Thursday, February 21, 1974 Th« Nysta Gat« City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon NEWELL HEIGHTS ITEMS «.. •" h " Bill Webb went to Richland, Oregon Sunday on a sight seeing trip of the Snake River Canyon Bill bought an antique engine at Newbridge, Ore. Mr and Mra. Lull Stam and Mr. and Mrs Don Lindville, also Mrs Mary Jarvis were guests at the Louis Stam home Sunday evening celebrating their son Don’s tenth birthfey. They all enjoyed the birthday cake and ice cream. The Luit Stams and Don Lin­ villes are the grandparents of Don. Mr and Mrs. George Schiemer and baby went to Riggens Sunday Mrs. Schiemer and baby visited her pa- KINGMAN KOLONY - Mr and Mrs Earl Kygar attended an anniversary dinner for Mr and Mrs. Charlie Cul­ bertson Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Buster Talbot Roxy Mason was a Wednesday eve­ ning dinner guest tn the Earl Kygar home Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rhodes and family of Parma were Saturday eve­ ning callers in the Frank Rhodes home. Mr. and Mrs Frank Rhodes and fa­ mily were Sunday dinner guests of Mr • and Mrs. Wayne Rhodes in Parma ; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Piercy were guests in the Dwayne Bennett home af­ ter the basketball game Friday eve­ ning Other guests were Mr and . Mrs. Tom Okai, Mr. and Mrs Keith Tallman and Mr and Mrs Fred Def- • fer. Late dinner guests Saturday eve­ ning in the Carl Piercy home were Mr and Mrs. Arden Atkenson of Parma Sunday afternoon callers in the Wayne Robb home were Meed Robb of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs Robert Edmondson of Fruitland. Mr and Mrs. Jim Phifer called at the Charles Bowers home Sunday mor­ ning Mr and Mrs Clyde Bowers were Thursday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowers. Friday, Mr and Mrs Klaas Laan went to the Bow matte Milk,ng Ma­ chine meeting at Holiday Inn in Boise after which they drove to Emmett and visited Mr and Mrs. John Veen- stro. Mrs. Jim Phifer attended the church session meeting at the Vern Hlrsch borne in Newell Heights Thursday eve­ ning Mrs. Willis Conant entered St. Al- phonsus Hospital in Boise Friday where she is having tests to determine the cause of her illness. Mr. and Mrs Joe Castro and boys were Saturday evening visitors in the Earl Ervin home Relatives that came to attend the fu­ neral of the late Lester Campbell and later visited relatives in Big Bend and tn the Earl Campbell home were Lester Campbell’s sister, Helen Ro­ ger of West Venis, Calif. His daugh­ ter. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Talich of Walla Walla, Washington and Mr and Mrs. Earl Campbell's daughter, Mr and Mrs Eldon Slippy of La Grande Mrs Slippy has spent se­ veral days visiting with her grand­ mother, Mrs Lester Campbell and will leave for her home on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson report the birth of a new grandson, Bryan Neal, born in the Holy Rosary Hospital of Ontario to their son and wife, Mr and Mrs. Gary Thompson of Nyssa. He weighed seven-pounds and eleven ounces. His other grandpa­ rents are Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Barton of Ontario. The other grand­ children have been staying in the ; Herschel Thompson home Mrs Gary ; Thompson returned home on Sunday. 'W0NE m -’1" • • • rents, Mr and Mrs. Ralph Williams and George went steelhead fishing on the Salmon River Mr. and Mrs. RaySimpsonspentSun- day with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs Johnnie Eason in Boise. Johnnie is home from the Veteran's Hospo»! and some better. Mrs. Mane Moore and Mrs Irvin Topliff helped the Women's Association serve lunch at the Varner Hopkins sale Tuesday Mrs Mane Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff attended the potluck din­ ner at Presbyterian Church Social room Wednesday evening. Mrs Marie Moore and Mrs. Irvin Topliff attended the Women's Asso­ ciation meeting at the home of Mrs. Mabie Piercy in Adnan Thursday af­ ternoon. Sunday dinner guests in the Leon Chamberlain home were Mr. and Mrs. Clint Chamberlain, Donald and Peter Mr. and Mrs. Tunis Garner, Nampa and Mr and Mrs. Paul Butler of Ontario. Mrs Leon Chamberlain attended the basketball game at New Plymouth, Saturday evening. Adrian lost Mr. and Mrs John Kincheloe of Boise were Sunday dinner guests'>f their friends. Mr. and Mrs LeRoy Sprague « e * Physicians A Surg«ons K. E. KERBY, M.D. K. A. DANFORD, M.D. Physicians and Surgeons, Dial 372-2241 HOURS 9 to 12 noon 4 2 to 5 p.m. - Monday through Friday, 10 to 12 Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Province ofCald- wel! were Sun FOOD rw f $ hori »< j W CLOTHS... fa . L REGULAR CHICKEN VET'S V i 15 ox. o variety fach swifting » fancy 3 l £ cam JIFFY FR051ÌNG-BROWNIE $ 79« 12* 1!? ^FF^RY BALLARD w ABORTED 8 oz TUBES &«C,1)IÍ4S Plvvvl IP POTATO CHIPSCS“68$ VETS KRAFT Zlß CTN .CAKE MIX I ASSORTED* JAMS - !» • À BANQUET 0 oz. N0XZEMA 41.29 VALUE INSTAN MIX... I HI'» .»WWII rVZ 2/ ar A IÆM0NÔ 25^ FRYER tEGS $ THIGHS 69e. FRÏFR BREASfê.....m HMK SAUSAGE CyWfRYFR$ GRAPE 49*. i 101 u s o • » GELATIN FRE£i! G£T$ HIS OR HER CHOICE OF ONE- . GAUW OF TV ICE CREAM EACH WEEK FOR 92 WEEK.&! DRAWING, TO BE HELD 4ATURPAV EVENING, FEBRUARY 23 rd. » TOO NEED NOT BE PRESENT Tb WIN'1 .'. ■MHMHI RE&STFR TOPAY-YOU MAY WINf ✓ CHICICX DR. JOHN EASLY 387 S. W. 4th Ave., Ontario, Ore. Phone - Ontario, 503-889-8017 * GRANP PRIZE PRAWING!'.! í^rersáni DAVID W. SARAZIN, M.D. Physician and Surgeon HOURS: 10 to 12 noon 4 2 to 5 p.m - Monday, Tuesday. Wednes­ day, Friday. 10 to 12 Saturday Phones: Office 372-3809 Residence 372-3173 Veterinarians 1 fiate / V the former s sister, Mrs. Mildrea Graham, and also went to the Veterans Hospital and visited Wesley’s uncle, Wilbur Bennett. WfctM nm fclUi bri iti Aliti tflKJ LttS band, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bicandi. Mrs. Mabie Piercy and Mrs. Bill Toomb went to Boise Sunday and visited -,'2nd MAULDING CLINK Charles E. Vanetti. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Dial 372-2216 HOURS: 9 to 12 noon and 2 to 5 p.m .Monday,Tuesday,Thursday and Friday. 9 to 12 noon, Wed­ nesday, DR. J. E. HEITZMAN 7 North 2nd Street, Nyssa Phone 372-3747 THE CONTROLLED HANDS OF A TVCC POTTERY student and the elastic properties of ceramic clay com­ promise in this gracefully formed, wheel-thrown bowl. «vi Optometrists * 6. •> ADRIAN - Mrs. Mabie Piercy attended the funeral services for Kitty Herrington at Roswell Thursday afternoon. Mrs. K.I. Peterson called on Mrs. Lydia Worden and Pearl Brown at the Nursing Home in Nyssa Friday afternoon. Mrs K.I. Peterson attended the pot luck dinner at the Adrian Community Presbyterian Church Wednesday even­ ing and the Women’s Association meet­ ing at the home of Mrs. Mabie Piercy Thursday afternoon Mr and Mrs. Carl Begeman were Sunday dinner guests in the W.C. Van Dewater home celebrating their son Kent’s birthday. Mrs. Edna Cowling of Adrian was also a guest. Monday Mrs. Robert Long took Mrs. Gladys Thomas and Mrs Edna Cow­ ling to visit Martha Spears. Tuesday, Mrs. Gladys Thomas and Mrs. Ruth Looney accompanied Mrs. Robert Long to Mrs. Obendorf's funeral at Notus. Mr and Mrs. Danny Skerjanec and boys of Ontario were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George De Haven. Tuesday, Mrs. Myron Gossard and Mrs. Frank Bicandi attended the This Is Your Heart” meeting at Ontario. Dr. Stroud of Portland was the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. James Withers and family of Donnely, Idaho spent the Mrs. Dale Witt was a Monday eve­ ning dinner guest of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van DeWater and son Kent in Big Bend. Other dinner guests were Mr and Mrs. Car) Bege man of Adrian, Mr and Mrs. Dean Goddard of Sparks, Arizona and Mr and Mrs. Boyce Van DeWater Mr ami Mrs. Dean Goddard left Tuesday for their home in Sparks, Arizona. Mrs. Edna Cowling accompanied Mrs Dale Witt’to the W. C. Van DeWater home in Big Bend Sunday where they were guests at a birthday dinner for Kent Van DeWater. Professional Directory » Pag« Seven 36 ox. y SALAD DRESSING 32 os. 69 MICIE IFFICnvi FEB 21,22,23-1974 NABISCO 16 oi. HONEY GRAHAMS WE GIVE GOLD STRIKE STAMPS EVERY DAY m Bf Hpl CINNAMON TREATS ||llE|f NYSSA,OREGON 2/89’ NABISCO CHOCOIAU 16 ox. I