Thursday, June 5, 1975 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Nyssa High, Biology Newell Heights Items _________ Page Five By Dale NEWELL HEIGHTS • Mr and Mrs. Eugene Pratt, Sr. were last Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. larry Rose in Caldwell. Brendon Pratt was a guest at a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Trunnel near Wilder Saturday eve­ ning. Carolyn Pratt who atten­ ded the College of Idaho is home for the summer. Mrs. John Kirby and baby of Ontario were Sunday afternoon callers at the Eugene Pratt home. Mr. and Mrs. John Fahren- bruch left home Thursday morning for a trip to Palo Alto, Calif, to visit their son Alan. They stayed overnight in Reno on the way. They returned on Tuesday, spen­ ding the night at Winne­ mucca. There was a great deal of road work causing delay on the trip. Ross Mills was a Tuesday evening dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van DeWater and son Kent in Caldwell Friday. Ross Mills was a guest at a birthday dinner in his honor at the home of his cousin Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Niel in Parma. Mrs. Jessie Slippy of Quincy. Wash, and his daughter Mrs. Bob Rice spent the past week in the Don Linville home and visited other relatives and friends in this area. Betty Jo Wenke has moved to Ontario and is staying with her sister. Kathleen Ka- truvka She is working at the Colonial Inn and will attend TVCC this fall Mrs. Marie Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs Clint Chamber- lain. Donald and Peter and Mr. and Mrs Paul Butler and Megan Rochelle went to Bountifiil, Utah. Saturday May 24 where they attended the 90th birthday celebration fix Mrs. Chamberlain's fa­ ther. Ronald Stringham. They returned home on Mon. Mr and Mrs Bill Webb went on a fishing trip at Unity Reservoir on Saturday. They fished on Sunday and Mon­ day, returning home on Tuesday. While there they Wetmore stayed at the Forest Camp. They had Melanie Webb and Julie Gordon as breakfast guests one morning Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker. Mr and Mrs. George Cartwright and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webb all of Adnan were in the same camp. Mr and Mrs Ray Simpson visited their von Alfred. Thursday and Sunday after­ noons He is in the Nampa hospital where he is receiv­ ing treatment and care at this time fix a back injury. Cindy Simpson helped her grandmother, Mrs. Ray Simp son in the yard last week. Mrs. Dale Witt called on Mrs. Harriet Turner at the Owyhee Junction Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van DeWater id Caldwell vuited Mrs. Dale Witt Monday and Friday afternoons of last Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bege- man were Mon evening callers of Mrs Dale Witt. Mrs. Bill Conant and children were Thurs. morning callers of Mrs Dale Witt Mr and Mrs. M L Kurts of Bouse. Arizona. Mr. K. I. Peterson and son Mervin and Mrs. Dale Witt were Sunday luncheon guests of Mrs. Marie Moore. Mrs. Marie Moore and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz were Sunday evening dinner gue­ sts of Mrs. Mabie Piercy in Adrian. After the dinner they called on Mr. and Mrs. George DeHaven in Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Webb left May 16 and visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coffman at Milwaukie, Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Butler at Oregon City. Russell Coff­ man was appointed Wor­ shipful Master of the Oregon City Masonic Lodge No I. The Webbs were their guests on a bus trip to Vancouver British Columbia, Canada. Sunday they spent with the Wallace Butlers at Oregon City. While at the Coffmans. Bill and Russell and their wives attended the Masonic lodge of British Columbia, break fasts, luncheons, dinners and dances given by the members • nd their wives of the Masonic Lodge of British Columbia. On Monday night they were again guests of the Wallace Butlers and returned home last Tuesday. Eda Hokom of Hawaii had lunch with her friend, Mrs. Marie Chamberlain Thursday Tony Asumendi caught a 15 inch catfish and his brother Louis caught a 17 inch catfish Friday in the Snake River on the Dwayne Bennett place in Kingman Kolony. Brenda Connell was a Saturday overnight guest of her cousin Valeria Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Barnes accompanied by Betty Samer, Sue Ashcraft and Anna Ding went on a trip to Hells Canyon Thursday. Saturday. Mrs. Hugh Eddy and children of Caldwell and Mrs. Gladys Eddy were dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. McKinle * OAAC THESE THREE GIRLS FROM LEFT, Beth Calhoun, Sally Looney and Michelle Sadamori, are checking the location of Coos Bay on an Oregon map. They each received a partial scholarship from the Nyssa PTSA to attend OMSI summer science camp. I he girls will participate in study programs, work shops and field trips at Camp Arago in Coos Bay for two weeks from July 6 to IS. BIOLOGY II STUDENTS AT NYSSA HIGH SCHOOL are shown putting the finishing touches on their taxidermy specimens. Bill Marcum, left, is working on his badger while Beth Calhoun and Pat Joyce are completing a red fox. The biology students wish to thank Loren Wright for his assistance with the taxidermy projects. SCIENCE CLUB OFFICERS AT Nyssa High School for the 1975-76 school year are from left: Sherrie Fitzsimmons, vice-president; Laurie Wright, historian; Shelly Myrick, secretary-treasurer; and Lori Minor, president. TENDERBEST" BLAPE.-CUT TENDERBEST TOP QUA LI TV USDA CHOICE HEINZ CHUCK _>»¿ reTCHuPTfî OUP PAITHFUU UBAN SMOKED SAve4< PICNICS, HUNTS 4boz OFCHIX • CHKXEN J*-; PALMOLIVE 22 oz. I UQUlP LT 1URKET PRUMCTCKS CHUCK. ROAST u.«p*A * hoi ce 5uca>M0\i5^e?tó¿ 51S-4-0Z. PKG COLP POWER | ¿JJEÜ S3 CHEWAR CHfeeÄÄel P OCEAN 6PRAŸ CRANBERRY pere?66Nrl JUICE kraft pavxeeuce$ z*. MILD CHEDDAR KRAFT RARW SNACKS kRAFf «AMORTE AK6. I MACARDNL^CHe^e PINNERS KRAFT