Thuriday, July 19, 1973 Th« Nytsa Oat« City Journal, Nyssa, Or«gon •«■ SUNSET VALLEY ACTIVITIES V'V BY MARTHA LORENSEN - PHONE 372 - 11M ------- * SUNSET VALLEY - A re­ ception was held Sunday, hosted by the children of Mr. and Mrs. James Phelps in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Phelps’ twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Neigh­ bors and friends called from five to eight. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Whitman and children, Pam and Chris, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Whit­ man, Jr. of Oregon City, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lorensen. Willard who Is a grandson of the Lorensens’ was recently married. He and his wife, Julie are at home near Carver, Ore­ gon. The Whitmans and Harriet and Gloria Lorensen went to the Owyhee Dam area on a sight-seeing trip on Sunday af­ ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith of Johnstown, Nebraska who have been visiting in this area for the past six weeks left Tues­ day for Saratoga, California to visit at the home of Mr. Smith's sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Gower. Mrs. Smith is a daughter of Mrs. Harriet Turner and a sister of Mrs. Ken Lorensen and Wilbur Cha­ pin. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Greenough of Prosser, Washington andMr. and Mrs. Lester Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lorensen, Harriet and Gloria met at Emi­ grant Springs last week onSun- day for a picnic. The families were school pals in Nebraska during earlier years. They breakfasted at the Chuckwagon Pancake House in Baker early Sunday morning. Mrs. Harriet Turner ofOwy- hee Junction is at home now and d lr t . I. about. She has been recuperating in Nampa af­ ter having had surgery several weeks agi Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Brown of Caldwell were dinner guests July 4 at the Kenneth Loren­ sen home and attended the rodeo at Vale in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith and Ken Lorensen and family attended the fireworks display at Caldwell July 4 in the eve­ ning. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alexan­ der were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Fogleman in honor of the birthday of their daughter, Sandra Fogleman, Janet Gordon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gordon spent the last weekend at the home of her grantyarents, Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ekanger. Ja­ net recently was winner of a trip to Disneyland. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gordon were Sun­ day dinner guests at the Ekan­ ger home. Julie Gordon is a guest this week at her grand­ parents home. Kristi and Tracy Wilson are spending this week at the home at their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Asumendi, Curtis and Llllena visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trump at Wal­ lowa for the weekend. Th«1 fa­ milies attended the wedding of Shirley Rimbey and Fred Cook Saturday evening which was so­ lemnized at the Christian Church In Wallowa. Fd Lowtrip of Eugene visi­ ted in the area and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Astoreca the past weekend. He returned to Eugene on Monday. Mrs. Lowtrip Is at the present time visiting her parents in Minnesota. She is also attend­ ing the wedding of a relative. Audrle Astoreca and Mar- 4 out of chelle Davis attended the Burns Rodeo. Audrle was a guest of Miss Davis over the weekend. Mrs. Gabriel Astoreca and Carmen, and Mrs. Don Hatch and children of Adrian camped at the Owyhee Dam area for a week with other members of the family joining them occa­ sionally during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Charland were Friday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Prince­ house of Ontario were dinner guests on Monday at the home of Mrs. John Reffett. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Winn of Fruitland, Charles Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Morton and two sons, and Mrs. Lois Coun­ cil were dinner guests on Sa­ turday at the home of John Knottingham. 1‘aul Knottingham and family of Lafayette, Oregon are visit­ ing his mother, Mrs. LoisCoun- cil, and with other relatives in this area. Dinner guests of Mrs. Lois Council for July 4wereCharles Moore and John Knottingham. Dinner guests Sunday at the James Phelps home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donahue Sr. and Miss Joanne DeBoer of Meridian, Robert Donahue Jr. and friend of Greenville, South Carolina, Pastor and Mrs. Fred Moxom and Bob Martin of Nyssa. House guest this week at the James Phelps home was Miss Dianne Hart of La Grande. Ny«Ba Woman Injured A 28-year-old Nyssa woman was listed in satisfactory con­ dition Monday at Holy Rosary Hospital where she is receiv­ ing treatment of multiple in­ juries, including a fractured jaw, after a Saturday night ac­ cident at Cairo Junction. According to Oregon State Police, the accident Involved a large truck tractor and flat­ bed trailer operated by Har­ vey Martin Shields, 46, of Springfield, and a passenger car driven by Joan Frances Silence, Nyssa. Police said Ms. Silence re­ ceived several lacerations of th»- face, dislocated bones, the injured jaw and possible other injuries. She was taken to the hospital by ambulance. Police said the truck had been eastbound on Highway 20 and then turned northward onto Highway 201 at the junction. The northbound Silence car co- lided with the trailer. Heavy da­ mage resulted to the front of the car but the truck received little damage, police said. The accident is still under in­ vestigation. FAREWELL FOR LUCAS, JULY 23 "Youth For Understanding" Student, Lucas Gaiarsa, who has made Nyssa his home for six months, will be leaving for Santo Andre, Braxil, July 25 by plane from Boise. To honor his leaving there will be a fare­ well party at the Kunkel home, 605 Ennis Avenue, Monday, July 23, from 7 00-10:30 p.m, Everyone is invited to come. BU ì -SHH«HIK_ "na IT BETTERÁ 5 .. « • - z a » ’ HOMES IN OUR AREA Flameless electric WATER HEATER It'» the water heater that has no match for for < efficiency It requires no energy-wasting chimney Because if» flameless it takes nothing from the air. adds nothing to the air — indoors or out Hot on the inside, cool on the outside, it's the neater heater NYSSA COOP SUPPLY (OAST TO(OAST STORKS STOUT APPLIANCE FIRFSTONF STORE ZIMMERMAN PLUMBING» HEATING MORRISON ELECTRIC 372-2254 372-3545 372-3196 372-2124 372-3911 372-3151 » See your dealer or plumber Idaho Power Company COMINO EVENTS FRIDAY, JULY 20 - Senior Citizen, rummage sale, Jay- Cee Bldg., 10 a.m. Golden Age rummage sale, Western Hotel 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Adrian Church lawn sale 2-9 p.m. Ice cream social 6:30 to 9 p.m. SATURDAY, JULY 21 - Re­ covery, Inc., First Christian Church, 8 p.m. Senior Citizen, rummage sale, JayCee Bldg.. 10 a.m. Golden Age, rummage sale. Western Hotel, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. TUESDAY, JULY 24 - Rebe­ kahs, I OOF, 8 p.m. TOPS «494, Adrian Grade school, 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 - Senior Citizens, Methodist Church, 10:30 p.m. Golden Age Club, library meeting room, 12 noon. NEWELL HEIGHTS ITEMS ■ ■ ■ BY DALE WITT a ■ ■ PHONE 372-2123 ■ ■ ■ NEWELL HEIGHTS - Mrs. Lydia Worden, who wa» a pa­ tient in the Malheur Memorial Hospital has been transferedto the nursing home and may have visitors. Henry Jacobson of Chester, California and his cousin Peggy Fair of Vale spent Tuesday night and Wednesday with Henry's grandmother, Mrs. Marie Moore. Those from this area, other than family, attending the wed­ ding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Butler, Saturday evening at the LDS Ward at the Owyhee Junction were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simpson, Mrs. Carl Fenn, Mrs. Ida Fenn, Mrs. Dale Witt, Mrs. Alice Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Call, Tom and Angela, and Mrs. Brent Schulthies. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff and family and Mr. and Mrs. Marriag« Lic«ns«s Charles Brady of Boise spent the weekend in High Valley, Idaho. Vale - John Robert Nutting Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stringham and Doris Lillian Tolman, both of Farmington, Utah and their Ontario; Russell James Beut­ daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ken ler, Oregon City and Karen Hanson of Bountiful, Utah vi­ Elaine Rigney, Nyssa, Roger sited Mrs. Dale Witt Saturday William Ashby and MerlynRuth afternoon. The former Newell Redmond, both Ontario; Wil­ Heights residents came for the liam Kenneth Hertig, Adrian wedding of Terrilyn Chamber- and Jeaneal Ussing, Vale; Ri­ lain and Paul Butler that eve­ chard Lane Pierce and Meri- ning. They were later over­ dan Carol Harvey, both Ontario. night guests of Mrs. Dale Witt. Floyd Smith of Bakersfield, California, here on business, was a Sunday guest of his sis­ ter, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Mc­ Kinley. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wenke and family went with the Pil­ grim Lutheran Church of On­ tario to Farewell Bend, Sun­ day, where they hadChurch ser­ vices followed by a potluck din­ ner in the park. Many of the group went water skiing in the afternoon. Mrs. Carl Lee Hill and Terri visited C. B. Hill in Caldwell, Saturday. Mrs. Dale Witt visited Mrs. Lydia Worden in the Malheur Memorial Hospital in Nyssa, Wednesday afternoon. She also called on Mrs. Harriet Turner, who recently returned home the Nampa Convalesant Center. Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mrs. Carl Fenn were Mrs. Jeanne Fenn and Lori of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Simpson and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jessup of Lafeyette, California came Sunday to visit her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sprague. Wednesday evening Mrs. Al­ fred Simpson gave a birthday dinner for her daughter Alene Gillette of Ontario. The other Pag« F!va guests were Scott Gillette and Mr. and Mrs. Marlon York and family of Vale, Mrs. Carl Fenn was a guest that evening for ice cream and cake. o ♦ EVENTS AROUND ADRIAN ADRIAN - Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mackey’s mother, Mrs. Min­ nie Mackey entered the Malheur Memorial Hospital at Nyssa last Sunday evening for observation and treatment. Her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Rollo Fenn met her son, Hannah Gage of Boise and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Church­ Cecil Helgon of Pendleton, a hill and family in Ontario, Sun­ daughter, is also visiting at this day and they went to the La time. Mrs. Mabie Piercy was a Sun­ Paloma to dinner to celebrate Mrs. Churchhill’s birthday. In day dinner guest of her son, the afternoon Mrs. Fenn went Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piercy to Parma and visited Dora Wa­ in Parma. Friday morning, Mrs. Mabie goner, from there she went to Homedale and visited Elsmore Piercy went to Boise with Mrs. Robert Long, while there, she Fenn. visited her sister, Mrs. Mil­ Mr. and Mrs. Clair White, dred Graham at the Boise Con Ronnie and Christopher and valesant Center. Clair’s mother, Mrs. Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. MyronGossard White were guests for a birth­ and Parley Merrill were Sa­ day dinner honoring Ronnie on turday evening dinner guests of his second birthday at the home Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bicandi. of Mrs. Clair White’s parents Mr. and Mrs. George De­ Mr. and Mrs. Chet Souba in Haven went to Council, Idaho Nampa. Guests for homemade Sunday morning where they vi- ice cream and cake in the af­ isited Andy Ronfeld. They also ternoon were Ronnie’s great visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Raney grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. in Cambridge and Mrs. De­ Robert L. Clark of Nampa and Haven's aunt, Mrs. Ida Wyman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bellin in Weiser. also of Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Jones drove to South Mountain Sun­ of Prairie City, Oregon came day where their daughter Mary Saturday morning and visited and friend Margarete Tiffanyof Mrs. Rollo Fenn. From there Vale are working for the BLM. Mr. and Mrs. Al Thompson they went to Parma to visit and Mrs. Herschel Thompson friends. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simp­ son attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Jon Martin at New Plymouth Saturday evening. visited Mrs. Robert Long Sun­ day afternoon. Wayne Sparks of Bellingham who Just finished his Air Force training in Boise spent the week end with is mother, Mrs. Robert Long. Mrs. K. I. Peterson and Mrs. Marie Moore attended the special meeting of the Womens Association at the home of Mrs. George DeHaven Monday morn­ ing. Following the meeting, Mrs. Moore was a luncheon guest at Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson. Later in the afternoon, Mrs. K. I. Peterson and Mrs. Marie Moore attended Garden Club at the home of Mrs. Boyce Van DeWater in Big Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Monty Spelman of Caldwell visited Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Spelman had just returned from a trip to visit her parents in Missouri. News About SERVICEMEN Ramon Martinez Camp Pendleton, Calif. - Marine Pvt. Ramon Martinez, son of Mr. Tobias J. Martinez of 211 Park Avenue, Nyssa, has reported for duty at the Marine Corps Base here.