Th« Nyiia Oata City Journal, Ny«»a, Orogon State Treasurer. Redden Report» On Gasoline Shortage Effects RANDT SAVAGE IS THE PROUD OWNER of a new 10-speed bicycle as a result of bis »inning efforts in a recent Idabc States­ man subscription contest. Shown presenting tbe bicycle is Gene Asmussen of Fruitland, manager of District 16 »hick includes Nyssa, Ontario. Vale, Partr.a Ne» Plymouth and Fruitland. Randy has a State sman route m the southwest part of Nyssa, and sold 20 new subscriptions m one month to »in the bike. thanks" to those »bo made tbe He says contest such a success for him REVISION OF CITY APPLE N ALLEY ITEMS MAPS AVAILABLE ..................... BY FRANCES SMALLEY.................. APPLE VALLEY - Kim, Shelly and John, Jr. Boston were weekend guests of their gran4»rents Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Boston. Sunday they vi­ sited in tbe Bob Shippy home at Weiser and went swimming at tbe Hot Springs. Mr. and Mrs. John Boston visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Pearsen at B-nd. Oregon and with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Harris at Spring­ field. Oregon. Roy Rookstool had major sur­ gery Friday at Caldwell Hos­ pital He is dc-ing very well and expects to be borne soon. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pierce and children of Boise visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jack- son at Bend Oregon over the weekend and on Sunday brought Mrs. JacksonandctUdrenhome with them to visit for a week in tbe Dwight Seward home. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Smith came over Sunday evening and all had a family dinner toge­ ther in the Seward home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dibble and Sue attended tbe dinner at Sir Richards Cafe Friday eve­ ning honoring the high school graduates of the Parma Naza- rene C hurch. Mark Nichols and Bill Da­ niels of Las Vegas were over­ night guests Monday-Wedbes- dav of this week of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Nichols. The Susannah Circle enjoyed a covered dish lune been Thurs­ day in tbe borne of Mrs. May me Stout of Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hooey camped Monday till Sunday at Tamarack Falls last week where they enjoyed some good fishing. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffin joined them Thursday and came home with them Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Homer King came up Tuesday and stayed for several more weeks. Mrs. Leeland Dewey and Nicole came up Saturday for one day of fat­ ing with them. Mr. and Mrs. Buel Clement of New Plymouth were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hooey Mr. and Mrs. William An­ ders and Mrs. Mary Nichols were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Smalley. They brought a cake and Ke cream to celebrate a wedding and anniversary for tbe An­ ders and a birthday anniversary for Mrs. Smalley. Mrs. Helen Wilson and Mrs. Dale Morgan drove to Moscow Saturday to attend the gradua­ tion exercises at U of I for Marilee Wilson who finished with Cum Lande booors. Mari­ lee came home with them Smi- day evening Dale Morgan and children enjoyed a vacation at their cabin in Meadows while the ladies were in Moscow. Larry Miller, Brig Olsen, Jim Tracy narrowly escaped very serious enjunes when the Piper Cut plane owned by Larry Miller crashed into tbe beet field of Leroy Sewards by tbe Nyssa bridge Friday evening. Larry Miller sustained a com - pevnd fracture of the right arm and a broken right ankle. He is resting in the Nyssa Hospital at present. Brig Olsen was treated and released Sunday from the hospital and Jim Tracy was treated and released the same evening of tbe accident. Relatives brought tbe damlged A revision of the city maps of 35 Oregon communities has just been completed by the State Highway Division in coopera­ tion with the Federal Highway Ackninistration, it was announ­ ced today by George M. Bald­ win. administrator of highways. Tbe communities affected are Adrian, Brookings (2 sheets), Canby (2 sheets). Cafe Junc­ tion, Central Point, Columbia City, Creswell, Culver. Fo­ rest Greve (3 sheets), Gervais, Gladstone (2 sheets), and Gre­ sham (4 sheets). Also included are Hubbard, Independence. Jefferson. Le­ banon. Maupin, McMinnville '6 sheets}, Newberg (2 sheets), Oregon City (3 sheets), Philo­ math, Raimer ¿2 sheets,, Scap­ poose, and Seaside (2 sheets). Others are Shady Cove,Sher­ wood. St. Helens, Troutdale 2 sheets), Tualatin (2 sheets), Ukiah. Unity, Vale, Wasco, Wil­ lamina, and * ood V lllage. These maps are drawn to a scale of 8C0 feet to the inch and are plotted on a 17-ioch by 19-me a sheet. They sell for 30 cents per sheet. Rednctuxis of these sheets to size 4-1 '2- State Treasurer Jim Redden, at a hearing on the fuel shortage held recently by the HouseCom- mittee on Transportation, told the Committee The serious consequences of a gasoline shortage in the country or in this state cannot be exag- gerated.” •Charges have been leveled at the oil industry by inde­ pendent and major gasoline dea­ lers and mani consumer grouj.- that the oil shortage is arti­ ficially created in order t relax environmental restric­ tions and to increase tbe de­ pletion allowance and other tax incentives for industry,” h- said. Redden said be and Commit Chairman Howard Willits the hearing was necessarv attempt to find the facts possible solutions” in th« predicted gasoline shortage. •■If the shortage is as dras­ tic as some predict,” Redder warned the Committee, ”tb< Legislature may be forced to take steps to lessen tbe fi- nancial Now to local commun: ties and to the state. •» Redden said be hoped tbe testimony presented at the hearing from both sides of th- argument would enable th- C omm ittee to dete rmine the se - nousness of tbe problem and* take whatever steps might t> necessary to protect citizens f Oregon and its economy. Redden listed three areas of major coocern which the Com mittee should consider 1. The Oregon economy, which receive» a total ■« •< ® million dollars per year from the gasoline tax. of »hich 8.6 million is contributed by tou­ rists. Cities rtceive 12 per cent and counties 20 per cent of these funds and drastically reduced gas sales could result in budgetary disaster” for local governments. Redden pointed out that lulf of the 460 million dollars Ore­ gon gets from tourist* comes during tbe summer month» a*. J a gasoline shortage at this t-.ete would certainly cripple the t w rist .ndustn. ». The consumer, »bo 1* faced *itb skxr ckettag gaso­ line cost*. Redden said the re­ on the barrel«. JINX* HKy • A “»'VU STUDS NTS A Art cent anrv uncetr.-nt from Wash­ Mrs. Hoff said that her students had le»* teacher AJra*x »rprt are shown decorating ington that rationing »ill ' be studying pollution and the necessity vt mam> Tbex are. from, left, Olga trask barre 1*. necessary because h.gter pri­ taming a clean envirnment. and picked thu R sir t. J *ai • :i < r ani Maru Martinez ces »ill reduce sales .< ga*«>- method f doing something constructive to St.3r«> of Mrs Carol Hoff » w 'rid Geo- line means no help for the «- help keep the community clean. gnpty CUss paiated :be green undrrcoating sumer on tbe antlonal texeL 3. Tbe independent gas dealers, »bo are eonc»r»edthat Marriage License} they will be forced out f bu­ siness. Redden said this would be a further blow to tbe Oregon VALE - Robert Ml) tory requirements of other consumer as lndepenXc: Aa- A recewt xei.pewwt ha» Quinn, Nyssa and Patricia states or tbe Canadian pro ­ lers provide a lid o* ?eSa*frsiKifitf»d ttings » M for Ore- |. < n Slk'Ontario. vinces. prices. foeiass piantar aiitoeKtwle va- Dean Miller, Parma and Gwe Tbe Insurance Information trip» loaadthrowgt «brr lyn Jad- Robb. Nyssa; Up institute advises m« ley and Catherine Aim ^0» then wear» dark (tasa*» io to state and m Canada and Me ­ the am .wist and kind < insurance Jordan Valley. •, avoid being recognurd xico. ........ a-i to meet the statw- Oregonians Planning I rips I rged To ( heck Insurance ADRIAN NEWS ADRIAN - Mr. and Mrs.Jin Johnson and Domíneos Dnstts were Sunday dinner guests rf Mr. and Mrs. Ml! Looney. Mrs. Baker of Portland cam- Sunday with David Looney t spend a week with her daughter and family, Mr and Mrs Biil Looney. David came for th- graduation exercises of his ska­ ter Mary, in Adrian Sundav evening. Mrs. K. L Peterson, Mrs. Matle Piercy and Mrs. Robert Long attended Koffee Klutch at the home of Mrs. Dale Ash­ craft m Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas of 'Ht\ser visited Mrs. Mabel Piercy Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. MyronGossard plane home to the Miller yard went to Farewell Bend for the Saturday, it was a miracle no weekend, where thejt visitof ooe was more seriously hurt tbe their cousin. Louis Eacbus Ea- way tbe plane had nosed dived inch by ll-iach, at a scale of 1,600 feet to the inch, are avai­ chus had a trailer there and they into tbe field. lable at 10 cents per sheet all enjoyed fishing Dar. Wilson moved to Cald­ Wettoesday evening, Mr. and Tbe cost at a map of a par­ well last week as he is going ticular city may be determined Mrs. Myron Gossard were din­ to school and has full time em­ ner guests of Mr and Mrs. ployment at Caldwell Hospital. by multiplying the number of sheets indicated for that city Frank Bicand: Frank retum-d Tbe last day of school pic­ to the hospital on Friday for nic will be held Thursday at be either 30 cents or 10 cents, more tests. depending on tbe size of the map Apple Valley School. Track Mr. and Mrs. Oscar desired. meet will start at 3 a.m. Pic­ These maps may be purcha­ fer attended a birthday dinner nic lunch at noon for every- sed by writing to tbe Photocopy for their uncle, Arthur Bre- ooe. Bring your own table ser­ and Map Distribution Section. sbears, Sunday in Weiser. He vice besides your picnic lunch. Room 17, Highway Building. Sa­ was 8e years old. Coffee and punch will be fur­ Fred Schafer and family of lem 77310. Checks should be nished. San Diego came Sunday eve­ made payable to the Oregon Dick Wagner and Jim Stn- ning for a visit with his pa­ ker have employment in Cas- State Highway Division. rents, Mr. and Mrs Oscar Scha­ cade for several weeks. M.-s, fer. were Dick Wagner and son Litter Hag* Offered Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beck and with them over tbe weekend. Official litter bags with the son Donald who have beer, visi­ Keep America Beautif :1 sym­ ting Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peter­ bol are being offered which son left Weckiesday for their in Brooks, can be imprinted with the home Alberta name and address of a s;«n- Canada. Monday noon, Mr. and Mrs. aoring group. An illustrated brochure, K. I. Peterson, their house detailing sizes, costs and guests, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. other features is available Be-k and son Donald of Canada from Keep America Beauti­ Mrs. Marie Moore, Mrs. Donna ful. 99 Park Avenue. New Hutchinson, Mrs. Edna Hutchin­ son of Bend and Mr and Mrs. York. N.Y. 10016 Carl Piercy were dinner guests of Mrs Mabie Piercy. Monday evening, Mr». K. L Peterson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beck to Star where they visited tbe D. Fosters. Tuesday afternoon Mr. a.od Mrs. K. I. Peterson »ere guests POLYPROPYLENE of their daughter, Mrs Mervll Hutchinson for coffee and dou­ ghnuts. Mrs. Vernon Parker and Mr -,. Be«- Grossnickle went to Pen­ dleton to the TOPS convention. They left on WeOtesday and re. turned on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hendry ar.d daughter of Portland »ere Sun­ day afternoon coffee guests f Mrs. Robert Long Mr. and Mrs. Burton Barnes visited Mrs. Robert Long Sun­ day evening. • Uniform - no thick ,r • Cl«-an - r. splinter*, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowl«-»- thin sections sharp ends. dust, shed­ and Robbie and Renee of Med­ • Strong. Kno