Th« Nyssa Gat« City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Page Four I’ollvanna Club Holds Meet MR. AND MRS. NOEL TUPPENY CELEBRATED their 50th wedding anniversary recently at their home in Big Bend. Hosting the event were their children Mrs. Dale (Verle) Smith, Cortez, Colorado, Mrs. John (Virginia) Luciano, Denver, Colorado, and John Walter Tuppeny, Cape Kennedy, Florida. The couple have nine grandchildren and one great- grandson. They were married in Hill City, Kansas in 1924. They have lived in the Big Bend area since 1947, retiring from farming 15 years ago. Reub Long To Address Historical Society Mar. 14 Persons interested in his­ tory and anecdotes of the West will be treated Thurs­ day (tonight) evening to a talk by Reub Long, one of the great men of the high desert. Long, co-author of the Ore­ gon Desert, will present the final lecture in the series sponsored by the Malheur Country Historical Society and Treasure Valley Com­ munity College. Long's topic of address will be "People, Places and Things of the High Desert." He is noted for his humorous presentations during such ap­ pearances. The Historical Society’s meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. in the TVCC Weese Build- OKK Club Meeting The OKK Club will meet at 2 p.m., Thursday, March 21, at the home of Edna Mills with Betty W ilson as co-hos- tess. Roll call will be a small house plant exchange. mg's Room W10. Members »ill be discussing plans for the annual excursion from Fort Boise to Farewell Bend. Burl Lovell of Vale will be leading the excursion. Long’s address is scheduled at 8 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. NEWS Brownie Troop #169 met March 7 at the Christian Church. Two Brownies brought letters concerning their winnings in the Valen­ tine contest. Sheryl Hansen won honorable mention and Melissa Loera won second place. Melissa also had a letter from Washington, D. C. W’e made necklaces from paper clips and colored tape. Refreshments were served by Cookie Queen, Amanda Savage. —Amanda Savage, reporter The Pollyanna Club met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Donna Webb in Adrain. Mrs. Betty White was co-hostess. There were twelve ladies present. Mrs. Madge Er- vin. president, presided at Mrs. Betty the meeting. White gave the seeretary- treasurers report. Roll call was "How Hard the Wind Blew." Some things given were, tumble weeds flying, a building went down, trees fell, two sheds went over, the wind changed and one straightened up. The $48 taken in at the Coffee hour was divided be­ tween the March of Dimes and the Heart Fund. Mrs. Evelyn Thompson read a letter sent to the club telling of an "information meeting” about cancer to be held March 14 at the Parish Hall of Mary Kay School in Ontario. The public is invited to attend. Thank you notes were received from Mrs. Irma Begeman and Mrs. Lo­ retta Conant. The Pollyanna C lub plans a cancer fund drive. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Dale Witt, Thursday, April 4. Mrs. Marg Ervin will be co-hostess. Stardusters OES Stardusters met at the home of Jessie Brown in Adnan. Myrtle Sasser pre­ sided in the absence of Ka­ thleen Wheeler, president. Fourteen members ans­ wered roll call and after a short business meeting the group was entertained by Jessie Brown on the or­ gan. The group joined in and the evening was spent in an old fashioned sing- a-long. The hostess served deli- cious refreshments, The next meeting will be at the home of Bea Grossmckle. I^Hometown News JSI Call 372-2233 Friday afternoon visitors at (tie home of Ms. Verda Steinke were Mr. and Mrs. Kirt Steinke of Juntura. Cherry Lee Steinke of Vale visited at the home of Mrs. Steinke Sunday afternoon. Dinner guests in the El- vin Ballou home Thursday evening were the Rev and Mrs. Robert Manlev and Da­ vid. * * » Mr. and Mrs. Dick But­ cher attended a dinner and re ception for their granddaugli ter and husband, Christine iMarostica) and Randy Lee Hirano. The dinner was held at the Eastside Cafe and the reception at the La Palonia in Ontario The couple were married February 14 in Reno. Nevada. 9 9 9 9 DEMONSTRATOR. 460 cu. in. V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power front disc brakes, 6-way power seat, air conditioning, AM radio, tinted glass complete, remote control mirror, vinyl insert body side mould­ ing, JR78-15 steel belted radial white sidewall tires, white in color. Stock No. FP-19. List price $5,377.52, $4,495 FORD LTD 2-DR. HARDTOP 351-cu. in. V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power front disc brakes, power steering, vinyl insert body side moulding, electric clock, air conditioning, tinted glass complete, AM radio, dual accent paint stripes, HR78-15 steel belted radial white sidewall tires,ginger glow metallic with brown vinyl roof. Stock No. FP-23. List price $5,255.19, $4,595 9 FORD MAVERICK GRABBER 2-DR. HARDTOP FORD GALAXIE 500 2-DR. HARDTOP 460 cu. in. V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power front disc brakes, power steering, convenience group, power seat, air conditioning, AM radio, tinted glass complete, light group, HR78-15 steel belted radial white sidewall tires, gold glow in color with brown vinyl roof. Stock No. FP-4. Was $5,706.40 NICE SELECTION ON NEW A USED PICK-UPS 1973 “X $1,495 JO 79 SMALL FRY 5TH WHEEL 17/ J CAMPING TRAILER 21 foot, Alure model, self contained. 10% DISCOUNT 9 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reece and Janet went to Mt. Vernon this past weekend to visit their son, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reece. • • • Mrs. Lewis Riggs under­ went surgery last week m the Holy Rosary Hospital in Ontario. Reports indicate she is coming along fine and should return home the latter part of this week. 4 t 6 9 A dinner was given Sun­ day in honor of Don Sappe’s birthday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sappe. Guests were Mrs. Louise Ward, Mrs. Gertrude Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Sappe, Carl Dodson, Fred Child, Jay Harris, Melody Ferrenberg, and Audrey Astor ica. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ber­ tram have returned home from a five weeks business and pleasure trip to Nevada. Utah and Arizona andover the border into Old Mexico. They took their travel-all trailer and had a wonderful time. • • « Mr. and Mrs. Gale Chris­ tensen went to Kah-nee-ta last Thursday and Friday to attend the Spring Meeting of the Oregon Association of Hospitals. They then jour­ neyed to Salem for the wed­ ding of their son Tim. 9 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Raf- fety and children of Ontario were Sunday v.sitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grunke. Last week Mrs. Paul LaC roix of Nampa and Mrs. Jim Grunke attended the 4th in a se­ ries of Celebrity Lectures at the Fairview Cinema in Boise. The guest speaker was Mrs. Angier 3 illeDd. . She is the wife of the Chief of Protocol in Washington D. C. The lectures have all been very good and well at­ tended. NYSSA PLAYERS AMONG DUPLICATE BRIDGE WINNERS In the recent bridge tour­ nament sponsored by the On­ tario Duplicate Bridge club there was a total of 13 win- ners. Mrs. K.A. Danford and Mrs. W. McKinney of Nyssa were winners in the Women’s Pairs. Richard Kangas and Dr. Reid Faylor of Nampa were top winners in the Men's Pairs. Mrs. Houston Wil­ son, Nyssa, and Mrs. Donnie Young, Boise, were winners tn the Master’s Pairs. Carol Ann Shaffer, and Grover Knight, both of Caldwell, were winners in the Open Pairs. Richard Kangas and Dave Bodine, both of Boise, were winners in the Unmixed Pairs. Team Game W inners were Barbara Schiffer­ decker, Boise and Dr. Reid Faylor, Nampa, and Bob and Brenda Keller, Boise. Bob Donaldson. Ogden, Utah, was director. Amity Woman Meet Amity Club met Tuesday, March 12 at the home of Alta Gibson. During the business meeting plans were made for the annual banquet. The date and place will be announced later. Glen Gibson, who spent two years in Colorado and New Mexico on a mission for the LDS Church showed films and gave a travelogue of his experiences. He spent much time among the Na­ vajo Indians and showed se­ veral artifacts. It was a most interesting program. Diane Martarano of Fruit­ land was a guest also. Re­ freshments were served. Evan Tobler of Anchorage Alaska visited his mother, Mrs. Verna Tobler last Thursday and Friday. He was enroute home after at­ tending an International Se­ curity Convention in l,os Angeles. GRANGE NEWS OREGON TRAIL GRANGE Eleanor Grant has offered a prize of $15 to the subor­ dinate grange having th«* most entries. Members voted to send a donation of $5 to the Par­ kinson Fund. The Grange Scholarship Fund and to CARE. Guest speaker at Oregon Chairman Betty Kurtz re- Trail Grange Thursday eve ¡x'rtcd|MS 11 * is . lea ning, March 7. was Malheur red at the Piene Farm Sale. County Judge Roy Hirai who Chairman AstridStephen re talked on the formation of a ported that approximately Port Authority in the county. $107 was received at the card He spoke of the need, the ade­ party and donations were di­ quacy of funding, and the im vided equally tietween th«* portance of bringing new in­ Heart FundandCancer Fund. dustry into the area. Violet Drydale was appoin­ Grange Master Ira Price called the March 7 meeting to ted as N«*edleworkChairman, Marjorie King as Canning order with all officers pre­ ent except three. Members Contest Chairman, and Lois Boenig will be in charge of acting pro-tern were Duane th«* Baking Contest. Buchtel, Gate Keeper. Polly A program on diets and Holub, Pomona, and James food combinations was pre­ Stephen, Executive Commit sented by Orma Cleaver. tee member. Refreshments were ser­ A surprise for the women ved to 13 members by the was an invitation from the men to a night-out dinner to hostess. The next meeting be held at the La Paloma, will tv held Tuesday, April Ontario, Thursday evening. 2, at the home of Astrid March 21. Members are to Stephen with Lois Boenig as co-hostess. Polly Holub meet there at7 30p.m. Mem tiers planning to attend will lead the devotional and Stephen will have should notify Don Somers or Astrid Harold Kurtz as soon as pos­ charge of the program. sible. All Grange women are invited and all member«are urged to attend. This so­ cial evening will take the place of the regular meeting. Refreshments were ser­ ved to 25 members by the Alva Goodell and Andy An­ derson couples. CWA ACTIVITIES Members of theCWAClub of Oregon Trail Grange met Tuesday, March 5, at the home of Violet Drydale. "Thoughts to Live By" was the title of the devo­ tional given by Marguerite Moss. Sewing Chairman Polly Holub urged members and friends planning to enter the Grange Sewing Contest to sign up as soon as possible. Non-memtiers are welcome and may be sponsored by any grange member. The quota for Oregon Trail iseigtiten­ tries, but many more are de­ sired State Chairman Mrs. Did you know? Milk contains almost every nutrient needed in human diets, including high quality protein, ribo­ flavin. calcium, thiamin, phosph«irous. niacin, vita­ min A. plus some vitamin C and iron! That's why the Dairy Farmers of Oregon say ... Milk has something for every body. Volunteer Services is in need of cooking and eating utensils as well as bedding and beds for three separate families. Nyssa Service Center needs a volunteer Day Care Aide to work one or two days a week for three hours. Knowledge of Spanish helpful, but not required Spanish and Japanese speaking Friendly Visitors needed to make Nursing Home visits in Nyssa and Ontario. Drivers needed to transport low income and elderly per sons to medical and scheduled appointments Mileage will be reimbursed For all of the above, contact Dan Tablzon, Volunteer Services, at 889-9 1 94 or 372-3831. For All The Above, Contact Dan Tabizon SHOPPERS DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME - OPEN UNTIL 8 P.M. MON.THRU FRI SW 4TH AVENUE 9 MISS CHRISTINE ANN MOROSTICA. Ontario, became the bride of Randy Lee Hirano in a Valentine’s Day wedding in Reno. The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. Betty Marostica and Mr. Rudv Marostica, Ontario. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hirano, Ontario. The couple is making their home in Greenville. Michigan, where the brideirroom is emploved bv Ore-Ida Foods. Inc. Four individuals need rides from Owyhee Junction area to Ontario daily Must tie in Ontario at 9 00 a m Two return at 2:00 p.m , two return at 4 30 p m People traveling to or from Ontario at these times are des­ perately needed Mileage will tie reimbursed $3,445 $4,800 9 The Owyhee Garden Club met Friday, March 8 at the home of Mrs. Fred Aral. Mrs. Keiji Okano was co- bostess and was assisted by Mrs. Clark Strong and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin. There were 18 members present and Mrs. TessleCIlf- ford and Mrs. Daisy Hester were guests. Chairman Mary Hatt an­ nounced the winners of the club sponsored Essay and Poster Contest, which had been held recently. The theme was "Keep America Beatuiful.’’ Essay winners were Randy Munn, first place, Cindy Hoden, second place, and Melissa Baker, third place. Poster w inners were Kelly Mills, first place, Jan Os­ burn, second, and Trena Pickrel won third place, Mrs. John Stubstad, pre­ sident presided over the bu­ siness meeting. The April 6 meeting will tie a tour of the Jordan Valley Craters. There will be a district meet ing in Ontario April 11. This will be a luncheon meeting at the Eastside Cafe and will start at 10 a.m. Everyone is urged to attend. YOU CAN HELP DEMONSTRATOR. 302 cu. in. V-8 engine, automatic transmission, AM radio, front and rear bumper guards, tinted glass complete, manual front disc brakes, high back bucket seats, dual color keyed mirrors, steel belted radial tires, forged aluminum wheels, heavy duty suspension, green and white in color with white vinyl roof. Stock No. FP-9. List price $3 879 25 1974 9 Last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McConnell went to Nampa and had dinner with their daughter. Mrs.Forrest Moore and then went to Kuna and visited their granddaugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mum ford and family. 5TH YEAR IN NEW LOCATION FORD GALAXIE 500 4-DR. PILLARD HARDTOP 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. Don Harold- sen from Idaho Falls visi­ ted with his parent’s Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Haroldsenover the weekend. Saturday cal­ lers were Mrs. Orlee Sipes and Irene Flinders and a friend. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eastman flew to Coos Bay February 24 as Mrs. East­ sister-in-law Mrs. man's Catherine Hewitt had pas- sed away, The funeral was February 26. Mike East- man from Ashland and Pa- trick of Prineville also at­ tended the services. $5,800 9 Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann went to Vale Sundav to visit their grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Findley. Mrs. Charles Zinn of Richland, Oregon was a Sunday overnight guest of Mrs. Orma Cleaver. Mrs. Cleaver was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Del­ bert Cleaver. • ♦ • gate with power window, electric clock, convenience group, power seat, dual facing rear seat, deluxe luggage rack on top, rear window washer, deluxe bumper group, air conditioning, AM radio with dual rear seat speakers, tinted glass complete, light group, automatic load adjuster, squire brougham option, medium copper metallic in color. Stock No. FP-7. List price $6,765.42, 9 9 9 Mrs. Rod Skow and daugh­ ter Melinda of BnghamCity, Utah were guests last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bybee. • • • Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers »ere Mrs. Eva Embre of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. John Sommars of Caldwell. ♦ * ♦ Clarence Clapp of Stay­ ton, Oregon flew to Nyssa February 28 and took his mother, Mrs. Emily Clapp back with him to see her new great-grandson. The babv is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Sadner. Mrs. Clapp will return home on March 16. • • • 1ft71 FORD LTD COUNTRY SQUIRE 460 cu. in. V-8engine, automatic transmission, power I W K STATION WAGON front disc brakes* P°wer steering, 3-way rear door 9 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost have returned home from a three and one-half months trip to Old Mexico. Yuma. Arizona and numerous spots where they traveled and fished at their leisure. They reported a very nice trip. ANNIVERSARY SALE ■ 4# < Thursday, March 14, 1974 FORD SALES, INC. ONTARIO, OREGON PH. 889-9694 Volunteer Services At 889-9194 or 372-3K31