»'• /■ W- JF*--** Thursday. October 9, 1975 .^M OUT OF THE PAST 1* YEARS AGO Representing Nyssa High School at the fifth annual Eastern Oregon Press Con­ ference held recently in Pendleton, were Teresa El- quezabal. Jim Ableman. Pa­ tty Urry, Janet and Judy Nedry and Advisor Dale Schraufnagel. These stu dents and their journalism laatructor, delegates from I both the Yearbook and Bulldog staffs, were among those attending from 27 Eastern Oregon schools. 20 YEARS AGO Some 300 neighbors of the Donald Brewer family joined last Monday night in a "fire shower" held in the Owyhee Community Church, in a good will gesture to aid the Brewers, whose house bur- Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon tied down the night of October 4. The event was sponsored by the Worthwhile Club of Sunset Valley, the OK Club of the Owyhee district and the Community Church. Folks came with armloads of gifts for the family which had lost everything in the fire. Mrs. Essie Perko, Mrs Homer Brewer. Mrs. Keith lallman and Mrs Jack I llioti were in charge of the gift tables. Mrs. Wayne Robb. Mrs. Kenneth Himple and Mrs Earl Kygar were in charge of refreshments served to all who came to the shower. WYEARS AGO When the former luxury liner Lurline docked at San Francisco recently, the cargo included 555 Australian war brides of American service­ men and some 200 of their children. Hundreds of war brides arc awaiting transpor­ tation from Australia as well as from England. France and other European countries. • • • Don R. Strickland of Route 2. Nyssa, has received an honorable discharge from the Army and has relumed to his Page Three acted as best man for his brother Rev. Titus of Buhl performed the ceremony. home, He was a Technician Fifth Grade with the Medical Corps and was discharged at Oliver General Hospital at Augusta, Georgia. Boise Business University. Howard Foster is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W W Foster former Nyssa residents who now make their home in Portland. He is a graduate of Nyssa High School and attended Gooding College for one year. Mr and Mrs. W. W. Foster and children of Port­ land. Curtis, Crete Marie Foster of Nyssa and Eleanor Foster of Nampa were guests at the wedding. After the ceremony a wedding lunch was served to the guests. The young couple left for a wedding trip, but will be at home in Boise soon, where they will live until Mr. Foster finishes his course at the Boise Business Univer­ • • • 40 YEARS AGO At a pretty wedding Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the presence of relatives and friends. Miss Eva Ro­ berts became the bride of Howard Foster The cere­ mony was held at the home of the bride's parents at Good­ ing Miss Edna Lucille Roberts was the bride's only attendant, and Curtis Foster sity. After that they will probably make their home in Nyssa. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roberts of Gooding and is a Gooding High School gra­ duate. She also attended the posed of Paul Crooker. Art Servoss. Bernice Vorhies and Mary Swan, will go to Vale this evening to put on a dance at that place. • • • Al Thompson and family are moving to town from the ranch and will occupy rooms in the apartment house. • • • SO YEARS AGO Bob Martin and family are moving to town into the Cotton house from their homestead on the Idaho side. The Mnlight Sercnadors a musical organization com- Issues for 60 years ago are missing from our files. • • • r I The Circuit Writer by Re*. Jim Monroe My friend Hermann Joiner came bouncing into my office last Tuesday "Hey Jim! We want you to join the M A.M.A.’s." "The what?" "The Malheur Association for the Maintenance of Aardvarks!" "But," I noted, “I haven't seeh any aardvarks around here." "You see!" Herm was near hysteria. "We have to move fast to save them!!" I didn’t join, but Herm got me for five dollars to "locate and protect area aardvarks." Wednesday, Hermann was back in the office. "By the way. we would like to take you into the Solemn Order of Bats tonight If you join now, I can guarantee you an uffice« Whaddyasay!!!! Join us in our belfry tonight! All you do for initiation is hang by your ankles for three hours and.." My discretion overcame my thrill at being asked. “With initials like those there is no way a man of the doth will joinl" And. I didn't, but another five bucks went out for "researching a new name (maybe the solemn order of aardvarks?). Friday morning, helpful Herm was back again "You «wouldn't believe what I'm going to do for you!" I said, "I believe Herm. I believe!" I thought 'To me. not for me.' "I am putting you on a chain letter for dog food! Send one can to the name at the top of the list, and then put your name at the bottom Why one woman kept the chain intact and in a very ■bort time received 16,552 cans of "Bowser" dog food. Don't break the chain, though! Last guy did that, was bitten by a raging dog. Had his toe bandaged for week. Next can of hash he opened up had a funny taste to it too." "But, Hermann. I don't •ven have a dog!" "That's the other chain letter I wanted to talk to you about....*’ I didn't give Herm any auxiev this time, but I did send in five ones to the local S.P.C.A. I also donated three cans of "Bowser" dog food. I would have had more, but I broke the chain. Women Return From Trip « Mrs Bill Webb. Mrs. Margarete Payne and Mrs. Pauline King of Ontario returned home Saturday eve- sing after a 1,338 mile trip. They were gone one week First they all attended the «redding of Mr. and Mrs. Don Payne at Klamath Falls. A garden wedding with reception. They spent two days at the "Lake of The Woods" near Klamath Falls. One night was spent with Mrs. Norman Harp at Salem and one night with Mr. and Mrs. Vance Welty and family of Dallas. Oregon. They visited Laura and Jim King at Corvallis and later went to the Coast for a picnic. There were now ten in the group from those where they had visited. They went to Pacific City and watched the dory boats come in and go out. It was really exciting as the waves were high, and they went real fast. They saw a fellow with a kite flying off a high cliff near Pacific City. In Milwaukie. Oregon, they spent one night with Russ and Margarete Coffman. In Oregon City they visited Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Butler and girls. A group of the Hostess at Portland where they visited took them to the Zoo. It was beautiful along the Coast that day, you did not need a sweater. They saw so many interesting animals. It was a wonderfill trip for all. Sunday after church, I saw Hermann heading towards me. The best defense is a good offense, so I beat him to the draw! "Hermann Joiner!I Good to see you! I need to ask you a big favor!! (He reeled) You see. we need someone to head up our financial drive. (He was against the ropes) I really think you could do it! (He was down for the count...) I'll give you all the verbal support I can. and. " "Are you kidding?!?" Herm was stammering "I'm no gixxl at getting money out of anyone! Why, (shyly chuckling) I only kick, 'er I mean, put in a dollar a week myself!" As I walked home, without a chairman for the drive. I marveled at how blind we often are to our God-given strengths and talents. We can't see what's so obvious to others. Almost at the back door, a cock a-poo jumped me. It seems I'd broken the wrong chain.... b EDDY'S M-D 4 ROLL SANDWICH LOAF TOILET TISSUE « 19’ PLUS 1 INSTANT DISCOUNT MINI BOOK Of Goto STRKE STAMPS 9® 9® PLUS 1 INSTANT DISCOUNT MINI BOOK OF GOLD STRKE STAMPS choke FULL CUT Our Field Trip On September 25. at 9 a.m the fifth grade classes of Don Baker. Mrs. Elaine Nelson. Miss Christine McPike and Mrs. Jan Wilson, went to Fort Boise, by the Snake River for a field trip. When we got there we all started to explore. We found a pond where we saw animal tracks. Mrs. Wilson, my teacher, brought some plaster in case we Found track«. WedidIWe made prints of deer, raccoon and we think a heron bird tracks. Some kids brought back some stems of plants which showed teeth marks of being chewed by animals. Kim Scarbraugh found some dried out grasshopper skins. We looked at the Fort Boise monument by the river. Fort Boise is now under water because the river channel changed. We ate our lunches by the river and explored around more before we returned to school. —Kim Scarbrough and Kevin Wells. Job's Daughters Happenings Job’s Daughters Bethel #33 held their first card party Monday, (k’tober 6 at the Masonic Hall. A salad luncheon preceded the party. Bridge and pinochle were in play. Bridge winners were Elsie Diven, high and Ber­ nice Toombs, low. Pinochle winners were Aileen Morri­ son high and Louise Wernick. low. The door prize was won by Mabel Piercy. Next party wilt be Monday, November 3 at 1 p m. A salad luncheon will precede the party SMOKED PICNIC HAMS '4 LB BETTY CROCKER PKG CAKE MIXES LOAVES LAUNDRY SIZE TIDE BUTTERMILK BREAD 3/89’ FLOUR 69’ TOMATOES PORK N' BEANS APPLE-CINNAMON ÜOZ. ROLLS WESTERN FAMILY TASTEWELL A TEMPTING FROZEN FOODS WHOLE SUH OttAHGt 12 ox JUICE MORTON'S ASSORTED FROZEN DINNERS EA. NATURE RIPE STRAWBERRIES 10 oi. 39’ 49’ 3/$1°o PEACHES FLUFFO $329 3/$100 39c 39c 79’ .U9C 39* $159 lb. SHORTENING 34b. CAN ft IS ox. I $138 29 et. CAN BULK PACK CHOCOLATE CHIPS NALLEYS CHILI SHROEDER POP CORN lb. CHIFFON SPILL-MATE 2 lb. BAG CERTIFRESH WALNUTS ?149 SIRLOIN TIP $099 HUNTS BONELESS ROUND STEAK 1 STEAK 10 lb. 1! ut. GOLD MEDAL RAY'S DELICIOUS 59c 98! USDA CHOICE LEAN — 16 oa. ! *V.9 RUMP ROAST '•' m . RAY'S TASTY, FRESH PLUS 1 INSTANT DISCOUNT MINI BOOK OF GOLD STRIKE STAMPS TASTY WELL TRIMMED *•29 BAKERY SPECIALS 9® PLUS 1 INSTANT DISCOUNT MINI BOOK OF GOLD STRIKE STAMPS ROUND STEAK Pollyanna Club The Pollyanna Club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dale Witt with Mrs. Marge Ervin as co-hos- tess. Ten members were present and one guest. Mrs Hazel Chamberlain Mrs. Ervin, president, presided at the meeting. Roll call was answered by each member reading a joke. Mrs. Mary Laan gave the secre­ tary-treasurer report in the absence of Mrs Ray White Plans were made for the club ladies to do something helpful for the nursing home in Nysaa next year. Old and new business was discussed and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Irma Begeman with Hazel Schafer as co-hostess. LOCAL j CAULIFLOWER 1 MARGARINE BREAD 1 GIANT HEADS IMPERIAI PECANS ■:*“ PACIFIC MAID SHRIMP 6‘ó oi. PAPER TOWELS $109 65* I ft’ « DELICIOUS APPLES $489 » 49! ROLL SAU DATE: OCT. 9, 10, 11 Æf FOOD ? èW Vi BUSHEL kA •. ; 4 'J CARROTS 2 lb. PKG. 39° FAI R 7