Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, June 21, 1973, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page Four
Engagement Announced
Thuriday, Jun« 21, 19«
Th« Nyssa Gat« City Journal, Nyssa, Or«go
A 50th Wedding Anniversary
reception honoring Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Curry, will be held from
2 to 4 p.m., Sunday, June 24
at the Christian Church, 5th
and Ennis Street. The event
will be hosted by the couple's
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Sweanev of Eu­
reka, California.
Mr. and Mrs. Curry were
married June 24, 1923 in Good­
land, Kansas.
All relatives and friends of
the honorees are invited to
attend the reception. No for­
mal invitations are being sent
out. The family’s request is
“No Gifts Please.”
R$Homelown News
Call 372-2233
Jess Haroldsen and Gary of
Provo were Friday overnight
guests of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Reuben Haroldsen.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Harold­
sen and family of Eagle were
guests all day Sunday and over­
night of his parents, Rueben Ha-
roldsens. Christine will stay
for a week with her gran<*>a-
rents. Other guests of the Rue­
ben Haroldsens Sunday were
their daughter Mr. and Mrs.
Orlee Sipes of Homedale.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Keck
of Richland, Washington »ere
guests of his mother, Mrs. A.
H. Keck last weekend.
The Senior Citizens of Nyssa
rlods at the camp. Over 2,000 will go to Ontario Wednesday,
4-H members attended the camp. June 27 for dinner with the On­
tario Senior Citizens at their
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Penrod hall. Each member is reques­
recently returned from a weeks ted to bring their own table
trip to Hamilton, Montana where service and a covered dish. The
they visited her brother, the Nyssa members »ill leave here
Charles Hanbys, a niece Vir­ at 10 a.m. for the the noon lun­
ginia and a nephew Mr. and Mrs. cheon.
The Nyssa Senior Citizens
Richard Hanby.
meet the second and fourth W ed­
Amanda and Kelli Larson the nesdays of each month in the
children of the former Susan Social Hall in the Methodist
Stringer of Great Falls, Mon- Church at 10 30 a.m. Bring
tana are here visiting thelr a sack lunch.
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Stringer,
W.W. I Barracks
Marty Tensen attendili the
Auxiliary # 352
wedding of Gail Ableman and
Milo Huber Saturday. June 16
Kim Kerby, a niece of Dr. in Spokane where she spent the
World War 1 Barracks and
and Mrs. K. E. Kerby has been weekend. Gail is the daughter Auxiliary No. 352 met Sunday,
Oregon State Emblem Clubs a houseguest for a week. She of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ableman June 17, at the Vale Grange
Hall. Seventeen were on hand
held their annual convention in left Tuesday for her home in of Nyssa. •
for the potluck dinner. Two
Eugene, June 9, 10, and 11th. Southern Pines, NorthCarolina.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Her­ visitors were Mrs. Esther Dea-
Seven members of »192 were
A VISITOR FR ’M SWEDEN. Ann Mane l.andqulst, lefl
Judy MechamandShelleyMy- man Towne last week for three kins, Idaho's past department
present as voting delegates.
*s enji img a thre< »<■< k «lay in the United States as the *
“The Pot of Gold’’ was voted
turdav from a weekinCorvallis Mrs. Richard Campbell of Pte«- Peterson, both from No. 338, of Jan Saito and her family
to continue for another year.
This is used for the purchase at the 4-H Summer Camp »here nix, Iola Smith of Ashland, Ore., Payette.
No business meeting was held rr
of artificial limbs. Funds are they attended assemblies, clas­ and Nellie Redford of Hammett,
by the Barracks, just a Father's
raised from the sale of pins. ses and also had free time pe- Idaho.
Day visit. The Auxiliary meeting
Ontario Emblem presented the
was presided over bv President
“Memorial Service.’’ the “Pot
Vivian La» rance.
Beverly Dean Mahan’s engagement to the Rev. Timmie Wayne of Gold’’ theme was carried
Reports of the state conven­
Miss Lynne Beguhl, grand­
Clarkson is announced by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd out m this and a flower for each
tion, held in Junction City this
Mahan of Ontario. Clarkson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl deceased emblem sister in Ore­ daughter of Mrs. Ethel Smith
W hat does a teen age Swedish can car». Jan said
month, were given by Agnes
gon, was placed in the vase. of Adrian, and daughter of Mr.
Clarkson of Nyssa.
find most exciting about to ti'.u h Ann Marie how
and Mrs. Emil Beguhl (Shirley
Miss Mahan is a 1972 graduate of Vale High School and
drive-- out on some dr
visit to Nyssa ’
Smith) of Boise, has been selec­
attended Northern Nazarene College for one year. Her fiance »192 in November.
backroad," hopefully.
“The drive-ins.” says Ann
accepted by Virginia Sandy from
Julie Mason was one of the ted as the “Outstanding Elemen­
is a 1967 graduate of Nyssa High School, a 1969 graduate of
This Wednesday im
Marie I andpiist of Faglum,
Muriel McCutchen.
Treasure Valley Community College anda 1973 graduate of NNC. recipients of the three scho­ tary Student Teacher’’ from
June 30, Ann Marie. Jan. Mrs
Boise State College for 1972-73.
The couple are planning on an August 18 wedding day.
Blocker. Mrs. Sam Kenny and at home and I like ice cream Salt ' and Jiunin<- Saito. Uu«.
Sally presented the check at This award is affiliated with the
I Mr and Mis. La
Georg«1 Palmer.
so much."
Happy Dozan Club
Ann-Mane arrived ui the Saito I Nys«a, »ill leave aa
There will be no business
Ellen McKenny was elected
Miss Beguhl’s name will be
meeting for the next two mixiths. United States last Wednesday, two-»eek trip down the
to State Second Guard.
engraved on a plaque which
un Friday, June 15, Mrs.
i t Mt Salto said they a«
A July 15 picnic will be held June 13. and has been staying
Mrs. Elsie Diven entertained
$25.00 was donated to the Pa­ stands in the Education complex
Edna Hansen’s piano students
in the Ontario city park and an here in Nyssa as the guest of visit Portland, Safi Eramm
presented a recital. It was held the Happy Dozen Pinochle Club yette football team for their of the Boise State Library. She
August 19 picnic will be held in Mr. and Mrs. Kayn - Saito and and Disneyland in I
in the new Relief Society Room at her home in Nyssa Fnaay af­ summer practice session at w ill also receive hooorary mem -
During the trip they plw
the Nyssa city park.
at the Church of Jesus Christ
During the summer < .1 1971 to ee relative? and (rl<-a*
Mrs. Laura Brock of Ontario
$100.00 was given to the Elks tion Association.
of Latter Day Saints.
me g
Jan went to S»eden on the and sh » Ann Marie
and Mrs. Mary Hatt of Owyhee “Little League."
She graduated from Boise
this country
American Field Service’s sum
“Elks” Flag Day was June State College in May of 1973
Students participating in the Corners. Prize winners were
From la>s Angeles they »III
lessor of Education, was Miss
mer exchange program, while
recital were Michael Wood, Ro­ Mrs. Goldie Roberts, Mrs. Min­ 14, in joint ceremony with V.F.W with high honors, receiving a
to San Franc-| m >, aW*
This was the final meeting Bachelor of Arts Degree in
bin Wood, Kevin Moff is, Sara nie Stam, Mrs. Sue Ashcraft,
quist home.
The two girls Ann Marie will board a pi*
Elementary Education, with spe­ during her student teaching, as
Garrell, Ronda Bryan and Ca­ Mrs. Dorothy Fox and Mrs. until September.
became friends and no» Aim- to return to Sweden, the iXhen
Mabel Piercy.
cial emphasis in music. Miss well as her advisor for the past
rolyn Webb.
Marie is getting a chance to will return to Nyssa.
Clara Burtch, Associate Pro- four years.
Pearl Mason
Her student teaching was con­
meet Jan's family and friends. Ziag«nb«in Family
ducted at Campus Elementary
Her trip, however. Is not Spi XI-
School, where Mrs. Ila Peter­
sored by the American Fleld Holds Reunion
son is principal. Miss Beguhl’s
The Zlegenbeln family le-Ml
cooperating tea< hers at Campus
Ann- reunion m the Payette City
Seventeen - year old
were Mrs. Suzanne Townsend,
Ma rie, a farmer's daughter, Park Sunday with 56 (»rally
Mr. Richard Newton, and Mrs.
comes from a small village in members present. This »»AM
Lois Wand, representative
central Sweden.
Her family, first time in 46 years that IM
kindergarten, sixth grade, and
she said, grows five different entire family, with
«» el-
second grade respectively.
kinds of gram on their farm. ceptlun, had beeu together. CW
“It’» all very nice lx>l I'd
Miss Beguhl will be teaching
When she ends her.three-week brother. Raymood from Hly-
second grade in Bend. Oregon ■till rather have my two visit to this country, Ann Marie ville, Arkansas, was unable 1»
this fall.
said she plans to work in a attend.
concessit« stand at a swim­
Seven brothers and
ming pool until school starts. ter. and their families. gatM rH
Mrs. Saito said the weather from all point* of th* L'niNd
had disrupted some of her plans States. Those attending «T*
for Ann Marie's stay, but she Lloyd 7 iegenl» in, from Shreve­
hoped they could get up to the port, Louisiana. Charles,Nur*
More than one hundred peo­ derson of Lewiston, Idaho, Miss Owyhee Dam area before Ann-
Fork, Nebraska. Lester aa4
ple attended the reception June Jeanette Martin of Clarkstcxi,
Marie left Nyssa.
Stanley, Hood River, Orcrdg
17 honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ja­ W ashington, Mr and Mrs Ralph
Ann-Marie said she likes Henry and Marie, Payette. Itato.
mes Phifer on their silver wed­ Phifer of La Grande, and Mr.
Nyssa, especially, “the drive- Garen of Hayward, California;
ding anniversary. The recep­ and Mrs. Larry Nice and three
ins." Also, she said she was Cllntm of Milner, Irtaho ca4
tion was hosted by their daugh­ boys of La Grande.
surprised by the size of Ameri- Robert fr<xn Nyssa.
ter and husband Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Freitag assisted by Mr.
and Mrs. Vincent Scott, Mrs,
Phifer’s sister
A fourtiered cake decorated
in yellow, silver and white cen­
tered the serving table, on each
side was a smaller heart shape
cake bearing the couples names
and the dates. White candles
were used on the serving table.
The room was graced with fresh
flower arrangements in shades
of yellows and oranges, and
yellow candles.
Others assisting with the ser­
ving were Mr. and Mrs. Scott's
three daughters, Mrs. John
(Judy) Schwane, Mrs. Jerry
(Joyce) Anderson and Mrs.
Larry (Joanne) Schetzle, Mrs.
Phifer’s mother, Mrs. Ber­
nice Toomb, Mrs. Phifer’s aunt,
Miss Jeanette Martin, Mrs. Ken­
neth Price and Mrs. Carl Lee
A cake was baked by Mrs.
Gerald Freitag and decorated
by Mrs. Vincent Scott. The flo­
wer arrangements were done
by Mrs. Carl Hill and Mrs,
Kenneth Price.
The couple received many
lovely cards, flowers, and gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Phifer and Mr.
and Mrs. Scott along with Mr.
and Mrs. James Scott will be
leaving Portland on June 23 for
a one-week stay in the Hawaiian
Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent
Scott celebrated their 25th wed­
ding anniversary in February
of this year.
Those attending from out of
town were Mr. and Mrs. Vin­
cent Scott, Mrs. LarrySchetzle
Let s talk about SERVICE. When you buy an air conditioning unit,
and three children, and Mrs.
John Schwane all of Culdesac,
WHO do you call for service? Do you service it yourself? When do
Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry An-
you start paying for service? Let the CASCADE MAN answer these
questions Cascade will send a qualified serviceman to check the
problem, FREE of charge When the trouble is located, the Cascade
Journal Classified«
serviceman will help you find a local servicing dealer to handle your
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service needs Cascade also provides a FREE spring and fall
maintenance check to assure year-around air conditioning comfort.
These are a few of the questions that the CASCADE MAN will help
you with. . with no obligation Call your nearest office of Cascade
Natural Gas and let the CASCADE MAN show you why GAS air
conditioning is your best summer cooling buy.
!■»■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ »
Ice Cream, Big Cars
Catch Swedish Girl's Eye
Student Teacher of BSC 1972-73
Phifers Honored at Open House
On 25th Wedding Anniversary
Let’s talk about it!
A) Caacade'Tlatunat Gat Conpo^atioa
Distributor» of Naturalgaaatiafaction