Pag« Four Thursday, March 6, 1975 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa Oregon Hometown News ___ C1U 372-2233 Mrs. Merle Johnson vi­ sited in the home of her daugh * ter, Mr. end Mrs. PatSwea- ney in Caldwell on Sunday. She got to see for the first time, her second great- granddaughter, whose pa­ rents are Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sweaney of Caldwell. Mrs. Johnson has six great­ grandchildren, four boys and now two girls. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Greg Thiel were Sunday visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers. Mr. and Mrs. Byers visited Mrs. Ethel Lay and family on Thursday evening. ♦ • • “SINGING IN THE DOME” Six talen­ ted Gospel singing groups will be shar­ ing the stage with entertainment for the entire family Saturday, March 8 at 8 p.m. The Gospel Sounds from Lewiston, Id. will be featured guests for an evening of Gospel singing entertainment at the Mini­ Dome, on the high school campus in Pay­ ette. Members are, seated, Quin Han­ sen. Standing from left, Dave Wilson, Steve Bower, Ron Caldwell, Neta Wilson and Fred Bower. Also performing on the program will be old favorites such as The Son Shiners, Nyssa; Inner Light, Fruitland, Children of the Son, Ontario; The King's Wit­ nesses, Boise and a new group with a blue-grass sound, The Southern Gospel Heirs, Caldwell. Make plans now to attend, admission is Free. You’ll be glad you came. Sound of Music Is Next Treasure Valley Production The award-winning Rod­ gers and Hammerstein mu­ sical. Sound of Manic, will be a spring presentation of the Treasure Valley Community College Valley Players. Hea­ ding the large cast will be Linda Dame as Maria and Clint Bellows as Captain Von Trapp, two seasoned per­ formers appearing together for the first time in what should be a winning com­ bination. Bellows is the articulate anchorman of Channel 7*a “Newsbeat 7,“ and is well known throughout the valley for his singing appearances, including previous Treasure Valley Community College musicals. Mrs Dame was first introduced to valley residents as Guinevere in Camelot while she was a Treasure Valley Community College student. The follow­ ing year she took a minor role in Brigadoon and last year after a four-year hiatus, was welcomed back as Annie in Annie GM Year Gm. Others in the owadt include Sally Seller of Ontario as Elsa, the other woman; and Ron Kulm of Ontario as Max, the Captain's best friend. The children are portrayed by Shauna Eldridge of Ontario as Liesle, Kathy Kunkel of Nyssa as Louisa, David Cassel of Caldwell as Kurt, Kevin Jensen of Ontario as Friedrick, Laura Marple of Ontario as Brigitta, D’On Walker of Weiser as Marta and Leslie Garretson of Ontario as Gretle. Dave Weathers of Hawaii plays the youth who is Liesle's boy friend Rolf. Jamie Hansen of Weiser portrays Fran Sch­ midt; Chris Gamer of Em­ mett, Franz the butler; Tim Clarkson of Nyssa and Joy Mansfield are Herr and Frau Zeller. Bill Higgin of Weiser plays the Baron Elberfeld and Harold White of New Plymouth, the Admiral. The Mother Abbess is played by Eleanor Phillips of Ontario; Sister Berthe Mis­ tress of the Novices by Georgia Meecham of Weiser; Sister Margaretta. Mistress of the Postulants, by Patti Rash of Weiser; sister Sophia, by Treva Leonard of New Plymouth. These ladies are joined by nuns Eve Stubstad. Joy McLean. Jean Weathermon. Mildred Whip­ ple of Ontario, Sally Kelly and Marion Jensen of Pa­ yette; and Marcia Jeffs of McCall. Postulants Ilona Walker of Weiser and Susan Siam of Adrian complete the group to form the all-im­ portant Nun's chorus. Producer Wayne Phillips is happy to announce that Marion (Mrs. Dar) Mathew­ son has joined the directors as choral director. She brings with her many years of choir experience. He has also expressed thanks to the seventy-three people who came to try-outs, saying. "It is through your efforts that we were able to select such a fine cast.” The Sound of Music is slated for production on April 2. 3, 4, and 5 in the Ontario High School Auditorium. Ticket sales will be announ­ ced later. The best source for painting information... The Pro Shop Everyone at our Fuller-O'Brien Pro Shop is a Paint Pro. We're ready to give you the information you need to do the job right... the first time I Stop in at the Pro Shop. The one with the Fuller-O'Brien Paints sign out front. See Marv Jeffries at FIRESTONE STORE Nyssa, Oregon Dr. and Mrs. Ken Kerby and Mr. and Mrs. David Bay of Parma attended the Elks family crab feed in Ontario on Sunday. They re­ ported the food was excellent and there was a very large crowd. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Riggs were Sunday afternoon cal­ lers on their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Manning and family in Notus. ___ rest McCool were weekend callers of Mr. and Mrs. F rank Byers. • • • Sunday callers on Mrs. Jesse Shuster were her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holmes of rural Nyssa and her son, Mr. and Mrs. Fin­ ley Shuster of Nampa. Ano­ ther son, Mr. and Mrs. Way­ ne Shuster of Fruitland vi­ sited her during the week. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beck and Jennifer from Salt Lake accompanied by Mrs. Clark (Barbara) Stringham, Susie and Kelli were weekend house guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Mel Beck. Lloyd Wilsons Return From California Trip ARTIST FOR THE MONTH OF February at the Nyssa Public Library is Mrs. Maude Bigelow of Fruitland. Mrs. Bigelow celebrated her 76th birthday on Monday, and has been working with oils on canvas only since 1970, when eye surgery --------- AKH Meets Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wil­ The AKH Extension Study son returned last week from Group met Thursday after­ a ten-day trip to Long Beach noon with Mrs. Alice Co­ and San Diego, California. nant In Kingman Kolony with • • • • They flew to Long Beach fourteen ladies present. Kirk Savage and Heather where they were guests of Mrs. Bernice Toomb, pre­ Oakley, students at La their daughterStepehanie who sident, presided at the meet­ Grande were weekend house­ is a registered nurse at ing. Mrs. Lucille Gossard guests of his parents Mr. Kaiser Hospital. Sight­ The G-G 4-H Club met gave the secretary and trea­ and Mrs. Don Savage, Kris seeing Included the Queen at the home of Mrs. El- surers reports. The lesson and Randy. Mary, Disney Land, Knott’s vin Ballou on Tuesday, was on window dressing and • • • Berry Farm, the Busch March 4. After refresh­ was given by Mrs. Helen Os­ Mrs. Reuben Haroldsen Gardens and shopping at ments and a business meet­ born and Mrs. Bernice Toomb. returned home from a weeks Port-A-CaU. ing we mounted samples of stay in the Caldwell Memo­ The Wilsons enjoyed a different fabrics and wea­ JOB'S rial Hospital. She is doing brunch given in their honor ves. Then we experimented very well and is glad to be DAUGHTERS by friends, Mr. and Mrs. with the effects of different home. Reuben enjoyed the Charles Myers, whom they things on different fabrics, ACTIVITIES week as a guest at his met on their Caribbean such as press-on interfacing daughters', Mr. and Mrs. Cruise last summer. This and fingernail polish remo­ Orlee Sipes of Homedale. Jobs Daughters Card Party was held at the Marina Del ver. • • • was held Monday, March3at Ray Yacht Club and the frie­ Joy Ballou, reporter Mr. and Mrs. John Low the Masonic Hall. nds visited had a beautiful of Quincy, Washington and Prize winners were, Erls view of the bay and the many Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bertram and Elsie Diven, yachts. The Myers live in NEWS Low of Royal City, Washing­ West Covina. bridge, Wilma Ostrom and ton were houseguests last « Louise Wernlck, pinochle. Stephanie accompanied her week of Mr. and Mrs. Les­ Marie Wilson won the door parents on a drive to San The new Brownie Scout ter Oden. Diego where they were house­ prize. troop that has been formed • • • guests of their son Dr. Paul is seeking some old Brow­ Mr. and Mrs. George Sal­ • • • Wilson in Del Mar. Dr. Wil­ nie Scout Books, any style lee returned recently from The next card party will son is a radiologist at the Brownie uniforms, hats, etc. an 18 day trip to Rich University of California Hos­ be held Wednesday, April 2 and any more girls in the Hill, Missouri. They went to at the Masonic Hall at 8 pital and the Veteran’s Hos­ first, second and third gra­ see Mrs. Sallee’s sister who p.m. with bridge and pino­ pital in La Jolla, California. des that are interested and was hospitalized because of chle in play. While they were in San all help froth any interes­ a heart attack. This will be a benefit Diego they went toSea World ited adults. • • • card party to help little Paul a dog show and an art show. This troop meets every Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boy­ Schneider, who suffered in­ They were also entertained "Monday in Mrs. Elaine dell of Salt Lake were week­ juries last fall. by Dr. Marvin Benson who ■Nelson’s room in the Pri­ end guests of bis mother, Refreshments will be ser­ is a friend of Pauls from airs. A. H. Boydell and sis­ mary Building at 3:30 p.m. ved and there will be a charge medical school. Paul enter­ ter, Mrs. Ethel Mary Rhodes. However, due to Spring Va­ of $1. Everyone is urged tained his family at a brunch • • a cation there will be no to attend. at the Rhinelander Restau­ The Rev. and Mrs. Jim meeting March 17. Cookie rant for his friends and as­ Farmer and family of Don­ Queens for the March 10th sociates. Job’s Daughters Bethel • nelly and Mr. and Mrs. John meeting are Andrea Z ink and 33 met Wednesday, February Sommars and family of Don ­ Melissa Loera. The Cookie 26 at the Masonic Hall with nelly and Mr. and Mrs. For- ORDER OF Queens are to bring two Honored Queen Connie Bar­ dozen cookies, cupcakes,etc. EASTERN nes, presiding. for the next week’s meeting T STAR Escorted and introduced and different girls are cho­ was Vern Webb, guardian, sen each week. Louise Wernlck, past guar­ The registration fee is $2 Golden Rule Chapter *131 dian, Clarence Wernick and and dues for the remainder met Monday, March 3 at the Bob Holmes, past associate of the year will be $1.50. Even Masonic Hall with Worthy guardians. if your child attends regu­ Matron Myrtle Sasser pre­ A new 4-H Art Club, un­ Girls reported on skating larly if she isn’t registered siding. der the leadership of Mrs. party attended in Ontario. Pl she will receive no pin or Under Good of Order, Foy Nancy DeBoer, will bold its Plans were made for the Ho­ membership star and the Sasser, worthy patron con­ first meeting, Wednesday, nored Queens project. Sides third grade girls can’t ducted reobligation ceremony March 12 at the Expanded were chosen for a member­ receive their fly-up wings. with all members takingpart. Food and Nutrition House ship drive with losers to If you have any of the Lois Cartwright reported on on 801 Ehrgood Avenue at treat winners to dinner. needed equipment please con­ Friendship Night visit to 3:30 p.m. Next meeting will be Wed­ tact Brownie leader, Mrs. Mount Olive Chap. *52, Parma, The first meeting will fea­ nesday, March 12 at the Patricia Sims (372-2835) or Myrtle Sasser, worth ma ­ ture a Saint Patrick's Day Masonic Hall at 7:30 p.m. her assistants Mrs. Nancy tron, William Schlreman, and project. This club is for all DeBoer (372-3712) and Mrs. Foy Sasser, worthy patron boys and girls grades 3 thru weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeM Donna Webb (372-5101). reported on their visit to 6 interested in art. Lorraine Chapter *32. Pay­ MERRY MATRONS The club will meet every ette, when Worthy Grand