Adrian Garden Club The Adnan Garden Club met Mondas afternoon with Mrs Alida Van DeWater in Big Bend There were seven in attendance Mrs. Van DeWater, president, presi­ ded at the meeting The last meeting, held at Succor Creek was discussed Roll call was "planting super­ stitions " Mrs Van DeW'ater gave the lesson on "Gardens in the Bible." Golden Age The Golden Agers met Wednesday. June 5 for a potluck dinner at the meeting room in the Nyssa Library. Next meeting will be Wednesday June 19 in the Nyssa Library meeting room. A potluck is planned for 12 noon Susan Bratton of Washougal, Washington and Chuck Horton of Medford. Oregon are making plans for a July 0 wedding at the First United Methodist Church in Corvallis, it has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bratton of Ontano. He is the son of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Honon of Medford. Miss Bratton is a Nyssa High School graduate and is a 19’3 graduate of Oregon State University. She is presently employed in teaching second grade in Washougal The bridegroom-elect graduated in 1974 from OSU in Chemestry Education following five years of schooling Kris To Attend Music Camp Harrv .Miners» Honored On 50th Wedding Anniversary Approximately 145 friends and relatives gathered to honor Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner on thetr Golden Wed­ ding Anniversary. Sunday . June 9. The event was hosted by their son and daughter- in-law . Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Miner at the Masonic Hall Mrs. Lucile Mvrick attended the guest book. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Kathryn Schaefer. Mrs. Marguerite McNeil and Mrs. Alta Stunz. Also assist­ ing were Mrs. Rosemary Zittercob. Mrs Bessie Mc- ■ Nally. Shelly Mvrick and Lori Miner. Mrs. Jessie Brown played background music and Mrs. Pat Marcum displayed the greeting cards. Guests attending from out of town were: Mrs. Bessie McNally. Buena Park. Cali­ Thursday, June 13, 1974 The Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Page Four fornia; Mrs. Velma Winegar. Huron. South Dakota; Mrs. Kathryn Schaefer. Lebanon. Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Matt Schaefer. Nampa; Mr and Mrs. George Miner. Mrs. Glenda Miner. Mrs. Marcia McGourty and Mr and Mrs. Edgar Dilley ail of Vale; Mr. and Mrs Walt Leihr. La- Grande; Mr and Mrs. Carlos Buchner. Logan. Utah; Mrs. Lillian Lowe and Mrs. Lola Byron. Halfway. Oregon; Mr George Henneman. En­ terprise. Oregon; Mr and Mrs. Ronald Batt. Mrs. Amelia Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. Hap Logue. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roark. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bordner and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Quast all of Ontano; Richard Schtreman. California and Mr and Mrs. Bill Glenn. Libby. Montana. KRIS RIGNEV will attend Midwestern Music and Art Camp at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. Kansas from June 23 to July 28. The Music Camp provides a wonderful opportunity for gifted musicians who desire an accelerated summer training program w here they can not only prove their musical skills but where they can also have the experience of working with other talen­ ted students from all over the country. Kris, a senior at Nvssa High School is the daughter of Mrs. Steve Fonda She is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rigney Star Dusters Hometown News Call 372-2233 Don Ballou, son of Mr and Mrs Elvin Ballou has retur­ ned home from Oregon State College for summer vacation • • • • Sundav callers in the Elton Clapp home were his sister Mrs Clara Williams and her daughter Mrs Viola Ayers from Boise The Clapp's grandson and son of Mrs Neta Mae Wiley. Ravniond Wiley left Sunday morning to attend Bow State at Mon mouth and will return June 14. ••• Mr. and Mrs Reed Gyl- lenskog recently returned from Smithfield. Utah where they had visited with her father. Fred Coburn over Memorial Dav They also attended a wedding recep tion for their niece in Samaria. Idaho on May 31. They spent several more days visiting before thev returned home. Their son Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gvl- lenskog and family had breakfast with them Mon day. June 10. The Jerry Gyl- lenskogs live in Pendleton and were enroute to Yellow­ stone Park on their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Haroldsen and family of Eagle were weekend guests of his parents Mr and Mrs Reuben Haroldsen. • • • Mr and Mrs. Jack Bowen and sons of Hermiston visited with the LaVern Cleaver and Harry McGinley families last week. The Bowens were enroute home from Boise where their boys had played in a golf tourna­ ment. Mrs. Frank Morgan ac­ companied her son Dr. anti Mrs. Clayton Morgan and family to McCall Sunday to open the cabin for the summer. They returned Sun day evening and reported the weather was beautiful • • • Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McConnell were Mr and Mrs. Carlos Buch­ ner of Logan. Utah They were here for the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs. Harrv Miner. The Buchners lived in Nyssa for several vears and he mana- the Golden Rule Store. McConnell's daughter, Mr and Mrs Forrest Moore will have their granddaugh- ters Tami and Robyn Powell from Scappoose for the summer Tann works in the hybrid corn in Caldwell. • • • Guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Miner are her sisters, Mrs Velma Winegar from Huron. South Dakota and Mrs Bessie McNallv of Buena Park. California and Harrs's sister Mrs. Kathryn Schaefer from Lebanon. Orc gon Mrs McNally will be staving the rest of this week Mrs. Schaefer will return home June 14 with Larry Miner as he returns to Oregon • State to attend summer school. Mrs. Wine­ gar plans to stay indefinitely. • • • Mr and Mrs. Charles D Wilson of Costa Mesa. California were guests of his grandmother. Mrs. W W Foster and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sager over the weekend. They attended a family reunion of the Sager families at Eagle, honoring the 40th wedding anni­ versary of the Rev and Mrs. Chester Sager Over forty members attended church and then a dinner at the home of the Rev and Mrs. Sager's son. Mr and Mrs Floyd Sager near Meridian Mrs. Ruth Klinkenberg and Mrs. W. W Foster accom­ panied the Sagers to this event. • • • Sundav dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. E. Otis Smith were Dr and Mrs Eugene Johnson of Ontario • • • Mr and Mrs Dick Ten- sen. Tiena and Bill went to Corvallis last Thursday and Friday. They brought thetr son John home for the summer and daughter Mardi who will be here for one week and then she will return to attend summer school. • • • Mr and Mrs. Herman Towne were Sundav dinner guests of a sister-in-law Mrs. Bemiece Towne and family in Eagle They went on to Boise to visit Mrs. Towne's brother. Clarence Mull. • • • Mrs. Gertie Smith pre pared dinner last Thursday for Mrs Louise Ward. Mrs Amy Stradley. Mrs Ida Ray. Mrs. Gertrude Ward and Mrs. Elsie Divens. • • • Kent Bovdell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boydell of Salt Lake called on his grandmother. Mrs. A. H. Boydell and Aunt Ethel Mary Rhodes over the weekend. He was enroute to Moscow to attend summer school • • • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anderson and Julie and Di­ John Olsen drove to La Grande to be present at the graduation exercises at Eas­ tern Oregon State College. Saturday. June 1. Stardusters OES met Monday. June 10 at the home of Myrtle Sasser with nine members in attendance This was a special meeting with projects completed. No meetings until September FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE The Friendship Club met Friday. June 7 at the home of Kathleen Wheeler with Verna Martin as co-hostess Merle Johnson, president, presided at the meeting and sixteen members answered roll call After the meeting bunco was plaved with prize win­ ners Mae Bellon, high; Louise Wernick. low; and Bertha Rudelick. traveling. No meeting will be held in July. 9 MER r WT d OWS The Merry Widows met Saturday evening. June 8 at the home of Mrs. Alice Neiger in Ontario. Mrs Wilma Ostrom was a guest for the pot-luck dinner and cards afterward. Thirteen of the ladies returned to Ontano Sunday for dinner out at the LaPaloma Cafe. Mrs. Flo­ rence Pettit was a guest The group plaved cards following dinner at the home of Mrs Alice Neiger Owyhee Garden Club The Owyhee Garden Club will meet Friday. June 14 at the home of Mary Hatt with Doris Chapin as co-hostess A report will be given on the cemetery project and flower sale. Guest will be Mrs. Carolyn Brewer of Boise who will talk on preserving flowers for winter bouquets Mr. and Mrs Earl Sager of Mt. Vernon. Washington visited in the homes of Mrs Ruth Klinkenberg. Mr and Mrs Raymond Sager, and Mr and Mrs Harley Sager this week • • • Mr and Mrs Bud Sappe and Mrs Louise Ward went to Vale Saturday night to attend the wedding reception of Sharon Coleman Hancock • • • Mr and Mrs. Elton Clapp. Mrs. Neta Mae Wiley. Emily and Ravmond attended gra duation ceremonies May 31 at Stayton. Oregon tn honor of thetr granddaughter. Ca­ rol Clapp Miss Clapp is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Clarence Clapp • • • Mr and Mrs Don Savage and Kns went to Reynolds Creek and Silver City on Saturday. • • • Mrs Madge Wilson and Norman recently returned home from a trip to Salt Lake City. Utah where they visited Mr and Mrs Randall Riggs Mrs Riggs had a new baby daughter while they were visiting so they were busy helping the Riggs’. Mrs Riggs is the former LeAnne Wilson. Pollyanna‘Club The Pollyanna Club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Fox with Effie Martin as co-hos less. Marge Ervin, president presided at the meeting, with ten ladies present Betty White read the minutes and treasurers report. A potluck dinner is plan­ ned for Sunday, July 14 at the home of Mary Radford with serving to start at 12:30. You are asked to bring your own table service and some extra chairs and card tables will be needed. The club will furnish ice cream, punch and coffee. A RECEPTION WILL BF HELD IN HONOR OF Mr and Mrs Arvcl L. Child at the Nyssa Stake House. Thursday. June 20. 1974 from 8 to 10 p m. Mr and Mrs Child will be leaving to preside over the Ireland Mission for three vears While Mr Child lived in Nvssa. he was very active in civic and church duties for many years He was stake president for several years and vice president of the Sugar Beet Asso­ ciation. He also helped in getting the Malheur Memorial Hospital started GRANGE NEWS Oregon Trail Grange members met Thursday eve ning. June b. with Harold Kurtz. Master protem. Of filers were seated by Assis tant Steward Don Somers and Lady Assistant Steward protem Marian Cheldclin Grange Insurance Agent Wilbur Atherton reported on the hazards faced by children in and around the home Bicycle accidents lead the list. Injuries from nails, tacks, glass doors and windows, cutlery, paint and solvents were also listed Astrid Stephen and Don Somers assisted Marguerite Moss with the Lecturer's program The display table featured a souvenier from the 1939 New York World's Fair Lois Boenig reported that plans are being developed for a booth at the County Fair in August Loyd and Iva Adams displayed a collection of burned material picked up at their daughter's home near Parma. It had been earned by the wjnd during the fire at the Nvssa High School. Refreshments were served by Mrs Jansie Siam and Mr. and Mrs. Orland Cheldelm Mrs Wilbur Atherton was a guest The next regular meeting will be held June 20. 8:30 p.m Articles for the display table will include old jars or bottles Hosts for the evening will be Marguerite Moss and Mr and Mrs Tom Drydale C. W A. Members of the CWA Club of Oregon Trail Grange met at the home of Marian Cheldelin Tuesday. June 4 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Betty Kurtz. For the devotional. Orma Cleaver read "Count Your Blessings!” Honor* Pam Ellis Make him vary happy with a Saiko OX. 17 tewala. salt-winding, instant day-data tatting English/Spamah calen­ dar, synchronized sacond sattmg 08 2 foot watar tastad Stain lata staal. Saiko iridaacant blua dial, luminous Adjustable bracelet Ask for 5431 IM.*06. Paulus Jewelry 127 MAIN 372-2916 NYSSA j Pam Ellis of Boise was guest of honor at a mis­ cellaneous bridal shower Sundav, June 9 at the home of Mrs. Dick Bones on Co­ lumbia Avenue There were 20 guests present for the event. The serving table was de­ corated with a bride center piece, and streamers in the bridal colors of blue, yellow, green and lavendar formed a canopy over the table. The honoree, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Wayne Ellis of Boise will be married Saturday. June 15 to Steve Ross, son of Dr. and Mrs Bert Ross. Adrian Couple Krom OSU Two recent graduates from Oregon State University arc Rodney D Price of Adrian who received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Agri- nomic-C rop Science and his wife. Patty (Hol lor an l Price received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Elemen­ tary Education. Rodney is the son of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Prue of Adrian and Patty is the daughter of Mrs. Mike Hol loran of Wallowa The young couple is making their home in the Adrian area bridge activities The Birthday Bridge Club met Saturday evening. June 8. at the home of Mr and Mrs Harry Anderson in Payette A patio party was held in honor of Muri Lan caster's birthday. Those at lending were Mr and Mrs Clarence Rettig, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ingebntsen all of Ontario, and Mr and Mrs Lancaster. ADRIAN BUSINESS DIRECTORY FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone 503 372-2220 OREGON HIGHWAY PATROL ONTARIO 503-889-6468 ADRIAN MERCANTILE George A Lois Cartwright Nyssa - 372-2727 Bridal Shower Plans for refreshments for Pomona Grange meeting to be held the evening of August 10 at Oregon Trail Grange Hall were discussed and it was decided to serve sandwiches, salad and cake Co hostess Thelma Parr served refreshments to 15 members present The next regular meeting will be held October I. it 2pm it the home of Sadie Metcalf with Hazel Smith as co-hostess Election of officers will be held All Grange women are urged to attend Parma - 724-6131 SOUVENIERS GIFTS A GIFT WRAPPING GROCERIES-DRY GOODS—HOUSEWARES "GOLD STRIKE STAMPS” _________ PARKER LUMBER A HARDWARE Vern A Georgia Parker IRRIGATION SUPPLIES LUMBER - PAINT-REPAIRS HUNTING A FISHING SUPPLIES Phone 372-2433 or 724-6174 ADRIAN OIL COMPANY Clay Webb TIRE REPAIR­ GAS A FUEL OIL DELIVERED PROPANE WEED BURNERS Phone 372-2877 or 724-6130 ADRIAN SUPPLY A REPAIR Gayle Martin ♦SPECIAL FARM EQUIPMENT •MACHINE WORK »WELDING SEE US FOR "TRUCKBELK A HOISTS” Phone 372-2354