Thuriday, March 14, 1974 Th« Nytsa Gat« City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon ADRIAN NEWS A SURE SIGN OF SPRING Is this “green bug” running around the streets of Nyssa. The Volkswagen belongs to Mike Stringer and is covered with green Astroturf. We caught a picture while it was parked on Main Street the other day. but Mike was no where to be found. NU ACRES HAPPENINGS NU ACRES - Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Anderson of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Rotor! Shaw, Sr. drove to Harper Sunday where they were guests of Mrs. Shaw's sis­ ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Win­ ters. The Winters' had just arrived home from Hol­ land where they attended the wedding of their son, Clint. They also visited in Spain, Portugal and in London. They reported that it is beautiful there, especially In Portu­ gal. Mrs. George Dehner left Monday for Lais Angeles to be with her sister and bro­ ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe King. Mr. King is critically 111 in a hospital there. The 4-H dinner served at the Community Hall Satur- day evening was a decided day evening was a definite success. The food was good, the crowd was great, and the experience the boys and girls got was really fine. The last Friendship Bible Coffee for the winter was held at the home of Mrs. George IXihner Wednesday morning. The Study for the winter has been on the book of Psalms, and was a re­ warding study. Mrs. Erldene Johnson of Nyssa was the leader. Mr. and Mrs. Syl Woodland of Areua Valley visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hen Payne Sunday. They had just returned from a month's visit to California. Mrs. George Dohner, Mrs. Calvin Connor and Mrs. Rick Connor attended the Exten­ sion Council meeting and luncheon at Maudie Owen's in Payette Munday afternoon. Ijirry Connor of Baker a former resicfcnt of Nu Acres and son of Mr. and Mrs. La­ verne Connor, called on the Sherman Keck’s last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston of Apple Val­ ley to the Sugar Factory Em­ ployees Credit Union dinner held at the Simplot Hall In Caldwell the evening of March 1. Miss Peggy Ziegler and Dan Montague were among the Fruitland High School Stage Band memtiers who went to Twin Falls to play in (tie tournament tliere last week. Everyone there com­ mented on the Stage Band They really made a name for themselves. Cindy Russell and Roger Malone accompanied Miss Robin Klicker, County Ex­ tension Agent, to Caldwell for a Teen Leaders meet­ ing Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sa­ ger, Mr. and Mrs. John Van Zelf, Mr. and Mrs. Ge- raid Ru •11 Ifld Mi. ind Mrs. Cecil Evans attended the Sugar Factory Ban­ quet at the Rodeway Inn in Boise last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. HenryCani- poralia of Warren, Oregon were overnight visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Payne Fri­ day night. On Saturday they all drove to Emmett where they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wil­ kerson. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Payne visited Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peacock of Payette last Sun day. Also guests there were his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collard of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. John Payne were hosts for a family birthday party honoringJohn on his birthday. The Farmerette Clubser- ved ttie lunch for the Ivan Richardson Farm Sale last! Monday. They did very well on the sale and had a nice afternoon <>t visiting. Mr. and Mis. Robertshaw Jr. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Benzon of Payette Sa­ turday evening. On Sunday they drove to Emmett to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bogle. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans attended the Friendshipdin­ ner held at the New Ply­ mouth Grange Sunday. Se­ veral State Grange Officers were there. Mrs. Flora Keck spent a few days with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Keck last week. She had fallen and broken her wrist and came for a few days to recuperate. Mrs. Bill Schilling was a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Payne Sunday afternoon. She reported that her son Rex had broken his leg while playing basketball at Nyssa. Kingman Koiony ADRIAN - The following ladies of Adrian attended the Presbyterial at Caldwell Friday. Mrs. Mabie Piercy Mrs. Robert Long, Mrs. Sue Ashcraft, Mrs. K. 1. Peter­ son and Mrs. George De­ Haven. Mrs. Mabie Piercy and Mrs, Bill Toornt) went to Weiser Sunday and visited Mi. and Mrs. Herb Thomas. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mackey were Mr. and Mrs. Jim King of Ontario; Mr. and Mrs.Gene Mackey, Mrs Minnie Mackey Mrs. Florence Gowey and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morse and Kathy. Ross Mills called on Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson Monday evening. The Rev. and Mrs. Ray­ mond Wilson of Roswell vi­ sited Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson Wednesday after­ noon. Mrs. Mervile Hutchinson and girls of Nyssa visitedher parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson Sunday afternoon. They and Mrs. Peterson cal­ led on Mrs. Edna Cowling in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Men­ denhall of Caldwell were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Vern Parker home. 4-H Home Economics Pour Planned ^ext Week Young people in the 7th grade and above are invited to take part in the annual Home Economics Tour on Wednesday, March 20, ac­ cording toHelenConner, Ex­ tension Home Economist. The tour is planned to be of special interest to 4- H members and leaders but other teenagers are alsoen- couraged toattend, Mrs.Con­ ner said. Those wishing to attend must pre-register at the Extension Office in Ontario City Hall by Friday. March 15 and pay a $2.00 fee for gas, car expense and insu rance. Each youngster will provide their own money for lunch. First stop on the tour will be Marshall Fixtures, buil­ ders of church furniture in Payette At ' aidwell the group will see frozen potato products made at the J. R. Simplot Co. Tour stop 3 will be Swiss VlllageCheese manufacturing company in Nampa. Mrs. Myron uossard and Mrs. Frank Bicandiattended the Pancake Supper put on by the Lions Club at the Adrian School Saturday evening. Those attending will choose their lunch at theBoiseCas- cade Cafeteria. During the afternoon those attending »ill visit the head­ quarters of ttie Albertson's Food store chain. Final stop is at the Boise Gallery of Art where selec­ ted works of Idaho ar­ tists will I* on display. More information may be obtained by calling Malheur County Extension Office at 889-9129. G.G. 4-H CLUB The G. G. 4-H Club met March 5 at the home of Mrs. Jane Ballou. We had our business meeting and re­ freshments. Then we discussed the care you should take of clothes and we tried on colored col­ lars. —Angie Stam reporter. + The American JUdCroe*. The Good Neighbor Pag« Five Newa .About SERVICEMEN TT Sp4 Ralph Dimmitt Ralph Dimmitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dimmitt, has returned home after corn pleting his three years ser­ vice in the U. S. Army. Dim­ mitt is a Spec. 4, and ser­ ved most of his time in Germany. COMING EVENTS THURSDAY, MARCH 14- PTA. Subject is ''Alcohol'' School Cafeteria, 8 p.m. FRIDAY, MARCH 15 - United Methodist Church, rummage sale 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. SATURDAY. MARCH 16- Recovery, Inc., FirstChris- tian Church, 8 p.m. Merry Widows meet at Mrs. Hazel Pounds, 6:30 p. m. MONDAY, MARCH 18 - Golden Rule Chapter #131- Masonic Hail, 8 p.m. TUESDAY, MARCH 19 - Tops #494, Beas Beauty Bar, Adrian, 7:30 p.m. THURSDAY, MARCH 21- Nancy White Circle of the United Methodist Church­ home of Mrs. Dave Beers at 2 p.m. MR. AND MRS. JOHN STAM, representing Nyssa Co-op Supply, were among some 5000 persons attending the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Farmers Union Central Exchange, Inc. (CENEX) in St. Paul, Minnesota on March 5, 6, i 7. Another record year was achieved by the regional farm supply cooperative in 1973. President J. G. Tvedt, pointed out that “with sales of over $300 million, 1973 was the most successful year in CENEX history and is a clear indication that family farmers can successfully develop their own re­ sources, for their own good, throughtheirowncooperatives.” LOW DISCOUNT PRICES + BUDGET S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-R-S SIGMAN’ ROUND STEAK _ USDA CHOICEi FULL CUT BY DALE WITT PHONE 372 2183 KINGMAN KOLONY - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Piercy atten­ ded the Athletic Banquet at the Eastside Cafe in Ontario Thursday evening. Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Piercy attended the Lion's Pancake Supper at the AdrianSchoolCafeterla Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kygar were Sunday evening visitors in the Earl Kygar home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robb went to Eugene and Salem Tuesday on business. They were accompanied by Freda Astoreca who visited her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lowtrip and son in Eugene. They re­ turned on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robb visited their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edmondson Friday evening in Fruitland. Mrs. Bill Toomb went to Presbyterial atCaldwell Fri­ day. Mrs. RichardCallaham of Boise sjient Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowers. Mrs. Klaas Laan attended the Dairy Wives meeting at the home of Mrs. Mary Payne of Vale Tuesday afternoon. Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Laan took Tracy and Russell Martin and vi­ sited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wamk'i ,