Engagement Announced Nol«n Receives Promotion Mrs. Dorothy Nolen re turned home Sunday. March 23 after spending ten days in Kansas City with her grand­ sons. while their parents Mr. and Mrs. Don Nolen went to Dallas. Texas to look for a new home. Don, a 1956 graduate of Nyssa High School has been promoted to Regional Con­ tract Operations manager for the Powers Regulator Com­ pany and will be located in Dallas. His territory will cover 13 southeastern states. Mrs. Noeln also visited the Truman Library in Indepen­ dence. Missouri during her stay with the Don Nolens. AKH Group Meets THE ENGAGEMENT OF SHARON BLAIR to John Hight is announced by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frell Blair of Nyssa. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hight of rural Nyssa. He is employed by Albertsons and works on Gamble Island. Miss Blair attended Ricks College in Rexburg. Idaho and is now employed with the Kas-com Advertising Firm in Boise. A late Spring wedding is planned. Job's Daughters Happenings Job’s Daughters. Bethel #33 met at a regular meeting Wednesday, March 26 at the Masonic Hall with Honored Queen Connie Barnes pre­ siding. A report on the Easter Lily sale was given. The weather didn't cooperate to help make it too successful. There was also a report on the egg sale. This will be held again in the near future. Card party serving and clean-up committees were appointed for the party to be held Wednesday. April 2 at 8 p.m. at the Masonic Hall. The posters are up. Following the practice Mar. 31 posters were made for the dinner Sunday. April 6 from I -5 p.m. at the Masonic Hall. Adults will be $2.50 and children under 12- $1.50. Ham and turkey will be served with salads, vege­ tables. rolls, potatoes and dessert. Girls attending Grand Ses­ sion in June are to bring their money for their reservation for meals. The next meeting will be April 9 at 7:30 p. m. at the Masonic Hall. yelow rose Yellow Rose Rebekah Lo­ dge #202 met Tuesday, March 25 with Noble Grand Sorority Meets Delta Kappa Gamma met in the Presbyterian Church at Adrian with the Adrian ladies as hostess. A business meeting was held under the direction of Jackie Ashby, president. A memorial was given to the Nyssa Nursing Home in memory of Victoria Schwei­ zer. A subscription for the large print Readers Digest was also given to each of the Nursing Homes in Vale. Ontario, and Nyssa. A contribution was also given to the school in Ontario that helps the adults who need special care. Mr. D. Oakes spoke on legislation that is in the making that pertained to teachers and schools. A very enjoyable time was had by all. Emily Clapp presiding. Eigh­ teen members answered roll call. Five guests from Beatrice Lodge #82 in Ontario were introduced: Lea Chapman. Betty Hislop. Lucille Prahl. Sadie Pratt and Bea Kanrich. District Deputy, Kathleen Wheeler asked that the officers who helped her install the officers in this district be escorted to the altar. They were Leona Reeves. Neta Mae Wiley. Beulah Blanche Weeks. Gann. Merle Johnson. Hazel Farr and Anna Marostica. She presented each one a handmade gift and with appropriate verse thanked them for their help. Leona Reeves was given an extra gift as she had taken the District Deputy on her various visits to Vale and Ontario. As each member entered the hall for the meeting they were given a small white rabbit to pin on and wear during the meeting. Num­ bers were drawn from the rabbits and the following people won door prizes; Betty Hislop. Beulah Gann and Merle Johnson. After the meeting sand- wiches and salads were served by all the members. The next meeting will be April 8 at the IOOF Hall at 8 p.m. The Brownies will meet in Mrs. Nelson's room at the Primary Building Monday, April 7 at 3:30 p.m. Leaders are Mmes. Patricia Sims. Nancy DeBoer and Donna Webb. Cookie Queen for the meeting will be Kim Hiatt. Bridge Club News Mr. and Mrs. Don Olde- meyer entertained the Cou­ ple's Bridge Club recently. There were three tables in play and guest players were Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Jackson. Winning high scores for the evening were Mrs. Lucille Wilson. Don Olde- meyer and Gale Christensen. The AKH Home Extension Study group met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Vera Webb with nine ladies present. Mrs. Bernice Toomb. pre­ sident, presided at the meeting. Officers were elected as follows: Frances Freel. pre­ sident; Helen Conant, vice- president; Vera Webb, secre­ tary-treasurer. The lesson was on child abuse, and was given by Helen Conant and David Sloggett. Birthday April 4 • Dwight Calhoun. Virginia Rios. Ruth Castro. April 6 - Cathi Jo Phelps. Panfilo Rios. Sandi Lee Phelps. Juli Peterson. April 7 - Mark Goodell. _ Vesta Needs. Mitzi Sadamori Axel Stephen. April 8 • Patsy- Wilson, Donna Oldemeyer. John Shell. Harriet Bass. Cathy Soliz. Mike Fitzsimmons. April 9 - Gilben Vielma. Randy Savage. Betty Rieb. David Mitchell. April 10 - Donna Draper. Jeff Abe. Carla Hoskins. The 78th chapter of Pi Sigma Epsilon, national pro­ fessional fraternity in mar­ keting, sales management and selling, will be installed by national and regional officers at Oregon State University April 4. The chapter is being sponsored by Portland mem­ bers of Sales and Marketing Executives International, an organization that has sup­ ported Pi Sigma Epsilon since it was founded in 1952. Robert H. Collins, assis­ tant professor in the OSU School of Business, is faculty adviser to the new chapter. Faculty co-advisers are Da­ niel J. Brown, business pro­ fessor. and Nancy Wilhelm- son, clothing and textiles instructor. Installing officer will be Bob Johannsen, an executive with Wisconsin Telephone. Milwaukee, and secretary of the National Council of Pi Sigma Epsilon. SUNDAYS State President of Oregon Emblem Clubs. Timmy Knoche; State Marshall. Mar tha Moffitt; and Past Presi­ dents of Ontario Emblem Club, were honored guests of Ontario Emblem Club #192. March 24. Following dinner, which was held at the Ontario B P O E. #1690 Lodge Hall, a business meeting and ini­ tiation cermoniev were held. The nominating committee presented the following slate of officers for the coming year. Ruby Pfost. president; Sally Fields, junior past president; Claire Jenkins, first vice president; Betty Collier, second vice president Freda Palmer, financial secretary: Velma Hansen, treasurer; Norma Ferguson, recording secretary; Inez Polley, corresponding secre­ tary: Mildred Scholes, chair­ man of the trustees; Violet Jenkins, first trustee; Pauline McKinney, second trustee; Sharon Dundas. chaplin; Sarabelle Meyer, marshall; Pearl Mason, first assistant marshall; Mary Danilson. second assistant marshall; Margaret Meyer, musician; Carol Duncan, press corres- One of banking's oldest messages - “save money" has been approached from a fresh angle by U. S. National Bank of Oregon. Everyone knows they should save money. But. particularly in these times, it can be a hard task. In a major advertising campaign just launched. U. S Bank is encouraging Ore­ gonians to develop their savings habit by playing the “Savings Game." The idea of the Savings Game is strategy. As any good money manager will admit, there are many ways Portland sales and mar­ keting executives assisting at the installation will be Murray McBride, marketing consultant and principal of Murray McBride Associates; John Donnelly, general ma­ nager of Stan Wiley. Inc., Realtors; Kenneth J. Hunt, marketing manager. Portland division, Portland General Electric Co.; Lyle W. Salquist retired marketing consultant and executive secretary of Portland Sales and Mar- keting Executives; and Zack Brandon, sales executive with Pacific Yard Service. Speaking at the initiation banquet will be another Portlander. Bob Wirtz, a division sales promotion ma­ nager for Jantzen, Inc. Among the 21 OSU stu­ dents who will be charter members of the new chapter is Gary Sadamori. senior, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sadamori of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lundy went to Hermiston on Satur­ day to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ford. Sara and Addie. The Ford's accom­ panied the Lundy's to Mab ton. Washington to the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Becker where they enjoyed an Easter supper on Saturday evening. Following breakfast Sunday morning the group returned to their homes Mrs. Lundy and Mrs. Becker are sisters. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Riggs were guests of their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Man­ ning and family in Notus for Easter dinner. • • Kirk Savage, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Savage, was home from Eastern Oregon State College in La Grande for Easier. • • • Granddaughters of Mrs. Erma Forbess. Debra and Bonnie Forbess spent last week with lheir grandmother. Their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Forbess of Cor­ vallis brought the girls to Nyssa so they could spend their spring vacation and then returned home. The girls returned to their home Sunday by bus. • • • Mr and Mrs. Roy Green of Burley. Idaho were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Charlie Wernick over the Easter weekend. Mrs Wernick'« niece. Mrs. Carol Biddle from Pendleton was a Sunday overnight guest • • • Mr. and Mrs. Foy Sasser visited in Roseburg over the Easter weekend with Dwayne Sasser and family. • • a Easter dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Charlie Wernick were their daughter. Mr and Mrs. John DeBoer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Pete DeBoer all of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Green of Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann report the death of their granddaughter. Janet Nor­ land. wife of Lonnie Norland in Spokane, Washington. March 17. Mrs. Joye Norland and Kory from Pomeroy. Wash, were guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gann this past week. They also visited her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Looney and boys. THE ENGAGEMENT OF MISS BETH ANN KASSMAN to Harold Christensen, has been announced by her parents Mr. and Mrs Harold Kassman of Nyssa. He is the son of Mrs. Leone Christensen also of Nyssa. Miss Kassman is a 1974 Nyssa High School graduate and she is attending the University of Oregon. Her fiance, a 1970 Nyssa High School graduate is employed at the First National Bank in La Grande. A June 28 wedding is planned by the young couple at Faith Lutheran Church in Nyssa. Family Scanners Meet Friday The Family Scanners Ge­ nealogical Society will have their regular monthly meet ing at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the conference room of the Caldwell Public Library The program will be given by Mrs Lila Wllch. she will speak on ‘Making your summer vacation into a ge­ nealogical trip' At 7:(g) p m., prior to our meeting, we will meet at the College of Idaho Library for a tour of the temporary space and facilities that they have provided for us. Membership dues for 1975 •76 are due bv May I. Guests for Easter dinner at the home of Mr and Mrs. Hill Stringer were her parents Mr and Mr«. Lonnie Ward of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs Bob McKinney and Tim and Mrs John Stringer • • • Mrs Dorothy Nolen's son Mel Nolen and grandsons Kevin and Terry of Fresno, Calif arrived Monday. Mar. 24 to spend spring vacation here, returning home Fridav. • a • Mrs. Blanche Weeks and Mrs. Lola STeinke were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks and family in Seneca. Oregon Another son. Dwayne Weeks and fmaily of Portland were also guests. The family enjoyed a weiner roast, snowmobiling and skiing. Mrs. John Weeks accom­ panied Mrs Blanche Weeks to Nyssa and is presently visiting her father. Mr Roth in Caldwell. ♦ »Ulli lllivA 4 H Art Ctak The 4 H Art Club met March 26 at the Expanded Foods and Nutrition House. 801 Ehrgood Avenue. We had a short business meeting We made Easter decorations, painted and glittered eggs to hang on the twigs for egg trees and decorated Easter chickens. Refreshments for next time is Teri Pounds. Our next meeting will be April 9 Bring a favorite cartoon or funny book pic­ ture. Reporter Lisa Guerra G-G 4 H (Tub The G-G 4 H Club met at the home of Mrs. Elvin Ballou Friday March 28 After refreshments and a business meeting Kaylene Robbins. Lynda King and Tina Hopman gave reports on a 4-H meeting they attended in Ontario. They told about keeping records and parlia­ mentary procedure. The Spring Fair books were passed out and discussed We learned how to pearl for knitting and any ques twins the girls had about sewing their garments were answered The meeting was adjourned. Joy Ballou, reporter. Happy Anniversary A«* • ■ Mr awd Mn Wilbur Coffman April 10 - Mr Dave Rieb. and Mrs HIGH HE AT BILLS With Electricity - Oil - Gas ? — ÄÄ FROM 12 TO 5 P.M snaps Insulate Now Save From Now On 1 Be Warm and And Heat For Less With IDIAL GAS INSULATION Call Today For A No Obligation Estimate Si 8 N. lit. NYSSA, OREO O N 503-372-2214 à ». to increase savings earnings by carefully moving dollars from basic passbook accounts to more sophisticated certi­ ficates. monthly income plans and even annuity programs. The elements are similar throughout the in­ dustry. but the game concept is a new approach. U.S. Bank has treated this serious subject in a light way. utilizing a new. copyrighted game to illustrate the impor­ tance of saving and planning for maximum rate. The “Savings Game” is being made available at no cost, while supplies last, at all 135 U. S Bank branches. "By the time a person moves around the game board one time, it is easy to see how important a planned savings program really is." according to R. C. Pesci. senior vice-president and marketing manager for U. S. Bank. "For the first time, someone is taking a moment to show people the strate­ gies. It's really not all that complicated." The role of savings coun­ selor has gone public with U. S. Bank's new Savings Game promotion. While the obvious goal is to gain new deposit dollars, these bankers are convinced some new. impor­ tant savings habit*, may result from the program as well. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen returned recently from a three weeks trip to Phoenix. Arizona. They were houseguests of their grand­ daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Max Dane and family. They attended a basketball game and two baseball games. They called on Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure. Mr Ure has been ill but is recovering quite well. The Nyssa couple picked oranges and throughly en­ joyed the sunshine. • • • fniuvçiixrSfmu SUNDAY, APRIL 6 r-. 1 . • pondent; Zona Murphy, his­ torian; Alta Baer, outer guard and Sara Mcndiguren, inner guard. The new officers will be installed by Supreme President. Lucille Mahonev. Juneau. Alaska, on May 10. at the B P O E #1690 Lodge Hall. This is the highest honor bestowed upon any Emblem Club. On April 21. the B P.O.E. #1690 will host the annual appreciation dinner for the Emblem Club. All members in good standing are invited. The next blood drawing will be held on April 28. at the #1600 Lodge Hall. Our quota is 150 pints, according to Jan Bunch, chairman. Suzanne Thompson is the winner of the annual Fmblem Club scholarship this year. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roben Thompson. Fruitland. Suzanne, an An major, plans to attend the Idaho State University at Pocatello. The next meeting will hr held on April 14. Initiation ceremonies for new members will be held on April 28. All members please attend. U.S. National Bank Launches Savings Game ÄY/GOL Cg STRIKE I c/oaa dome Engagement Announced Emblem Club 192 Elects New Officers OSU Business Group Includes Nyssa Student —* — “— • — I Thursday, April 3, 1975 Nytsa Gat« City Journal, Nyssa, Or«gon Pag« Four 1. J L »