Thursday, September 25, 1975 Nyssa Gafe City Journal, Nyssa. Oregon Page Fifteen 1 rt” V Ä5 ☆V - a 976 CHE VROLF T NOVA CONCOURS COUPE I he industry's top sales leader, Nova features a new economical small block base V-8 and fresh front styling for 1976. REGISTER FOR Your County Agent Says CAMERAS By Bay Navatny CANDLE SECTION VAWI$T0,," VAULES TO $2.00 If you plan to seed some dryland pastures this fall, now is the time to get geared up for the job. These dryland areas should be seeded in October or early November. Increase of 7 • 10 inch annual rainfall crested wheat grass is the grass of choice. If you are in an area of 10 ■ 14 inch rainfall Intermediate Wheatgrass is preferably the source. Seeding rates for Crested Wheatgrass is 7 pounds per acre. Intermediate Wheal­ grass should be seeded at 10 pounds per acre. One caution don't bury the seed too deeply. One-half inch is adequate for both grasses. I Ip« foe Energy Savers—A USDA publication has re­ cently been received in the Eitension Office that gives tips on energy savings in and around the home, on the road and in the marketplace. The publication would be a good one for everyone to read and put into practice. A few of the comments are • during cold weather keep thermostats down to 6K during the day and 60 at night. This would reduce our oil consumption by 570.000 barrels of oil per day. Other cold weather hints are clean air filter every month, dust and vacuum radiator surfaces frequently, use the sun to help heat during the day and pull draperies to hold the heat in during the night This plus many more tips are available, so give us a call and we will see that you get a copy of this helpful publication. Remember, ene­ rgy from all sources is running short, so we all need to find ways to save and stretch the resources as far as possible. 50% OFF ELECTRIC GRILL IN THE CARTON BICYCLE SALE! 3RD PRIZE - STEREO TRACK SHOES Boys' AAU approved athletic shoes. Nylon and suede upper with spe­ cially designed traction sole for running, jogging and other sports. Sizes 2'2-6 and 6’/2-12. i 1 it 1 • FABRIC Bin-SHl-RHO-HIRL OFF FUR KASH ON Evrything * TRAKiERS ☆ Hand TuLeS -For the HANDYman GreECeS AUTOmoiive PaRiS B & M EQUIPMENT 1100 AdRion BlVd NY$$A. OREGON CRAZY DAY SPECIAL COWBOY BOOTS'