Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, June 28, 1973, Page 2, Image 2

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    Thursday, Juno 2t, 1973
Th« Nyssa Goto City Jowrsiol, Nyssa, Oregon
Pofl* Two
Nyssa Gat» City Journal
DOUCK XEDStY....................
RUBEN LOPEZ ..................
BETTI talbct .............
0 regex'
One Year
.... »5.00
Six Months................. 83.0C
Elsewhere ia tbe U5.A.
One Year................... 46.80
Six Months................... 34.0C
Harvey C. Easton
Neu Plymouth -
for Harvey Chfford Easton, 80.
New Pfymoutt, »be iedMocWy
J me 18, 1973 at a Nyssa hos­
pital. vere coodvctedatShaffer-
Jensen Mem ry Chapel m New
Plymouth by Bishop Glenn Koe-
fond of the New Plymouth Church
of Jesus Christ al Laner-day
Ixterment »as Thurs­
day, June 21 at Rosedale m
He was bcm J«e 8, 1893. at
Cook Cocry. Minnesota, and at­
tended schools it Minnesota. Al
tbe age of 1?, he mcved»:ttbis
family to Beach, North Dak-oca,
where they farmed. He Later
homesteaded there He married
Olga Brablec x February 24,
1936. at Beach
They moved
to Meridiax m 1936 and farmed
there untL 1943, whet: they came
to the Nev Plymouth area. He
eocGs-jet farmjsg xtL his re­
tirement a I960. He tad lived
in Nev Piymautt. since.
Survivors »elude his wife of
Nev Plymouth, a son, Harvey
Duane East« of Nyssa, and
three grandetuldree, Michael,
Danny and JaLe He was pre­
ceded tx death by a brother and
tvo sisters.
Philip A. Mitchell
Ftii:p A. Mitchell passed
away at tbe Veterans Hospiul
la Portland,
Jtme 18, 1973
where be nad been a jatieat for
tve weeks
He haf beer ia
faiLng health for tbe pest six
Payette for tbe past three years.
Fnor to that time be had re­
sided ia Wallowa County and
He was boro August 18,1914,
at St James, Missouri, tbe son
at James B. and Minnie Mit-
He married Vera Jean Hulse
September 17, 1955, at Wallowa
He was a stock feeder by x-
ewpatioc aad had served m
World War IL
Funeral services were Fri­
day. June 22, at tbe Wallova
Church of Christ at 2 p.m. with
Robert James officiatiag. There
was a military committal by
Eagle Cap Pest No. 430? and
vault jKerment at Bramlet Me­
Cemetery. Wallowa.
Arrangements were
under the directix of tbe BoL-
tr-ai Funeral Home, Enterprise.
He is survived by his wife,
Vera Jean, Payette, four sons,
Rex and Jeff Mitchell and Rx
Martin, all ix Payette and Terry
three sisters, Mrs. Del (Doilie)
Mattsx and Mrs. Norman 'Mar­
gare-, Douglas, both of Issa-
* islj.gtuc and Mrs.
Alotsi (Agnes; Knowles, Nyssa,
five brothers, Levis (Cook),
DeazL, and Henry Mitchell, all
ix Nyssa, Ike Mitchell. Paveffe
and Hollis Mitchell, Kim,Colo­
Ova Butler
Allen R. Jones
Church Directory
Allen Reeves Jcaes. £1, ted
Tuesday taormng. June 26.1973
at his borne liter a leng ill­
Naiatsns Church
ness. He »as bcm Jaaxa.-y 29.
1912 atAstermoM. Texas.»hen
THURSDAY - tocightj Gui­
two years old be acted »itt.
des Hour Missixary Chapter
us family to Camp Col. raA.
He »as married Aigist 2. 1935 will meet »itt Mrs. Dnvid Ale­
la r jebfield. Kansas to Clare xander Much needed articles
Jane Ksovles. la 194? be 3» »ed for missKmary boxes should be
brought ix prepar all oe for mail-
his family to Nyssa.
Mr. J.nes is sir vised by his i«C-
SUNDAY — Early
wife Clara Jane A Nyssa. three
sons. Gary al Clactamas. Dre- prayer at the Church. 7 00a.m.
Bible Study Classes for all
gon. Gecrge « Syssa. aad Gene
at Forest Crore. Oregon :-ne age grape, 9 45 le
*4gbter Mrs. Carolyn Erma.
Mcnmg Worship, 11 a.m.
Heyburn. Ldu>.'; tv: br tiers,
Evening Gospel Hour 7 p.m.
Jack at R-tax. Texas aadBryra
WEDNESDAY - Prayer Meet­
at Campe, Co.:radc; one sister ing and Bible Study conducted
Mrs. Gol* Springer i. --..tax. by Pastor Mauley, 7 30 p.m.
Texas, and six grandchildren.
Note tbe schedule for tbe Sum­
Services vill be Fn*y, June
29 from tbe -^stamper Chapel mer Camping Program at Vic­
at 10 am. with tie Rev. Dear! tory Cove near McCall.
JULY 9-14 Setuor High (1 Itk
.ffiexaoag. Inter me at
will be at tbe Nyssa Cemetery. grade through College ages)
JULY 16-21--Mid High f9tt
and 10th grades;
Anselmo Sifuentes
JULY Z2-29--totermAintaia
District C amp meeting at Nampa
JULY 30-AUG 4—Nev Teen
(7th and 8th grades)
AUGUST 6-11—Jimior boys
AUGUST 19-18--Juiuor girls
AUGUST 20-25--Senxor Cin-
SEPTEMBER l-3--Laymeo s
Today, tbe Commandments
say to us, even as they xnd
to tbe Betrevs;
Make room
for God ia your daily Me.
And set aside soe day a; sevet
for His glory.'' You are vel-
cotue tc vorstap »at ns in our
—Rev. Robert W. Manley
Forth Lutheran Church
to t hr
ibi tor
Nyssa and Adnan mail user*
will have new up cod» number*
effective July I, according to
joint *nno«cemeni* by Po*t-
master Lee Dail of Ny*»a and
Glenwood Pound* of Adrian.
Tbe old Tensen-Van GH*e
builduig oar al Ny«*a'> early
day structure*, *ooo will be
It l* located on the
(outh »Ute of Maui, ju»t east of
First Street, »here the steeple
portion has stood for 53 years,
having been erected in 1910
by Dick Tensen. Sr. The weal
portion »as built the folio» ing
year by Henry Van Gltse.
The city recently obtained the
iwiiAmg for delinquent taxes.
City manager Art Colby has
stated that present plan* include
the planting A grass and trees
which eventually will be a »mall
attractive park area.
White climbing <» the high,
way bridge »kwh spun* Srwk»
River vast of town, Claud Pat­
terson, 12, tell to the
of th» bridg»Satur*yandteWi
pvt. James D. Hille, 17, »as
killed tn action against the
enemy in Korea June 6
»as the son of Mr and Mrs.
Peter Hille of Nyssa and the
first Nyssa area man to die
in action in tbe Korean »ar.
Arrangements to send the body
buck to Nyssa for burial are
Our classes at school open­
sing vill be June 4 ve have o*ly
ooe mooch vacation We all feel
happy because if ur classes
»ill begiB ae have soanethmg
tc wear in school so ve can
cootteoe our studies. !'!1 be
1st. year high school. My tvo
elder sister Irene »ill be 3rd
Installation of yield ngtit- >f-
year college, Myriam »ill be
1st year college. Leaf, a 3rd • ay signs at intersections of
year high school, 3 are in Ele­ Good and Park Avenues to make
mentary and 2 are not m school bo<h avenues through streets,
age So you can imagine boo »as completed Monday. City
hard to support a big family Manager E.K. Burt nannounced
bemg no mnre father to take­
care of nine children and o«r
Oregon »ill not have a state
mother was suffering of her fair in 1943. the state direc­
tor at agriculture, E.L. Peter­
The »bc.le family are praying son announced followinganexe-
Editor s Mete
Last Spr:r-S
tbe 6tt grade class «der Mrs. for you and. to all who give ewtive meeting, the first semi­
Jan Wlisoe collected and sect tbe etchings. We hope that annual session of 1943 with the
a Large shipment of used clo­ someday they will remember us state board of agriculture tn
thing to a poor family m tbe foe used clothing »tuck they Salem June 16, when tbe matter
Philippine Islands. Mrs »il­ do not use.
• as discussed from all angles
May God shower ok ore graces and
ia received this letter from oe
every day.
of tbe children).
reached that the »ar demands
Very respectfully,
Dearest Mrs Jan Wilsce A
that all efforts of the part of
Ruth Rama?
agriculture be directed toward
We have just received your
tbe production at food.
two pa cap«-? you seat pr®t dated
Only 17 persons cast ballots
April 6. We are sendingoar sin­
in tbe election held by the new
cere and heartfelt gratitude and
We »ould like to thank Dr. consolidated school district No.
a Billion thanks to eack and
everyone and to you Mrs. Jan Det id Sa rum and the nurses 26 of Malheur County Monday.
All three candidates »ere
W ilson for sendiac w* suck nice and staff at Mai bear Nursn<
clotting mostly tits tons Betrg Home for tbe lund attention gtven elected
per *e caa not repay rou but oar husband and father during were Loyd Adams for the ftve-
jrear term, R.G. Ixrson for the
only through prayer*. We are his illness.
Mrs. Harvey C. Eastoc.
three-year term andB.B. Lien-
all loot at wortt
we ex-
Mr. sad Mrs. K D. Eaataa
-vear term
Edttor, Tbe Journal
I feel compelled to make pub­
lic oar fee Lag at appreciation
for a fine msuretux our com-
m«lty has made availabe for
oar use.
1 refer to tbe Mal­
heur Memorial Hospital
Hew lucky we are to have at
our service a facility staffed by
ax effkieat. concerned and
sympathetic group of people'
Throughout tbe past three weeks
dur jig wtict Ir! ha* beet, aad
still is, confined to tbe hospital,
ve have been impressed with
the fine care, infinite paUetx e
and kxfoess grveo to both < us.
Mrs. Iri Molen
hi* shoulder.
He also wf.
tered severe shock and brui*»*.
Since th» accident, a »«ruing
has tern issued to boys »t«,
make th» bridge their play,
ground. luring youngsters dive
from the bridge
This sport
1* extremely dangerous, be­
cause of the heavy under cur­
rent tn Snake Rteer.
Who is the most popular girl
in Malheur County'1 Or in other
»ords, »ho will be Goddess of
Liberty at the Vale celebration
on the nation's birthday.
number of < andldates have bee*
listed by their friends, md
ballot boxes have been placed
in stores of tbe city for the
votes to be cast by the most
popular girl’s friends
This i* a county affair and
although tbe names of andi­
(late? have no» been sent In
tbe row muni ties,
places are still pen for them.
Candidates already listed are
Erne »tin*
Edna Dennis, Isabell
Cote. l>lsle Rouse, Dorothy
Brtdg*»eU, Cteo Stacey, Fera
Ruth Hess
Georgia Hi< kman.
Seventy-five thousand acre*
of land ir. tbe vicinity of Nyssa
that have been included in u
oil reserve and not subject to
homestead or desert entry »ill
soon be open to settlement, the
director of ti> geological sur­
vey having reported that the
lands »er» oof valuable for the
purpose for »Inch »ithdrawa.
Under tbe executive order
dated May 19. 1913, received
by Bruce Kester, register ofthe
U.S land office at Vale, these
lands be< <ne subject to settle­
ment under the geoeral pro­
visions of the homestead la»
fr<>m and after 9 o'clock a m ,
July 1«, 1913, but shall sot
become subject to entry, filing
selection or other form of ap­
propriation i until August IS,
1913, and no person Mull be
permitted I to giin or exercis»
any right i • hatever »rxh-r sny
settlement or crupetioe begun
prior to tbe *te of settlement
Conservative Baptist
Family Camp at *i'i Lake,
SUNDAY - 945 am..S«*y
School-classes for all ages.
11.00 am. a or ship Service
7 0C p.m. Hi. Time
* 00 p.m. Hot Jones Uni­
versity Ensemble presentanea
of a sacred music program.
WEDNESDAY - 8 p.m. Bitte
Studs and Prayer Meet-ng.
JULY 1-7 - Boys Camp at
«arm Lake
JULY 8-13 - Girls Camp
Pentecostal Church
Edward W. Price
Edward H. Pnce, 79, pas­
sed away Saturday, June 23,
1973 at a Nyssa bospffaL He
was bon August 19, 1893 xa
He was a veteran
at World
War L
His wife
Emma, preceded him ix death
June 3, 1971.
Survivors include four daugh­
ters, Mrs. James 'Betty, Ba­
yard, Las Vegas. Nevada, Mrs.
Harold 'Fay) Snyder, Nyssa,
Mrs. Clifford (Gerda, Cates,
Caldwell and Mrs. Bottae Swee­
ney, Nyssa, ocx brother, Ira
Price, Nyssa,
tvo sisters,
Mrs. Clene 'Mattie)
Callaway, Nebraska and Mrs.
Thressa Maier, Broken Bov,
Services were »"tiiiiyif-
ternoon at 2 p.m. at the Lien-
kaemper Ctapel.
was at Owyhee cemetery.
Of Jwsut Christ
of God Church
Sunday church activities be­
gin v.th Sunday School at 10
a.m., foLlowed by vorstip ser-
vkc , 11 am.
Sunday night service, 7 30
Bible Study every Tuesday,
7:30 p.m.
Royal Ranger*, every Tues­
day. 7 30 p.m.
Young people's service, every
Tburs*y, 7 30 p.m.
Christian Church
SUNDAY - Stmday School
School for all ages, 10 a m. Classes tor all aces. 9-45 am.
Sind*y School busing avail­
Morning Worship - 11 a m.
able. call 372-5078
Ed Harrod vill be preaching
Morning »orslip service. 11 dsr Jig June and July vti.e the
Joies on family is doing tx .¿san­
Youth Service, 7 p.m.
sar? work in tbe s ..tt-wakterw
Evangelistic Service,? 30p.m. states. He is from Che Boiaa
Bible Study State College.
classes for adults and yovtt,
Sunday evening youth rr'W*
7 30 p.m
meet at tbeChurch at 1.30p.m.-
Everyjoe Welcome.
prides 4 through High School.
Land D. Wiens, Pastor
WEDNESDAY - Choir prac­
Corner of 7th and Emison tice 7 30 p.m.
The Flower
122 S. Orn«i
Ftratrly tick's
JUNE 29 & 30
★ Free Rose for each lad\
★ Free Refreshments
★ Door Prizes
Come in and register
We invite you to come in and
view our uniquely decorated
shop, we will specialize in
flowers for ...
ARCADU —The Arcadia
Club met June 20
b-me of Mrs. Clyde Bcxwers.
Nine member* were present,
Mrs. Lnrry Tbnrsteadandtiiree
W.gt.ter* from Ogden. Utah and
Tom Petterson were visitor*.
Mrs. Bowers, nee preside«
■ad ctarge of tbe meeting. Mr*.
NeiJ Petterson, secretary gave
the regc>rt. Roll call was ans­
wered by their tasortte color.
Tbe Cteb* anmial pckluck 31»
net will be July 15 at tbe home
of Mr. and Mrs, Brig Olsen.
All members and former mem­
bers are invited and anyone tn
tbe er.mmuolt) tfat w«»d like
to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Neii Petters« n
and Mr. and Mrs. Evertt Ed­
monson vent to Salt Lake City
this »eek to attend tbe Sgaare
Dunce Festival there.
phasizes a point during Committee action. Howse Republxan
Leader, Gordra Macpherson says of Denny, "tor a 1st year
legislator he rides tall in the saddle "
Latin Assembly
Mr. and Mrs. Ed PtarU and
feughter Janice, their two tow
Charles and Harold and Mrs.
Phans’ rwAber Mr*. Stella La.
ns from Berryville. Arkinas
and Tim McKinney fromMyan.
»¡sited in the Georg» Moeller
Funeral» Weddings
Corsages Special Orders
Cut flower arrangements
■Permanent arrangements
Potted Plants Dish Gardens
-Hand Made Gifts by local artists
PHONE 372-2733 *•
home June 19. They were visit-
lag ia tbe Bob McKinney ho mn
and were enroute to Eugene,
Oreg-.« to visit relative*.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Houstoa
And aiel Ljia Houston, speM
the weekend near Council. I*hn
Steven Bu.ar-l three year Jd
soa of Mr. aad Mrs. D>n Bub
lard returned home June 22
from tbe Oatarlc hospital where
be tai miaar surgery.
Mr. aad Mrs. Johnny Car roll
from Emmett
aad Esther Stephen from A drMa
'lilted in the Henry Carroll
home SunMy.
Jerry Huatly is
Sammer School ia .^Granda.
Miss Pitty Taxa ml from Pv
nar-.m* City.Calif,rm*arrived
ia Boise by plane Last »eek for
a visit with her gran^areata,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray TTz -npeoa,
Mrs. AMrie Gardener aad
grandson Barry Spicer from
Sberi*n Wyoming are vislflag
Mrs. Gardtatr’s stater aad
sad family, Mr. and Mrs. U
E. Robbias ua Gem Aveena.
Bon Palmer was furmerly a
designer at Ganaway's Payette
GreenhovM for fhe pa»t 11 years
■en has taught floral design a*
TVCC for fhe past « years He ha»
afso heW Design SchooK at Por.
fland. Seattle. Caldwell and Tw»n
Ren ts wellknewn m
Trou Mire Valley 1er hrs untgoely
beavtiful floral designs
Frances Fucht. recently o»eeat»d
the Kandy Kane, a giH and floral
»hag in Nyssa She loo* floral det>gn
classes at TVCC and at Motes Lake,
Wash She alto worked at Rupert
Floral in Rupert Idaho Frances
tpecialiiad m candle and permanent
arrangements in Nytta
the Floul&l T j
122 S. Oregon-Ontario