Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon APPLE VALLEY ITEMS .................... BY FRANCES SMALLEY.................. APPLE VALLEY • Mr MARKETS OCEAN FRESH RED 1-lotfA of SNAPPER USDA CHOICE BEEF... Plus CRAB /•I AlA/f ERESH FROZEN CLAW J LEGS & SECTIONS \ppiE vAiun HEN TURKEYS PICKLES FROZEN FOODS CLAUSSEN'S USDA CHOICE KOSHER OR ICICLE 32 'ARMOUR'S VERIB RIB BLADE CUT 0« CH0K\ .98' I HASH BROWN POTATOES Ifr, \ '’»"■vias »rainrji SUNSET VALLEY ACTIVITIES .^SPARE RIBS lean a meaty ----- BY MARTHA LORENSEN - SUNSET VALLEY WESTERN FAMILY MARGARINE eft 1-lb. TUB *v»r k/WT SHQ/treMiifO 10 COUNT LARGE PINK ASPARAGI! - DETERGENT 30c OFF LABEL Ifl 157 0»- REG. OR UNSALTED very well. Mrs. Jim Ennor and daughters of Pendleton visi­ ted Monday thru Saturday with her parents Mr and Mrs. Fay Collins. Julia Pierce of Boise was a weekend guest in the Fay Collins home On Wednesdav Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Ennor daughters visited in Ralph Russell home al Boise. Lloyd Dibble attended a Fellowship Hour for his Adult Sunday School Class in the Floyd Higgins home on Thursday afternoon and later he visited with the Rev. Virgil Martin al the Homedale nursing home. Mrs. Mary Nichol* of Nampa. Mrs. William An­ ders and Mrs Jenny Cowling both of Caldwell were all day Tuesday guests in the Waldo Smalley home Mi and Mrs. Waldo Smalley were Thursday lun­ cheon guests of Mrs Mary Nichols at Nampa and visited in the afternoon with Mr and Mrs. Sam Munden at Eagle Mr. and Mrs I arl Boston returned Monday from Sp­ ringfield. Oregon where they visited during the weekend with Mr and Mrs Dick Harris and family. Clarence Fritts returned home Saturday afternoon from Nyssa Hospital where he had surgery on Friday morning Mrs John Lilly entertained for her son J J 's 4th birthday anniversary, at her mothers home Mrs. (iorgc Griffin, last week Her guests were Mrs Iceland Dewey and children. Mrs Gary Griffin and children and Mrs Helen I ills and Mrs. Ed Sell* visited Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs. David Sells at Boise. Tom Sells is home from U of I for spring vacation this week. Stacey Rookstool was a houseguest of her grand­ parents Mr and Mrs Roy Rookstool last week while she was recuperating from chic- kenpos. Mrs Roy Rookstool visited Thursday with Mrs. Zora Edens who is al her home now after staying with her daughter in Ontario while recuperating from surgery. On Friday, Mrs. Chuck Bale and Mrs, Laura Bale visited Mr. and Mrs. Ike Mitchel at Payette. Sunday visitors of Mrs. Laura Bale were Mr and Mrs. Phil Hale and Johnny and Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bale and family. Mr. and Mr» Wulicr Hopper and family of Mid­ vale were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Dibble. Misses Eula Tombaugh and Naomi Long of Nampa were overnight Friday and Saturday guests in the Dwight Seward home. Mrs. Jennie Seward was a weekend guest in the Dwight Seward home and on Sunday. Mrs Sarah Hobson was a dinner guest for Mrs. Jennie Seward in the Dwight Seward home. Sunday guests in the Ed Sells home were Mr and Mrs. Art Sells of Caldwell. Mrs Dale Morgan entered the Holy Rosarv Hospital for major surgerv on Thursday morning She is recuperating SALTINE jL Mr and Mr». Ora Newgen were Thur»dav evening visitor* at the home Counstl. Mr. and Mr*. Elver Niel- *en were Sunday evening visitor» at the home of Mr. and Mrs Magnus F.kanger Mr and Mrs Ernie Gerber of Ontario were visitors on Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Reffett. Mr. and Mrs Ira Price were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Orville Groves in Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Newgen in Ontario. Ora Newgen was a dinner guest on Saturday at the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Forney in Nampa Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Wilson and family of Moro, Ore. are spending their spring vacation at the home of Mr and Mrs. Harley Wilson. Mrs. Walter Hillis was a Sunday dinner guest at the Lewis Mitchell home. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Knowles and Henry Mitchell were dinner guests on Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell. Owyhee Garden Club met at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Jim Langley on Friday with Mrs. Homer Brewer as cohostess. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cul­ bertson and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holly Hollenbeck. Mrs. Jess Asumendi and PH Lillena spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.lmer Trump in Wallowa. Oregon Mr and Mrs Elver Niel­ sen and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nielsen were visitors on Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Effie Nielsen in Nu Acres area Mrs. F.lver Nielsen and Mr*. Vera Bingaman were among those attending the Ore Ida openhouse held on Wednesdav. Mr and Mrs. Ken Loren sen. Harriet and Gloria were among those attending the 25th wedding anniversary reception which was hosted at the Jacobson home by the children of Bill and Nadine Jacobson on Saturday. The Jacobsons live at 3745 E. Victory Road. Meridian The Rev and Mrs Harold Jacks of Payette held a rededica- lion of their marriage cere­ mony All of the Jacobson family were present as well as many of the other relatives and friends Mr*. Harriet Turner of Owyhee Junction, Mr. and Mrs Ken Lorensen and daughters Harriet and Gloria attended the Adrian Smor gasbord and carnival held last Saturday evening in the Adrian Elementary School cafeteria. Word was received early Monday of the death of Mrs. James Steele of Roseland. Louisiana. Mrs. Steele has been in very poor health since the death of her sister. Mrs. Hubert Adams, on August 19, 1974 The ladies are aunts of Wilbur Chapin and Mrs. Ken Lorensen CRACKERS5W COTTAGE NICE SOFT 35c COUPON 24c COUPON WITH COUPON TWIN PACK LaMeaa Completer Feature TWOSALAD PLATES ÑK»