Thursday, April 10, 1975 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Nyssa Science Students Will Compete Saturday High school students from Nyssa will be at Boise State University Saturday, April 12, to match brainpower with other top science students from 21 schools in a contest for prestige, scholarships, and trophies. At stake are individual and team cham- pionshps in the seventh annual Science Competition Day sponsored by the BSU school ot arts and sciences. Contest chairman Loren Carter, BSU chemistry pro­ fessor. says the event will draw nearly 300 students from schools in Idaho and Oregon for the morning of knowledge testing exams in biology, chemistry, geology, physics-engineering, and mathematics. Each school will send five teams of two students each to compete in the five subject areas. Trophies will be Knife KFork Dr. Nicholas Nyaradi, the only man to ever beat the Russians out of anything tn a financial way—some 130 million dollars at the close of World War ll-and who has just returned from an in­ vestigation trip to Europe will be the guest speaker at the next meeting of the Knife A Fora Club of Malheur County at the Eastside Cafe the evening of April IS, at 7:30 p.m. it was announced today by Mr Walter Ford, president of the club. L awarded to the winning duo in each discipline tested. Carter said that Boise State will also grant one-year fee scholarships to top individual scorers in each contest field. He added that overall win­ ners will be named for schools regardless of size, but contest officials will also divide entries into small, medium, and large school categories to grant 15 other scholarships. Registration for the event will be Saturday morning, and the testing will end about noon. An awards luncheon for the participants will follow APPLE VALLEY ITEMS Gary Seward returned ho­ me Monday morning from a weeks tour with the N.N.C. Crusader Choir, which gave concerts in many Northwest Churches. Kelly Bay was a weekend guest of Mr. and .Mrs. Rick Fitzsimmons at Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garner of Portland were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs. Fay Collins. Mrs. Walter Hopper and daughters of Midvale were spring vacation guests in the Lloyd Dibble home Wednes­ day till Sunday. Sue Dibble and niece attended a tupperware party on Saturday evening at Mrs. Alex Gordon’s home. Lloyd Dibble and Sue were business shoppers at Boise on Friday.___________ Mrs. Ruth Martin of Caldwell wav an all day Saturday guest and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bale. Arietta and Andy were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mrs. Laura Bale Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Higgins visited Wednesday afternoon in the William Knox home. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Melba were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mrs. Helen Wilson. Mrs. Ruth Fritts. Helen Wilson and Frances Smalley were among the group of the Methodist Nyssa Womens Society who attended the mini District meeting held at the Payette Methodist Chu­ rch all dav Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Vear Haile were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Vivian Gooing. Activities In Arcadia ARCADIA • The Ar- iadia Club will meet with Anna Grace Edmunson on Friday. April 11 at 2 p.m. Amy Stradley accompanied Mrs. Harold Dail and Sharon Io Cascade. Idaho, Sunday, to attend services at the Community Baptist Church. They were met there by Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Haney and family of Nyssa, who had spent the weekend with the Rev. James Farmer and family at Donnley. They had a great time snowmobiling. The "Son Shiners" sang at the service at Cascade and all enjoyed a pot luck dinner after the service at the church. They reported that just the tips of the fence jxists were sticking out of the snow around Cascade. It was April 6, 1975._________ By Nell Bowers On Friday evening. Amy Stradley. the Boyd Haney family of Nyssa and Mr and Mrs. Bill Stradley went to a house warming at the Ri­ chard Baker home in Kuna. Mr. Baker teaches in the Kuna school. Mrs. Baker is the former Leila Farmer. Others at the house warming were Mr and Mrs. George Baker of Vale and Jerry Baker of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Brig Olsen returned to their home. April 3, after spending two weeks in Hawaii, visiting their son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vard Olsen. They enjoyed the trip very much and say the best way to see Hawaii is with someone who lives there. Ruth and Neil Petterson were Sunday dinner guests in 4 ❖ Is / NO END CUTS AT....... 'FOODLAND-ONLY LEANt ... T7?/MMEDt CENTER CUTS '... » »T a. BRAND ñ fl fl fl fl f-A AAAA AZ.Ï. Í. • /AN CAMP LuuuxiXnu. PLANTER'S PORK KANS ■ IITANUT *A24 |&VTIER...TÎa * PORK FORK I 40 count ZEE 5AV574 APB 50 üz CASCADE W WIENERS^... 59 PORK ROAST ^^... 89^ l 8 PORK CHOPScemse-cur-unN*!?^ < 5UCEP PETEROENf I I RhlAAMA fucte VAuer VAd PwUONniZor seer oe-weATg SAve 84 2-boz. b+l. /le HUNTS SPRING CtPAN/NG SPKIAIS^ A ^RQ lv P.8 l*IV ta Biut V7INP6X ZOox. k •CHICKEN • BEEF • TUMA plvb bonnet MARGARINE F.» IÛO z FACKA&E SWBERRIES 93 ' C0/A5T Ì * J • cleanser ■ um« prune GARPEN HOSEiÇîw- US2P CAN VETS •»60 • VARIÉ Ty • CHiCKEM ■ ■ - S» Now add something to vour weekly shopping list that your children will really sink their teeth into... Bwe PIATE 4xzor. BROKErl «•A A EA. ^ATOMATOES^ SFKIN6 CttAMUÉ 99* UKKC. Fftfl MH. NATURI PE EXTRA FANCY lie PRINT il SHRIMP PlAU A/P W ç* ( • turkey fim&TAMPS WELCOME?! «IZ-8 > • WWW CLEANER....D3f ORACIN 18 count > - - ’ I 1 MR. CLEAN now ... . LOOK FOR MONEY SAVER*!! CLEANING SALE'I WHWOM CLEANER.. “□ •PRE-ÔQAK now .... umt ■ Xn i Xl) IX11 I I 60LP BONNtT PINB'^OU FOAM 17 ox 38oi. 25 Lft -A meat NÔCU... lfT r”VT”’ŒŒŒŒÇ j w JlTJiTJ. i C C r i A i ^AAAAA An A AA AAA A A A A fl ft ( ft ft ft ft FOOOcAmo »omu« couFom ULU J J 4 AlMXXMAXXMXMXAaAA a A i am n i n BANQUET 8 ox KETCHUP.. ©T f-lOC f f Tjrxrw TT LIMIT 1ITEM PERCOURZJ eOOP AT AXXXA m P EXP1R.E6:APRIL 12+^ wr i . 4 t 5 y111 » yTV *™ mmmt mTVYYT w « vyt . "V E UXIAP LLÍ tn HF J J J V 7 V7 V77777777VV7777VvJvinrJ zse A^r I5WERIB6 CouNT^yswue 88$j BIZ ”7 V 7 XJ W a W X777 7 «WTlf f, f f C C E Í ( A4 a . a a 9 FLOUR .^3.99 K0TGX...1« HW CLEANER..... coffee Iv OQC 3^.AUe6RiNpe LIMIT 1 ITEM PEE. COUPON 600P AT PooDlAUD 67ÖR5S ,sAri EXPIRED APRiH2tk I Dr. Nichol*» Nyaradi Pl NE-S0<-28 oi mjb . ^30 teOZ LEAN TENPER Bowen of Boise was a Friday norning visitor of Mrs. Nell Correll. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Whit­ tom of Boise were all day Saturday guests and Mrs. William Knox was an after­ noon visitor of Mrs. Nell Correll. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sells visited Sunday afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hawkins of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tuttle of Notus. Mrs. Zxwa Edens and her guest Mrs. Cora Rookstool attended the Jolly Janes Club on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Vert Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Shep- pard and Mrs. l.aura Bale were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wild after evening Church Ser­ vices. The Nazarene Ladies Bible Study Class met with Mrs. Dwight Seward on Tuesday morning in her home. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seward were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Smith of Ontario to help celebrate birthday anniversaries for Kimberlee Pierce of Boise. Csrlotts Hathaway, and Ho­ ward Smith of Ontario. c PORKCHOPS TENDERBESTMEATS-THE BEST FOR YOUR TABLE !!! a, r.■»■■■ APPLE VALLEY - Garrett By way of remembering, thirty-seven years ago on April 5. 1938. Clyde and Nell Bowes and son Don, and Charles Bowers arrived in Nyssa. Oregon to spend the night with friends. They were on their way to Sandpoint. Never did get to see Sand point—vet. CENTER-CUf-Rig* 5AVE 554 Apple Valley Items Friday afternoon and even­ ing the Gerald Goodfellows visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Kesler Sr. Mr and Mrs. C. R. Kesler and Sally went to Salt Lake City. Utah. Sunday and returned Wednesday. While there they visited their daughter. Karma and other relatives. Mrs. Enos Cook and children visited Nell Bowers. Saturday afternoon. Tom Mitchell called at the Clyde Bowers home Saturday morning LOW-10W-FOOD PRICES i j Following World War II the Honorable Nyaradi spent seven months in Moscow, in contact and conference with Stalin's henchmen over a reparations claim the Soviet had unfairly levied on Hun­ gary Day after day. Nyaradi argued against the Soviet Ministers, including Molotov« Finally the claim was reduced to approximately one-fourth its original amount. In this country, the Ho­ norable Doclor continues to fight the Russian encroach­ ment of communism. He has authored articles revealing the Russian plans for the Saturday Evening Post. For­ tune. Liberty, and other leading magazines. He also is the author of a book, published in 1952. "My Ringside Scat in Moscow." In I9t»9. he was appointed consultant to the U. S. Department of State on Eastern European »nd Soviet affairs. the Brig Olsen home, visiting about the Olsens trip to Hawaii. Norman Feik and his son-in-law, Gene Fulmer of La Grande stayed all night Thursday night at the Parley Feik home. Norman is a brother of Parley. Nell Bowers attended a baby shower for Mrs. Kent Bowers. Thursday night at the Wheeler home in Nyssa. Mrs. Wheeler is a sister of Mrs. Kent Bowers. Others from the Arcadia Community attending were Gladys Feik and Lyla Houston. George. Betty, and Nancy Boyack of Meridian were guests in the Otis Bullard home. Saturday. VERY DAY i A iE Pago Seven A. r DOßFÖOP IT(7 VETS img. B ritannica J unior E ncyclopaedia Special Offer! Vbhune One wdhlla jn«nK»<4 i4 \tdvmr I« m > BONUS! . tomplviv details' • • • SEI Get $1.00 cash • refund when you purchase Volume Three... ^3/fl00 'LARGE" 1 SLICING....... K * •ONTNOUKS«» 35* TREASURE. VALLEY XL3. CTN. COTTAGE CHEESE... PRICES effective A pril r - io - ii - iz , IRIS DIEBSFOODLAND tí NYSSA, OREGON