Thursday, December 25. 1975 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa. Oregon Christmas Eve Tree Trimming Snack Hubbly Cranberry Punch 2 cans jellied cran berry sauce (16 oz size) Vi cup lemon juice 1 - 46 o». can orange fruit punch 1 - M os. can apricot nectar 1*4 cups orange juice 2 large bottles chilled ginger ale (28 os bottles) Beat cranberry sauce until smooth and stir in lemon and orange Juices Empty several trays of ice cubes into a punch bowl and pour mixture over them Carefully add ginger ale and mix. Serve in punch cups About 20-25 cups Tree trimming Is twice as much fun when everyone pitches in I When the last star is in place and ifs time to relax and admire your lovely tree, a cup of cheer and a slice of holiday bread will be welcome. Mulled fruit Punch Page Eleven • Holiday Cheer 8 whole allspice 8 inches stick clnna- mon Vi lemon sliced thin Every day that is born into the world comes like a burst of music, and rings itself all the day through; and thou «halt make of it a dance, a dirge, or a life march, a» thou wilt. Combine all Ingredients in large saucepan; bring to boll. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes Remove from heat and let stand for VS hour. Reheat and strain spices out. Oarnish with orange slices studded with cloves, after pouring into punch bowl Makes about 20 servings, punch cup slse ûûtcacnol May Christinas fill ,QQO OCOQaV 1 your heart with gladn«*M and happy St. Frand» de Sale» remembrances. Thanks for Have a 5^ Yum my F rotted Holiday Hread 1 - 13H oz pkg. hot roll mix M cup warm water 1 egg 2 tbsp, granulated sugar 2 tbsp butter melted (margarine, if you prefer) 'zi cup mixed candled fruits 1 cup white raisins Vi tsp ground carda mom 1 cup sifted confec tioners sugar 2 tbsp light cream Candied cherries Sliced almonds your patronage. Merry Christmas Bass Union “76” Service Sprinkle yeast from hot roll mix over warm water. In large bowl Stir to dissolve Add egg, granulated sugar and butter, mix well Stir in fruit, raisins, carda mom. and flour mix from hot roll mixture. Cover; let rise in warm place about 45 minutes, till mixture about doubles. Turn out on lightly floured board and knead 10 strokes Shape Into ball; place In 9-inch pie plate and flatten. Let rise about 30 minutes, till doubled Bake in 375° oven for "bout 30-35 minutes, covering with foil if It browns too quickly Remove from pie plate and cool on rack Mix together the sifted con fectioners sugar and cream, drtale over bread Trim with candied cherries and almonds in wreath shape Perfect for serving after tree trimming The beauty of Christmas reflects the beauty of our patrons. Thanks for letting us serve you. Middle name Lee Tom Moore Co. Owyhee Beauty Shop e ■" . Warm Christmas Wishes sleigh full of cheery wishes is coming your way! Have a very merry Christmas Day! Our gratitude for your support. Owyhee Steel IN THE COUNTY COVET OF THE STATE OFOREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR No. 3544 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Matter d the Estate oP OTTO E. COFFMAN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GI VEN that George W. Coff man has been appointed personal representative of the above-entitled estate and that his attorneys are Henig son. Stunr 4 Fonda, whose address is 106 Main Street, Nyssa. Oregon. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the personal representative at 106 Main Street. Nyssa. Oregon, with in four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or they may be barred. Additionsl information may be obtained from the records of the above-entitled Court, the personal represen tative or his said attorneys. Dated and first published this 24th dav of December. 1975. /»/ George W. Coffman Personal Representative Published December 24. 1975 January 1. 8. 1976 We re full up with extra special Christmas wishes for you, for Joy, Friendship and Cheer. It’s a privilege to serve you .. thanks. Ron's Shell Service Jingle belle echo through thia apecial night, pealing wiahea of merriment and Joy to ail, from Santa and ua. Malheur Memorial Hospital Afay your hearth and home be bleated thu Christmas. Thank* to our loyal friends and patron* for putting your confidence in our hand*. Nolan Field & Waldo Co. 1) Flying Realty, Inc. Dessert Seed Co.