Thursday, July 4, 1974 TVCC Valley Players To Present "Harvey "Harvey." the delightful comedy by Mary Chase, which involves Elwood P. Dowd and his six foot rabbit friend has been chosen as the summer show by the Valley Players of Treasure Valley Community College. This play is one of the most successful and popular plays of the American stage. EULA1JO HERNANDEZ 84, a resident of Nyssa for the past 26 years, became a citizen of the United States last Wednesday. The citizenship rites were administered by District Judge Jeff D. Dorroh Hernandez was born in Mexico City, came to California in |9|7, and to Nyssa in 1949 as a farm laborer. Recent try-outs have na­ med the rast as follows: Diane Webster of Ontario as Myrtle Mae Simmons; Anita Dorroh of Ontario as Vela Louise Simmons; Mike Hoff man of Payette as F.lwood P Dowd; Vicki Roberts of Ontario as Mrs Ethel Chau- venet; Gretchen Harvey of Villa Park. ( alifornia as Ruth Kelly; Joni Hanigan of Canning And Freezing Films To Be Shown Familes who are interested in canning and freezing have an opportunity to learn current and up to date me­ thod* according to Extension Home Economist Helen Con ner. Homemakers will be able to do so by watching the Television set. A serie* of four programs produced by Oregon State University Ex­ tension Service will be shown on KOAC TV channel 4 starting July II. Each 10 minute show will be aired at 7.00 p m Following is the schedule of topics and show dates Freezing Fruits and Vege tables. Thursday. July II Canning Fruit* and Ve getahles. Thursday. July I« Making Pickles. Thursday. July 25 Canning Tish and Seafood. Thursday. August I Included in the films are step bv step directions for the inexperienced food preserver as well as hints for improved products for those that have lots of experience. The same series of films is presently available at the Malheur Counts Extension Office Homemakers may call tile ..flu c HH'I 9| 29 10 sc! ■ time for viewing one or all of the films on closed circuit television Payette a* Duane Wilson; Mike Marinila of Vale as Lvman Sanderson. Dell An derson ot Fruitland a* Wil­ liam Chumbv. Dee Marie Walts of Pavette as Bcttv Cliumbv Diana Mannila of Vale as Judge O. M Gaffnev and lav Mansfield of Ontario as E. J. Lofgren. This play will produced August 2 and 3. 1974. in the Administration Building >n the Treasure Valley Tom- munite College campus at 8:00 p.m Tickets will soon be available. Ar» Workshop Registration Open Registration will remain open for an Art Workshop in the Wilderness, planned to take place from July 30 to August J. The Treasure Valley Community College art department is sponsoring this open air art class which will center around landscape painting Original plans were made to include sections in ceramics and photography, but these plans have been altered to concern the stu­ dent with painting directly from the landscape, accor­ ding to Mike McGuire. Trea­ sure Valley Community Col­ lege instructor. A site on the North Fork of the John Day River has been selected where students will be involved in course work all day and into the evening. Evening sessions will include discussions of characteristics and trends in landscape painting. LYNN GRENZ, MISS ORE gon 1971. entertained with several songs during the Miss Malheur pageant Thur sday evening For further information and reservations for enroll­ ment contact McGuire at the college. The reasons for saving with Equitable Savings this month could fill a book. Hurry. You can get 5.(XX) tree S a H Green Stamps at Equitable Savings through July 3 I st with a deposit of $5.000 or more. That's enough stamps to till more than tour S a H books Or get 2.51X) free stamps tor a deposit of $2.500 to $5,000. Or take home two stamps for every dollar you deposit up to $ 1.250 This special offer goes for opening any new Equitable Savings account, or for adding to any existing one. v Of course you enjoy the security of savings insured by an ntmi agency of the Federal government And you get high interest in the bargain?'' ■' Equitable returns the highest tale permitted by law on passbook accounts So stop by any of Equitable's 37 conveniently located Northwest branches. And get your till of Green Stamps during July. ¡table 4 I who give away Green Stamps through July. » i New sprinkler-dotted farm field bordering sagebrush on Bell Rapids project typifies the continuing transformation of desert to productive cropland being accomplished across the Snake River Valley these days through the magic of water and electric pumping. Bell Rapids, dedicated and toured by the public last Sunday, at 25.000 acres-plus is the area’s largest neu private reclamation undertaking in recent year*. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o big BEND —BY GOLDIE ROBERTS Mrs. Anna Hamilton and Jeff Hamilton of Caldwell were Sundav overnight gue­ sts in the Tuppenv and Dick Bennett homes Mrs. Dyre Roberts called on Mrs. Hamilton and the Tuppenys. Alan Decker of Coburn. Idaho brought Mike Pollard home Saturday evening He had been visiting his father for two weeks Mr and Mrs Vai Sorensen left Saturday for their home in Wichita. Kansas after visiting a week here with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Thomas and family near Middleton. Laurence Miller underwent back surgery last week in the C aldwell Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Chaney and family attended a family picnic at the Horace Chanev residence in Caldwell Sunday Mr and Mrs Boyce Van DeWater visited her sister in Lewiston and alsxi attended the Expo 74 the first of last week Lori Bennett had as a guest last week her cousin. Terri Boren of Homedale The girls attended Bibk- Scbool in Adrian. Mrs. Dyre Roberts was one of the Happv Dozen Card Club members honored with a dinner at the home of Mrs Lull Stam Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Arnie Rubev and family of Englewood. Colorado are visiting Mr and Mrs. Phil Clucas Mr and Mrs Delno Brock of Ontario and Mr and Mrs David Krause of Nvssa called on Mr. and Mrs Dvre Roberts Sundav. KINGMAN KOLONY BY DALE Win­ Lineta Kingman Kolony Ronda Proctor and Baby were Sundav dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Earl Ervin and family. Mrs. Leola Spelman of Caldwell visited at the Carl Piercy home Wednesday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Leonard Litteral of Baker visited Wednesday and Thursday with Mr ami Mrs. Ed Nedrow. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer spent Saturday night and Sunday at Bear Creek at the cabin of Mr. anti Mrs. Don Magnuson. Guests of Mr ami Mrs. Jim Conant Sunday evening for a cookout were Mr and Mrs Glen Brown and daugh ters. Glenda Lou of New York. Colleen of Portland and Timmy. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Conant and familv. Mrs Ralph 1 ew is and children and Mr and Mrs Willis Conant Mike ami Marv Macy of Riverside, California visited ins mother, Mrs Luke Ras niussen in Baker. Wexlnes day and Thursday came to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs Klaas Laan Thursday evening Mike and Marv Macv. Mr. ami Mrs Klaas and Mrs. Laan and Mr Dennis Martin ...... and family , were dinner guests in the Rav laan home in Middleton. Fridav evening. Mr and Mrs. Klaas Laan and Marv Macv went to Boise Airport where thev met Mrs laan’s sister. Mrs Affix' Otter and daughter Wilma of Holland. I hev plan to visit here for six weeks Mike and Marv Macy left for Riverside, 'Calif.', Saturday morning Mi and Mrs Gene Young man of Delta. Colorado spent the past week visiting her sister, Mr and Mrs Earl Kvgar. Tuesday evening thev hail a family gathering at the Buster Talbot home The Youngmans left for home on Sunday. Homemade butler caite done The special celebration this handsome cake acknowled­ ges is that June is Dairy Month. Looking very much like the work of a pastry chef, it has all the old fashioned goodness one expects to find in a deluxe homemade cake. A novice baker can easily duplicate the butter cake layers and w hipped cream frosting The coffee crunch topping sprinkled osier the top and sides of the frosted cake is the only tricky thing to do. Even this becomes an uncomplicated venture if you follow the dirctions closely. It can be done ahead of time and keeps its appealing crunchy texture if stored in an airtight container. The recipe for this lovely cake was developed in the test kitchens of the Oregon Dairy Products Commission in honor of this year’s Dairy Month celebration. We sug­ gest planning it for an occasion when you’ll be it serving the entire cake, makes an impressive dessert for a dinner party or for other times like birthdays, gradua tion or anniversary parties when refreshments are tra ditionally centered around a festive cake. Anniversary Because Crunch Cake is put together ami frosted with whipped cream it must be kept under Mr. and Mrs Willis < onant accompanied bv Mrs Glen Brown of Nvssa left June 9 and went to Nebraska and Kansas where they visited old friends and relatives They returned last Monday. They report it was very hot back there Mr and Mrs Clyde Bowers were Tuesdav eve­ ning visitors in the Charles Bowers home. Friday evening Mr and Mrs Wavne Rhodes and Iannis ot Parma visited in the Frank Rhodes home Mr. and Mrs Paul Gehrke were also Fridav evening caller*. Eli­ sabeth and Frankie Rhodes were overnight guests in the Wavne Rhodes home in Parma and Kieth and Dean Rhodes were overnight gue­ sts tn the Frank Rhodes home Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Frank Rhodes and familv and Mi and Mrs Paul Gehrke went to the Owyhee Dam where the Frank Rhodes familv launched a new 20 ft boat in four layer* with whipped frosting refrigeration after assemb­ ling. To be at its prime, make and serve this cake the same day. All dairy products, includ­ ing the different kinds of milk, cream and cheese, are perishable and should be kept under constant refri­ geration to maintain their high quality wholesomeness. When picking up diary products in the store make it a habit to visit the dairy case last and when you get home don’t delay in putting the dairy foods in your refri­ gerator. ANNIVERSARY CRUNCH CAKE 3 4 cup butter Sugar 3 eggs, separated Vanilla 3 cups sifted cake flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 1 teaspoon salt •• cup milk 2 cups whipping cream Coffee Crunch Beat butter with I 3/4cups sugar until fluffy Beat in egg yolks and I teaspoon vanilla. Sift flour with baking powder and salt. Beat into butter with mixture alternately milk, mixing just until smooth Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites Pour batter into 2 greased and floured 9 inch round cake pans Bake in 350 degree oven 35 minutes or until cake springs back when lightly touched in center. Cool 10 minutes in pans then invert and cool on wire racks. Split each layer in half. Whip cream with I 2 cup sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Spread between cake layers, stack­ ing them up. Spread cream on tops and sides. Press Coffee Crunch into whipped cream. Makes I (9-inch) cake. COFFEE CRUNCH: Com bine 11 i cups sugar. '/« cup coffee and 1« cup light corn syrup Boil to 310 degrees or hard crack stage on candy thermometer. Remove from heat. Quickly stir in 3 teaspoons sifted baking soda. Stir vigorously just until mixture thickens and pulls away from sides of pan. Pour foamy mass into shallow metal pan. Let stand without moving until cool. Crush with rolling pin between sheets of waxed paper. Store in air­ tight container. Waxy Glass? Motorists should clean both wipers and windshield after a liquid wax application, suggests the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. They report that the wax combined with rain or road grime can make the windshield nearly opaque and can be a hazard in driving Remove the wax with a window cleaning product or a mixture of detergent and alcohol, then rinse away. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION, INC. •MORE IIVESTOCK FOR THE BUYERS, MORE BUYERS FOR THE LIVESTOCK" SAU STARTS AT 10:30 A.M. EACH TUESDAY FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMM, INC. AT 889-8636 OR CONTACT LON CHISUM, GEN MGR., 452-3122. FRUITLAND, C. JOHN STRINGER, 372 2474, NYSSA. DALE MEHLHORN, 389-5798, ONTARIO: GIB MASTERSON, 889-5631 ONTARIO i s J