Pag« Four Nyssa Gato City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Adrian Women Hear About Missionary Work The Women» Association of the Adrian Community Presbyterian Church met Thursday afternoon in the church social room. Mrs. Edna DeHaven was hostess and Mrs. Bill Toomb co-hos­ tess. There were twelve ladies present. Mrs. Bill Toomb, president presided at the meeting Roll call was answered by the number of friendship calls made during the past month Secretary and treasurers reports were given by Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Mrs. John Fahrenbruch. A report of the December dinner and bazaar was given. New books for the year were passed among the group. A report was given that a telephone had been installed in the kitchen The least coin article was read and dish passed. The next meeting will be with Mrs.- Mabie Piercy. The meeting was turned over to Mrs. Marie Moore. chairman. She as- 'fcwf ORDER OF Jg&K EASTERN ked the group about the resolutions they had made in January of last year, and asked if they had accomp lished their goals. Some of the goals reported were— read their Bible more, did more calling, sent more cards to the sick, self improvement. and had more prayer for others. Mrs. Moore sugges- ted they write their goals for 1976 and keep track of how they are doing. Mrs. Moore then reported on Missionary Work in Surma, South Africa. How the people needed a tractor to help with their crops. Said a tractor and oil tank was provided, told of the trouble they had getting the tractor and tank to Surma. They went through dense forests, crossed rivers and canyons, climbed mountains. Trees were chopped and rocks moved. On their last day, they climbed. 12S feet in six and one half hours on their STAR Golden Rule Chapter No. 1J1 met at the Masonic Hall. January 19. with 29 members and 5 guests present. Escorted and introduced were Myrtle Sasser. Grand Representative to Utah in Oregon; Kathyrn Williams. Worthy Matron of Golden Chain Chapter No. I0J of Vale. Initiation was held for Gloria G. Smith. The next meeting will be February 2 at the Masonic Hall. Hostesses for the evening were Danny and Kathy McGinnis. Roy and Marie Holmes. PAUL, GEORGE AND FRITZ MOELLER Samba Group Meets pose in Knickers, the boys beat garb of the Mrs. Frank Morris enter­ tained members of the Samba Club last week. Guest for the afternoon was Mrs. Harry Miner. Mrs. S. P. Bybee took high honors with Mrs Shorty Brandt taking second high. Social Scene IT'S THE ONE TO GET! DICKIE WORK& playsuit ONLY $988 Luis Rementeria returned recently from a year's visit with his family in Spain. He has been employed at the John Stringer Ranch for many years and is now back at work. • • • Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Savage. Kris and Randy were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fordyce and infant daughter. Kim­ berly of Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Griffin visited with her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. James Favorel and family in Parma Saturday evening. Mrs. Favorel. Mrs. Griffin and granddaughter Zoann attended the Parma Basket­ ball game and watched Curtis Favorel play. a • • The Dirick Nedrys enter­ tained with a buffet supper Sunday afternoon. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Sallee. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tensen. Tiena and Bill, and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McPartland. Guests came early to watch the Super Bowl game on TV. Friday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann were his niece and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Henson Didier of Irrigon. Oregon. They were returning from a six weeks vacation through Cali­ fornia. Arizona. Mexico, Te­ xas. Oklahoma. Kansas and Wyoming. Saturday morning the Didiers took Mrs. Jenny Grider of Ontario to Hermis­ ton to visit her sister. Mrs. Bertha Busier. The two ladies will return to Nyssa in about a week and visit in the Gann home. • • • WEEKEND SPECIAL ÌM. Ml” Sunday afternoon callers and dinner guests of Mrs. Merle Johnson were her daughter and grandson and family. Mrs. Pat Sweanev and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sweanev and daughter Shan­ non all of Caldwell. 100% POLYESTER GET THAT GREAT PYKETTE LOOK PANT SIZES 7 to 18 BLOUSE SIZES 32 to 40 20% OFF ANK Garden Club The ANK Garden Club met Tuesday. January 13 at the home of Mrs. Blake Unveil with Mrs. Lila Hoover as co­ hostess. The club will plant a Golden Rain Tree in the spring in the Parma City Park in memory of Mrs. Jean McCormick. The program was given by Mrs. Muriel Judd on World Gardening. Members are saving sta­ mps which will go to purchase seeds and supplies for 4-H projects in India. BRIDGE ACTIVITIES $10’5 Mrs. A. C. Sallee was hostess for the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge Club at her home last week. High honors went to Mrs. E. Otis Smith and Mrs. John Worrall took second high. • • • Members of the Wednes­ day Night Bridge club were entertained last week at the home of Mrs. Lucile Myrick. Mrs. Roy Hirai was guest for • • • Ken Brown Honor Student Kenneth Brown, a senior student at Oregon State University in Corvallis, has been named as an honor student in Agriculture Eco­ nomics in which he attained a 4 point grade average. He is the son of Mr and Mrs. Ross Brown of Nyssa. News About SERVICEMEN SZSgf. Jensen Spokane, Wash.— An of­ ficial at Fairchild AFB, Wash., has announced the promotion of Ronald A. Jensen to staff sergeant in the U.S. Air Force. Sergeant Jensen, son of Mr. and Mr*. Darwin E. Jensen of Route 2, Nyssa. Oregon is a ground radio repairman with a unit of the Strategic Air Command. The sergeant is a 1966 graduate of Nyssa High School. His wife. Leslea. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford G. Hawkes of Route 1. Vale. Sunday, January 25 -All Star Bowling, Sugar Bowl, 2 p.m. Monday, January 26 • Hospital Auxiliary, Malheur Memorial Hospital, 2 p.m. Tuesday, January 27 ■ Yellow Rose Rebekah Lodge <202, IOOF Hall. 8 p.m. Wednesday, January 28 - Nyssa Senior Citizens, Club­ house on bower, potluck, 10:30 a.m. job's Daughters Bethel <33, Masonic Hall, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, January 29 ■ VFW Post