Thursday, July 31, 1975 Nyssa Gate City Journal. Nyssa, Oregon Practice In Boise Is No Stopper For Three Swimmers fpüBLIC NOTTClsj Page Nine T Maday, Augnai S « Nys­ sa-Arcadia Drainage District. 106 Main Street. Nysaa, 8 p.m. Thursday, August 7 - Ad rian City Council, regular meeting. Adrian Fire House. 8 p.m. i MARK, lisa AND MATT ROSE are exceptional swimmers from Nyssa. They swim 6,000-8.000 yards a day, a total which is By lake Fuell Serious dedication and parental support are the keys to many things, especially for Mark. Matt and Lisa Rose. The children of Mr. and Mrs Ray Rankin of Nyssa, these are three swimmers who are exceptionally com­ petitive. Faced with a year- around swim team no doser than Boise, they practice there almost every day. Mark and Malt, twins, began swimming at the age of two and Lisa al five. Mrs Rankin taught them and they became avid waterlovers. ■■ I ? ï bound to increase a* they swim through the ncMl fcw years. Lisa is now twelve. Matt and Mark. 8, and they all swim 6.000-8,000 yards a day. I he three are members of the Boise YMCA team and swim in competitive meets each week. The team swims during the entire year, with about one meet each month during the winter. Mr. Rankin sees the turning point in their com­ petitive swimming as occur­ ring between Christmas and New Years, at the turn of this year. The twins, coached by Mr. Rankin, swam in the Kearns Holiday Open meet in ENVELOPE CLEARANCE SALE HAMMERMILL WOVE ENVELOPES •> I <• $ NO. 9 WINDOW OR PLAIN CLEARANCE PRICE REG. SOLD FOR »12.10 PER I.(MM) $35° PER 1.000 Salt Lake City. Matt placed sixth in an event, while Mark won three third place awards and. according to their most emphatic booster, Mr. Ran­ kin. the coaches at that meet were amazed at the boys' ability, but saw their lack of technical training. It was then that coaches from Boise. Blackfoot and other teams, realizing the promise of the twin swim­ mers, began to try and recruit them for training. Matt and Mark then decided to begin swimming throughout the year and joined the Boise team in January, a team with about sixty swimmers. Undecided about a com­ mitment to swim competi­ tively, fulltime. Lisa waited a few weeks and then joined the "Y" team. too. Lisa's progress, techni­ cally. has been swift. Com­ peting last year at the Caldwell Pentathalon. she placed twenty-seventh. This year she swam in that competition to third place. She swam the Open Water Mile in Twin Falls, recently, winning a second place award with a timing of 24 minutes and 24 seconds. Lisa describes the feeling of hard swimming by saying. "You get tired, so tired you want to quit." That is when the thought of winning makes a swimmer push on and the effort makes it worthwhile, according to Lisa, who is one of three frequent winners. And winning, a swimmer is compelled to do it again and again Matt and Mark are swim­ ming on an almost-equal par They have, twice, scored a remarkable tie with each other in High point scores. Lisa is ready to increase her daily swimming to 10.000 12.000 yards Mr. Rankin says. "She’s reached a point in her swimming where it is no problem physi­ cally," Lisa expects to swim competitively until she sim­ ply tires from it. She is already looking at colleges with good pools and compe­ tition swimming. The three swim at the same time, daily, because of the inevitable traveling to practice in Boise, this means that Mark and Matt are swimming with an older age group, but they are allowed this because of their own accomplished abilities. "No child can be forced to lead this kind of life, with the regimentation, discipline, necessary to be good swim­ mers.” says Mrs. Rankin. Supportive parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rankin are. judging by their frequent treks to the city YMCA pool, as well as to the out-of-town meets, from which the threesome has won ribbons and medals by the shoe boxfull. Between January and May of this year, they have been to meets in Missoula. Black foot. Moscow. Salt Lake City, Walla Walla, among others. Mr. and Mrs. Rankin view their travels to these meets as a worthwhile aid to the progress of their children and continue to share their time and make adjustments in their daily schedules to allow themselves to be fully involv­ ed in the work of Mark. Matt and Lisa. Mrs. Rankin states that "All parents can do is give them encouragement and opportunities." She and her husband are quick to note that other lessqualified swim­ mers simply lack the motiva­ tion for the particular com­ petitiveness or an oppor­ tunity to fulfill the desire. It is an agreement, be­ tween Lisa. Matt and Mark, that winning is the thrill, the motivation. As well, they have opportunities for ac­ tualization of their goals. An observation of these three hearty swimmers is a lesson in discipline and motivation and. mingled with a high level of encourage­ ment. Mr. and Mrs. Rankin can expect these factors to impel Lisa. Matt and Mark to continue to bring home awards by the bushel. These swimmers will swim for a very long time. ÎLÏ » < 4 J NEARLY 3 MILLION HOME CANNING LIDS ROLL OFF Ball Corporation's production lines in Muncie, Indiana each day of the week Here they are packaged in dozens for legal noi ices IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF ORE GON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR No. 3522 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob Groot, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY Gl ven that Harold Henigson has been appointed personal representative of the above­ entitled estate and that his attorneys are Henigson. Stu- nz & Fonda, whose ad­ dress is 106 Main Street. Nyssa. Oregon. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the personal representative at 106 Main Street. Nyssa. Oregon within four months after the date of Tint publication of this notice or they may be barred. Additional information may be obtained from the records of the above-entitled Court, the personal represen­ tative or his said attorneys. Dated and first published this 17th day of July. 1975. ZsZ Harold Henigson Personal Representative Published July 17. 24. 31. 1975 76 PER BOX OF 500 ENVELOPES SPECIAL BUY! COMMERCIAL ENVELOPES Bank Changes Top Management Major changes in the top management positions of First National Bank of Ore­ gon were announced Tuesday following a meeting of the bank's board of directors. Thev will be effective Septem. ber 1. 1975. Bank President Robert F. Wallace. 40. has been elected chairman of the board of the state's largest financial insti­ tution and will continue as its chief executive officer. Ralph J. Voss, chairman of the board of directors, but not actively involved in the management of the bank since taking over as chief executive officer of Western Bancorporation on January 31. 1974. will retire at age 65 from First National's chair­ man position to become chairman of the executive committee. Lyman E. Seely. 57. chair­ man of the executive com- mittee of the board of directors has been elected to the vacant position of vice chairman of the board and will continue as chief adminis. trative officer and second principal officer of the bank Leland H. Johnson, 59. senior executive vice presi­ dent of the bank, has been elevated to president and will continue to be responsible for a group of administrative departments in the bank. Wallace succeeded Voss as president in 1972 after serving in several key depart­ ments and senior adminis­ trative positions since joining First National in 1968. He previously had been em- ployed by Chemical Bank. New York, for 12 years. Journal Classifieds Bring Results! A ft PREMIUM PRICES PAID FOR CLEARANCE PRICE 3 6% SIZE 50 WHITE REG. SOLD FOR 111.00 PER 1.000 MAIL WELL ENVELOPES 6% SIZE WHITE REG. SOLD FOR »11.(M) HER 1,000 A COMPLETE PER I.(MM) PER BOX 500 ENVELOPES g ! CLEARANCE PRICE S“50 BARlfY OF PLUMBING FIXTURES FOR YOUR HOME AND ★ THREE PIECE WHITE BATHROOM SET INCLUDES TOILET. WASH BASIN AND TUB. ★ KITCHEN SINK COMPLETE WITH FAUCETS AND HUDEE RIM. ★ NECESSARY TRAPS AND SUPPLIES TO WALL, INCLUDING 0 AUTOMATIC WASHER VALVES. PER 1,000 $300 ■■■■I ★ 5245ALL0N GLASS LINED ELECTRIC WATER HEATER INCLUDING FLEXIBLE CONNECTION AND TEMPERATURE ANO PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES. PER BOX OF 500 ENVELOPES Gate City Journal I 112 MAIN shipment daily to distributors m all parts of the United States. Lids would not be in short supply if housewives would only buy what they need. 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