served by the hostess. Door prize w inner was Mrs. Helen Peterson. MEN'S NYLON SHOE SALE WINTER COATS OVER 140 PAM VALUES TO »27* $499 »1688 LADIES' SLIPS COTTON KNITS CLEARANCE SALE Mrs. Dixie Clapper, who has been a houseguest at the home of her sister and brother in-law. Mr. and Mrs Frank Bvers. returned to her home in Tulsa. Oklahoma last Tuesday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Elton Clapp. Mrs. Nets Mae Wiley and Emily were Sundav dinner guests of Elton's niece. Mrs Viola Ayers in Boise Another niece. Mrs. Grace Sliman of Boise was also a guest. • • • Mrs. Jenny Grider of Dodge City. Kansas is visiting this week at the home of her brother and sister-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann. • a a Weekend houseguests of Mr and Mrs. Reuben Harold sen w ere their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Haroldsen of Salem. a a a Mr and Mrs. Larry Hob­ son and family of Hagerman wen--houseguests over the weekend at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Muri Lancaster. a a a Mrs R. G. Larson spent last week in Nampa at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Ray Larson. She stayed with her grandchildren while their parents were in Phoenix a a a Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sant and family of Seattle were weekend houseguests of his brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sant. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sappe went to the Nyssa High School basketball game in Milton-Freewater. Saturday. They were overnight guests of his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Pack Howatt ui Pendleton, Thev took a birthdav cake and team members, parents, and coaches helped Dirk Sappe celebrate his birthdav at the motel follow ing the ball game. • • • Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Porter of Payette were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Herman Towne • • • Mrs Ray Wahlert returned recently from a three week's visit at the home of her parents. Mr and Mrs. Waisenen in Verndale. Min­ nesota. a • a Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Ethel Marv Rhodes and John Beckham were her sister. Mrs. Herb Smith of Walnut Creek. California and her brother. Ed Boydell of Salt Lake, and his daughter and son-in-law. Mr and Mrs Thane Harns and son Chris of Boise. They all visited with their mother and grandmo­ ther. Mrs Blanche Boy dell in the Malheur Memorial Nur­ sing Home later that after­ noon. Mrs. Smith will be visiting in Nyssa all this week and Mr. Boydell will return to his home in a few days. • • • The Rev. and Mrs. Dale Mitchell and family and his parents. Mr. and Mrs Dalton all of Nampa and Kris Savage were Sunday afternoon vid- tors and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Penrod. • • • Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson were Mr. and Mrs. Houston Wilson and Mr. and Mrs Wilton Jackson. • • • Mrs Alice Wilson is now making her home in the Malheur Memorial Nursing Home. Aiinirentaririt March 13 - Mr. and Mrs Orville Needs. Mr and Mrs David Almaraz GRANGE Engagement Announced NEWS Malheur Pomona (»range Approximately 75 Malheur County Grange members met Saiurdav. February 27. al Boulevard Grange Hall for the regular quarterly meeting Master Blaine Girvin cal­ led lhe Grange to order at 1.30 p.m following a dinner served bv Boulevard mem berv State Deputy Ralph Fenten and Mrs Fenten were escorted to the Master's Station Mr Femen stressed the importance of having a conference to demonstrate floor work and the duties of new officers He expressed willingness to help in any w av The main order of business was the exemplification of the Fifth Degree by Pomona officers There were 20 candidates from five Granges Grange members have been busy for lhe past few weeks. On Thursday. Feb­ ruary 25. a workshop for all CWA members was con ducted. Pomona CWA Chair­ man Mrs. Blaine Girvin introduced District »6 CWA Chairman Mrs Berle Akers to the 36 women at Oregon Trail Grange Mrs. Akers explained the needlework, sewing, canning and baking contests offered by Stale and National Grange Lunch was served by Oregon Trail women. The same evening. Oregon Trail Grange sponsored a card party with the proceeds going to the Heart and Cancer Funds. The next regular Pomona meeting will be held May 15. 8 pm. at Vale Grange Hall The Memorial Program will be conducted by Chaplain Mrs. Orville Nichols. All Grange members are urged to attend. MR. AND MRS. THURMAN PIERCY proudly announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter. Anna Jane to Bruce Pokallus. son of Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Pokallus of Cornelius. Oregon The bride elect was graduated from the Nyssa High School and is employed at Albertsons in Portland He is employed at the Pacific Bell Telephone Company in Portland An April 24 wedding dale lx planned al the Kingman Memorial Presbyterian Church in Adrian Nyssa Students Attend Science Academy Twelve Science students traveled to Portland on Febr 26 28 for a field trip and to participate in the Junior Academy of Science held at Lewis and Clark College. Students and chaperones (Miss Mary Omberg and Mrs Janetta Garner) toured the University of Oregon Health Sciences Center. OMSI. Portland Zoo. Lloyds Center and viewed a presen tation by the Oregon Re gional Primate Research Cen­ ter. Student presentations ai the Junior Academy included research papers bv Paul Fife. Kelly Garner. Lon Lane. Wavne Laltin. Judy Mecham Lon Miner, (presented by Michelle Sadamori), Cydm Momson. Shellev Myrick, Alan Peterson, and Brian Piercy 48 month auto loans Happy Birthday WILSON'S MARCH SALE LADIES' Social Scene SUMMER WEIGHT 1st time Dunng the past hve years the retail price of an average car in Amenca rose 37% This means that a car that cost $4.000 in 1971 costs $5,400 in 1976 The way we see it, we can't do anything about bringing down the pnee you have to pay these days, but we sure can do something about stretching out the time you have to pay it in That's why we now offer 48 month auto loans Up to 48 months to pay That's the key to lower installments for you Depending on autos 1st times add up There are so many 1st times in your life 1st times for aav inga and checking accounts, for 714% investment certifi cates*, for new home and home improvement loans, for First Day & Night Teller, for First trust services and First retirement programs You'll find that these 1st times add up to a frame work of supportive services that grow as your needs grow in the business of life You'll realize, too. that help ing you make a success of that life is one very impor ’ tant reason why we re in business Member FDIC the purchase pnce we can give you up to 48 months to pay for the new car, van, Garn­ LV per or light truck you buy How do you go about it? Easy Just come to any of our ? 143 branches through " out the state and ask about our simple interest First Loan for In the business oí life there’s a fl st time for everything. Jan. 21. 1930 $]99 $179 1 YARD Wilson Bros. Dept. Store FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON •Federal law and regulation prohibit the payment of • time deposit prior to maturity unloee throe montha of interest thereon is forfeited and interest on the amount withdrawn io rod seed to the regular aaetnpa rate EQUAL MOUSING LEND« A Phone 3723563 Nyua, Oregon f