Th« Nyssa Gat« City Journal Nyssa Pog« Ta© Nyaa Gat* City Journal UBITI ABIES . ........... ........ OCT OF Sm «.- far Aattim^s. T. | THE PAST Astib*. 61 X rural Vessa, adu . li«-.- Saturi«* Ma, ‘ ì P“3 at A 10 YEARS AGO II O-maor Nen'SOJC*' ©jtxsne-s Assoc.«'to­ r.witrT» Thuriday, May IO, 197J Oregon n i i i i ST PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Elder Slapley To Speak At LI)S Conference Eld»r stapiey va» a peo- u,ii»t>! lw»j»*«ua*. t'jdaia.' Ity l»ad»r and scout «tee Mi«« from Arttcma brfw» bava*na­ med le tbe '.barrir'* pr»*idlM C«xdl M IH« M» «b| 40 YEARS AGO «.'»a* preisMartaudv*dar«lea­ der M, M*«aaa. Aria «a Ha « a u.e-mt»r X tt» KatlcaaJ A$- viaory h«*r d C «umilee 4 th» huf X Amerita, and «. rvetor X several Vtai ha- tmes*** rates . . jf X . . $3 X n» rXA. .. At X UM» MlM»’ I S’ a M* 54X 20 YEARS AGO a te rsa te: Sound? < >f Hatería Eide; Delbert L. Stapk). » mettibe; uf tbe C oubc U X rwelwe ci Tt* Cburrt X Je- su* Christ fLatier-teySamt*, »tü *p*a* at tt» h y* sa Stak» ;at are» »¡a. wveral thouiand membeta) C «lereur* Satarday ant! Sunday, May 12 and 13, ia U rvsle.-j» -ir:pea:bec ».tn-ssinf il the are» 50 YEARS AGO Xyasa. Mrs Ai>c« Collins Retarded Children 30 YEARS AGO runtur« ani tt» t thè Su'» Ca­ rt £ nclant »‘bei Kind :»r ftvernnieir. «noie be wtL aMTsei t: withbaii u^cneen: n anc ter tu»? K tbe rtmrlusina tßa: - Uber the tu ‘»dn-m-stratiat is fi—** of ai eœr-tb ita .tn: a.ttix. Jt n -easxab« t: be-Le-ve ma’ tbe mai CARD OF THANKS 60 YEARS AGO SUPERNENDENÏ'S CORNER By Wi. McParticnd FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH NOTES Tensti snack returned davi tette from tbe de- X ti» CM-vtie» minus saddtes ani equipment trarr tt» Whn- pasture NAZARENE CHUtCH NOTES t» K- am ar t»s~i abotr f-tK »X- n.:irtiaf t» S-ut, n ptr- : tous* tût -s .tratet : truer of litt as: Ete- house trvs »tu wtrse-t x tbe tuve atgureí stili CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Indispensible Man OKK Club Meeting Journol Clcssrf*«ds Bring Result»4 UNITED METHODtST CHURCH NEWS Nolan Field- -Waldo Co INSURANCE AGENCIES all types OF INSURANCE INCLUDING FARM V c ir - O nf o« io N » s se 37 2- 3162 Tt» studenti < tbe MiryKay Sebo 4 tur »»'eptKM«J«h:ldree, ta Cartario »ili prese ni tl» pro­ prati at tbe Tuestey evenne. Mai 15 n>»-etmf XtheTreasur» Valle» Associati« for Mandi- raK*-d and FetardedChtJdren, Penf«cottol Churth tee tt b» beldm tbe educati «al buiidibf lacated «recti» betind Of J«sus Christ ti» Bl«*»ed Sacrament Cburcfc FTWT.A Y SER» k ES in Cartari: Tbe pare«!* a! Mar* Sund** Schoo! für al­ Ka, Studeait* and metnber* at le an. tt» Aisocati « are invtted to Sunte* S t A km . bus.j< IW- be present a! tbe T p ir. for tbe -ab.« ral T3-XT» tenui» potlurk «nner and tbe ManHBC »ti-sUj service 11 protrarr scbt-teled to teinf at an. t X -'clock Tbose persoti* Tourt Seme», * p m p-anemp • attraiti» «nner ar» • nmjelxstK Servit«, ’ M p asari tc brine vefetables, sa­ «L lai* dessert* and »n tibie «TLKESÛA3 HiU« Stur* servir» Tbe meat. beverie»*, classe.* ftr adulti and Youtt rei* ani batter »ili be fur- * 31 p-B.! tn tbe assenti« and teaebers Alì urter»stedp»rso«*ar» in- va«« rttt»:r leader. Mr* EJ vib Balte« M «e meet.n< Melante Mártir made drt<> bue ulti and enmase« tall* from tbe um« a.-iup. kl avait»r meet.n< Tara Madrid mad» oatmeal rookie* M 0» last ateettaf MyW-w Rrttun* and Lente Rir»< made fruit meat a*d rbeese kabtte »♦ mad* piata for a party we ar* tevmc for oar mother's. —ic* Ballew, reporter Ti» Vutili« GameraJ Autho­ rity »Ul carry ton» c«d»r e«« a *pe< tal visual messa«» fro« Har-Ad B Lee. vorM presi- dru! X tbe Church Prestami !»♦•* messa«* will espe-iaUy «mpta'-if* tbe strenjtbeau« of tt» Sa», ansverit« maay juesti'-ai* »-tori tee» fanali»» a tt»M - tiaìievcuc Orne* ra­ fe rr ¡Mf alac tt> mflueare* < m«d ar'sund tt» » rie »teck itrite at tbe bem» and tbe aarred ra­ la', edup X bustoni and wife, X parent* and tfaeir ctildrea. Bresidr« La» di Ma* se* »». pe-rally tbea» factor* la th» Charc» ;<-.<• Mt that talid for family soiiter Tt» nut»« General Autho­ rity 1* «ipe-^ied also lo en- lam atm* mess*«» duru«th» ««ferrure i ~ t i~at Th» C «feramo» sesssoc »m t» held Sunday at IO a.«, m ti» Stab» Cetrte-r. «est A.bertl Avenu» >’.aA» Pre*.d«’ ûrMu A Errks« **v* visitor* ara veteo«*. AKH Hon»« Ea»«niion Outdoor Borbocu« Tt» A KB Htri» 1 rteusioa er a» me’ Twstey tot at nX- doo» C :• k»ry barbecue duutrr. bela « ti» patii at tbe Wrma Osbora be> »iti Mr* B»r- nlce T-.- ent a* 'tx».1es* Tea a«iwt vere pre*««. Ovest* prese« a«re Mr* £ «tt Gran! ctf Hsnti^iat as.j Mr*. Lattea Porter. trami* teak- mine* member* Tt» mem va*. t*ae< putj. toe». r«st cara, «a«tOoya, barbera« tread. ptiOacA beaa*, barte-jet c toc art «s . cci- fee )t>i parvi. The »cavea ai» at card tatAe* oa tt» patio. After thè d«U»r. tbe » meg •ent .osi de tbe Osbora home • bere ti»» ¡¡ai tbeir business merline and n«* eoaared aa- (tm* to t» u*»d fcr nan» taf* at tbe Festival tt Cmtar»:. Fri­ da* Mr* Eleanrr Topi 11!. pre* .de«t. kad harf» at t!» meetir< Mr* Lue*fie óossard pw tb> » unite. ai>e tbe trea- MiFer» repscrt Peoaue* for F rie ts^hip C .-ile: ik * aa* uaea. Tbe tour t- Boa» M->t>d»y. May ? »a* «scuse*« Tt» .-narj» atìl be $3 X Tbe p-o< »111 leave b* bu* Jw CMario and tour tbe Tivù or tasti tuie KTVB Trlevis«« St»mo. £dd» » Ba­ ie;* Mr* Séaadrr* Stadie and Boise C as< ad« C c-rpwati«