Page Six Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Honor Students Initiated At TVCC RECENT PHI THETA KAPPA INITIATES beginning at the top and reading from left to right, are Lynn Lucas. Ontario; Nikki Vogt. Midvale. Id; Nancy Ingle. Ontario; Robin Nelson. Vale; Dennis Bassford. Payette; Debi Ashcraft. Ontario; Nita Spears. Vale; Julie Ishida. Adrian; Steve Stewart, Ontario; Roger Hoverman. Delphos. Ohio; Vernon Ball. Huntington; Joe Eddy. Vale: John Gra­ ham. Boise; Alice Roberts. Ontario; Mark Webb. Great Falls. Mont.; Betty Babcock. Ontario. Outgoing officers at the lower right are Carol Taka mi. Nyssa; Phyllis Dorroh, Ontario; Trish Tiffany. Vale and Vickie Lane, Ontario. Initiates not pictured are Kathy Lattimore and Karen Laird, both of Weiser; Linda Bracht and Mike Goul, both of Ontario and Robert Douglas. La Grande. Twenty-one Treasure Val­ ley Community College honor students were recently recog­ nised for their intellectual achievements by initiation into Omicron Phi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, a national honorary society. Admission requires a cumulative grade point of 3.S as well as attendance as a full time student for two successive quarters immediately prior to initiation. The local group is an affiliate of the national Phi Theta Kappa which is the only honorary fraternity that the National Junior College Assocation sponsors. Laurine Wrenn, adviser, stated that the Treasure Valley Com- x munity College Chapter was the first one installed in Oregon “and other Com­ munity Colleges followed our lead in affiliating.“ One of the major activities of the group is its involve­ ment with Commencement. The president acts as one of two marshalls in the com­ mencement procession and non-graduating members as­ sist with ushering. They also administer the selection of "Teacher of the Year." and sponsor lectures and debates for political forums. Nest year they will be involved with Bicentennial activities. Initiates are Lynn Lucas. Nancy Ingle. Debi Ashcraft. Steve Stewart, Alice Roberts. Betty Babcock. Linda Bracht and Mike Goul all of Ontario; Robin Nelson. Nita Spears and Joe Eddy all of Vale; Julie Ishida. Adrian; Nikki Vogt. Midvale ID; Dennis Bassford. Payette; Roger Hoverman. Delphos. Ohio; Vernon Ball, Huntington; John Graham. Botse; Mark Webb. Great Falls. MT ; Kathy Lattimore and Karen Laird, both of Weiser; and Robert Douglas. La Grande. Outgoing officers are Carol Takami, Nyssa; Trish Tiffany Vale; Phyllis Dorroh and Vickie Lane. Ontario. Co-advisors with Mrs. Wrenn are faculty members Jim Roberts and Ted Boyll. fBIRTHS/l 1975 County Conservation Malheur Memorial Hoapital Russell FuUeton, Chair­ man. Malheur County Agri­ cultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee, re­ ported that a county conser­ vation program has been authorized for 1975. Under the program farmers may carry out certain needed and enduring conservation prac­ tices with federal funds sharing approximately half of the cost. Fulleton said that the MAKE BETTER WITH Sweets for the Sweetest of All... county committee would meet the week of May Sth with members of the develop­ ment group to formulate the county program. The county program must be developed and operate within the guidelines handed down by the Oregon State ASC Committee. Most practices under the 1970 program are authorized for 1975, accor­ ding to Fulleton. A considerable amount of. time and work is involved in developing and getting ap­ proval of the county program. It was estimated by Fulleton that approval should be received and the program in operation by June 1st. May 7. Mr. and Mrs. John Lara. Nyssa, boy. Heiy Reeary April Mi Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Esplin. Nyssa, a girl May it Mr. and Mrs. Nick Travis, Ontario, a girl. May 2i Mr and Mrs. Raymond Brooks. Ontario, a girl Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gregg. Payette, a boy. May 3t Mr. and Mrs. Ronny Gamer. Weiser, a boy. May 4: Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ogden, New Plymouth, a girl May Si Mr. and Mrs. Raul Alaniz. Ontario, a girl. NOTICE! JF p Are Now firtstOM UPEjl Tire Store IN NYSSA Biß Savings ON ANY SIZE OR GRADE ~MÌtifìnarù> AND (HECK OUR PRICES -Pangburn’s ChocolaU Pappy’s Country Store 201 N. Main A I ' Eastern Star Activities Golden Rule Chapter *131 OES held a pot luck dinner at 6:30 p.m. Monday, May 5. honoring members of Job's Daughters Bethel *33 and Owyhee Chapter of DeMolay and some of the council members of both. Forty-five attended and enjoyed a lovely dinner. Introduced were Connie Barnes, honored queen. Bethel *J3; Tami Webb, senior princess; Sharon Bar­ nes. junior princess; Barbara Holmes, marshall; Brent Grasty, Master Counselor Owyhee Chapter; Mark Nel­ son. State Senior Counselor of State of Oregon; Wilbur Atherton, worshipful master of Golden Rule Lodge *147; Myrtle and Foy Sasser, worthy matron and worthy patron of Golden Rule Lodge Chapter »131; Vera Webb, guardian of Bethel *33. Dick Nelson, district advisor to State DeMolay dad; other Jobies and DeMolay in­ troduced themselves. The Job's Daughters ho­ nored Kathleen Wheeler and Louise Werntck for their several years of service. They were crowned and robed as Honorary Jr. and Sr. Prin­ cesses» and co-bosses. Each was presented a lovely red rose. At 8 p.m., Golden Rule Chapter met with Worthy Matron Myrtle Sasser presi­ ding. Escorted and intro­ duced was Lucille Steiner, grand committee member of home endowment committee. Grand Chapter of Oregon. Initiation was held for Dinah and Mancil Bishop. Election of officers was held and the following were elected: Cleta deBoer, wo­ rthy matron; Clarence Wer- nick. worthy patron; Beatrice Grossnickle. associate ma­ tron; George Cartwright, associate patron; Mae Schire- man. secretary; Louise Wer- nick. treasurer. Amelia Pratt, conductress; and Mira Ather­ ton, associate conductress. Appointive officers will be announced later. Installation will be held June 24. Vera Webb was escorted and jptroduced as guardian and thanked for her wort. She was presented a gift from the Chapter. Foy Sasser, worthy patron presided Cleta deBoer reported on installation of Cambridge Chapter. Beatrice Grossnickel on Hermosa Cha­ pter and Myrtle Sasser on Nampa Chapter *30. Kathleen Wheeler had charge of the Mother's Day program, assisted by Patricia Marcum. Sadie Metcalf. Ro­ se Willis. Beatrice Gross- nicfcle. Foy Sasser and Myrtle Sasser. Conductress and associate conductress pre­ sented each with petunia ADRIAN - Carl Begeman. Ray Bowen of Nampa. W C. Van DeWater and son Kent of Caldwell drove up to the BIG BEND Ross J. Eng­ Owyhee Dam late Sunday lish. a graduate of the Adrian afternoon. Thev report it was High School. Adrian, Oregon cold and breezy and very few will graduate from Oregon people were there. School of Technology at Mr and Mrs. Myron Klamath Falls, on June 8. Gossard took a trip April 17. 1975 with a Science degree in They visited her brother Diesel Technology. Ross, his Morris Deffenbaugh at Mo­ wife. Carey and son, Jay, desto. Calif., and also visited plan to make their home in friends and relatives in San Klamath Falls where Ross Moteo. Richmond and San and Al Minnick are opening a Peblo. returning home Sun­ dealership in Hesston Hay day morning. Equipment. The business is Mrs. Sue Ashcraft atten­ located at 7|5I South 6th St. ded the funeral services for and will be known as Basin Hazel Hamellon at Caldwell Equipment Co., Inc. Best Friday afternoon. wishes go to Ross in his new Mr. and Mrs. G. E. business, Mackey received a telephone Mrs Phil Church of Wilder call Friday from their son called on Mr. and Mrs Dyre Gene who is in boot camp at Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Fort Ord, California. He Don Roberts Thursday after called to see how his parents noon. were Mrs. Josie Roodman of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowen Springfield. Oregon is visit­ of Nampa were Sunday ing her sister. Mr. and Mrs dinner guests of Mr. and Ray Cartwright. Her son. Mr Mrs. Carl Begeman. Mr. and and Mrs. Junior Roodmail Mrs W. C. Van DeWater of brought her down. Caldwell were Sunday after­ The latest word on Mrs noon visitors in the Begeman Verl Bishop is that she is home. recovering satisfactorily after Mr. and Mrs. George lung surgery last Wednesday DeHaven went to Huntington at St. Luke's Hospital in Saturday where they atten­ Boise. Her daughter. Mrs. ded the 50th Wedding Chuck Barker of Grants Pass Anniversary and open house came Io be with the Bishops for Mr. and Mrs. Galen last week. Raney. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Avery Sunday. Mrs. Grace Bau- took Rex Burwright and tenheimer of Roswell and Pauline Presser of Caldwell Louise Smith and daughter to the Owyhee Dam Friday Evelyn visited their niece. evening for supper in their Mr. and Mrs. George De Ha motor home ven. Mrs. Winifred Bennett Mr. and Mrs Clifford and Mrs. Dyre Roberts went l ooney and boys of Ontario to Nampa Wednesday where and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney they had lunch at the Hong were guests at a birthday Kong Cafe then visited Mrs. dinner Sunday honoring Mrs. Mane Douglas and Mrs Bill Looney at the home of Florence Henderlider in the Mrs. Robert Long. afternoon. They were supper Mrs. Robert Long. Mr. and guests of Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Burton Bames and Mrs. Wood and Cherri in Marsing. Gladys Newbill were Eighth Graders attending Saturday evening dinner the Party at Joann Geertsens guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blake in Ridgeview Friday everning Lowell. were: Judy Lovitt, Donna last Monday. Mrs Mabie White. Susan Carroll. Brenda Piercy accompanied Mrs. Carlock. Kelli Allsop. Alex Wayne Piercy of Parma to Callahan. Dan Chaney. Russ Aberdene where she spent Roberts. Brent Ishida, and Monday. Tuesday and Wed­ Bunny Buck. Kelly Allsop nesday. On the way they and Brenda Carlock re­ visited Mrs. Mabie Piercy's mained until Saturday with sister. Mrs. Madge Harmon Joann at Buhl. Mr. and Mrs. Don Roberts Sunday morning, Mrs. are rejoicing over the arrival Mabie Piercy went to McCall of their first grandson, horn with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piercy to visit a cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Parker called on Mr. and Mrs. James Payne in Nampa Sunday afternoon. May 5th to Mr and Mm. Tom Hopkins in Hawaii. The young fellow arrived on his great-grandmother, Mrs. Wil­ bur Roberts' birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Thomas and family, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell English were Sunday guests at the Don Boren home in Nampa. They went to visit with Mr and Mrs. Orville English who recently returned from Australia whe­ re they have been living. Mrs. Dyre Roberts atten­ ded the Happy Dozen Pino­ chle Hub at the home of Mrs. George DeHaven in Adrian Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Avery visited Mr and Mrs. Gordon Avery at Weiser Sunday. They also saw the new Adventist Church being built there. • Friends may like to know how Mrs. Horace Chaney of Caldwell is. She entered St. Luke’s Hospital in Boise Mondsy where she will have treatment until the end of the week. She is improving every day. Mrs. Erie Mausling was a luncheon guest of Mrs. Winifred Bennett Monday and they worked on plans for Jolly Janes" Birthday Wed­ nesday, Mr and Mrs. Dale Smith of Cortez, Colorado have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tuppeny and Mr and Mrs. Sam Pollard Jr. Mr and Mrs. Clyde Riggs of Parma called on Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts Tuesday evening. Mrs. Robert Callahan and Mrs. Randy York and Shane had a visit with Mrs. Polly Dill st the West Park Plaza last Friday. Polly was with others of the Senior Citizens that had just returned from Owyhee Reservoir where they were sight seeing on the Sr. Citizen's bus. Polly now lives in Caldwell since Therons passing away. The Dills were old-time residents of Big Bend for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Randy York, Shane and Sheri and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Callahan were Sunday dinner guests for Mother's Day last Sunday at the Robert Callahans. SMALL FRY CAFE plants while organist Jessie Brown played "Mother of Mine." It was announced that Stardusters will meet at the home of Vera Webb in Adrian May 12 at 8 p.m. with Della Holmes assistant hos­ tess. Cleta deBoer was in charge of the potluck. NOW OPEN across from the school 372-9975 BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON SPECIALS ORDERS OPEN FROM 6:30 a m. to 4 p. m. Chevrolet announces a new smaK car. Monza Towne Coupe 14 MllfS PER GALION. Equipped with its ovoiloble 5-speed trontmiuion and 2.3-litre 2-borrel engine, the Monza Towne Coupe ha» been rated by the EPA a» follow»: 21 mpg in the city test, 34 mpg in the highway te»t better than a lot of foreign cart THREE ENGINES TO CHOOSE FROM The »landord engine i» a thrifty 2.3-litre tingle-barrel Four. Available: a 2. 3-litre double-barrel Four and a »moll 4 3-litre V8 Depend­ ing on engine »election, there are four irontmittiont available. NEW FREEDOM BATTERY The Towne Coupe it the firrt Chevrolet to have It. Standard. Need» no refill FQRMAt VINYL ROOF STAN- DARD In your pick of nine color*. The lower body come» in thirteen colors. SMALL AND DRESSY. There have alwayt been dre»»y big Chevrolets This i> a dreuy »moll one It’s fun to drive It'» comfortable .nude It come» with o very tentible price A WIDE SELECTION OF OPTIONS leather uphol»tery, forged alu­ minum wheel», AM/FM »tereo— they're all avail­ able And up to you. toon We think you'll find it'» both a lentibly priced cor to »tart with, and a wn- »ible little car to »toy with. A CHOICE OF RICH- LOOKING INTERIORS Either vinyl or luxuriou» pattern cloth is standard Chevrolet AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALERS MAY 8 See it COME IN and NYSSA /¿^"PHARMACY Events Around Adrien I L_ Tires FROM OUR BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF Thursday, May 8, 1975 4 Dressy. Fun ta Drive. Sensibly Priced. I